Box-Jenkins Methodology

Question Description

Q1. By using an example, demonstrate the value of the Box-Jenkins Methodology. Please make sure to discuss the impact of seasonality.

Requirement: 200 – 300 Words.

Deadline: 1 Day.

Q2. For this assignment, please provide responses to the following items:

(a) What is the value of performing text analysis? How do companies benefit from this exercise?

(b) What are three challenges to performing text analysis?

(c) In your own words, discuss the text analysis steps (i.e., parsing, search and retrieval, and text mining).

(d) What are three major takeaways from this assignment?

Your assignment should include at least five (5) reputable sources, written in APA Style, and 500-to-650-words.

Deadline: 4 Days.

draw a diagram

Question Description

Please draw the diagram on page 105 – figure 3a4 also please add a budget of the items in the fngure. Cost out and add awireless router that support the 802.11ac standard and frewall. Also please include the cost of the items on the fngurefor the Ethernet Switch, DSL Modem/Router,Laster Printer, Print server, UTP Patch cords (premade UTP cords).You mayget your costs online, but be specifc about the equipment name, model, and so forth. Also include a one paragraph description of how you will connect the devices, protocols you will use or networking services, also any frewall rules orhow you will implement security for your home network.

Please look the requirements section

Question Description

This discussion is required. Each of you will research an area of Informatics, and then create a paper detailing what you would state to a manager or analyst in integrating Information Systems into their organization.

Step 1 – Research your area of Informatics
Step 2 – Online discussion – create a posting that describes your thoughts, how did you arrive at your thoughts/conclusions. (Minimum of 200 words)
Step 3 – Comment on AT LEAST 2 other student posts Substantive comments (Minimum of 100 per submission)

In summary You will post AT LEAST 3 times (1 original and 2 comments). Ensure all your posts are cited properly according to APA formatting.

Discussion Board secure cyberspace

Question Description

Identify how government regulations discussed in the textbook relate to the government’s national strategy to secure cyberspace.

  • How do COSO and CobiT® vary from ISO 17799?
  • According to FISMA, who is the focal point for information security? Why is this?
  • State and briefly describe the federal regulation that concerns publicly traded companies.
  • Why is testing restoration so critical for small businesses?
  • How would you respond to a small business owner who believesthat his/her business is less likely to be attacked precisely because itis so small?
  • Explain the various reasons why users are not allowed to install software on company owned systems.

No more than 400 words, no plagiarism.

150 -200 words computer science question

Question Description

Open Word and locate the templates that are available to you in WORD 2019. Locate 3 that you could see yourself using…. make sure to make note of the name of each of the three selected. Provide us with the following information: What was the name of the three templates you selected, why you selected them? how do you plan to use them? Have ever used templates before? Why or Why not?

Post your answer to the question, with at least 150-200 words, by Wednesday 11:00 PM EST. Additionally, reply to at least three others with at least a paragraph of content, by Sunday.

Violations of Policy

Question Description


You are the Information Security Officer of Mahtmarg Manufacturing a small manufacturing company worth approximately $5 Million who provides fiber cable to local businesses, individual customers and to government organizations. In the course of the next eight weeks you will be creating your Information Security Plan (Issue-Specific Security Policy in Table 4-3 of the textbook) step by step using this scenario.

Your Task

Step 5: Develop the Violations of Policy section of your ISP

In this week’s Lab you will develop the section on Violations of Policy which describes the penalties for violating policy and provides instructions on how to report policy violations.

Please answer this discussion question from Chapter 13 Information Governance with Citations and References and 1 extra paragraph to reply my peers

Question Description

Chapter 13 – According to Franks and Smallwood (2013), information has become the lifeblood of every business organization, and that an increasing volume of information today has increased and exchanged through the use of social networks and Web2.0 tools like blogs, microblogs, and wikis. When looking at social media in the enterprise, there is a notable difference in functionality between e-mail and social media, and has been documented by research – “…that social media differ greatly from e-mail use due to its maturity and stability.” (Franks & Smallwood, 2013).

Q2: Please identify and clearly state what the difference is?

ISSC481 discussion

Question Description

Be sure to list your references at the end of your post. References must be in APA citation format. All posts must be a minimum of 250-300 words.

1. Why are users considered the weakest link in implementing policies?

2. What are potential risks associated with remote access?

3. Do you believe a separate policy should be written to address remote access? If so, what should be included in the policy?

4. One of the most popular portable devices is the USB thumb drive. What are the dangers of thumb drives to organizational security? Should employees be permitted to use USB devices.

Improving risk management capabilities

Question Description

Actions required to develop an effective risk management capability.

Forum rules:

    • Your answer must be substantive, which usually requires 300 words or more
    • Your answer must be well written and well organized
    • Your answer must include one properly formatted APA in-text citation to a scholarly reference. The full reference must be provided at the end of your answer with a link if one is available.
    • No attachments will be graded
    • Post two standard replies to your classmates (additional ask)

    • Your replies should be meaningful, which means they should engage your classmate in discussion focused on the forum questions. Usually this requires 150 words or more.

    Which CEO—Jobs or Cook—do you think developed and executed the most effective strategic plan? What evidence can you find to support your opinion?​

    Question Description

    Steve Jobs was a strong, charismatic leader who co-founded Apple and is credited with much of the success of the company. Some believe that Tim Cook, who became CEO in 2011, embraces a more collaborative leadership style. Do research to compare and contrast the leadership styles of the two CEOs. (You may wish to view the 2013 movie JOBS, which portrays the story of Steve Jobs’ ascension from college dropout to Apple CEO.) Which CEO—Jobs or Cook—do you think developed and executed the most effective strategic plan? What evidence can you find to support your opinion?

    Minimum requirement – 250 words.