Systems Management

Question Description


You are the Information Security Officer of Mahtmarg Manufacturing a small manufacturing company worth approximately $5 Million who provides fiber cable to local businesses, individual customers and to government organizations. In the course of the next eight weeks you will be creating your Information Security Plan (Issue-Specific Security Policy in Table 4-3 of the textbook) step by step using this scenario.

Your Task

Step 4: Develop the Systems Management section of your ISP

In this week’s Lab you will develop the section on Systems Management which focuses on the user’s relationship to systems management and the responsibilities delegated to both users and systems administrators to avoid confusion. This includes:

  • Authentication and Encryption
  • System Administrator Responsibilities
  • User Responsibilities
  • Auditing
  • Configuration

Need a help on discussion board

Question Description

*** Plagiarism is not acceptable ***

1) Discussion Topic: Breach: Research


  • Conduct research and find a recently (within the last year) publicized security breach. Summarize it in your own words.
  • After analyzing the incident what management and technical missteps have you identified?
  • If you had the power, what would you have done to prevent the breach from occurring?

Feel free to make assumptions when answering the question. Support your assertions by citing credible sources.

2) Also need help to comment provide comments to two classmate posts and Questions asked by the professor?


  • Cite any sources you use using correct APA format on a separate page. Plagiarism is not acceptable. (Please consider this top priority).

CMP_SC 2270 Introduction to logic system lab quiz

Question Description

This is a lab quiz. And I put two files here which are lab introduction and all questions in the quiz.

Here is the introduction :I. Objective

To gain experience in using the LogicAid software tool for logic simplification.

II. LogicAid Help

The LogicAid software can be downloaded from:
l For input selection, click “Input” button then chose the type input.
l For POS and SOP simplification click “Routine” then “Simplification”.
l For logic function simplification with K-map input, click “KMap” and choose “Derive Min Equation from Map”.l Selections including number of variables and SOP or POS forms need also be made on pop-up menus.

l For additional information click “Help” then “LogicAid Help”

So the whole introduction is in the first file.

Questions about computer security. SLE, ARO, ALE.

Question Description

Please do the following questions.

P407: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4.


2. How did the XYZ Software Company arrive at the values shown in the table that is included in Exercise 1? For each row in the table, describe the process of determining the cost per incident and the frequency of occurrence

3. How could we determine EF if there is no percentage given? Which method is easier for determining the SLE: a percentage of value lost or cost per incident?

4. Assume a year has passed and XYZ has improved its security. Using the following table, calculate the SLE, ARO, and ALE for each threat category listed


Question Description

As you begin to perform the information systems audit for PVSS, assume the identity of a different person in the scenario. For this Discussion Board, you are now the Network Systems Manager for PVSS.

As the Network Systems Manager, how would you create the following four controls (or policies) to be used by PVSS:

  • Entity level control
  • Network level control
  • Operating system level control
  • Web or database server level control

Keep in mind that each control should focus on a specific topic and offer the following structure:

  • The Policy Statement: This is a statement defining the specific action or regulation.
  • Responsibilities: Who is responsible for various actions?
  • Enforcement: How the policy will be validated?
  • Violations: What are the consequences for violation?

homework for Matlab 243

Question Description

Assignment 1

Please fill in your name and MSU ID number.

Student Name

Student ID #

  • Explain the difference between these two statements:
  • What is the difference between x and ‘x’? What is the difference between 5 and ‘5’?
  • What would be the result of the following expressions?
  • Explain why the following expression results in 0 for false:
  • Explain why the following expression results in 1 for true:

result = 9*2

result = 9*2;



‘b’ >= ‘c’ – 1


3 == 2 + 1


(3 == 2) + 1


xor(5 < 6, 8 > 4)


5 > 4 > 1


result = -20;

0 <= result <= 10


The business case for information governance (IG) programs has historically been difficult to justify. It is hard to apply a strict, short-term return on investment (ROI) calculation. A lot of time, effort, and expense is involved before true economic ben

Question Description

The business case for information governance (IG) programs has historically been difficult to justify. It is hard to apply a strict, short-term return on investment (ROI) calculation. A lot of time, effort, and expense is involved before true economic benefits can be realized.IT governance seeks to align business objectives with IT strategy to deliver business value.

Q: Please provide 2-3 page APA standard paper or why the business needs to drive the IG strategy and why there must constantly be an alignment. How would you approach implementing an IG strategy within an organization?

Limitations of Liability

Question Description

You are the Information Security Officer of Mahtmarg Manufacturing a small manufacturing company worth approximately $5 Million who provides fiber cable to local businesses, individual customers and to government organizations. In the course of the next eight weeks you will be creating your Information Security Plan (Issue-Specific Security Policy in Table 4-3 of the textbook) step by step using this scenario.

Your Task

Step 7: Limitations of Liability.

In this week’s Lab you will you will develop the Limitations of Liability section of your ISP. This section includes:

  • A general statement of liability or disclaimers.
  • A statement that the company will repudiate any employee that violate a company policy or any law using company technologies.

Executive sponsorship is critical to project success. There is no substitute. Without it, a project is at risk of failure. What is your opinion?

Question Description

Q1) Executive sponsorship is critical to project success. There is no substitute. Without it, a project is at risk of failure. What is your opinion?

Q2) In policy development, program Controls, Monitoring, Auditing, and Enforcement, we must gather metrics to determine the level of employee compliance, its impact on key operational areas, and progress made toward established business objectives. What are those types of metrics you will need to gather and how will you measure them?

Q3) Chapter 4 – Information Risk Planning and Management

Assignment 1- What is information Governance? Please provide 2-3 page APA standard answer.

  1. Resources:Debra Logan, “What Is Information Governance? And Why Is It So Hard?” January 11, 2010,

Programming Assignment 1: Vigenere Cipher

Question Description

Write a program to

1. Encrypt a text file using vigenere cipher method

2. Break the ciphertext that was generated using the Vigenère cipher. Assume Key and length of the key are unknown.

Use Byte wise Vigenere cipher scheme described in the class for encryption and decryption

VigenereEncryption takes a key as an argument and generates a ciphertext file.

VigenereBreaking takes a ciphertext file as an input and generates a key file.

Use the attached plaintext: USAmendments.txt

Submit both, the programs and screenshots of running and output of the programs in a single word/pdf file.

All other formats will be discarded.