
Question Description

Planning for Organizational Readiness

Organizational readiness is a multipurpose construct that has implications for organizational performance from different perspectives. For instance, organizational readiness is not only relevant for facilitating organizational changes but it also determines the ability of the organization to react to incidents and changes in the external environment. Based on the viewpoint of Whitman et al., incident response and disaster management is one of the most important parts of organizational readiness. Accordingly, organizational readiness becomes extremely relevant when emergency management services are taken into consideration, in order to quickly respond to incidents and disasters.

Apart from adopting a positive approach towards organizational readiness, it is also critical to ensure careful planning. Such planning for organizational readiness is in line with maximizing the positive outcomes while minimizing the resources required for incident and disaster management (Whitman et al.). “The critical challenge is to design, conduct, and evaluate exercises in a manner that effectively tests responders’ readiness and generates lessons that can improve readiness” (Greenberg, Voevodsky, and Gralla 1). For this reason, practicing for organizational readiness is part of the planning process whereby strategies and tactics for organizational readiness are continuously refined.

Furthermore, the planning process also includes the evaluation of practice, in order to implement changes based on practical outcomes. The planning process also involves training and education of organizational members for increasing the overall efficiency of the incident and disaster management services. In addition, planning for organizational readiness may include but is not limited to forming the planning committee, developing the planning policy, identifying preventive controls, and devising a detailed incident response plan (Whitman et al.). Even he post-incident activity is also part of the planning process, as it helps in further refining the preparation and planning activities.

Works Cited

Greenberg, Brandon, Paule Voevodsky, and Erica Gralla. “A capabilities-based framework for disaster response exercise design and evaluation: Findings from oil spill response exercises.” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 13.4 (2017).

Whitman, Michael E., Herbert J. Mattord, and Andrew Green. Principles of incident response and disaster recovery. Cengage Learning, 2013.

Planning for Organizational Readiness

Question Description

Organizational readiness is a multipurpose construct that has implications for organizational performance from different perspectives. For instance, organizational readiness is not only relevant for facilitating organizational changes but it also determines the ability of the organization to react to incidents and changes in the external environment. Based on the viewpoint of Whitman et al., incident response and disaster management is one of the most important parts of organizational readiness. Accordingly, organizational readiness becomes extremely relevant when emergency management services are taken into consideration, in order to quickly respond to incidents and disasters.

Apart from adopting a positive approach towards organizational readiness, it is also critical to ensure careful planning. Such planning for organizational readiness is in line with maximizing the positive outcomes while minimizing the resources required for incident and disaster management (Whitman et al.). “The critical challenge is to design, conduct, and evaluate exercises in a manner that effectively tests responders’ readiness and generates lessons that can improve readiness” (Greenberg, Voevodsky, and Gralla 1). For this reason, practicing for organizational readiness is part of the planning process whereby strategies and tactics for organizational readiness are continuously refined.

Furthermore, the planning process also includes the evaluation of practice, in order to implement changes based on practical outcomes. The planning process also involves training and education of organizational members for increasing the overall efficiency of the incident and disaster management services. In addition, planning for organizational readiness may include but is not limited to forming the planning committee, developing the planning policy, identifying preventive controls, and devising a detailed incident response plan (Whitman et al.). Even he post-incident activity is also part of the planning process, as it helps in further refining the preparation and planning activities.

Works Cited

Greenberg, Brandon, Paule Voevodsky, and Erica Gralla. “A capabilities-based framework for disaster response exercise design and evaluation: Findings from oil spill response exercises.” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 13.4 (2017).

Whitman, Michael E., Herbert J. Mattord, and Andrew Green. Principles of incident response and disaster recovery. Cengage Learning, 2013.

Looking for help for computer since 2

Question Description

This assignment for Computer Since #2

This allows you to address the skills gap. What is a project you are excited

about doing because it will help you get where you want to be? What are
your weekly goals that will help you get there? Even if your feelings about
your project change over the semester, I want you to lay out a project you
are willing to stick with for the entire semester. And I want you to lay out
what you plan to complete every week of the semester. This is a good time
to work through the S.M.A.R.T goals worksheet. Please be sure to document
what you are doing related to this project. You will use the web sites you
visit as part of your citations and literature review later. You will do a 1
minute presentation on your project in class
• (30 points) Write 2-3 paragraphs discussing what you want to go do.
Discuss the project outcomes, the skills you will need, and other ideas
you have related to the project.
• (10 points) Write a one paragraph project description
• (10 points) Describe your project in a single sentence
• (10 points) Write an outline of your final code, or the basic outline of
the basic structure of the work you plan to do.
• (10 points) What is your project title?
• (15 points) What are your big three project goals (5 points per goal)
• (20 points) Describe templates or guides you will be using for reference
on your quest.
• (5 points) Week 6 project deliverable: What are you going to have
completed this week? How do you know you have it done?
• (5 points) Week 7 project deliverable
• (5 points) Week 8 project deliverable
• (5 points) Week 9 project deliverable

• (5 points) Week 10 project deliverable
• (5 points) Week 11 project deliverable
• (5 points) Week 12 project deliverable
• (5 points) Week 13 project deliverable
• (5 points) Week 14 project deliverable

Link to smart goals:

https://www.mcckc.edu/counseling/goal-setting/docs/SMARTGoalWorksheet (Links to an external site.).pdf

Example of a Semester Project Description:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/11eEMNej2lLsrkcCmHgYJWbhRw5Ak-bxY8rZrVgPZYDI/edit?usp=sharing (Links to an external site.)

excel homework

Question Description


Sales Analysis Worksheet

Problem: As the chief accountant for Davis Mobile Concepts, a leading car audio dealer serving four states, you have been asked by the vice president to create a worksheet to analyze the yearly sales for each state. The packages and corresponding sales by state for the year are shown in the table.

Davis Mobile Concepts

























Perform the following tasks:

  • Create the worksheet using the data in the table above. Worksheet title in A1 Davis Mobile Concepts, and subtitle in A2 Yearly Sales.
  • Use the SUM function to determine total revenue for each of the four packages, the totals for each state, and the company total. Add column and row headings for the totals row and totals column, as appropriate.
  • Format the worksheet title and subtitle with the Title cell style and center them across columns A through F. Use the Font group on the ribbon to format the worksheet title and subtitle as 18-point Arial Black. Format the title and subtitle with Green, Accent 6 font color. Center the titles across columns A through F.
  • Format the range B4:F4 with the Heading 2 cell style and center the text in the cells. Format the range A5:F8 with the 20% – Accent6 cell style and the range A9:F9 with the Total cell style. Format cells B5:F5 and B9:F9 with the accounting number format and cells B6:F8 with the comma style format. If necessary, resize all columns to fit the data.
  • Create a 3-D pie chart on its own sheet that shows the total sales contributions of each state. Chart the state names (A5:A8) and corresponding totals (F5:F8). Use the sheet tab name, Yearly Sales Chart. Apply a chart style of your choosing. Change the chart title to Yearly Sales by State.
  • Change the Sheet1 tab name to Yearly Sales and apply the Orange color to the sheet tab.
  • Save the workbook using the file name, Davis Mobile Concepts_yourFirstname_Lastname.
  • Make a distinction between the rows in the table, using any style of your choice.
  • Submit on blackboard.

see the file attach

please answer these 2 discussion questions. Attaching the material

Question Description

Hi, please answer these 2 questions using APA format and I need Citations and References. No plagiarism please. I need to reply to 2 peers on the same topic so you can add 2 more paragraphs related to the same topic separetly.


Chapter Eight (8): Information Governance and Legal Functions: According to the authors, Smallwood, Kahn, and Murphy, IG is perhaps one of the functional areas that impact legal functions most. Failure to meet them could be literally put an organization out of business or land executives in prison. Privacy, security, records management, information technology (IT), and business management functions are very important. However, the most significant aspect of all of these functions relates to legality and regulatory compliance from a critical perspective.

Q1: When we take a close look at the author’s point of view, under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures (FRCP) amendments dating back to 1938 there has been governance and the discovery of evidence in lawsuits and other civil cases. Please name and briefly discuss the three (3) reasons why corporations must proactively manage the e-discovery process?

Question 2

Chapter Nine (9): Information Governance (IG) and Records and Information Management Functions. From the Chapter, we have learned from that Records Management (RM) is a key impact area of IG – so much that in the RM space, IG is often thought of as synonymous with or a single superset of RM. From that perspective, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defined business records as “information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction in the form of records.”

Q1: To further enhance our knowledge and understanding of RM, ISO provided a more refined definition of RM to a granular level as “[the] field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of what…? Identify and complete the missing phrase to directly complete the granular definition?

Exam research paper

Question Description

Legal, Regulations, Investigations, and Compliance midterm exam. It counts as an “Exam” as described in this course’s syllabus. This exam is timed. Once you begin you will have only two hours to complete it. At the two hour mark, this exam will be submitted as complete.

This exam cannot be taken multiple times. There will be no so-called make-up opportunities.

I have confidence that you can succeed on this exam and score an “A.” My observation is that LRIC students have been quite advanced in your analytical skills and commitment to your studies, perhaps the latter being more important. I wish you success, and have a fantastic week.

Research Paper (300 points)

Sustainable Technology – Mobile Telephone and Security Challenges – In Medication Delivery and Management System in the Developing Countries Case study.

Question Description

Your final research paper assignment is to write a research paper that explains how defense-in-depth (chapter 6) and awareness (chapter 10) are complimentary techniques to detect emerging threats and strengthen countermeasures.

To complete this assignment, upload a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) that contains your complete paper. Remember that your list of sources must be in APA format, and you MUST cite your reference in the body of the paper using APA in-text citation format. A source is any paper or article that you will reference in your paper. If you need more information on APA format (for references list AND in-text citations), visit this reference: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01…

This assignment must be YOUR OWN WORK! This is an individual assignment. Plagiarism detected in your work will result in a grade of zero for the entire paper.

Here are a few details about the overall research paper Please look at the attached rubric for details on how the paper will be graded.

You must reference eight (8) peer-reviewed articles or papers that support your thesis statement. One of these papers may be from your annotated bibliography assignment. The final paper must be at least 500 words in length. (DO NOT exceed 500 words by a material amount. Excessive words or too many references will NOT impress me.)

So in summary, here are the research paper requirements:

  • 2 peer reviewed resources (articles or papers) (1 may be from your annotated bibliography assignment)
  • Paper MUST address: How defense-in-depth (chapter 6) and awareness (chapter 10) are complimentary techniques to detect emerging threats and strengthen countermeasures
  • Cited sources must directly support your paper (i.e. not incidental references)
  • At least 500 words in length (but NOT longer than 1000 words)

If you are not sure how to identify peer reviewed papers or articles, please visit the following resources:

If you are not sure how to identify peer reviewed papers or articles, please visit the following resources:



Cloud-Based Malware

Question Description

I noticed you had the DFC 640 posted. I was wondering if you’ve completed it? Did the Lab, but trying to figure out how to fill the report out correctly.


In this Project you will be conducting a digital forensics examination for suspected malware. Your examination will consist of two parts.

Part 1

In Part 1 you will watch a video of a malware forensics examiner using a cloud-based malware analysis tool. The video will illustrate the examiner’s steps taken to scan the suspected malware using a cloud-based tool.

The examiner will generate a preliminary report analysis from the scan performed in the video mentioned above for your review and summary.

Part 2

In Part 2, you will click or open the examiner’s provided “Virustotal.com analysis link” below to review the analysis report and write a digital forensics summary report.


Review the analysis report findings by clicking on the various tabs “Analysis, File Detail, and Additional Information.”

After reviewing the separate tab information, write a Digital Forensics Summary Report answering the following questions:

Digital Forensics Summary Report

Analysis Tab:

Identify and list the first five malware files that were analyzed in the report

Identify and list the associated malware file names listed in the “result” column for each malware file you identified above

File Detail Tab:

Identify the file name

Identify the file type

Identify the executable file name

Identify the type of file hash shown for the file name you have identified above in this tab section

Identify the date and time of the malware file detection

Identify the malware file detection ratio

Identify the file extension

Identify the number of directories associated with the malware file

Identify the modification date

Additional Information Tab:

Identify the MD5 hash value

Identify the file size

please read the slides and follow through the assignment

Question Description

    • Explain Data Analytics Lifecycle
    • Discuss the Basic Data Analytics Methods Using R:
    • Understand the Basic Concepts of Classification, Clustering and Association Algorithms:

1. This week reading assignment is the course textbook chapter 2 (EMC Education Service (Eds). (2015) Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing, and Presenting Data, Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, Inc).

2. Read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_development_…

3. Read https://medium.com/data-ops/dataops-is-not-just-de…

This week assignments, due date, format and grading percent are shown in the table below.

Data mining is a complex process that aims to discover patterns in large data sets starting from a collection of existing data. In my opinion, data mining contains four main steps:

  1. Collecting data: This is a complex step, I will assume we have already gotten the datasets.
  2. Pre-processing: In this step, we need to try to understand your data, remove or reduce noise, do dimension reduction and select proper predictors etc.
  3. Feeding data mining: In this step, we need to use your data to feed your model.
  4. Post-processing: In this step, we need to interpret and evaluate your model.

Classification algorithms predict one or more discrete variables, based on the other attributes in the dataset.

Regression algorithms predict one or more continuous numeric variables, such as profit or loss, based on other attributes in the dataset.

Segmentation/Clustering algorithms divide data into groups, or clusters, of items that have similar properties.

Association algorithms find correlations between different attributes in a dataset. The most common application of this kind of algorithm is for creating association rules, which can be used in a market basket analysis.

Sequence analysis algorithms summarize frequent sequences or episodes in data, such as a series of clicks in a web site, or a series of log events preceding machine maintenance.

1. Read Chapter 2 of Data Science and Big Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data, EMC Education Services (Editor)ISBN: 978-1-118-87613-8 January 2015.

2. Read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_development_…

3. Read https://medium.com/data-ops/dataops-is-not-just-de…

DataOps is NOT Just DevOps for Data

Case study : Home depot data breach

Question Description

Writing the case study

Generally, there are eight sections in a case study. Use this as a guideline to write your case study.

Synopsis/Executive Summary

•Outline the purpose of the case study.

•Describe the field of research — this is usually an overview of the company.

•Outline the issues and findings of the case study without the specific details.

•Identify the theory that will be used to analyse the case study.

•The reader should be able to get a clear picture of the essential contents of the study.

•Note any assumptions made. You may not have all the information you would like, so some assumptions may be necessary

e.g. “It has been assumed that..

“Assuming that it takes half an hour to read one document..


•Identify the problems found in the case.

•Each analysis of a problem should be supported by facts given in the case together with the relevant theory and course concepts.

•It is important to search for any underlying problems; for example, cross-cultural conflict may be only a symptom of the underlying problem of inadequate policies and practices within the company.

•This section is often divided into sub-sections, one for each problem.


•Summarise the major problem/s.

•Identify alternative solutions to this/these major problem/s (there is likely to be more than one solution per problem).

•Briefly outline each alternative solution and then evaluate it in terms of its advantages and disadvantages.

•There is no need to refer to theory or coursework here.


Sum up the main points from the findings and discussion.


•Choose which of the alternative solutions should be adopted.

•Briefly justify your choice and explain how it will solve the major problem/s.

•This should be written in a forceful style as this section is intended to be persuasive.

•Integration of theory and coursework is appropriate here.


•Explain what should be done, by whom and by when.

•If appropriate, include a rough estimate of costs (both financial and time).


Make sure all references are cited correctly.

Appendices (if any)