Litterature review internship

Question Description


Your paper must consist of the following:

  • Be organized by categories or themes using sub-headings, as needed.
  • Include an introduction to the literature.
  • Thoroughly compare literature (not an annotated bibliography.)
  • Summarize.
  • Contain 8 to 12 peer-reviewed, scholarly references published within the past 5 years.
  • Follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing).
  • Contain scholarly references.
  • Be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool.

Computer science

Question Description

Write a program that uses a loop to count to 4

You should turn in a brief report by the end of class.

Your report should include:
• 5 points: Your name
• 20 points:A single question describing what the question is asking
• 30 points:Your code
• 10 points:Your code output
• 10 points:A discussion of your solution

using System;

public class Program
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine(“Whaddup World”);
int count = 0;
while(4 >= count){
for (int loopCount = 0; loopCount <=4; loopCount++){


import java.util.Scanner;

public class LoopTutorial {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
boolean terminationCondition = false;

while (!terminationCondition) {
System.out.println(“Choose an option!n”
+ “1 for Say Hellon”
+ “2 for count to 4n”
+ “3 for close programn”);
int userDecision = userInput.nextInt();
switch (userDecision) {
case 1:
case 2:
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
case 3:
terminationCondition = true;
System.out.println(“Not a valid command”);
}//closes while loop


You know what you are thinking about doing. You know what they are looking for in a candidate.

Question Description

You know what you are thinking about doing. You know what they are looking for in a candidate.

Now get real specific on what it is that you don’t have that you need.

Please keep track of the google searches you do, as well as the web sites you visit.

Maintain your documentation somewhere you can find later.
• (10 points) Describe some skills you currently have (welder )
• (10 points) Describe the skill you are most interested in developing this semester( get enough knowledge about my careers)
• (10 points) List the general skill common to all positions you were looking at.
• (10 points) List the skill you feel will be most important for you to be successful in your career (operator machine )

• (10 points) Describe the skill that you are most concerned about being able to develop

CSIS 110 – Principles of Information Systems

Question Description

My Class is ” CSIS 110 – Principles of Information Systems “.

I need tutor to handle this class from A to Z.

The class start from Aug 25, 2019 to Dec 16, 2019.

The class has 15 Units. I already completed four.

Important Notes:

– There are specific Due Dates for each Unit, you must complet it at leas one day before the due date.

– High scores are required in this class..

– The tasks are on Cengage Learning website, Sam website, and the Canvas.

– Number of attempts for Homework:: Only One Time.

– Number of attempts for Quizzes:: Only One Time.

– Number of attempts for Test:: Only One Time.

– Tasks must be completed in order.

– High scores are required in this class..

<< Syllabus >>

There are two Syllabus, I attached via PDF file.

Please, Read the Syllabuses cheerfully before contact me.

Thank you,

Discussion on global network threats

Question Description

1 or 2 paper with references.

COMPUTER NETWORK SECURITY is very complex. New threats from inside and outside networks appear constantly. Just as constantly, the security community is developing new products and procedures to defend against threats of the past and unknowns of the future.
As companies merge, people lose their jobs, new equipment comes online, and business tasks change, people do not always do what you expect. Network security configurations that worked well yesterday might not work quite as well tomorrow. In an ever-changing business climate, whom should you trust? Has your trust been violated? How would you even know? Who is attempting to harm your network this time? And why?
Because of these complex issues, you need to understand the essentials of network security ~

What specific threats do YOU see in today’s global networking environment?

Cs4445 Data Communication & Networkin

Question Description

Please draw the diagram on page 105 – figure 3a-4 also please add a budget of the items in the figure. Cost out and add a wireless router that support the 802.11ac standard and firewall. Also please include the cost of the items on the figure for the Ethernet Switch, DSL Modem/Router,Laster Printer, Print server, UTP Patch cords (pre-made UTP cords).You may get your costs online, but be specific about the equipment name, model, and so forth. Also include a one paragraph description of how you will connect the devices, protocols you will use or networking services, also any firewall rules or how you will implement security for your home network.

Please make sure to be detailed and submit the design in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Visio format

Discuss about risk management framework for this case?

Question Description

1 What are the prospects and consequences for Blue Wood if it carries on the way it has been?

2 What are the main challenges in developing and implementing a risk management framework for Blue Wood? How does the ownership structure affect these challenges?

3 If the company is to develop a risk management framework, who should lead the process? Should a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) be appointed? If so, to whom should he/she report and have access to? How could smaller companies without the resources for a dedicated CRO deal with ERM? What is the role for the Board in such a process?

4 Provide pros and cons in a different paragraph.

Keep It original- NO PLAGARISM


Fraser, J., Simkins, B., & Narvaez, K. (2014). Implementing enterprise risk management: Case studies and best practices. John Wiley & Sons.

​This question asks about using the Sage functionality for computing in Finite Fields.​

Question Description

  1. Use Sage to create a finite field with 17 elements
    In this field calculate:
    The difference: 13 – 16
    The sum: 11 + 10
    The quotient: 1/2
    The product: 3 * 8
    The multiplicative inverse of: 5
  2. Use Sage to create a finite field with 32 elements. Let ‘a’ denote the primitive element.
    In this field Calculate:
    The difference: (a^2 + a) – (a + 1)
    The multiplicative inverse of: a^4 + a + 1
    The quotient (a^2 + 1)/(a^4 + a + 1)
  3. Use Sage to create a finite field with 5^3 elements. Let ‘alpha’ denote the primitive element.
    In this field Calculate:
    The sum: (3*alpha^2 + 4*alpha) – (alpha^2 + 3)
    The multiplicative inverse of: (alpha + 1)
    The product: (alpha + 2)*(alpha + 3)
  4. Use sage to create a finite field with 503,777,509 elements.
    In this field calculate:
    The quotient: 123,456,789/456,555,333
    The multiplicative inverse of : 987,654,321
    The difference: 789,123,456 – 444,333,111

Information Governance Discussion question

Question Description

Q1. The metrics you have developed to measure risk mitigation effectiveness must also be used for audit purposes. What are the process you will put in place to audit your compliance effort to see if your efforts are working? Is there a need to audit or examine the audit process and how often?


Information risk planning involves a number of progressive steps: identifying potential risks to information, weighing those risks, creating strategic plans to mitigate the risks, and developing those plans into specific policies. Then it moves to developing metrics to measure compliance levels and identifying those who are accountable for executing the new risk mitigating processes. These processes must be audited and tested periodically not only to ensure compliance, but also to fine tune and improve the processes.

No Plagirism

APA format

300 words

CS4445 Data Communication & Networking Diagram problem

Question Description

Please draw the diagram on page 105 – fgure 3a-4 also please add a budget of the items in the figure. Cost out and add a wireless router that support the 802.11ac standard and frewall. AIso please include the cost of the items on the fgure for the Ethernet Switch, DSL Modem/Router,L aster Printer, Print server, UTP Patch cords (pre-made UTP cords).You may get your costs online, but be specifc about the equipment name, model, and So forth. Also include a one paragraph description of how you will connect the devices, protocols you will use or networking services, also any frewall rules or how you will implement security for your home network.

Please make sure to be detailed and submit the design in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Visio format .