website with business report

Question Description

You need to provide proper documentation and create a website of your choice.

The required documents to be submitted for this project are:

  • Business Requirements Specification
  • Technical Requirements Specification
  • Scope Document
  • Problem Statement
  • Work Breakdown Structure(WBS)
  • Website Architecture
  • Sitemap
  • Prototypes and Mockups with clear navigations
  • Project Plan
  • Source Code
  • Database design and architecture
  • Test plan
  • Test Summary Report
  • Test Acceptance Report
  • Project Closure document

Project Management triangle

Question Description

Write a paper on project management triangle and project management processes

Project Management Triangle

Cost Management

Time Management

Scope Management

Project Management Processes




Monitoring and control


Please write a Paper with 8-10 pages in length and 16-20 references. Make sure the paper is in APA format

IT Importance in Planning – Case Study

Question Description

Please go through the attached Case Study.

Create your response to the challenge in Doc as a proposal you will submit to business strategy leadership in your selected company.

Format your response as an APA paper and include a bibliography with references/sources you have consulted in preparing your proposal

Emerging threats and countermeasures

Question Description

Questions : Evaluate collection methods necessary for computing components (e.g., network infrastructure, servers, and workstations) for evaluation and storage in a SIEM.


– 500 words

– Proper APA formatting required, SafeAssign used.

– Strictly No plagiarism.

– Please refer to Chapter 8- Collection in attached book besides other references

1000 word discussion

Question Description

The Security Operations Center (SOC) Team and the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) terms work towards keeping an organization safe in the world of cybersecurity. Define each of the teams and their roles and also list the main differences[more than one] between each team.

please look at the description file

Question Description

Create a structural model for 32-bit ALU using the for generate VHDL statement.

Test the entity: you may want to create several testbenches that test variousfunctionalities of the ALU.

2. Archive all relevant files for submission. Do not submit testbenches or waveformsused for intermediate testing.

Discussion- Enterprise Risk Management

Question Description

Chapters 2 and 16 described ERM usage in two distinct areas. Explain how these ERM processes are similar or different. Also describe if you would implement the same ERM or done something different. Do you think their ERM methodologies would be successful in the next years.

In this assignment, you must answer the “Answer Implying Guilty,” and the “Answer Implying Not Guilty” questions. Both responses must start by stating either “Yes” or “No” for each charge and a brief summary that explains why. One example of the first que

Question Description

In this assignment, you must answer the “Answer Implying Guilty,” and the “Answer Implying Not Guilty” questions. Both responses must start by stating either “Yes” or “No” for each charge and a brief summary that explains why. One example of the first question was provided.

short question 2

Question Description

Discuss the importance of planning and conducting employee security training for your employer, or an organization you are familiar with. Provide specific examples of what type of training should be conducted and how the training can result in a higher level of enterprise security.

(Don’t forget references)

Network Enterprise Solutions

Question Description

You work for a company that has many remote users. Occasionally, part of your network is infected with viruses. You discover that remote users are the cause of network infection. What can you do to prevent infection from remote users?

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words