Paper on Emerging Technologies

Question Description

Emerging technologies and practices in next-generation data analytics include blockchain, digital strategy, and Artificial Intelligence. Choose one of these technologies and research on it. Your research should include:

just do from the attacchment

5. Would you recommend the technology or practice? What factors guide your decision?

7. Conclusion

8. References

Use Times New Roman 12 font, double space. Accurate facts and figures.

Any questions you may ask.

fill it to 6 pages. from the attachmnt it only remains 1.5 pages.


Question Description

Strategy Implementation Approach & Timeline: outlining the current state and target end state and key initiatives the company plans to pursue over the next three years; specifically what will be done in Year 1, Year-2, and Year-3.

o Outcomes & Measures: Define key performance indicators that will be monitored, measured, and reported over the next three years to track if business objectives have been achieved

: ISEM 500 Project 1 – Frank’s Furniture Store

Democratic leadership style in project management

Question Description

All discussions must be completed on-time and must include in-text citations and references in APA style formatting. If you do not use in-text citations or they are not in APA format you will lose points. If you do not have references or if they are not in APA format, you will lose points. (You do not need citations and references for secondary posts)

you are required to write an initial post (450 words) minimum.

Artificial Intelligence

Question Description

Exercise 1: Formulate the problem of a person who wants to cross a river with a chicken, fox, and grain using a boat that hold the man and one item only. Show how DFS and BFS behave.

Exercise 2: Given (IN THE UPLOADED FILE) the following initial and goal states, formulate the problem as a search problem and show how each of the following search strategies work in details.

BFS, DFS, IDS, Greedy, and A*.

CRM at Minitrex Case Study

Question Description

Read the CRM at Minitrex Case Study on pages 243-245 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study.

Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. All work must be 1 FULL page, single spaced, 12 font Times New Roman. The cover and reference page must be on separate pages. Please DO NOT include the question in your work as only your findings should be submitted.

final project for computer subjects

Question Description

Hi everyone i want you to do the work here

you have to see the filed that i attach

my topic about : (sustainability in Agriculture in California) you have to chose a county or school for this topic see the filed attach for more info

i need both word document and PowerPoint

Because im going to precent to topic

the word must be from 4-6 paper

ask me for more info

Read the CRM at Minitrex Case Study on pages 243-245 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study.

Question Description

Read the CRM at Minitrex Case Study on pages 243-245 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study.

Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. All work must be 1 FULL page, single spaced, 12 font Times New Roman. The cover and reference page must be on separate pages. Please DO NOT include the question in your work as only your findings should be submitted.

This is a discussion and needed with apa citations in 500 words.

Question Description

(a.) Why can an IT governance archetype be good for one type of IS decision but not for another?

(b.) When does cloud computing make sense for a large corporation that already has an IS organization? Give an example of when cloud computing might make sense for a start-up company.

(c.) Does a captive center resolve the concerns managers have about outsourcing to a third vendor? Why or why not?

Assignment 8

Question Description

Q.8.A. How can knowledge management systems help an organization increase profits and reduce costs?

Q.8.B. List and explain the five parameters that define a project. Give an example of each. INCLUDE SOURCES AND WRITE EVERYTHING IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Note: Your response should be at least 500-700 words(Each Questions) and address all parts of the question. You should include at least one source (this can be the textbook, chapter powerpoints, or other online sources).

What has been the biggest impact/topic from this course, you will try to apply to your current job? How do you plan to implement or incorporate the topics you have learned? How will you evaluate your success from incorporating these new topics?

Question Description

What has been the biggest impact/topic from this course, you will try to apply to your current job? How do you plan to implement or incorporate the topics you have learned? How will you evaluate your success from incorporating these new topics?

Make sure all your post and responses are minimum of 150 words. APA formatting is required along with scholarly sources.

the paper should be zero plagarism

need comments for 3 posts