Discussion: Remote Access Method Evaluation

Question Description

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Explore and assess different remote access solutions.

Assignment Requirements

Discuss with your peers which of the two remote access solutions, virtual private networks (VPNs) or hypertext transport protocol secure (HTTPS), you will rate as the best. You need to make a choice between the two remote access solutions based on the following features:

  • Identification, authentication, and authorization
  • Cost, scalability, reliability, and interoperability

Respond to your peers with your point of view on their answers. Make sure your opinion is substantiated with valid reasons and references to the concepts covered so far in the course. In addition, initiate a discussion with students who comment on your answer. Total length should be 800 words..

Required Resources


Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have engaged in discussion of the assigned topics with at least two of my peers.
  • I have raised questions and solicited peer and instructor input on the topics discussed.
  • I have articulated my position clearly and logically.
  • I have supported my argument with data and factual information.
  • I have provided relevant citations and references to support my position on the issue discussed.
  • I have compared and contrasted my position with the perspectives offered by my peers and highlighted critical similarities and differences.
  • I have solicited peer and instructor feedback on my arguments and propositions.
  • I have offered a substantive, critical evaluation of my peer’s perspective on the issues that is opposite of mine and supported my critical review with data and information.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.

Discussion #5 –

Question Description

Discussion #5 – Insurance Fueling Ransomware?

According to TrendMicro ransomware is defined as “a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system, either by locking the system’s screen or by locking the users’ files unless a ransom is paid”. Some of the most famous ransomware attacks we’ve seen to date are WannaCry, CryptoWall, and Petya. If not familiar I suggest you doing open source research on the three to get a sense for how they impacted the world. Last month ProPublica released an interesting report titled “The Extortion Economy: How Insurance Companies are Fueling a Rise in Ransomware Attacks (Links to an external site.)” Read the report and take one of the following positions:

  1. Against Insurance Companies
  2. With Insurance Companies

Once a position is taken answer the following:

  1. What is occurring?
  2. Is it ethical?
  3. If you were the owner of a multimillion dollar company would you pay the ransom?
  4. From a technical standpoint how could this have been prevented?

Initial responses are due by . Respond to two of your peers posts

Discussion Posts: Initial
discussion posts must be
answered by at
11:59 PM. Respond to two of
your classmates posts by … in order to achieve full
credit. Be sure that both initial
posts and responses follow APA
citation formatting. This is a
graduate level course therefore
one-word discussion posts and
responses will NOT be accepted.
This can be avoided by diving
deeper into a point someone
raised, sharing your opinion, or
lessons learned from experience.

Discussion and Response

Question Description

Discussion :

In this scenario, hackers launch cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nation’s financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, sensitive credit card processing facilities are hacked and numbers are released to the Internet, causing 120 million cards to be canceled; automated teller machines (ATMs) fail nearly simultaneously across the nation; major companies report payroll checks are not being received by workers, and several large pension and mutual fund companies have computer malfunctions so severe that they are unable to operate for more than a week. Identify the countermeasures that need to be implemented to prevent these cyberattacks from occurring in the future.

Start a discussion thread and discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.

You must do this following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.

2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)

Your answer must be 1000 words

each response should be 100 words

no specific question, please respond to the two discussion topics as directed (100 words minimum)

Question Description


  • Complete the week’s reading then respond to both of the Topic Question(s) for Topics 1 and 2
  • Topic Responses should be at least 100 words
  • First Topic Posting must be prior to 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Saturday Evening for each Topic

IT117: Website Development

After completing the assigned readings, apply what you have learned as you discuss the following scenario identifying the steps of website design process.

Topic 1:

Mr. Tomas, the owner of a restaurant, has requested that your Web design company build a website for his restaurant. You were chosen as the web designer for this project. The restaurant is family owned and features the family’s specialty dishes. You agree to meet with Mr. Tomas this weekend to discuss the required website for the restaurant.

  • What ten questions will you ask him during the meeting? (Be specific)
  • Outline the steps you plan to take to complete the website.
  • Identify the key deliverables you will need to provide to Mr. Tomas during the Web design process.

IT261: Desktop Administration

Topic 2: Hardware Recommendations

Review the hardware requirements (minimum and recommended) for Windows 10. Examine the processor and memory requirements carefully. As a desktop administrator, you may be asked to recommend desktop and laptop systems for new employees. Do some research and share your hardware recommendations with classmates, including a brief summary of the features and approximate cost. Be certain to include citations, and add your references at the end of your post.

Computer question 6

Question Description

1.I think one of the ways to effectively prove to a nay sayer on ecology is by showing them the article from the NY times that we summarized in this assessment. Reading that article was an eye opener for me and I am a conservationist. Another way to show an impact is by taking a person out of the city and brining them to a true forest. The clean air, and fresh smell makes your body feel amazing. Then just stand there quietly and let them listen to the lack of noise pollution and hear the birds and nature at it’s best. Even the most bug hating, tree cutting, diesel smoking city person would not be able to argue against that. answer in couple sentences and then

agree below a post in 2-3 sentences.

2.PowerPoint is an excellent evolution of the “overhead”! I believe PPT is vastly superior to the old methods in that graphics and the transitional animations grab and hold the attention of the viewers. it also seems more professional. its also easier to change from one element to the other, even going backwards if needs be. I also like the fact that you can print and share the slides in the order in which the presenter intends them beyond the actual presentation for the viewer to look back at later.

please number the answers as it is in questions.

You need to submit a paper for elaborating on the challenges in dealing with international shareholders in developing countries. If you do not have international business experience, your reading material will help you much. Your essay must be NOT less th

Question Description

You need to submit a paper for elaborating on the challenges in dealing with international shareholders in developing countries. If you do not have international business experience, your reading material will help you much. Your essay must be NOT less than 1200 words, excluding the list of references.

This assignment will be one of several throughout your educational program. One of the core competencies necessary to succeed in your education endeavor is the ability to identify other research that pertains to your own. This means you’ll have to identify similar research, read the papers, and assimilate prior work into your research.

Your paper must be a correct APA format, use proper grammar, and will need to include at three (3) resources, ALL of which must:

1) Be current. Published within the last few years, but not older than 2014.

2) Be peer-reviewed.

3) Relate directly to Information Technology in a Global Economy.


Every resource you choose must be peer-reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous revisions. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a meeting or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not merely assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out.

This part of the assignment is a detailed project designed to help you learn the modeling of business requirements and understand the physical implementation of logical business models through the use of E-R models.

Question Description

Part II-Course Project

This part of the assignment is a detailed project designed to help you learn the modeling of business requirements and understand the physical implementation of logical business models through the use of E-R models.

Course Project Part 1—Database Planning

For this week, imagine that you have been hired by a company to build a database for it and complete the following tasks:

  • Describe your idea of the database.
    • This can be a business problem or a hobby you are interested in—for example, an airline reservation system.
  • Outline the database you would like to create.
  • Outline the SDLC. Include the following subcategories:
    • Strategy and analysis for a business or an idea you plan to develop
    • Analysis of the current system:
      • What does the company have?
      • What business projections does it have?
    • Integration with other systems—plan how the current system can be integrated with other systems
    • Documentation and communication—describe how this vital part will be accomplished
    • Design for changes—prepare a plan for the future
    • Reusable resources—do not redo work; identify what the company has in place that you can use

(This is the best part of the project—you create everything!)

Note: Whatever you create is fiction and the above-mentioned six items will need to be addressed in the final document.

Assignment Deliverable

After you complete the lab and course project, collate the information from both in a 3- to 4-page report in a Microsoft Word document.

Discussion check the requirements

Question Description

1 Q.) Using the value chain model, describe briefly how information technology might be used to provide a winning position for each of these businesses:

a. A global advertising agency

b. A local restaurant

c. A mobile applications provider

d. An insurance company

e. A web-based audio book service

References and in-text citations must be APA compliant. Initial post is due on Thursday (4th day), while 2 responses (substantial) to colleagues’ posts are due on Sunday.

Grading Rubric – Discussion Maximum Points
1, Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 45
2, Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 45
3, Mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling that affects clarity, APA formatting
Total 100

2 Q.) Chapter 7 presents a comparative analysis of various tools useful in policy making. Select two tools described in chapter 7 from different categories, and describe how these tools could be used to develop policy for optimizing bus and local train schedules to minimize energy use and passenger wait times in a SmartCity environment.

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, select two tools described in chapter 7 from different categories, and describe how these tools could be used to develop policy for optimizing bus and local train schedules to minimize energy use and passenger wait times in a SmartCity environment.

Application of Big Data Analytics during systems maintenance

Question Description

Need a 6 page paper in APA format.

Statement of the problem: While infrastructure is growing, it is getting challenging to maintain that huge infrastructure in production environments. Systems maintenance is getting more critical as applications and customers demand high availability and zero downtime. In any industry, maintaining production systems is increasingly critical as downtime could be costly and damage the reputation of the company. Manufacturing industries take critical care maintaining the machinery that could lead to catastrophic damage in production. As equipment and infrastructure is emerging, they are producing huge amounts of data sets which can be used as a datasource to Big Data and analyze the data and prevent outages in production environment.

Conclusion: The aim of this paper is to provide the use and application of Big Data analytics tools and techniques in production environment to reduce the systems outage, detect and prevent damage and help during maintenance.

If possible use below references:

Ray Y. Zhonga, Chen Xub, Chao Chenc and George Q. Huangd, “Big Data Analytics for Physical Internet-based intelligent manufacturing shop floors

Jens Baum, Christoph Laroque, Benjamin Oeser, Anders Skoogh, Mukund Subramaniyan, “Applications of Big Data analytics and Related Technologies in Maintenance—Literature-Based Research”

Lieberman Joshua, Leidner Alan, Percivall George, Ronsdorf Carsten, “Using big data analytics and IoT principles to keep an eye on underground infrastructure”

CS 4445 Homework

Question Description

1.Create a policy for 802.11 Wi-Fi security in a wireless network in a five-person company with one access point. This isnot a trivial task. Do not just jot down a few notes. Make it a one-page document for people in your firm to read, not something for your teacher to read.

2. Do the following:

• Download Wireshark.

• Start Wireshark.

• Turn on Wireshark capture.

• Type a URL in your browser

window (not Wikipedia.org).

• After a few seconds, stop the capture.

• Answer the following questions:

1a. What URL did you use? What

was the IP address of the web


1b. Find the frame in which your

PC sent the SYN packet. List the

source and destination IP ad

dress, the source and destination

port numbers, and the header


1c. Select the SYN/ACK packet. List

the source and destination IP ad

dress, the source and destination

port numbers, and the header


1d. Select the packet that acknowl

edges the SYN/ACK segment.

List the source and destination

IP address, the source and des

tination port numbers, and the

header checksum.

2. Change the options so that only packets

you send are recorded. Do a capture.

Click on the window containing Wire

shark and hit Alt-Enter. This captures

the window to your clipboard. Paste it

into your homework.