Text Compression

Question Description

Individual Homework: Text CompressionIn class we discussed measures of compression and a kind of text compression known as LempelZiv. Practice with these concepts in this homework.Compression measures1. I have a particular image I want to save. In TIFF format (uncompressed) it is 39,526 bytes.In PNG format, it is 8,494 bytes.a. What is the compression ratio? (uncompressed size/compressed size, expressed asa ratio)b. What is the space savings? (1 – compressed/original)2. I have a sound effect I want to use in a video game. I downloaded it in WAV format(uncompressed). The file size is 1.2 MB. I used iTunes to create an MP3 (compressed)version. The file size of the compressed version is 46 KB.a. What is the compression ratio? (uncompressed size/compressed size, expressed asa ratio)b. What is the space savings? (1 – compressed/original)Text compressionNow consider the following text (69 bytes):HOW MUCH WOOD WOULD A WOODCHUCK CHUCK IF A WOODCHUCKCOULD CHUCK WOOD3. Compress this as well as you can using Lempel-Ziv encoding. You can use the textcompression widget on Code.org. Write down each of the following:a. Dictionary (symbols and substitutions)b. Dictionary size (in bytes)c. Encoded textd. Encoded text size (in bytes)e. Total compressed size (dictionary + encoded text)f. Space savings (1 – compressed/original)

Mapping & topic

Question Description

Mapping & Topic

This assignment consist of three parts. All three parts must be combined into one document.

Part 1

  • Watch the video How to Develop a Good Research Topic. (Links to an external site.)
  • Create a research topic ( I CHOSE THIS TOPIC ” Research Topic: Improving Security of Data in Public Cloud Storage UsingEncryptions ”
  • . Focus on all the attributes that make a good topic and remember to narrow down your topic to a particular group and problem.

Part 2

Part 3

  • Write a short paper (5 pages maximum excluding non-content pages) on the process for choosing a good research topic.
    • Include detailed information on how you were able to narrow down the theme into your topic.
    • Include your research map from Part 2.
    • Include your perspective topic from Part 1

The paper must follow the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain scholarly references. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool.

Chapter 9 explained reasons why universities should implement ERM. Do you agree with their reasons for ERM implementation in university settings. Should colleges implement ERM to help mitigate risks among students as well as employees? What is the biggest

Question Description

Chapter 9 explained reasons why universities should implement ERM. Do you agree with their reasons for ERM implementation in university settings. Should colleges implement ERM to help mitigate risks among students as well as employees? What is the biggest challenge you see with implementing ERM in the university setting?

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) As indicated above, reflect on the ERM implementation in university settings, explain if they should be implemented and greatest challenges with implementation.

B) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads, evaluating the pros and cons of that student’s recommendations. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread. Replies should be completed by Sunday.

ALL original posts (4 in total) and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)

NOTE: These discussions should be informal discussions, NOT research papers. If you MUST directly quote a resource, then cite it properly. However, I would much rather simply read your words.

The dicussion should be ZERO PLAGARISM

The Dicussion should be more that 300 words

I need the comments for the other students too

Policy Review and Modification

Question Description


You are the Information Security Officer of Mahtmarg Manufacturing a small manufacturing company worth approximately $5 Million who provides fiber cable to local businesses, individual customers and to government organizations. In the course of the next eight weeks you will be creating your Information Security Plan (Issue-Specific Security Policy in Table 4-3 of the textbook) step by step using this scenario.

Your Task

Step 6: Develop the Policy Review and Modification section of your ISP

In this week’s Lab you will develop the review and modification policy portion of your ISP to ensure it is a ‘living document’. This must include:

  • At least an annual review
  • Identification of who is responsible for making updates and revisions
  • Detail concerning where these updates are published and how employees can access them

Remember that every company is in a constant state of change and your network infrastructure is constantly evolving. The risks that you face today are not the risks that you will encounter next year nor are they the same as those you have encountered in years past. It is crucial that you routinely review and update the company’s information security plan as threats change as well as the company.

Case Study questions

Question Description

Case Study 1: Should a Computer Grade Your Essays?

1)Identify the kinds of systems described in this case.

2)What are the benefits of automated essay grading? What are the drawbacks?

3)What management, organization, and technology factor should be considered when deciding whether to use AES?

Case Study 2: American Water Keeps Data Flowing

  • How did implementing a data warehouse help American Water move toward a more centralized organization?
  • Give some examples of problems that would have occurred at American Water if its data were not “clean”?
  • How did American Water’s data warehouse improve operations and management decision making?

**Case study in attachments

Solution instructions:

  • answers for Case study must have at least 800 words for evry 3 questions.
  • • The ‘answers’ to the questions are best formulated by reviewing the case and the reading materials up
  • Please attach the references used for the solution
  • Use APA Style for references
  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited
  • Arrange the answers directly after each question

CS3334 cyber security

Question Description


The projects (optional) will promote independent study in the area of information security. The list of project topics is provided below. Only one student will be assigned per topic. The final allocation of project topics will be done on the ‘first-come-first-served’ basis. All selections must be made by 3 Oct 2019 before Exam 1. The project will be completed as follows:

  • 10-12 max page long written report submitted no later than Nov. 14 (1.5 line spacing, 11-point font size),
  • 15-min oral presentation on Nov 14.

The project assessment will be based on the following criteria out of 100 points:

  • written report: content (coverage, depth of understanding reflected) – 50 pts
  • written report: quality of writing (ease of understanding, structure, syntax, proper citations, reference section, etc.) – 25 pts
  • oral presentation (clarity and general understanding) – 25 pts

List of projects: Solely extraction from Google etc. will not gain you any points. However, you must state why it is an asset and/or a vulnerability and what to do about it to improve the state of the art in ubiquitous daily computing. What are the pros and cons in terms of Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation? Your suggestions.

Topic: SQL Injection

Questions about Data communication and networkin and Wireshark Packet Capture

Question Description

Please finish the following questions:

Please do it alone, do not copy or quote from others.

Chapter 8:

Page 291 Exercises 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, and #2(p286-291).

e-book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iIu8r57PoxlIcYAwR…

1. Do the following: • Download Wireshark. • Start Wireshark. • Turn on Wireshark capture. • Type a URL in your browser window (not Wikipedia.org). • After a few seconds, stop the capture. • Answer the following questions:

1a. What URL did you use? What was the IP address of the webserver?

1b. Find the frame in which your PC sent the SYN packet. List the source and destination IP address, the source and destination port numbers, and the header checksum.

1c. Select the SYN/ACK packet. List the source and destination IP address, the source and destination port numbers, and the header checksum.

1d. Select the packet that acknowledges the SYN/ACK segment. List the source and destination IP address, the source and destination port numbers, and the header checksum.

2. Change the options so that only packets you send are recorded. Do a capture. Click on the window containing Wireshark and hit Alt-Enter. This captures the window to your clipboard. Paste it into your homework.

Database SQL Quiz

Question Description

answer these questions. Please write your own words, not just copy/paste from slides.

It’s open book and notes, but please don’t work with others, i want to hear your own responses. ( Please i need the answer as soon as possible) :

1- Your friend runs a small, but growing landscaping company. It’s slowly growing difficult to manage, as your friend is using a simple spreadsheet to manage his work. You, inspired by your recent three database classes, decided to tell him that a Database would be a better fit for his business? Why should he use a database? What are the problems that he can have with a list?

2- What is metadata and how is it different than data itself? Please give 5 examples of metadata.

3-What is a DBMS and what’s the difference between a desktop DBMS and an enterprise DBMS?

4- Your company, Acme Incorporated, has decided to not invest in an Enterprise DBMS and just use MS Access for it’s work. You think this is a bad idea, what are the drawbacks for using Access in a large company? Why is an enterprise DBMS better?

Intro to Data Communication

Question Description


Physical Security Threats Case Study

This case study builds upon your Unit VII Case Study assignment, whichshould be reviewed, along with the professor’s feedback, before completingthis assignment.

Now that your client’s network is up and running, it is time to consider thethreats. For the purpose of this assignment, assume the network is located inthe area where you currently live (or have lived).

First, briefly summarize the three physical threat categories based on yourlocation and what techniques you could use to mitigate them for your client’snetwork:

  • natural threats,
  • human threats, and
  • controlled access threats.

Next, discuss how you would secure the wireless communications component tothe network.

Last, Identify two techniques and/or tools that should be used whendeveloping a system solution for your client.

Your case study should be at least one page in length, not counting thetitle page and reference page. Your paper should be double-spaced, use12-point size Times New Roman font, and contain one-inch margins. Sectionheadings are encouraged to help organize your paper. Your paper must bewritten using APA format. You must cite at least one academic source, whichcan include one of your e-textbooks.

9-1 Discussion: System Implementation Considerations

Question Description

Complete tasks 1–4 for the below mini-case and post your results. Your audience is a systems analyst.

“Victorian CreationsVictorian Creations specializes in the reproduction of furniture from the Victorian era. Recently thecompany updated its payroll software as an in-house development project. Users and IT staffmembers have completed comprehensive training sessions. The system has been operational forabout six weeks, and no major problems have occurred. You are responsible for the post implementation evaluation.”


1. What are some techniques you might use to obtain an accurate evaluation?

2. What are some specific questions you would include in a questionnaire? Who should receive thequestionnaire?

3. Are there general guidelines that apply to the timing of a post-implementation evaluation? Whatare they?

4. Is this the best time to schedule a post-implementation evaluation? Why or why not? Are thereother options? What are they?

In responding to two of your peers, review the posted results for one of the three mini-cases you did not select. Provide constructive feedback as you would when performing a peer review on a project. Your audience is a systems analyst.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.