Brief original essay about Dos attack.

Question Description

Using WORD, write an ORIGINAL brief essay of 300 words or more:

  • Find a DoS attack that has occurred in the last six months
  • Please note how that attack was conducted.
  • Write a brief explanation of how you might have defended against that specific attack.

computer architecture project.

Question Description

The project is attached and all instructions are in there. please follow all the instructions and also follow the requirements for the report it should be pdf. please put everything in a zip file unless the report should be pdf and individual. thanks!

CS 3372 Formal language and Theory of computing

Question Description

Please help me do these eight questions and give me the answers on time.

The homework is in the first file.

The second and third documents are chapters 7 and 8.

If you need any materials, please contact me and let me know.

Need a short paper of 600 words f

Question Description

I need answer for 8.4 exercise

Detailed and significant answers will be allotted full point value. Incomplete, inaccurate, or inadequate answers will receive less than full credit depending on the answers provided. Plagiarism will be awarded ZERO points (no makeups, no excises).

computer networks

Question Description

Name HW#5

Due Date Sunday, November 24, 2019 11:59:00 PM EST

Total points: 20

Due: 11/24

Part-1: Solve the following Questions/Problems end of Chapter 8 pp. 744-752

R3, R9, R10, P1, P18, P19.

Part-2: Solve the following Questions/Problems end of Chapter 9 pp. 783-785

R5, R6, R7, P1.

Enterprise Report writing

Question Description

Begin thinking of a business problem that could be solved with a technology solution for a company or organization you are familiar with. See the Course Project Technical Areas for ideas.

  • Subject of Course Project
  • Business problem statement
  • Name of the company or organization

Have you or someone you know ever received a chain letter, phishing message, or some other fraudulent message via email? If so, please share this experience. Explain what type of message it was and what you did to get rid of it.

Question Description

Have you or someoneyou know ever received a chain letter, phishing message, or some otherfraudulent message via email? If so, please share this experience.Explain what type of message it was and what you did to get rid of it.

150-200 words

This is a networking Fundamental’s project. IT135

Question Description

All you have to do is asset inventory, risk assessment, and security policy.

I have included all the instructions for these project. The only hard part is making up security policy, the rest is easy.

here are the instrcutions and the files.

Write C++ for this paper

Question Description

Please write assignment in C or C++.

The attached are assignments and some of what I have written all starter_pack files in the starter_pack word document.The name of each file for example starter.cpp etc., is written at the end of each code

Cyber Security Course

Question Description

Discuss one of the most important things you will take from this course. You do not have to document your sources for this question. It is an opinion question

Please provide the report in APA format with minimum of 600 words