Research and Recommendation


Using the sources provided in your annotated bibliography, as well as any additional research you have performed, write the second phase of your project summarizing your research and providing your recommendation. Describe the decision criteria used in deciding upon your recommended solution. Write your full paper in a formal tone and in a manner that presents it to the business leadership for their approval. Provide enough details that both a technical and a business leader would be able to understand what your solution is and how it will function. Do not go overboard on technical specifications for equipment to be acquired or in the programming language or coding. 

Computer application


Discuss how compression is used for email attachments. In addition, you will discuss a comparison between compression and encryption. A student who simply copies and pastes an article from the web will score a 0 on the assignment. You will complete Part 1 and Part 2 below for this assignment.

Part 1: Post

When email technology first evolved the file size of the emails was very small with few to no attachments. Today email attachments are sometimes large and exceed limitations of the ISP or email system. Discuss the compression utility solution to this problem and the difference between compression and encryption to emails.

Problem set 6


  1. You will use Python and Visual Studio Code to finish two computer programs for this assignment. Submit the Python program script files with the solutions (file extension is py) in Blackboard by Sunday at 11:59 PM. Programming games might be more interesting than some of the other topics so far. In this assignment, you will create two word-based games: a one-player game similar to Scrabble and a game called Ghost. Please see the attached instructions.When you have completed your work, submit the Python script files here.
    Problem Set 6 Instructions.pdf

Databases, Data pipelining



Write on the different databases, data  storage, data pipelining, data analytics, data engineering technologies,  and other ecosystems and products available in today’s tech world.
Of course, you can use Google as much as possible to do your research.
Please  avoid copy-pasting text either from your sources or from your  colleagues. Assignment submissions will be checked via the software  Turnitin.
If you must use generative AI, you can read what it says, understand it, and then write on your own.
You can also cite your sources at the end of the document, and the citations will count towards the number of words.

Diagnose Computer Functionality Issues



You are an IT professional working for Tech Support at XYZ Corporation. You have received several emails with technical issues from your users and colleagues. You have a cold and are out of the office; however, you want to help your colleagues by fixing their technical issues as soon as possible.


For this assignment, you must create a narrated presentation for your colleagues explaining how to troubleshoot the following technical issues:

Computer won’t start

Operating system is running slowly

Internet connection is very slow

Cannot connect to the Internet

  • Computer keeps overheating
  • Web browser has random automatic pop-ups
  • Applications keep cancelling or don’t run
  • IP conflict message displays



Follow the instructions required in the assignmentYou will need this information in the solutio

name : abdullah algamdi

id : s190057210

do a correct solution without mistakes, without similarities, without
plagiarism. Put the answer in the file and make sure to solve all the
paragraphs. If you do a good job, I have many assignments that I will
ask you to do. Check yourself and do your best.

IFT ASU Rights and Privileges Necessary to Manage Resources in an Enterprise Discussion Board



All discussion posts should reflect the original thoughts of learners based upon your assessment of the readings, lectures, and additional content presented in this module.

Discussion Prompt

In the Microsoft Operating Systems, a right can be defined as the ability to do something where a privilege is the type of access you have to a resource.  Discuss who should have these special Administrator rights and privileges necessary to manage resources in the enterprise. (250 words)

Your posts should include your original response, plus a thoughtful response to your classmate with minimum of 150 words,  

Discussion Board: Acceptable Use Policy


Discussion Prompt

There are many popular Group Policies.  One that is common in a business environment is a setting for Interactive Users where you can define message text for users attempting to log on.  This setting is often used for a legal disclaimer in a business environment stating what the computer can and cannot be used for.  This is an example of a Group Policy that allows a business to implement their Acceptable Use Policies.  What are your thoughts about this technological implementation and the policy that it supports?  (250 words)

CYS666 SEU Advance Principle of Cyber Security Questions


Access Control Methods (60 points)

Research some of the access control methods that are utilized within your organization. For example, does your organization leverage public key infrastructure (PKI), key card authentication, or login hours? If you are not currently working, what access control methods have you seen, and how effective were the control methods? Explore the pros and cons of each of the controls in your paper. 

What steps are necessary to mitigate risk to an IT infrastructure’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability with sound access controls?

IFT301 ASU Active Directory Naming Conventions A Guide for Efficient Resource Organization Questions



As you design your Active Directory logical tree structure, there are so many pieces to name: Domains, OUs, Groups, Computers, Users, Shared Printers Shared Folders, etc.  In order to be successful in management of resources, you need to be able to look at a name and know something about the resource that it represents. Therefore, documented naming conventions are important because they bring consistency and searchability to your environment.

Research Naming Conventions and create a naming convention guide with your recommendations.