Fix my research essay

Question Description

Who is your audience? If you are writing an article, you need to have an idea of who would publish it. Are you writing for a specific academic journal or a specific magazine? You cannot have “everyone” be your audience. The subject of your project is fine, but you need to tailor and format the writing for a specific audience. Without such information, it is difficult to help you because the needs of your audience will determine the expectations of your project.

Security Efforts – Situational Awareness

Question Description

Much of the security efforts of the past have been centered around prevention and protection. The increasing sophistication of cyber attacks have shown that no controls are 100% effective, and some compromises do occur. There is a rising realization that in addition to considering prevention and protection, controls that address detection and response are necessary to improve security posture.

Question: 300 words and no plagiarism please 2 APA references please
Please describe how situational awareness is a driver for detection and response controls.

Research Paper

Question Description

Write a Research paper on “Records Management in Organizations.” explain the below :

  • Records Management Business Justification
  • Why Is Records Management So Challenging?
  • Benefits of Electronic Records Management
  • Inventorying E-Records and Challenges
  • Generally Accepted Record keeping Principles
  • Best Practices for Managing Records

Paper length requirement is 12 pages of content from Title Page through References.

Must be in APA format with proper citations, double spaced with at least 5 APA scholarly references

The paper will contain a title page, abstract, introduction/topic paragraph, summary/conclusion, and reference page.

Course Overview and how it helps in work environment-ETC, IISP-2

Question Description

Role: at work place – Business Analyst

Courses – 1. Emerging Threats & Countermeas,
2. InfoTech Import in Strat Plan

PART A: Courses Overview in high level (No word limitation)


Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the work place (you should write a total of 400-500 words).


Please explain how you participate in business operations and decision making in your current position:

Access control security of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Question Description

Your research paper will cover a brief discussion on the security of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Describe what IoT is; what are some of the security risks and issues with IoT devices; what steps can be taken to mitigate these risks?

Minimum standards for an acceptable paper are as follows:

  1. The paper must be written in APA format.
  2. The minimum length of the discussion is 3 pages.
  3. The minimum number of references is 2.
  4. You must utilize the formatted template.
  5. Your draft file must be named <LastName_FirstName>_IoT.docx

Write the research paper for the mentioned topic in the requirements?

Question Description

The necessity of Information Governance in today’s business environment.

  • Analysis of Information Governance Systems, Policies, and People in Business
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of Information Governance
  • Solutions to Information Governance issues in today’s business environment

The course research paper is a formatted APA paper, 12pages, double spaced.

Paper length requirement is 12 pagesof content from Title Page through References.

The Final paper will contain atitle page, abstract, introduction/topic paragraph, summary/conclusion, andreference page.

You will need to include at least(3) peer-reviewed quality journal articles to support your research.

Complete Information Security Task (VIN)

Question Description

In a paper of 3–5 pages, complete the following:

  • Describe at least 2 cyber crimes (e.g., viruses and hostile codes) and how they can compromise privacy and data.
  • How can encryption be used to ensure integrity and maintain data privacy?
  • Describe a basic encryption algorithm and how it works.
  • What considerations should be taken into account for implementation?

Your paper, which should be between 3 and 5 pages, should be written using the APA writing style. For more information on APA, please visit the APA Lab.

Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study.

Question Description

Read the Innovation at International Foods Case Study on pages 234-238 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study.

Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. All work must be 1 FULL page, single spaced, 12 font Times New Roman. The cover and reference page must be on separate pages. Please DO NOT include the question in your work as only your findings should be submitted.

Please find the attached textbook for more details

DNS Server

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

You are the network administrator for the ABC Company. Your network consists of two DNS servers named DNS1 and DNS2. The users who are configured to use DNS2 complain because they are unable to connect to internet websites. The following table shows the configuration of both servers:

Server Configurations:

  • DNS1:
  • DNS2: .(root)
  • Table A: Configuration of Servers

The users connected to DNS2 need to be able to access the internet. What should be done?

Aims of Data Visualization

Question Description

Topic: The narrator of the video discusses the aims of data visualization. The narrator states that the aims of data visualization is to, “Maximize how quickly and accurately people decode information from graphics.” The narrator also talks about some shortcomings (disadvantage) of the techniques used to create data visualization for storytelling.

Question: how quickly and accurately people decode information from graphics and what are the disadvantage of techniques used to create data visualization for storytelling

250 Words and No Plagiarism Please,