understanding and summarizing technical paper

Question Description


Attached paper need to be understood and summarized in presentation (PowerPoint file) with 10 – 15 slides. The request as below:

– Read and understand the paper.

– Highlight the main and important ideas (need to send me the original file with highlighting).

– Summarize these main ideas in a presentation (no rephrasing need, use same paper words)

– Technical details and figures explanation is expected.

Thank you.

Convert to base two floating point.

Question Description

Convert to base two floating point.

Work out the binary floating point for the following, using 10 bits for the mantissa and 6 bits for the exponent:






Convert from denary to base two floating point.

  • Convert the following positive numbers (10-bit mantissa and a 6-bit exponent) to denary :
  • 0 000000110000111
  • 0 000010111 000110
  • 0 000000100 001110
  • 0 000010111 000000

Have students read the article at http://www.techradar.com/us/news/world-of-tech/should-your-small-business-outsource-it–1309130 and answer the following class discussion questions:

Question Description

November 17, 2015: An article on TechRadar.com questions how outsourcing affects small business. Have students read the article at http://www.techradar.com/us/news/world-of-tech/should-your-small-business-outsource-it–1309130 and answer the following class discussion questions:

(1) What are the important factors leading an SMB to outsource?

(2) What factors would lead an SMB to insource?

(3) What is a hybrid strategy and how would you determine the tasks to outsource or insource?

​Review a Security Breach which occurred over the past year and develop a power point presentation with the following information. (5-15 slides). You can provide notes it warranted.

Question Description

Review a Security Breach which occurred over the past year and develop a power point presentation with the following information. (5-15 slides). You can provide notes it warranted.

  • Describe the incident
  • Provide Specifics about the incident.
  • What data or information was impacted?
  • Describe threat modeling techniques which could have assisted in the mitigation of breach.
  • How can the organization be better postured for future attacks?

Security Architecture & Design most critical and current threats effecting Internet

Question Description

1. Write an essay consisting of 400 to 600 words addressing thequestion below.
2. What do you see as the most critical and current threatseffecting Internet accessible websites and provide an example.
3. Use the APA format (required). A template is provided in MSWord.
4. Use double line spacing.
5. Check spelling and grammar.
6. Submit in MS Word format only (Do not submit in PDF).

Project 10 –Python programming

Question Description

For this project, write a short program in the Python language based on the following

specifications. Use the


web site to type and test your program. When you are done

with the testing, highlight and copy the Python code and paste it into a word processing program.

Save the file as a PDF file and submit it in Canvas.

Complete 3 paragraphs for Database Essentials Course (DEVRY)

Question Description

A small surgery center needs your help to create a database. The office manager has identified the following types of data (entities): patients, doctors, procedures and appointments.


-Discuss at least two security concerns should be discussed with a proposed solution to mitigate the
security issues

I need 3 full paragraphs and NO PLAGIARISM AT ALL…CITE ALL SOURCES

Telecommunication Technologies

Question Description

research different network technologies.

Based on your research and understanding, complete the following tasks:

  • Discuss the role of satellite technology in the Internet. Use a diagram to explain your answer.
  • Explain if WANs can function without using satellites. Why?
  • Describe two of the following WAN technologies and the role they play in telecommunications:
    • DSL
    • LTE
    • Cable modem

    Provide references for the citations in APA format

lease no plagiarism everything must be original. Two systems must be briefly discribe one per paragraph if must used outside source please provide citation.

Question Description

Is a value meal related to a value chain? The value that attracts morethan 60 million customers to McDonald’s every day comes fromcapabilities that are based in its value chain. Briefly describeMcDonald’s value chain and discuss how information systems facilitateeach component in the chain. Can you think of a way that informationtechnology could improve your next trip to McDonald’s?

​Discuss in 500 words or more the best practices for incident response in the cloud.

Question Description

Discuss in 500 words or more the best practices for incident response in the cloud.

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.