Internet/Web Access Management

Question Description

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Design a remote access solution.

Assignment Requirements

Read the following case scenario:

The 9-Iron Country Club, commonly referred to as 9, is located in the suburbs of St. George City (a fictional city). It offers the amenities of a 9-hole golf course, a swimming pool, the clubhouse, and other recreational facilities to more than 1,200 members. 9 employs around 75 staff who cater to private functions such as weddings, meetings, and banquets.

9 is a seasonal club that closes its outdoor operations between November and February. These four months are critical to plan new venues and coordinate member activities for the upcoming season. The management operations and the catering tasks of 9 are normally executed through the local network. Therefore, the management and staff face many problems, especially during the winter. An incident occurred when Rob Domore, 9’s food and beverage director and head chef, had to drive to the club in bad weather conditions. Rob stated, “We put in a lot of effort to provide impeccable services to members and maintain a competitive position. I think about how much more efficient we could be if we could work from home in the off-season. If we had remote access, all senior management and executive staff could be reaching out to members, helping them plan upcoming events and preparing for next season without coming into the office.”

Mr. Domore also wanted to provide more flexibility in his daily schedule. He stated, “In the season, I can’t get all my office work done when we are in full swing because much of my time is spent in the kitchen and with the members. So, I desperately wanted the freedom to catch up at home, rather than stay additional hours on premises.”

Using the information provided in the case scenario, you are to design a potential remote access solution for 9. You also must prepare a report describing the remote access solution. The report should include the following considerations:

  • Needs and desires of customers and club members—available services, time availability, and network design
  • Risk management or assessment—protection of confidential and personally identifiable information (PII)
  • Data classification and security requirements—what measures will be implemented to protect the three states of data

Required Resources


Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 1–2 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I have identified potential solutions that could address the time management issues.
  • I have addressed the considerations listed for designing the remote access solution.
  • I have used a defined approach to identify the risks.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.

EDITING Final SOW, SLA, and Lab Report

Question Description

Papers and documents have been written. I need to incorporate the feedback and apply it to the papers written.. Attached is the directions and files are also in the document. If needed I can send them separate.


You will proceed through the steps as you define the statement of work and service-level agreement, perform a technical lab assignment, and prepare a lab report. You will submit all of these items to executive management in the final step.

Feedback for Project 3: Draft Statement of Work (SOW)

Submission Feedback:

Your SOW draft is really well written. I am kicking it back because of the Vendor’s Solution section.

Although you are using Amazon as the end solution, you are the vendor not Amazon. What I mean by

that is you can say that the Vendors Solution is AWS E2, but not Amazon will be innovative and create

new services for it’s customers. Ballot is your customer, Amazon created the technology that you

use for Ballot, so you ultimately (for example) are the one that has to innovate a solution.

Update: Pages 4/5 still contain language that points at Amazon being the vendor, not your company.

Feedback for Project 3: Draft Service-Level Agreement

Submission Feedback

  • The service request is not fully developed. You only mentioned the high priority and change request.
  • Does that imply that medium and low priority issues will be ignored?
  • Under customer responsibilities, you only list 2 items. Does ballot have the responsibility to do more than report and pay?
  • Are they not responsible for how the use the system as well? (hint)
  • Also (hint) there are more than 2 stakeholders with this project.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Project 3: Final SOW, SLA, and Lab Report feedback:

Feedback for Project 3: Final Report

Does Not Meet Project Requirements

Good work thus far. The other parts of the project are missing from this submission, the SOW and SLA.

Also, if you notice the rubric adds two additional items as a requirement for this submission that were not included.

All parts of the project steps are part of the final portion, with something additional that requires work.

Read case study 6-1 Enterprise Architecture at American Express. How could enterprise architecture be used in your organization or in an organization with which you are familiar?Read case study in the requirements

Question Description

Enterprise architecture (EA) at American Express was the framework the organization used to align IT and the business. EA provided a common language for leaders to use to collaborate and transform the business. At American Express, enterprise architects were the change agents who streamlined processes and designed ways to more effectively do business using IT resources. In 2011, American Express was named an InfoWorld/Forrester Enterprise Architecture Award recipient for its EA practices. As American Express leaders considered new payment methods using mobile devices, the EA guided their progress.

Mobile payments were forcing the payments industry to review their practices and significantly transform the way business was done. The new business environment introduced additional complexity with the addition of new delivery chan- nels and the need for shorter time‐to‐market of payment products and services. American Express’s business strategy for its payments products focused on delivering a “consistent, global, integrated customer experience based on services running on a common application platform.”

To achieve this goal, the EA team created reference architectures and road maps for standardized applications across the firm. This team then worked with multiple business solution delivery teams to create and manage the common application architecture and create strategies that facilitated each business’s objectives. Each strategy included a road map of initiatives that included a set of actions, the metrics to evaluate the success of these actions, and the commitments IT and the businesses made to make it happen. The road map was American Express’s way to standardize language, tools, life cycle management of the applications, and architecture and governance processes. The elements of the road map included technology, reference architecture, and capabilities for the business.

The next steps for American Express were to extend the road maps to cover the maturing of SOA and to develop new reference architectures and a new taxonomy to increasingly align IT with the needs of the business. As new technologies emerged and new ways of doing business over social tools created opportunities for new payment products and services, American Express expected to continually evolve its EA.

How could enterprise architecture be used in your organization or in an organization with which you are familiar? Just Take any Health Care Organization as a Reference.

APA Formate, No plagiarism, At least 2 References.

discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.

Question Description

There are 2 different discussions in this post, everything should be in APA format including references and 350-400 words each discussion. Attached PDF version of the chapters.

In this scenario, hackers launch cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nation’s financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, sensitive credit card processing facilities are hacked and numbers are released to the Internet, causing 120 million cards to be cancelled; automated teller machines (ATMs) fail nearly simultaneously across the nation; major companies report payroll checks are not being received by workers; and several large pension and mutual fund companies have computer malfunctions so severe that they are unable to operate for more than a week. Identify the countermeasures that need to be implemented to prevent these cyber attacks from occurring in the future.

Start a discussion thread and discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.

You must do this following:

1)discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.

Chapter 12 presented the approach Intuit uses to measure the effectiveness of their ERM, and chapter 15 presented the process the City of Edmonton employed to develop and deploy their ERM. You are an ERM consultant, retained by Intuit to re-implement their ERM. They have decided to start over and develop a new ERM for their current organization. Would you recommend that the base their new ERM on PM2 Risk Scorecard or ISO 31000? Explain why you would choose one over the other. You must use at least 2 paragraphs (of your own words) to justify your answer.

To complete this assignment, you must do the following:

2) As indicated above, assume that you are an ERM consultant, retained by Intuit to re-implement their ERM. They have decided to start over and develop a new ERM for their current organization. Would you recommend that the base their new ERM on PM2 Risk Scorecard or ISO 31000? Explain why you would choose one over the other. You must use at least 2 paragraphs (of your own words) to justify your answer.

Answer the following 12 questions.I need the original answer.

Question Description

Exercise 1.1 Examine how end users’ responsibilities for managing security have changed over time.

Exercise 1.3 It has been frequently proposed to make software vendors liable for deficiencies in their products. Who would benefit from such regulations?

Exercise 1.5 Social networks are a new application that has grown rapidly in recent years. What new security challenges are posed by social networks?

Exercise 1.7 Attacks can come from inside or outside an organization. Are there basic differences in the defences against insider and outsider threats? What is the relative importance of insider threats? Has the relative importance of insider threats changed as the modern IT landscape has been formed?

Exercise 2.1 Define a security policy for an examination system. Examination questions are set by the teacher and checked by an external examiner. Students sit the exam. Then their papers are marked, marks are approved by the examinations committee, results are published, and students may see their own papers. Which assets need to be protected? Who may get access to the documents used in this examination system?

Exercise 2.3 Should a risk analysis of a computer centre include flooding damage to computing equipment even when the centre is in a high and dry location?

Exercise 2.5 Conduct a risk and threat analysis for a mobile phone service, taking into account that calls are transmitted over a radio link between mobile phone and base station, and that with international roaming a subscriber can use the service in visited networks when away from home. Conduct your analysis from the subscribers’ and the network operators’ viewpoint.

Exercise 2.7 Conduct a risk and threat analysis for ATM cash withdrawals, both from the customer’s and the bank’s viewpoint.

Exercise 3.1 Conduct a search for further definitions of the security concepts defined in this chapter. Starting points may be the Common Criteria [58] or the websites of the US TCSEC programme2 and of the Common Criteria Scheme. Many of the major IT companies also have pages on security on their websites.

Exercise 3.3 Examine the relationship between unlinkability and anonymity.

Exercise 3.5 On the computing system you are using, identify the software components that potentially could incorporate security mechanisms.

Exercise 3.7 Look for further examples where a security mechanism in one layer can be bypassed by an attacker who has access to a layer below.

Discussion 6 reply and Discussion 9

Question Description

How can organizational management test their firewall security?

words : 350

Main que :

Chapter 6 covers Security and Privacy of Health Information, specifically HIPAA laws. Why would hackers be interested in stealing medical information? Is blackmail a motive? How would a hacker monetize medical records they’ve stolen?

Answer the question with a short paragraph, between 150 and 250 words. Brevity is a virtue. That is why you are limited to 250 words. If you can’t present your hypothesis in 250 words or less then it is too complicated.


Health insurance credentials are especially valuable in today’s economy because health care costs are causing people to seek free medical care with these credentials. The importance of Health information for health IT is to provide a better quality service to the patient depending on his/her health history. This History of medical is very important sometimes the loss of history may lead to danger for the patient because if no proper history found there may be wrong medication to patients by medical experts. The hackers are interested in stealing medical information because after stealing it might be sold to the health insurance companies for tracking or do some illegal activity etc.

After stealing the medical information from the highly secured servers they may blackmail the patient after going through the medical history of the patient or maybe a motive to do damage if any vengeance(Armstrong, et, al, 2005).

Sometimes, hackers want to steal your data so that they can hold it for ransom. This type of attack is a ransomware attack. Hackers usually execute ransomware attacks by gaining unauthorized access to data, then encrypting it or moving it and charging a ransom in order to restore your access to it. On the black market, the going rate for your social security number is 10 cents. Your credit card number is worth 25 cents. But your electronic medical health record(EHR) could be worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Hackers have devised numerous ways to steal important data which is then put to misuse. Phishing is a fake email masquerading as legitimate. Hackers create phishing emails through which they intend to steal your confidential information like passwords and bank account details.(Wilson, 2006).

Java Netbeans

Question Description


  •,, and as requested below.



Create a project that:

  • has a student class
    • Build upon the solutions of the previous labs (e.g., using and
    • You will need a version of that has a working semesterGPA( ) method as specified in the last assignment
      • very important:
        • for this lab it is important that you run semesterGPA() just once.
        • when semesterGPA() is executed, it should update the GPA attribute
        • again, for this lab it is necessary that the student GPA is calculated just once. Otherwise the group average GPA will never match with the displayed values because on the randomness in semesterGPA.
        • when should you run semesterGPA then?
          • running it in the constructor seems a good choice
  • has a group class
    • group has a name
    • group has 4 students
    • group has at least 2 methods
      • A method that displays the group name and the name of each student in the group
      • A method that calculates and displays the average GPA of a group. Group average GPA is the average of all the group members’ (students’) GPA.
        • group GPA starts in student using the student GPA attribute.
        • For instance, we may have:
          • student #1, John, with a semesterGPA of 3.2;
          • student #2, Mary, with a semesterGPA of 3.5;
          • student #3, Emily, with a semesterGPA of 3.0, and
          • student #4, Peter, with a semesterGPA of 2.5,
          • which will give a group average GPA of (3.2 + 3.5 + 3.0 + 2.5)/4 = 3.05.
  • in (the class with the main method)
    • create 4 student objects
    • create a group object g1 using the 4 student objects above
    • Using the group object (instance, variable) in
      • Display the group name, and information about each student in the group
      • Display the group average GPA
      • Display the semesterGPA of the third student in the group (retrieving information from the student class variables in the group, not from student variables in the app).
      • Pay attention, you have to use the group object (instance, variable) in
        • Something like System.out.println(g1.______________);
    • repeat the same process for another group object g2.


  • .zip file exported from NetBeans
  • Also upload a PDF File of the source code (you can copy and paste the text of each class into a Word Doc or Google Doc and upload either the .doc or .docx file or a pdf file)

Respond to the following discussion in about 150 words

Question Description

Differential Backup

The differential backup is a backup of all of progressions built since the last full support. With differential backups, one full backup does indeed initial, and consequent backup works are the sequences realized since the previous full backup. The outcome is really a considerably speedier backup than a full backup regarding every backup run. Storage devices space applied is really a great deal not about a full backup, nevertheless, more compared to Incremental backups. Reestablishes are usually more slowly compared to a full backup nevertheless ordinarily quicker compared to Incremental backups (Ray Rankins, 2013).

Our setup a differential backup employment or errand being performed nightly out of Wednesday for you to Friday. Expect an individual play out a person’s first backup on Monday. That first backup will possibly be a full backup considering that you haven’t performed every back-ups previous this. About Tuesday, the differential backup will just backup the information which may have transformed considering that Wednesday as well as completely new paperwork combined with the backup organizers. About Wednesday, the records transformed, along with elements included considering that Monday’s full backup will probably be replicated again (Heng, 2009).

Mirror Backup

Mirror backups are generally as the name states a reflection of the source planning down. Using reveal copies, if a document in the source erases, that will record can be in the end moreover taken out in the mirror backup. Combined these lines, reveal copies must made use of having a stern warning since folders that will erases coincidentally or via infection might moreover make the mirror copies be erased as well Several never contemplate a mirror to be a backup. A number of online backup administration’s offer a mirror backup with a 30-day erase. This signifies whenever you get rid of accurate documentation for your origin, that will document can be continued the capacity remote computer with regard to at least 40 days to weeks before its in the long run erased (Heng, 2009).


Heng, D. G. (2009). A Manager’s Guide to Implement Your IT Disaster Recovery Plan. GMH Continuity Architects.

Ray Rankins, P. B. (2013). Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Unleashed. Sams Publishing.

Respond the following Discussion post in about 150 words

Question Description

ISS Cyber Security

Taraka Seerum

Campbellsville University

Every organization must know the critical importance of regular backing up computer systems and data and of being able to restore any or all of them in the event of a system outage, hardware failure, natural disaster or other data loss. Creating a backup plan for your data before such an event occurs can help you to avoid such disasters.

Some of the backup strategies are

External Hard Drives

One of the most important data backup strategies we can take as a preventive measure against loss of data is to copy all the content from CPU to an external hard disk drive (Lewis, 2019). In order to make this possible, we can purchase an external drive at any store and the prices of these drives usually depends on the amount of data they can hold (Lewis, 2019).

Online Data Backups

Another effective way to backup data is to use online services. We can avail these services through yearly or monthly basis payments (Lewis, 2019). The advantage of using this data backup plan is that it allows us to have an additional place to store our data in addition to an external hard drive (Lewis, 2019).

Use of Cloud Backup Strategies

Businesses are increasingly using IT services and it is essential to use a cloud backup that will keep your data safe and protected (Edwards, 2019). Without a safeguard, your company can lose valuable data through a natural disaster or malicious software (Edwards, 2019). Fortunately, data backup and recovery has never been simpler (Edwards, 2019). Cloud is generally considered as a safe and reliable place to store data. Storage in cloud usually do not lose or damage files (Idealstor, 2019). Using cloud backup strategies, organizations can have reliability, security in file transfer, reduced costs, better management of IT resources, improves compliance safeguards and eliminates tape backups (Idealstor, 2019).


Edwards, J. (2019). Why is a cloud backup strategy necessary? Retrieved from

Idealstor. (2019). Seven Benefits of Cloud Backup. Retrieved from

Kay, R. (2006). Backup Strategies. Retrieved from

Lewis, J. (2019). Data Backup Strategies. Retrieved from

week4 week4

Question Description