ENTD261 discussion response

Question Description


I need two responses of at least 150 words each for the below students discussions for this week. Also in the bold below are the questions the students at answering.


What are modules in Python? How can you secure Python modules.

Student one:

Just like other scripting languages, if you want to create a longer program using Python it is best to use a text editor. When creating a script, and the program gets to be long, you may even want to split your script into multiple files for maintenance purposes. To support this type of work, Python can put definitions in a file, and use them in a script. This type of file is called a module. Definitions from a module can be imported into other modules. According to docs.python.org, “a module is a file containing Python definitions and statements.”

Python modules can host executable statements, and function definitions. These types of statements are meant to initiate a module, and is only executed during the first time a module name is encountered during an import statement. All modules have a private symbol table that is used as a global symbol table for all functions defined within a module.

As great as Python is, it is still vulnerable to attacks. Therefor users should secure their scripts. One way to maintain security is to use the most up to date version, which is Python 3. Although Python 2.7 is still supported, and used by many it was announced that Python 2 will end 1 January 2020. Another great tool is to scan your code with Bandit to pinpoint vulnerabilities. When it comes to modules, you need to watch your import statements. There are two types of imports, absolute import, and relative import. An absolute import will use an entire path of a module, while a relative import start at the path of a current module.


Denbraver, Hayley. Python Security Best Practices Cheat Sheet. 28 Feb 2019. https://snyk.io/blog/python-security-best-practices-cheat-sheet/

Python Software Foundation. Modules. 01 Oct 2019. https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/modules.html


Student two:

Hi All

A python module is simply a python file that contains python statements, python definitions, or/and python code . A python file is just a file which has a “.py” extension. A python statement can be an import or a print statement inside a python file. Python definition is of course a python function that might take in parameters and return a value or a function that accomplish specific action for the overall program. Python code can be a full runnable python program with classes and functions or just few lines that achieve an action. Python modules can be compiled together to create a python package.

Python code like node.js code or c# code from security or lack of security perspective. Securing Python code requires almost the same security measure as node.js where input values must be sanitized and controlled before they are accepted and used.

Python developers have created extra advanced measure to secure python code. For example, defusedxml is a third party library that was developed by Christian Heimes to add safe-guards measures against “billion laughs” or external entity expansion (EEE) attacks. These attacks can consume multiple gigabytes of RAM when python XML parser tries to parse the payload.

Another way to secure python code is to prevent security vulnerabilities. This can be done by using another tool called Bundit where it scans each .py file. This tool create an abstract syntax tree (AST) then it runs security plugins to common software security issues.

Besides using third-party tools to scan codes to securely parse xml stream, the developer can follow best-practices when coding. Experienced python developers recommend checking SSL certification when making http requests. Also, they recommend not to deserialize data from an unknown or untrusted sources.


Project 1. Identify, Define & Describe a Business Information System

Question Description


For this assignment, you will need to use (1) your textbook, (2) the class lecture, and (3) some type external resource (e.g., news article, website) to identify a specific business information system and fully define and describe it.

  • Use APA style
  • Include a title page with a clear title that conveys the purpose and specific IS of this paper. For example: Identifying and Describing the Components of UNA’s DegreeWorks Information System
  • Include the sections as detailed below. Number each section (01, 02, 03…)
  • For all textbook terminology and other technical terminology, use boldface for the word(s) and define/describe upon the first usage.
  • submit via TurnItIn with an Originality Score of 17% or less
  • Review the scoring rubric for this assignment

  1. Introduction
    Begin with a purpose statement, for example, “The purpose of this paper is to thoroughly identify a specific business information system to …”

    Identify a specific business-related information system. This might be from your own personal business experience, as a student, one you’ve read about. You must be able to find sufficient information about this system to complete the assignment. Be careful not to disclose any company confidential information.

    Do not select a consumer-facing application, such as Uber or Gmail, but instead a complete “system” used in an organization. The organization may be not-for-profit or a government organization.
    HINT: If you are having difficulty identifying an IS, consider your role as a Student at UNA and what systems you interact with.

  2. Background of the System
    Next, include all necessary conceptual and contextual information to (1) demonstrate your understanding of the System, and (2)provide sufficient background to the reader. This background section could include any history or recent events (e.g., new regulations, system changes, cybersecurity incidents) and should include all relevant textbook terminology. For example, include CRM (p. 49) if you are identifying this type of system.

    HINT: Include terms from the SDLC. How does fully identifying and describing an IS fit within the SDLC Framework?

  3. Define & Describe of the System
    Drawing from your textbook and the classroom lecture (i.e., Cumbie’s IS Model), step through each component of an information system and fully describe each component. You may choose to include a table for the TECHNICAL components of the system that lists the specific hardware, software, network, and database applications in use with this system.

    HINT: Do not forget INPUTS and OUTPUTS (part of the PROCESS component in Cumbie’s Model)

  4. Business Value
    Further discuss the end-goal of this IS, that is, the Business Value. This may include costs, revenues, operational criticality, shortcomings, etc. In your discussion, consider ongoing trends in IT and IS and how they may affect this IS. For example, how do Cloud Services and Smart Phone Apps relate to this system?
  5. Conclusion

    Finish with a brief section with your closing thoughts, insights, and suggestions for future directions for this System. Identify any limitations that you faced (e.g., not having access to know a specific database product being used).

  6. References

    Include a reference section in APA format. At a minimum, this should include your textbook.References to software applications and class lectures should be included as footnotes.

Rubric hints;

  • Instructions:
    • Submit via TurnItIn with the proper sections and requirements
  • Format:
    • Crisp & Clear. Sufficient self-describing detail, clear purpose statement, organization (e.g., numbered headings), citations & footnotes, offset technical terms (e.g. boldface textbook & lecture terms)
  • Technical:
    • Describe & Define all technical terms. Include terms from lectures, include external information
  • Accuracy
    • Includes sufficient technical terms with no major omissions
  • Quality (over Quantity)
    • A comparative score to other submissions that stands out in any one area
    • Above and beyond in any one area

Research paper on Cyber Incident Response Plan of 7 pages in APA format

Question Description

  1. Topic: Cyber Incident Response Plan Overview: A computer security incident is a violation of (or imminent threat of) a violation of computer security policies, acceptable use policies, or standard security practices. As successful Doctoral candidate that completes ITS 834 you must be able to:
    • Define and structure metrics to manage cybersecurity engineering.
    • Identify and evaluate existing capabilities for cybersecurity engineering.
    • Identify competency and capability gaps for cybersecurity engineering.
    • Define and prioritize cybersecurity engineering needs.
    • Explore the options for addressing cybersecurity engineering needs.
    • Summarize and plan for improvements in cybersecurity engineering performance.

    Scenario: You have just been appointed as the Chief Technology and Digital Innovation Officer (CTO) in the City of New Cumberland (See “City of New Cumberland Organizational Structure” diagram). In the recent months, several team members from the Incident response team, research and development, and the IT team manager were fired due to their alleged involvement with cyber incidents. The city manager is concerned that the firing of the employees may cause them to retaliate and/or disrupt the critical services in the City of New Cumberland. Additionally, the city manager believes there may be an unmanageable amount of attack surfaces in the current network design. As your first as the CTO, the city manager has asked that you:

    1. develop a cyber incident response plan that addresses the concerns (should contain a high-level flow chart – see “Example incident response flow chart” and a brief description of how it is supposed to work),
    2. restructure your CISO and CIO teams as you see fit (diagram and description),
    3. provide an analysis of potential threats and vulnerabilities,
    4. summarize your organization revisions and provide key areas of focus for your current and future employees.

    Guidelines for Submission: Using APA 6th edition style standards, submit a Word document that is 5-7 pages in length (excluding title page, references, and appendices) and include at least five credible scholarly references to support your plan. The UC Library is a good place to find these sources. Be sure to cite and reference your work using the APA guides and essay template that are located in the courseroom. Include the following critical elements in your cyber incident response plan:

    1. A cyber incident response plan that addresses the concerns:
      1. Retaliation and/or disruption of critical services in the City of New Cumberland from a previous employee.
      2. Address the attack surfaces in the current network design.
    2. A diagram and associated descriptions of the cyber incident response plan.
    3. A diagram and associated descriptions of your restructuring plan for the CISO and CIO teams.
    4. An analysis of potential threats and vulnerabilities
    5. A summary of everything covered by your plan.
    • Please ensure your paper complies APA 6th edition style guidelines. There is an essay template located under the Information link.
    • APA basics:
      • Your essay should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″)
      • Use 1″ margins on all sides, first line of all paragraphs is indented ½” from the margin
      • Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font
    • Follow the outline provided above. Use section headers to improve the readability of your paper. If I cannot read and understand it, you will not earn credit for the content.

    See “How to Build Your Cyber Incident Response Plan” from SANS.orgThis assignment is worth 190 points.ITS834_Cyber_Incident_Response_Plan_Guidelines_and_Rubric.pdf

  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Research Methodology Discussion Response

Question Description

I’ve provided two discussions that need to be responded. It doesn’t need to be too long. Just, 4 and 5 sentences are enough for each discussion. The following is this week’s discussion topic”In this week’s discussion board, discuss your thoughts about your Research Methodology focusing on:

  • What research methodology are you planning to use and why?
  • How does your selected research methodology differ from, at least, one other research methodology?

Remember to use a formal writing style and cite where appropriate.”

Discussion1=”My methodology for my traditional research topic, Artificial Intelligence impact on the traditional processes of customer service, will be exploratory methodology. Although Artificial Intelligence has been around since 1955, the usage of this technology is just picking up momentum. With that in mind using an exploratory method of research will allow more “flexibility and investigative approach to my research” (Research Methodology, 2019). I plan to incorporate a mixture of quality and quantitative methods. Existing use cases and articles will provide the data needed to research my topic. There isn’t a need for outside interactions with this methodology. However, Action research methodology requires outside participation (Dick, B., Passfield, R. & & Wildman, P. 1995-2000)

Action research methodology takes on a more hands approach to research. Project management tools are used to test your hypothesis. When conducting an action research, iterations are done in effort to solve a problem. The researcher will need to conduct four steps to test their hypothesis. Plan, act, observe, and reflect are done in phases until an expected outcome is reached. (Dick, B.,2000). With the exploratory method, clear conclusion may not be reached, but a clear overview of the topic is provided to persuade the audience.”

Discussion2=“The research methodology that I am planning to use for my project which is “Insider Threat” will be a combination of exploratory and conclusive research. Exploratory studies are designed to focus only on the research area, and they do not attempt to offer a final and conclusive research questions. Conclusive studies, on the contrary, aim to provide final and conclusive answers to research questions (Research Methodology, 2019). The mixture of both methodologies will allow me to test my formulated hypothesis and find out new problems that haven’t been explored before.

In addition, Insider Threat (a current or former employee, contractor, or other business partner who has or had access to an organization’s network, infrastructure, or data and decided to intentionally missed that access to negatively violate the integrity, the availability, and the confidentiality of the organizations information or information systems (Department of Homeland Security, 2014)) is becoming the main issue of many organization as the problem keep rising. Now how do we solve this problem or prevent this problem from happening? To answer this question, a problem-oriented research methodology will be used. With this methodology, I will be able to understand the exact nature of the problem and find out possible and relevant solutions to the existing problems (Bhat, 2019).

My selected research methodology differ from a basic research methodology which is mostly conducted to enhance knowledge. It covers fundamentals aspects of research. The main motivation of this research is knowledge expansion. It is a non-commercial research and doesn’t facilitate in creating or inventing anything (Bhat, 2019). That being said, this methodology will not help me achieve my goal due to its simplicity and limitation.”

NOTE: If you do not know how to reply to the discussions, please do not apply for the assignment in the first place. I do not want to go over the assignment, after you got it.

What type of device or software would you use to protect an organizations network?

Question Description

In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 300 words), and respond to at least 2 peers’ postings (recommended minimum 75 words).

There are many network devices and software programs that an organization can use to protect its network. Select a device or software that is currently used successfully. Describe the device or software, and explain how the typical organization uses the device to mitigate threats to the network. Explain why this would be your first choice if you could only afford one. Choose the posting of another student and respond by asking questions and agreeing or disagreeing with the other student’s choice. State your reasons for any disagreement.


During much of my research I have run across the term Intrusion Prevention and Detection systems which covers a broad spectrum of both hardware and software components. One of these types of components is the Juniper IDP 10, 100, 500, and 1000 which is hardware based. The great thing about this hardware is it is compatible with different operating systems where some are only compatible with Windows and it has clear upgrade paths but currently it costs around $20,000 US (Tett, 2044). When first deploying the Juniper the perimeter of the network needs to be defined and the points where the IDP machine, or “sensors”, needs to be decided (Tett, 2044). Once that has been done each sensor will report back to a management server which will collect all logs, and maintains and stores all the policies and access information which the security team can remotely access the server to check the logs, run reports, and manage the configurations of the sensors (Tett, 2044).The Juniper provides a great scalable solution for organizations with a large distributed network that may need different speeds or classes in different locations, and it reduces administrative overhead by having a centralized management and administration console (Tett, 2044).

Coordinated Threat Control is an important feature available on the Juniper IDP that can effectively identify, stop, and remediate users who pose network or application-layer threats while detecting security events and blocking threats all done in real time (“Coordinated Threat Control”, 2010). The three benefits to using the available Coordinated Threat Control feature is it provides comprehensive threat prevention and detection utilizing leading technology that can detect and block most network worms based on software vulnerabilities, it provides correlated threat information that can identify the source of the attack and provide administrators with complete visibility into the security event, and finally it provides a coordinated threat response that blocks the threat before reaching the intended target which is the main purpose of any security device being used (“Coordinated Threat Control”, 2010). This is a great tool that can be used in any mid to large organization but might be too costly and robust for smaller organizations so it all depends on the needs and even scale of the network to determine what network security devices should be used.


Tett, M. (2004, Aug 20). Detection and Prevention: 6 Intrusion Detection Systems Tested. ZDNet. Retrieved from https://www.zdnet.com/article/detection-and-prevention-6-intrusion-detection-systems-tested/

“Coordinated Threat Control”. (2010). Juniper Networks. Retrieved from https://www.ndm.net/ips/pdf/junipernetworks/Juniper%20Application%20Notes%20Coordinated%20Threat%20Control.pdf


Think about alert software. In the Air Force, we used Fluke network devices to assist us with processes and finding network packets or potential threats. There was also SolarWinds and Wireshark. Think about a few of these and make some comments. i’m looking forward to it.




Provide replies to below discussion

Question Description

Please go through the below discussion and provide a reply for each discussion in respect of their thought.

words :100 for each discussion reply

Main Que:Your senior vice president tells you “Its ok to manage our change efforts from your office”. Why is this wrong?

Sakshi:Change is never easy, whether it’s at home or work environment. When faced with an expected or unwelcome transition/change, it’s human nature to immediately deny or doubt about that change. Hence, any change requires proper planning, execution and management at all levels. And, this cannot happen by just sitting in your office. When a change takes place, it’s not just re-strategizing organization processes or fundamentals, it’s more about preparing your team members to adopt that change. Change management can happen at the individual level or organizational/enterprise level, and all this requires a step by step procedure to follow. As we have learnt through the Kotter’s 8 step process- creating and communicating the sense of urgency is something to begin with and this communication needs a lot more efforts than just sitting in the office.

The senior leadership should be involved with implementing and attending meetings where they convey (communicate) a well-structured message on how the change will affect employees and what benefits would it bring in. Various communication channels should be utilized by employees to raise their concerns or questions on change. Constant involvement at all levels is must and accomplishment should be communicated all around the firm. Hence, a change is not merely about instructing people while sitting in office, it’s more about showing a collaborative effort and walking step by step by as a team.


The statement is wrong for multiple reasons. A change initiative involves a lot of uncertainty around the new process, reason behind the change, expectations from the employees and other such things. According to one survey of more than half a million U.S. employees, almost one-third don’t understand why these changes are happening.

This can be detrimental for any company trying to implement change. When employees don’t understand why changes are happening, it can be a barrier to driving ownership and commitment and can even result in resistance or push back. And employees’ resistance to change is a leading factor for why so many change transformations fail.

Executives and those responsible for leading change cannot assume that employees understand the reasoning behind them. You must spend time explaining the changes and why they are important.

As a manager, it is important to be out there talking and interacting with the employees- explaining them the reason for the change and helping them embrace it with open minds. It is also essential to listen to their thoughts and anxiety and make them feel comfortable about their feelings. Whether it’s a major restructuring or a modification to a well-established procedure, change (or even the anxiety over impending change) can unsettle your employees and negatively impact the workplace. Sometimes employees will express their anxiety directly to you, but other times their anxiety becomes apparent through changes in their behavior or performance. This is especially the case when change threatens their comfortable and stable routines. It is important to take time to observe and listen to the pulse of your organization, and then take steps to deal with the anxiety that you may detect.

Read the story below. In a paragraph or two, 200-250 words, describe what you would do if you were Fred now faced with this challenge. What would be someways to move this project forward?

Question Description

What would you do?

Read the story below. In a paragraph or two, 200-250 words, describe what you would do if you were Fred now faced with this challenge. What would be someways to move this project forward? Flippant responses such as quitting, finding a new job, or nothing at all, while real life options and probably what Fred’s predecessor did, are not acceptable responses for the purposes of this discussion. If you borrow ideas from other sources, properly cite them.

It Really Happens!

Like many people, Fred Jones thought he had a difficult job. As the Information Systems Manager in a small school district, he was responsible for operating a district-wide computer network–everything from installation and maintenance to user support and training. While it was clearly not a one-man job, he was his own one-man staff. Fred had tried to explain to his superintendent that the district’s network was vulnerable to a range of threats because his small budget and non-existent staff prevented him from handling system security effectively, but his warnings had always been ignored.

One morning at a staff meeting, and much to Fred’s surprise, the superintendent announced that he had read a newspaper article about a student breaking into a neighboring school district’s computer system and changing report card records. The boss proceeded to declare that Fred was now being charged with developing and instituting a computer security policy for the school district.

As soon as the meeting was over, Fred approached the superintendent to request an appointment for them to discuss a shared vision for development of the security policy. “Effective security policy requires input and commitment from the whole organization, so I think we should sit down and map out a plan for developing our security policy,” Fred asserted.

But the superintendent declined the invitation to participate in the policy-development process. “Fred, I’m just too busy to get involved in this project. I trust you to do a job that will make us all proud.” When Fred asked about expanding his staff and budget to meet the increased workload, the superintendent again dismissed the issue. “Fred, times are tough and the budget is lean. Maybe next year we’ll be able to work something out. In the meantime, you get cracking on securing our system as if your job depends on it… in fact, I guess your job does depend on it.”

Fred watched his unrealistic, if well-intentioned, boss walk away, realizing that his job was no longer difficult, but truly impossible. He was now expected to develop, institute, manage, and monitor an organization-wide security policy without assistance, consent, or buy-in from a single employee, much less empowered high-level administrators. He knew that the organizational support he failed to receive meant that there was little chance of his being able to effectively secure the system–and that it was just a matter of time before a significant breach in system security would take place. Fred found himself in the terrible position of being responsible for stopping the inevitable, yet powerless to do so.

Security policy: Development and implementation. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/pubs98/safetech/chapter3.asp

Write a c++ program to add word to the prefix tree

Question Description

A prefix tree is a data structure that stores a collection of words in a tree structure. Each node in a prefix tree represents a single character in a word, and it has up to 26 children, one for each letter of the alphabet. Since words can appear inside other words, prefix tree nodes also keep track of whether a word ends after their character.

For example, the prefix tree containing the words be, bee, bed, best, and cat would look like the tree below (nodes that end words have a double circle):


Note that the root node doesn’t have an associated letter; the first letter of the word is a child of the root node. Also, nodes will never have more than one child for the same letter: the words “be”, “bee”, “bed”, and “best” all share the “b” node below the root.

Your task for this lab is to implement two member functions for a PrefixTree class. The first member function is addWord. This function accepts a string, and it adds nodes to the PrefixTree so that this word is included. For example, to add the word “car” to the tree above, you would need to add a new node containing “r” below the “a” node. To add “dog”, you would need to add 3 new nodes (“d”, “o”, and “g”) below the root node.

The second member function to implement is contains. This function accepts a string and returns whether that word has been added to the PrefixTree. The prefix tree above contains “be”, but it doesn’t contain “beer” or “bes”.

You have been provided with some code to get you started.

The most relevant member functions are described below:

  • PrefixTree::getRoot(): returns the root node of the PrefixTree
  • PrefixTreeNode::getChild(char): returns the child of this node corresponding to the given letter (null pointer if that child doesn’t exist)
  • PrefixTreeNode::addChild(char): adds a child to this node that corresponds to the given letter
  • PrefixTreeNode::isFinal(): returns whether this node is the end of a word
  • PrefixTreeNode::setFinal(bool): changes whether this node ends a word

The provided driver file accepts 4 different commands. The “quit” command ends the program, while typing “add word” will add a word to the PrefixTree (replace “word” with what you want to add). Typing “search word” will print out whether the tree contains that word, and typing “print” will print out a representation of the PrefixTree. The print functionality prints children after their parent, and if a node has multiple children, they appear as a comma-separated list in parentheses. Letters that end a word are capitalized. For example, the prefix tree in the example above would be printed as “(bE(D,E,sT),caT)”. The print function is already implemented, so you can use this to test your addWord function.

You should submit a source file that contains the definitions of the missing addWord and contains member functions of PrefixTree.

Implementation of Authentication Process

Question Description

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

  • Design and document a secure wireless local area network (WLAN) authentication process.

Assignment Requirements

Other than the Internet, probably no aspect of technology will have more impact on the classroom than the wireless local area network (WLAN), which may soon become as indispensable to the educational mission as chalkboards and textbooks. In the 21st century, technological literacy will be a primary determinant of whether a student succeeds or fails later in life. The ability to access and work with a wide range of information technology (IT) applications will be critical to ensuring this literacy. The benefits of a pervasive wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) deployment in primary and secondary education include:

  • Infrastructure Flexibility: School districts’ learning technology needs can be as unpredictable as class sizes. A WLAN can be quickly rolled out virtually anywhere, without the need for extensive retrofitting of existing infrastructure.
  • Speed: Classroom productivity is measured in terms of how much can be taught in a short period of time. Students can access a WLAN-enabled learning environment in a matter of seconds, without special connections, transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) changes, or a tangle of cables. Teachers can focus on teaching and students can focus on learning.
  • Resource Mobility: A WLAN allows technology-learning tools such as laptops to be moved to wherever students are, rather than vice-versa. This makes the concentration of mobile computing resources possible in a single classroom while maximizing hardware utilization and a return on the investment.

Deploying WLAN in the classroom can bring enormous benefits, but there are some unique challenges to this environment. For a start, school IT staff is often stretched thin by the support demands of a large number of users, so the WLAN solution cannot require time-intensive configuration and administration. Schools also pose wireless coverage challenges because of the conflict between their sprawling layouts and the need to provide connectivity to multiple users in the confined area of a classroom. In addition, given the uncertainties of the school budget process, WLAN deployment costs must be kept low, leveraging existing infrastructure where possible, and offering advantages in terms of scale and price.

After reading the given information on the requirements of a school’s WLAN, your task for this assignment is to prepare a professional report. The report should focus on the following:

  • Identify the potential user groups and users of WLAN in a school environment.
  • Assess the WLAN for probable risks in a school environment.
  • Specify security requirements by user class or type.
  • Mock-up a simplified data classification plan.
  • List and justify particular applications and protocols that should be allowed on the WLAN.
  • Determine whether personal digital assistants (PDAs) should be allowed to access the WLAN.

Required Resources


Submission Requirements

  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
  • Citation Style: APA
  • Length: 1–2 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

  • I understood and have employed the WLAN requirements in a school environment in the authentication process.
  • I have identified the WLAN users by class or type and their access requirements.
  • I have specified the minimum protocols allowed on the network.
  • I have provided adequate rationale for allowing or disallowing PDAs on the network.
  • I have followed the submission requirements.

RFID and GPS when being used to children track subjects. IT Capstone Project

Question Description

RFID and GPS when being used to children track subjects.

RFID and GPS when being used to children track subjects.

would plan to do for your capstone project. As I suggested, youcan research top five or ten children tracking products using eitherRFID and GPS, do comparisons, and make recommendations. Compare pros andcons of RFID and GPS when being used to track subjects.

Project Proposal

All projects must be initially documented in a project proposal. The document should be concise and include the following:

  • Cover Page;
  • Honor Pledge (The university honors pledge is required on the honor pledge page of each assignment:
    “On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment.”)
  • Table of Contents;
  • Objective;
  • Client or customer, if any;
  • Faculty Advisor;
  • Project Plan (including planned schedule);
  • Resources;
  • Expected Outcomes;
  • Knowledge being applied;
  • Risk factors; and
  • Importance and contributions your work would make to the relevant fields

Theobjective is limited to one paragraph that succinctly describes thescope of the selected project and the client, if any. If you are doingthe work for a client, the client must be described and contactinformation given. You must provide details of your faculty mentor,including the expertise that they have to help you with this project.

TheProject Plan should be as detailed as possible, and include estimatesfor the start and end date of each activity and the level of effortrequired in each task. The goal is to make sure that all the tasks aredefined and that an assessment of level of effort is complete. If tasksare to be done by others, or require involvement by others, includingyour faculty mentor, this should be identified in the project plan.

Theresources section is particularly important if you are doing a projectthat requires equipment (e.g., the Raspberry Pi). You must provide alist of the resource requirements and how they will be obtained. Ifthere is a cost associated with the resources, this should beidentified.

The expected outcomes should define the expectedresults of the project. If this is a research report, an outline of thereport should be given. If it is a project, it should be a descriptionof the results from the project (e.g., a Web site).

Knowledgebeing applied section should discuss which courses in your bachelor’sprogram will provide the basis of your project. If you have obtained theknowledge above and beyond the coursework (such as self-learning.Industry certifications, or internship/work), you are encouraged todocument them in this section.

Risk factors section should discusswhether there are specific things that could negatively impact yourproject. Are you dependent on an organization rolling out a new product?What happens if that product gets delayed? What happens if you needspecial resources and they are not available? What issues and challengesmight you run into this semester? You should also consider any riskfactors for your client. For example, while your solution may solve onetechnical challenge for the client, would it introduce problemselsewhere in the organization? Would it eliminate jobs? What would afull-scale production deployment of your solution involve? Could thecustomer/client afford this?


  • Three or more pages, excluding the cover page, honor pledge and table of contents;
  • One and half line spacing;
  • Font type: Times New Roman;
  • Font size: 12 points;
  • Must comply with the APA format (both in-text citations and bibliography).