CYS-663: Digital Forensics and Investig


Module 02: Critical Thinking Assignment

Report Cybercrimes 

In this assignment, you are to prepare a set of emergency contacts for use in your organization relating to the reporting of computer and cybercrimes. As you are no doubt aware, the emergency number throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is 999. Expand on this resource by creating a list of contacts at local, national, and international agencies where individuals and organizations can report computer and cybercrimes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

Read chap 1 and answer 3 questions


Assignment: Chapter 1 (the questions are in the PDF for Chapter 1 (pages 28 and 29)

Answer the following questions either as a text submission or attach a Word file – Pages files are not accepted

  1. Problem 1.1, 1.3 (a., b., and c.), and 1.6


Problem 1.1: three paragraphs minimum

Problem 1.3: Three paragraphs minimum. One or more for a, one or more for b, one or more for c.

  • Problem 1.6: Use the attached “Attack Tree Starter File” to make your Attack Tree

CYS-566: Securing the Enterprise Infras


Module 08: Critical Thinking Assignment

Securing the Cloud (60 points)

Cloud computing will continue to grow as the environment of choice for organizations of any size. Cloud computing is the practice of renting computer resources from a provider instead of owning the resources.

Discuss two positive and two negative aspects associated with cloud computing. Also provide an example of two security concerns with cloud computing and how you would mitigate those threats. 

Provide information from your readings to support your statements.

Big Data Analytics


Outcome (2 responses)


Examine the several different types of data insights that occur in big data analytics: 

? Offer novel knowledge 

? Provide causation relationships 

? Add a competitive edge 

? Yield quantifiable results 

? Demand execution 

Pick one of the insight pillars above and discuss how it supports overall business strategy. Consider your current or a previous workplace, and address how the insight may apply. What can the business do now to use data to address the insight you have selected? 

How would you secure a virtualized environment on a network


Identify a major breach of a virtualized environment that has occurred in the recent past (within the last five years). For your Portfolio Project Assignment, you will write a critical evaluation of your chosen breach, and review and analyze the breach along the following dimensions: 

  1. What went wrong?
  2. Why did it occur?
  3. Who was responsible?
  4. How could it have been prevented?
  5. What advice would you offer to prevent such a breach from occurring in the future? 

Design an interactive project in Twine and write an original story


Design an interactive project in Twine and write an original story

Plot your story beats.

Design at least 2 major story branches.

  • Provide a project pitch of your interactive narrative.

    This project needs to be somewhat of a masquerade theme in the story, IT HAS TO, and otherwise let your imagination run free. Visuals aren’t necessary

  • Link to Twine (You can work on it on Web Browser):

Security Breaching


IT security is a major topic, as there are security breaches announced frequently that impact individuals and businesses. Using the following site, select a recent breach and review what took place and the impacts on individuals. On the site, click on any of the bubbles showing a breach and you will be taken directly to the article addressing the breach.…

Cyber security


Independence is an important aspect of an audit.  In your opinion, provide and describe three (3) reasons why independence is important.

See Figure 1-2 in your text which is also shown in Slide #8 in Lesson 1.  For each block in the diagram, describe one (1) consideration when auditing each subject area.

When is co-sourcing appropriate to use when auditing?

computer networking discussion question


Search the internet for tips on how to distinguish software needs versus software wants.

From your research, summarize 3 of the most common tips.

  1. Describe in your own words what happens with a technology project that fails to define the needs of the project.
  2. Research what makes a technology solution focused and easy to use (focused on the NEEDS.)

Cisco VOIP Discussion Questions


What are 2 differences between Cisco Unity and Cisco Unity Connection? Explain your selections in detail.

The Cisco Unity Connection can handle up to 20,000 mailboxes by a single CUC v10.x server. Why is it important to understand CUC Administrative Roles? Name two roles and explain what they are and how they interact with CUC.