Diagram the Information Technology that Supports Health Information Systems.

Question Description

Your diagram should include at a minimum:

  • Servers and databases. For the purposes of this diagram, indicate a separate server for each information system, including at a minimum the EHR, billing system, email & files, and data warehouse.
    • Optionally, you may show some of these services as being provided by cloud services, such as Microsoft Office 365 or Google Docs for office productivity software. Another example would be using a cloud-based EHR.
  • User devices, including desktop computers, mobile computers, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Wired and wireless networks connecting servers, user devices, and the Internet.

In addition to your diagram, write a summary describing the overall structure of your system.

Length: 1-page diagram, 1-page text summary of your diagram, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources

​Cyber espionage

Question Description

Cyber espionage is an increasingly common practice among nations.

  • Why would a nation engage in cyber espionage?
  • What are the costs and benefits of a nation engaging in cyber espionage?
  • Should governments provide support to businesses to prevent cyber espionage? If yes, how? If not, why not?

Support your discussion with examples & Add three refrences

You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

Discussion #7

Question Description

Discussion #7 – Cyber Censorship Awareness

Read the following article on Cyber Censorship and discuss the following among st your peers.

  1. What is Cyber Asylum?
  2. What are some examples of Cyber Asylum?
  3. Why would a country invoke Cyber Censorship?
  4. What technology are Cyber Asylum seekers using in order to evade Censorship?

Discussion Posts: Initial
discussion posts must be
answered by . Respond to two of
your classmates posts by in order to achieve full
Be sure that both initial
posts and responses follow APA
citation formatting. This is a
graduate level course therefore
one-word discussion posts and
responses will NOT be accepted.
This can be avoided by diving
deeper into a point someone
raised, sharing your opinion, or
lessons learned from experience.

Practical connection Assignment and subject is InfoTech Import in Strat plan

Question Description

Course description- This course focuses on the information technology (IT) leader’s collaborative roles working with an organization’s senior leadership, including aligning business strategy with IT strategy, acting as an equal contributor to the formation of organizational strategy, and integrating ethical policies and practices into an organization. Learners evaluate multidisciplinary research and practices related to leadership, organizational structures and culture. Through the lens of complexity / chaos and change theories, learners analyze IT’s role in contributing to organizational resiliency.

I’m currently working as Network Engineer and i deal with switches, routers and firewalls. So this practical connection should reflect the knowledge i have gained from the course and applied to my job. let me know if you need any material or questions.Minimum of 400 words

A security operations center (SOC) is dedicated monitoring, assessment, and defense facility that responds to real-time information security anomalies and events. You are a new security manager at the New York Stock Exchange in New York. What positions w

Question Description

A security operations center (SOC) is dedicated monitoring, assessment, and defense facility that responds to real-time information security anomalies and events. You are a new security manager at the New York Stock Exchange in New York.

What positions would you staff in a SOC?

What tools would you deploy in the SOC and why?

What incident response plan (IRP) would you implement for when a breach occurs?

must include at least two citations (APA) from academic resources (i.e. the textbook, U of Cumberlands Library resources, etc.) with a 100-word minimum. One of the discussions was assigned by the department and requires more words. If it specifically requires more for that discussion please follow those requirements. Please post any APA or Discussion Guideline Questions to this Thread.

Power Point Presentation on IT security

Question Description

The presentation should consist of

Use APA style correctly throughout the presentation

Use correct grammar and punctuation

Format correctly and consistently

Include a title slide (introduction slide) at the beginning of the presentation and a conclusion slide at the end of the presentation, and a reference slide using APA format at the end of the presentation.

Number all slides beginning with the title slide as slide 1

Utilize 10 references from scholarly sources…do NOT use Wikipedia (one source can be the textbook)

Cite references within the presentation using correct APA format

Include a minimum of 16 slides which will include the cover and reference slides

Include at least one figure or one table in the presentation and format in APA style

Highlight your knowledge of technology by including transition and animation

Reflective Journal

Question Description

You are currently an online student and all of your courses will be streaming video. Your current wireless router is an 802.11b standard. Would you upgrade your current wireless router? If so, which standard would you upgrade to that will support streaming video. Provide links to reviews and product demos of some possible products options. (CNET and YouTube are good places to look) If you currently own an upgraded router, you are welcome to provide your own product demo and review.

Your journal entry should be at least 250 words and should clearly express your opinion regarding the subject matter. Points will be given for clarity, thoughtfulness, and organization of your writing. Instructor feedback will be provided for all journal entries.

6-1 Discussion: Final System Requirement

Question Description

In your initial post, use your readings and further research to fully define what a final system requirement document is. What sections does your final system requirement document include? What do you believe are the most important sections, and why? Additionally, who is the audience of your final system requirement document? Are there multiple versions of the document to communicate to different audiences?

In responding to two of your peers, focus on sections that were identified and discuss what type of feedback you should prepare for regarding that particular section when presenting a final requirements document. Discuss how to manage both positive and negative feedback of your design recommendation.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

Discussion Topic

Question Description

Need to write about list of questions in word document.

List ways in which secret keys can be distributed to two communicating parties.

What is the difference between a session key and a master key?

What is a key distribution center?

What entities constitute a full-service Kerberos environment?

In the context of Kerberos, what is a realm?

What are the principal differences between version 4 and version 5 of Kerberos?

What is a nonce?

What are two different uses of public-key cryptography related to key distribution?

What are the essential ingredients of a public-key directory?

What is a public-key certificate?

What are the requirements for the use of a public-key certificate scheme?

What is the purpose of the X.509 standard?

What is a chain of certificates?

How is an X.509 certificate revoked?

Troubleshooting Performance

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Your supervisor comes to you with the following issue:

GIG, Inc. is having a problem handling the amount of traffic from their online estimate portion of their website for their customers. They are specifically having issues between 3 pm EST and 7 pm EST. These is the busiest period of time. Your supervisor states that he has heard that when the system migrates to the cloud, there may be cost-effective options.

Research the design of performance scalability in the AWS environment. Ensure you research how AWS cloud uses specific services to assist with performance.

Discuss and defend some options that you can provide to your supervisor.