Database Management Assignment 4 (Clyde)

Question Description

For this assignment you need to complete questions A _ H on p. 136 of Chapter 5.

Write in complete sentences please and restate the question. Answer each question thoroughly

Submit your completed work for this assignment to the Dropbox of D2L in a timely manner. I don’t accept your works through means (e-mails, jump dives,, etc.) other than the Dropbox in D2L. No late works to be accepted.

Network Assignment

Question Description

This Assignment will be use a Software call Riverbed Modeler Academic Ed 17.5 (Please notice this software Only available to Window System)
Download link : (Require download USENAME and PW will be provide later)
Please let me know if you had any problem.

Full Instruction of the assignment will be upload below, Please review it and let me know if you will be able to do. Thanks

Cyber Security Paper

Question Description

Write on any topic related to technology security

You must produce a minimum of a 10 pages paper. You must use a minimum of 5 references, citing the references where you used the material within the paper itself.

– Assure you are citing in APA format

-You must use a minimum of one graphic or image (may use a table)

– Double space the paper

– You must use APA formatting (6th Edition)

Data base questions

Question Description

1- Compare and contrast between:

  • XML/Schema and RDF/Schema
  • ACID, CAP, and BASE theorems.
  • Relational Database, and Big data.
  • Hadoop 1.0, Hadoop 2.0 (YARN), and Spark
  • Centralized database and distributed database
  • Entity-relationship model, Object oriented model
  • ER diagram, EER diagram and Ontology
  • Relational, NoSQL, and NewSQL databases
  • Fragmentation, replication and duplication in distributed databases
  • Vertical and horizontal sharding

2- Choose one of the other database types, and write 2 pages about it and try to compare it with RDBMS

Cyber Security Week8

Question Description

You have been asked by management to secure the laptop computer of an individual who was just dismissed from the company under unfavorable circumstances. Describe how you would start this incident off correctly by properly protecting and securing the evidence on the laptop

Report should be about 2 pages with 2-3 APA citations & matching references.

Formatting: 12 TNR font; double space; clearly divided small paragraphs; bold & underline headings;

Trends in Risk Management. 0% Plagiarism and free from grammar articulation errors.

Question Description

Please briefly discuss an IT risk that you think is not well mitigated in your, or another, organization. Summarize why you think this is the case and how you would approach quantifying and mitigating this risk.

Please NOTE: This is NOT meant to be research papers but rather somewhat informal dialogue. However, if you paraphrase or directly quote a resource, then cite it properly using APA 6th.

Short Comouter Discussion (SOUTH)

Question Description

Discussion question:

Using Microsoft Excel, create a vacation budget listing 10-12 different things you’ll need to purchase for your chosen “dream” vacation.

Include the following columns:

  • Item Name
  • Item Description
  • Cost

Format the spreadsheet using 3-4 different formatting options – the choice is up to you. In addition, make sure to format the Cost column in the currency format, insert a picture, and create a header row listing the title “Vacation Budget”.

Complete Short Discussion Post for Information Systems (WARREN)

Question Description

Management Information Systems – Week 7 Assignment

Software Solution

Using tools and concepts learned this week to design a software solution to a problem in your life.

Your response should include at least 350 words and have a drawing, flow chart or mind map that documents your solution.

Create your assignment as a document that could be given to a programmer to write the application to perform the task you describe.

According to recent surveys, China, India, and the Philippines are the three most popular countries for IT outsourcing. Write a short paper (2-4 paragraphs) explaining what the appeal would be for US companies to outsource IT functions to these countries.

Question Description

Accordingto recent surveys, China, India, and the Philippines are the three mostpopular countries for IT outsourcing. Write a short paper (2-4paragraphs) explaining what the appeal would be for US companies tooutsource IT functions to these countries. You may discuss cost, laborpool, language, or possibly government support as your reasons. Thereare many other reasons you may choose to highlight in your paper. Besure to use your own words.

Lab servo Write a aurduino code

Question Description

A servo is a motor that rotates to a position determined by the width of a positive pulse that is applied to the control input. The servo motors come with white plastic horns that you attach to the shaft of the servo. This allows you to see and use the servo rotation.

The servo rotation is controlled by the positive pulse width of a control signal.