S-Lab Worksheet and assignment

Question Description


Read the NIST documents that I provided and Chapter 12 in your text. Select one of the following types of breaches:

1. A SQL Injection was performed by a hacker, resulting in the loss of PII data.
2. You have discovered a covert leak (exfiltration) of sensitive data to China.
3. Malcious code or malware was reported on multiple users’ systems.
4. Remote access for an internal user was compromised – resulting in the loss of PII data.
5. Wireless access. You discovered an “evil twin” access point that resulted in many of your users connecting to the hacker’s access point while working with sensitive data.
6. Compromised passwords. You discovered that an attacker used rainbow tables to attack your domain’s password file in an offline attack. Assume that all of your user’s passwords are compromised.

7. A DoS or DDoS was performed against your system, resulting in the loss of 3 hours of downtime and lost revenue.

Your submission should include three paragraphs and a cover page and references for the following:

Paragraph 1: IRT Team. What would the IRT team look like for this incident (who would be on the team to be able to effectively handle the event)? Justify your choices.

Paragraph 2: Approach. Address HOW you would respond. What logs or tools would you use to identify/analyze the incident? What would alert you to the incident? What tools would you use to contain/recover from the incident?

Paragraph 3: Metrics. Who would you measure your team’s response effectivenss? What measurements/metrics would you track?

I have attached the Lab Worksheet..please provide answers to the worksheet

Project Scheduling and Documentation

Question Description

One of the most important documents in a project is the kickoff presentation. Because this document formally begins, or “kicks off,” project development, it can only be created after the project has been planned, approvals have been obtained, and personnel are in place. A good kickoff presentation communicates succinctly to all attendees what needs to be accomplished to complete the project, in what order, and by whom. It sets expectations and, ideally, energizes project team members. The desired outcome of a project kickoff presentation is for team members to begin tackling the first defined project tasks and know whom to contact if they encounter delays.

For this assignment, you will create a kickoff presentation in Microsoft® PowerPoint® based on the draft project plan you created in the Week 1 Project Plan Draft individual assignment.

To complete this assignment:

Review the “Kickoff Presentation” section in Ch. 9, “Communication; Project Communication Strategy; from Project Kickoff to Daily Meetings,” of The Complete Software Project Manager: Mastering Technology from Planning to Launch and Beyond.

Create an 8- to 9-slide project kickoff presentation in Microsoft® PowerPoint® similar to this Project Kickoff sample template. The kickoff presentation you create should include details pertaining to the project you defined in the Week 1 Project Plan Draft assignment, including budget details as appropriate. Specifically, your presentation should include:

  • A high-level project definition
  • Business case (a description of the business problem/opportunity the plan is designed to solve/exploit)
  • Project approach
  • Description of team members and roles
  • Project scope
  • Out of scope
  • Timeline
  • Budget and budget reporting
  • Risks, cautions, and disclaimers

Data Communication & Networkin , draw the picture

Question Description

Problem #1

Please DTP (Draw The Picture) and submit as Word Document or Visio file

Chapter 5: Please use Page 152 – 160 as a reference:

You will create a design for an Ethernet network connecting four buildings in an industrial park. Hand in a picture showing your network. There will be a core switch in each building.

Building A is the headquarters building.

Building B is 85 meters south and 90 meters east of the headquarters building. A line will run directly from Building A to Building B.

Building C is 150 meters south of the headquarters building. A line will run directly from Building A to Building C.

Building D is 60 meters west of Building C. A line will run directly from Building C to Building D.

Computers in Building A need to communicate with computers in Building B at 600 Mbps.

Computers in Building A need to be able to communicate with computers in Building C at 1 Gbps.

Computers in Building A must communicate with computers in Building D at 500 Mbps.

Computers in Building C must communicate with computers in Building D at 750 Mbps.

a) Draw a picture of the situation.

b) Determine the traffic volume on each transmission line. Explain your answers.

First, show all of the traffic between pairs of sites:

Second, add up the traffic for each line.

c) Determine what standard to use for each transmission line. Explain your answers.

If the distance is more than 100 meters, use fiber; if it is 100 meters or less, select UTP.

Then, select the lowest-speed standard (including bonding) sufficient to handle the traffic.

week 5 week 5

Question Description

Emerging Threats and Countermeasures

Question Description

***Note***: No additional materials will be provided, please bid only you can work without materials.

Week 5 discussion (Chapter 7 – Discretion) Options Menu: Forum

Note: One article is from wikipedia (do not reference it in any of your work) only used for quick information.

Revisiting History

During the early 2000s Microsoft was under a microscope for having a monopoly. The case was settled (see wikipedia >Settlement)

Review the below links:

Answer the following:

  • What are your thoughts on what you have read?
  • Do you believe that your privacy rights have been or currently violated?
  • Do you think that hackers have found the backdoor?
  • How would you protect your infrastructure against a backdoor?
  • Any other thoughts?

Main post and respond to two other students

  • Do not reuse responses, every response must be unique
  • Do not copy other students responses and use them as your own.
  • All posts will be checked for plagiarisim.

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?

Artificial Intelligence Research Assignment.

Question Description

Chapter 4,Exercise 6:

Consider a scheduling problem, where there are five activities to be scheduled in four time slots. Suppose we represent the activities by the variables A, B, C, D, and E, where the domain of each variable is {1,2,3,4} and the constraints are A>D, D>E, C≠A, C>E, C≠D, B≥A, B≠C, and C≠D+1.

[Before you start this, try to find the legal schedule(s) using your own intutions.]

(a) Show how backtracking solves this problem. To do this, you should draw the search tree generated to find all answers. Indicate clearly the valid schedule(s). Make sure you choose a reasonable variable ordering.

To indicate the search tree, write it in text form with each branch on one line. For example, suppose we had variables X, Y, and Z with domains t, f and constraints X≠Y and Y≠Z. The corresponding search tree is written as:

X=t Y=t failure

Y=f Z=t solution

Z=f failure

X=f Y=t Z=t failure

Z=f solution

Y=f failure

[Hint: It may be easier to write a program to generate such a tree for a particular problem than to do it by hand.]

(b) Show how arc consistency solves this problem. To do this you must

• draw the constraint graph;

• show which elements of a domain are deleted at each step, and which arc is responsible for removing the element;

• show explicitly the constraint graph after arc consistency has stopped; and

• show how splitting a domain can be used to solve this problem.

Textbook: https://artint.info/2e/html/ArtInt2e.Ch4.S12.htmlfor reference.

Discussion: Biometric System Evaluation

Question Description

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Identify the correct advantages of each biometric method
  • Identify the correct disadvantages of each biometric method

Assignment Requirements

Read the worksheet named “Biometric System Evaluation” and address the following:

Using what you have learned about the biometric method, identify the correct advantages and disadvantages of each listed biometric type.

Respond to your peers with your point of view on their answers. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ original thread posts with between 100 – 150 words for each reply. Make sure your opinion is substantiated with valid reasons and references to the concepts covered in the course. In addition, initiate a discussion with the students who comment on your answer.

Required Resources

  • Worksheet: Biometric System Evaluation (ws_biometricsystemeval)

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have engaged in a discussion of the assigned topics with at least two of my peers.
  • I have raised questions and solicited peer and instructor input on the topics discussed.
  • I have articulated my position clearly and logically.
  • I have supported my argument with data and factual information.
  • I have provided relevant citations and references to support my position on the issue discussed.
  • I have compared and contrasted my position with the perspectives offered by my peers and highlighted the critical similarities and differences.
  • I have solicited peer and instructor feedback on my arguments and propositions.
  • I have offered a substantive and critical evaluation of my peer’s perspective on the issues that is opposite of mine, and supported my critical review with data and information.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.

illustrates Stakeholder Engagement in policy development. From this illustration please identify and name the six (6) critical stages of the policy process, and provide a brief narrative of what happens at each stage?

Question Description

Chapter Nine (9) – Stakeholder engagement in policy development: Observations and lessons from the international experience: Provides a starting point for a better understanding about how different approaches, tools, and technologies can support effective stakeholder participation in policy development processes. In addition, we have seen how participatory policy-making involves stakeholders from various stages of the policy process and can focus on both the substance of the policy problem or on improving the tools and processes of policy development. The chapter examined five (5) international cases of stakeholder engagement in policy development to explore two questions: (a) what types of engagement tools and processes are useful for different stakeholders and contexts? (b) what factors support the effective use of particular tools and technologies for constructive outcomes? The cases address e-government strategic planning in a developing country, energy policy in a transitional economy, development of new technology and policy innovations in global trade, exploration of tools for policy-relevant evidence in early childhood decision-making, and the development of indicators for evaluating policy options in urban planning (pg 177; para3 – abstract extract).

Q2: Chapter Nine (9) fig 9.1; illustrates Stakeholder Engagement in policy development. From this illustration please identify and name the six (6) critical stages of the policy process, and provide a brief narrative of what happens at each stage?

  • identify and name the six (6) critical stages of the policy process
  • provide a short and clear narrative of what happens at each stage to support your responses,

need atleast 350 words with 2 references

Discussion: Multilayer User Access Control

Question Description

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Identify what implementation method(s) can be used to incorporate multilayer access control
  • Describe and how each method benefits multilayered access control.

Assignment Requirements

Read the worksheet named “Multilayer User Access Control” and address the following:

Using what you have learned about building a multilayer access control system, identify what implementation method(s) can be used and how each method benefits multilayered access control.

Respond to your peers with your point of view on their answers. Make sure your opinion is substantiated with valid reasons and references to the concepts covered in the course. In addition, initiate a discussion with the students who comment on your answer. This should be in atleast 600 words..!

Required Resources

  • Worksheet: Multilayer User Access Control (ws_multilayeraccesscontrol)

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have engaged in discussion of the assigned topics with at least two of my peers.
  • I have raised questions and solicited peer and instructor input on the topics discussed.
  • I have articulated my position clearly and logically.
  • I have supported my argument with data and factual information.
  • I have provided relevant citations and references to support my position on the issue discussed.
  • I have compared and contrasted my position with the perspectives offered by my peers and highlighted critical similarities and differences.
  • I have solicited peer and instructor feedback on my arguments and propositions.
  • I have offered a substantive, critical evaluation of my peer’s perspective on the issues that is opposite of mine and supported my critical review with data and information.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.

Assignment 1: Wireless Applications, Advances, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Question Description

The adoption of wireless technologies varies from one industry to another and is often based on the benefits provided versus the challenges, implementation issues, and security issues associated with wireless technologies. Consider the wireless challenges, opportunities, and advancements in the healthcare industry versus the education industry.

Write a 4–5-page paper on the wireless technology of the education and financial industry in which you do the following:

  1. Analyze wireless applications and the degree of support and adoption of wireless devices for each industry.
  2. Discuss current advancements in wireless technologies in these industries. Analyze the potential areas for advancements in wireless technologies for these industries and determine the driving forces behind those advancements.
  3. Analyze the primary strategic business advantages and disadvantages of wireless technologies in each industry.
  4. Analyze the primary technical advantages and disadvantages of wireless technologies in each industry.
  5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are as follows:

  • Compare and contrast wireless systems and their recent advances.