See the upload file and answer it

Question Description

Insert Text Boxes in the diagram to show internal IP numbers for the technologies below. To insert a text box: on the menu tab click Insert, Text Box. Also include the IP Class you will using and describe your IP Scheme for each group of devices.

EX: The last four octets for IP numbers 1-10 will be used for Switches, 220-225 for printers, and so on…

Ra-cyber security

Question Description

Upload your Term Project Paper here. You may write on any topic related to technology security.

You must use a minimum of 5 references, citing the references where you used the material within the paper itself.

– Assure you are citing in APA format

-You must use a minimum of one graphic or image (may use a table)

– Double space the paper

– You must use APA formatting (6th Edition)

Https vs VPN

Question Description

Both HTTPS and VPN are widely used in today’s systems. Clearly they serve quite different purposes. In terms of how they are implemented, what do they have in common? How do they differ? Why would you choose one over the other for specific types of applications? Cite two examples, one in which HTTPS is the better choice and one in which VPN is the better choice.

Journal reflection

Question Description

November 17, 2015: An article on questions how outsourcing affects small business. Have students read the article at–1309130 and answer the following class discussion questions:

(1) What are the important factors leading an SMB to outsource?

(2) What factors would lead an SMB to insource?

(3) What is a hybrid strategy and how would you determine the tasks to outsource or insource?


1.300-350 Words


3.No plagarism

Please look at the requirement section and answer it.

Question Description

1. Research a IT Innovation to incorporate into a company in the US. Detail the cost, the installation and how you would convince a “decision maker” to accept this innovation. Ensure that you submit this paper via SafeAssign. Your match must be less than 30%. This must be a MS Word document.

2. Please Create a PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate your findings from you paper.

Please look at the requirement section below and answer it.

Question Description

Research and create a 3000 word paper on your thoughts for the great impact(s) on IT and Economic Globalization. This paper must be an MS Word document in APA format. This paper must include at a minimal any definition of Economic Globalization, enablers for globalization, inhibitors of globalization, IT’s impact or detractor and others. Site examples based on research of events around the globe.

IT Auditor

Question Description

“IT Auditor”

  • Take a position on whether or not you would want to pursue a career as an IT auditor. Explain the key reasons why or why not. Explain the challenges auditors face as technology changes.
  • Imagine you are working as an IT auditor. Identify the three best practices you believe would be most useful when conducting audits for various businesses. Justify your choices.

Final Reflection Instructions (this is included as part of the survey)

Question Description

Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the work place ( 2 courses, you should write a total of 400-500 words).

Fall 2019 – InfoTech Import in Strat Plan (ITS-831-23) – Full Term

Fall 2019 – InfoTech in a Global Economy (ITS-832-08) – Second Bi-Term

Research paper on Emerging technologies with proper APA format with citations.

Question Description

Emerging technologies and practices in next-generation data analytics include blockchain, digital strategy, and Artificial Intelligence. Choose one of these technologies and research on it. Your research should include:

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

3. Methodology

4. How it works

5. Would you recommend the technology or practice? What factors guide your decision?

6. How does it relate to data visualization?

7. Conclusion

8. References

Use Times New Roman 12 font, double space.

Please discuss the technological changes that have been made since 2019 and how those changes have affected humanity, and how those changes have affected themselves.

Question Description

1. Using a Microsoft Word document, please assume you are a reporter writing ten years from today. Please discuss the technological changes that have been made since 2019 and how those changes have affected humanity, and how those changes have affected themselves. Please also discuss how cyberlaws have changed 10 years from today.

2. The minimum word count shall be not less than 500 words.