1. You assignment should be 3 pages in length. APA. Write a survey to show the difference between Linux versions. The versions that you need to review are: Ubuntu, CentOs, Fedora and Debian. Following are some instructions for you assignment:

Question Description

1. You assignment should be 3 pages in length. APA.

Write a survey to show the difference between Linux versions. The versions that you need to review are: Ubuntu, CentOs, Fedora and Debian. Following are some instructions for you assignment:

Use at least 4 credible references, i.e. Wikipedia is not acceptable reference

data lake

Question Description

“Data Lake” is a new concept in enterprise data management paradigm. First of all, I am expecting all of you to do your research on Data Lake.

I want you to submit presentation that how Apache Hadoop is helping large organizations to deliver enterprise “Data Lake”.

shanki-big data-discussion 7

Question Description

Demonstrate your understanding of a relational databases by providing an example of its underlying data model and also discuss at least one data storage structure. Next, explain how data relationships are established. Please find examples and detail from external sources as well as chapters 10 and 11 in the course textbook.


Discussion- 7

Question Description

Demonstrate your understanding of a relational databases by providing an example of its underlying data model and also discuss at least one data storage structure. Next, explain how data relationships are established. Please find examples and detail from external sources as well as chapters 10 and 11 in the course textbook.

​Explain how cookies can show that a user has visited a site if that user’s history has been deleted.

Question Description

Explain how cookies can show that a user has visited a site if that user’s history has been deleted.

Optional: install Windows Historian and see the sites visited by a particular user.

Use your own words. Attach your WORD document here.

Cite the sources in APA Format

Malware Detection and Memory Inspection

Question Description

Make sure you include the following topic within your document:

  • Motivation for securing your selected topic.
  • Security Challenges with your selected topic.

Assignment instruction:

· Assignment deliverable length (3-4 pages) of new content.

· Apply APA style.

· Provide at least two references.

· Provide intext citation.

· No copy and paste from the internet will be accepted.

The question is about cyber law. Very generic.

Question Description

1. Using a Microsoft Worddocument, please post one federal and one state statute utilizing standardlegal notation and a hyperlink to each statute.

2. In the same document, pleasepost one federal and one state case using standard legal notation and ahyperlink to each case.

Should be 500+ words.

Requirements in attached pic. Pretty easy!

informative research paper on knowledge management

Question Description

In a 7-page informative research paper (excluding title page, table of contents, attachments, reference pages, or any other supporting information):

Define the KM cycle and its potential applications in a large, medium, and small organization.

What would be the difference between how each sized organization would employ the KM cycle.

short question

Question Description

Present and discuss your methodology regarding the information-seeking from different databases that can be used to find the information in a selected domain in Computer Science or Information Systems. Present the fixed references by indicating from which databases you have obtained them.

Support your discussion with at least five references.

the question in the pic

Question Description

Create a program that outputs a walk, trail, path, closed walk, circuit, and simple circuit of a given directed graph matrix. That matrix is to be hard coded as such…

1 2 2 1
2 1 2 1
2 2 1 2
1 1 1 0

– Make sure to program the matrix in to your code.

– Output an example of each, make sure they are labeled.