Project 4: Cloud Operations Plan and Training Presentation

Question Description

As the cloud computing architect, you will use your expertise to create internal operation guides and training.

In addition to the training presentation, the final Training and Operations Plan will include two guides:

  • an End-User Guide that will leverage the AWS Service Catalog and
  • an Admin Guide, which will include the runbook you previously created.

Managing Information Systems and Technology

Question Description

In a 2 to 3-page APA formatted written report, address the following concepts by providing in-depth analysis and details pertaining to implementation and strategic planning:

 Identify strategies to make virtual teams more productive

 Identify and discuss in detail, Knowledge Management (KM)

 Identify and discuss the factors that affect the decision to buy versus custom-building (in-house) software.

Do you agree with the conclusion in the article attached that says “Data wrangling is a problem and an opportunity.

Question Description

Please refer to the content listed in the Week-4 titled “Data Wrangling – Big -data.pdf. Do you agree with the conclusion in the article that says “Data wrangling is a problem and an opportunity”? Please present your analysis.

Please follow APA guidelines.

Please use additional references as per the need. Minimum of 3 references and you should cite them

3-4 Paragraph Reflection (Warren)

Question Description

Information Systems

Write a one page paper describing your thoughts about information systems after taking this course.

Describe at least 5 things that you have learned during this course, explain what you can do with this newly acquired knowledge.

At the conclusion of the paper make one goal for yourself. Something that you will do with this new ‘information’.

MIS201 Case Study, Driving Ari Fleet Management with Real-Time Analytics

Question Description

  • Why was data management so problematic at ARI?
  • Describe ARI’s earlier capabilities for data analysis and reporting and their impact on the business.
  • Was SAP HANA a good solution for ARI? Why or why not?
  • Describe the changes in the business as a result of adopting HANA.

no plagiarism

add references


understanding and summarizing for paper

Question Description


Attached paper need to be understood and summarized in presentation (PowerPoint file) with 8 – 10 slides. The request as below:

– Read and undersatand the paper.

– Highlight the main and important ideas (need to send me the original file with highlighting).

– Summarize these main ideas in a presentation (no rephrasing need, use same paper words)

Thank you.

i have 3 chapters to be done at my mindtop for finiace class

Question Description

its gonna be chapter 13 practice and test prep ( end of chapter problems )which have 3 problems left

chapter 15 practice and test prep ( end of chapter problems )which have 5 problems

chapter 16 practice and test prep ( end of chapter problems )which have 7 problems

so total of 15 problems

Please review the attached lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy. 1. Review the key phases of disaster recovery as outlined in chapter 10 of your textbook 2. Briefly discuss the disaster recovery phases in chapter 10 and their relation to the lessons

Question Description

3. Discuss how you would alter sample plan based on the lessons learned from Hurricane Sandy Article. (Do not give me a copy of the altered plan, simply explain in the paper what you would alter)

• Include at least Six (6) reputable sources.
• Your final paper should be 1,250-to-1,500-words, and written in APA Style.

BIS 245 Lab 7

Question Description


Submit the modified Lab7_Start.accdb file that you saved as YourName_Lab7.accdb to the Week 7 Lab for grading.

Part A: Develop the enter data, view reports, print reports, and customer database navigation forms.

Part B: Create the close database form and add it to the main database navigation form. Set the database options.

Business Intelligence

Question Description

1)In a 3-page informative research paper (excluding title page, table of contents, attachments, reference pages, or any other supporting information):

Note:Double Spaced paper

2)Define the KM cycle and its potential applications in a large, medium, and small organization. What would be the difference between how each sized organization would employ the KM cycle.

3)APA format