SCSU Internal Attacks Firewall Protection Lacking Questions


1. Briefly describe the threat, including its medium, delivery mechanism, type, typical targets, et cetera. Describe where and how it is likely to breach the identified network. Consider importing the network diagram into Visio (or other appropriate tool) and marking the incursion points that you describe. You will need to do this to achieve the distinguished level for its associated criterion. Paste the updated diagram into your assessment document. Describes where and how it is likely to breach the identified network and shows it on a diagram.

2. Defense Attack [Name of attack]

Describes a typical defense against this type of attack in detail that demonstrates a solid understanding of the attack.

3. Policy to Prevent [Name of attack] Attack

Describes why a policy is an effective deterrent for preventing a specified network attack and includes a specific supporting example. Found via an Internet search.

4. Practices to Effectively Enforce Security Policy

Describes practices that would effectively enforce a security policy and includes supporting references from professional sources.

5. Characteristics of [Name of network security threat]

Describes the characteristics of a specified network security threat in great detail that includes specific perils that it poses.

6. Conclusion

Provides a fully convincing logical argument in support of conclusions or recommendations.

Cloud Computing Discussion Questions


Scenario 1: You are the Director of IT Infrastructure for a large financial services company that has recently migrated its operations to the cloud. During a routine security assessment, your team discovered that the company’s disaster recovery and business continuity plans do not adequately account for cloud-based systems.

How would you ensure that your team is trained and prepared to respond to disasters and disruptions in the cloud environment? 

What metrics would you use to measure the effectiveness of your disaster recovery and business continuity plans?

  • How would you update your company’s disaster recovery and business continuity plans to ensure that they account for cloud-based systems?  
  • Scenario 2: You are a Cloud Security Engineer responsible for managing the security of your company’s cloud environment. You have received a request from your Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to conduct a security audit of the cloud infrastructure and verify the configuration of account lockout policies, RAM usage, disk capacity, and user authorization. 
  • What tools and techniques would you use to conduct a security audit focusing on account lockout policies, RAM usage, disk capacity, and user authorization? 

How would you ensure that your cloud environment remains secure and compliant with relevant regulations and standards?

Researching Forensics Best Practices and Creating Procedures



D&B has been engaged by a state crime forensics lab to assist them in refreshing their procedures manual and bringing it up to date. Part of the project will include researching best practices for performing investigations and collecting digital evidence, which will be incorporated into the procedures manual.

You have been asked to be a part of the small team that is regularly meeting with the client to review the procedures manual provide revised and new information.


For this part of the project, perform the following tasks:

Perform research and write a report that includes sections on the following: (At a minimum, address 4 items out of the 7)

A procedure for capturing video of a crime scene

What to take screenshots of during an investigation

  1. The significance of recording a computer’s time offset
  2. Three best practices in collecting digital evidence from a computer’s memory and hard drive
  3. Three high-level requirements for ediscovery
  4. Three best practices to follow when interviewing witnesses
  5. Three best practices to follow when testifying as an expert witness
  6. Cite sources, where appropriate.
  7. Required Resources

I have provided external resources throught the weeks, you need to use those and any additional resources you may find.

NA – Mahender- Cloud computing week 4


Week Four-Discussion

Week Four-Discussion

What is one example where bare metal hosting makes sense?

write in 250 words with citations and references ==•••=========••••••••

Week Four-Special Project

This week you will be using virtural box to install a Ubuntu operating system.

1. Watch the videos below

2. Download  VirturalBox and install on your computer

3. Download Ubuntu use as the OS in your VirturalBox

4. After the Ubuntu system is installed and boots- Using the Unity Launcher install GIMP (GNU Image manipulation)

5. Create this text in GIMP- “CT5230 Cloud Computing+Your Initials”

6. Take a screen shot which includes the Text, GIMP program and Virtural Box.

7. Submit the screen shot with your name and CT5230

{Animation} How to Use Virtualbox

IMAGE virtual box

VirtualBox Application

{Animation} How to Use Ubuntu (Beginners Guide)

ub logo


How to Add Text Using GIMP

{Animation} GIMP Basics:Tect Tool In-Depth Tutorial

The Quick Guide to Adding Text in GIMP 

Step 1: Select the Text tool from the toolbox.

Step 2: Click and drag on your image to create a text area.

Step 3: Choose your font settings, and enter your text.

Writing Questions



Case Study: Visa Is Enhancing the Customer Experience While Reducing Fraud with Predictive Analytics and Data Mining. Use your submission to answer the following:

What challenges were Visa and the rest of the credit card industry facing? How did Visa improve customer service while also improving fraud retention? What is in-memory analytics, and why was it necessary?

Note: Your answer should be a minimum of 4-5 pages and also include a minimum of 4-5 references (published not more than three years ago).


Refer to the attached video before answering the below question:

Do you think of yourselves as creative? Do you have the confidence to take on problems that don’t have a clear answer? How confident are you in approaching problems as opportunities and leading teams toward unimaginative things?


Content should be clear, concise, and understandable.

Please follow the minimum answer length and also include a minimum number of references, and in-text citations for the above questions in APA format. References should have been published no more than three years ago.

Check for any grammatical errors and sentence structure.

CGS3095 – Topic Sentence


Submit your topic sentence for your Paper and Presentation. Topic sentence should be based on one of the following topics:

  • Unique problems created by technology
  • Digital divide
  • Patents, copyrights, and trademarks in the U.S. and abroad
  • Software piracy, licensing, and patents
  • Media piracy
  • Reverse engineering of hardware or software
  • Transnational issues concerning intellectual property
  • Technology’s roles in protecting IP and infringing on IP rights
  • U.S. Fourth Amendment rights and digital content
  • Governments’ rights and responsibilities to prevent cyber or physical attacks vs. individual privacy rights
  • Privacy issues in the global arena: cultural, social, and legal aspects around the world
  • Privacy in the workplace
  • Proprietary software protection vs. government’s requirements for public safety and disaster prevention/recovery
  • Risks of computing in the implementation of public policy and government (e.g., electronic voting, electronic health records, etc.)
  • Identify and evaluate the various threats and hazards that may impact critical infrastructure within and across the different sectors, and how they can be viewed in an all-hazards risk management approach.
  • Game developers responsibilities: Do/Should games teach ethical/unethical behaviors?
  • Real-world laws & social customs for virtual worlds?
  • Economic, social, and legal issues in virtual worlds 

Data usage and systems


The organization of data into usable information within a health care setting is a core focus of health care information technology. Information, however, is not enough to make important decisions related to both operational and clinical activities. Knowledge and expertise allow you to interpret information into solid decisions. Systems used to collect knowledge and systems used to collect information can be dramatically different in terms of their structure and use.

Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes or audio narration that discusses the differences between data used for information and data used for knowledge within a health care setting. In your presentation: 

Define each system.

Compare information-based systems and knowledge-based systems. For example, consider how the systems collect and use different data. 

  • Choose 3 examples of information-based systems. Explain how they affect patient care.
  • Choose 3 examples of knowledge-based systems. Explain how they affect patient care. 
  • Explain how these 2 systems may integrate with each other to improve operational and clinical activities.

Innovations Design Academy Securing Software Applications


8) What is the future of securing software applications in a world where AI is capable of developing applications in a matter of seconds?

Defend your position on whether or not companies should still develop Applications following the traditional method( programming languages or should they adopt AI?

What are the risks and the advantages of both?

6) Recently we have had a lot of issues with updates and patches to our current Autonomous Vehicle Software hub. 

Two things I need you to consider: 1. Update software only when necessary for functional requirements, to provide a stable platform for users.

2.  Describe potential user inputs to our vehicle and support web page?  How do you suggest we protect these systems from invalid input?

4) What are the requirements for system security plan?

why are security considerations being important in the planning of system behavior?

Please use any viable resources to justify your position.

10) List and explain three ways to become proactive in secure software development. Justify with examples.

Developing an Ethical Code of Conduct for Cybersecurity


In a cybersecurity training program at a fictional organization called “SecureTech Solutions,” you are tasked with developing a comprehensive code of conduct that places a strong emphasis on ethics in cybersecurity. The organization, which provides cybersecurity services to various clients, is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior.

The scenario unfolds as follows:

Background: SecureTech Solutions is a well-established cybersecurity firm known for its expertise in safeguarding client data and digital assets. In light of the increasing importance of ethical practices in the cybersecurity field, the organization recognizes the need to have a clear and robust code of conduct that guides its employees and contractors in their work.

Instructions: Acting as junior cybersecurity professionals, each group will develop a Code of Conduct document that aligns with SecureTech Solutions’ commitment to ethics in cybersecurity. The code should address various ethical considerations, including but not limited to:

  1. Client Confidentiality: How to handle and protect sensitive client information with the utmost confidentiality.

IT 660 – HW4


Prerequisite: Learn about Wireshark tool which will be used to complete this assignment.

What is Wireshark: ? Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer that captures packets from a network connection, such as from your computer to the internet. Packet is the name given to a discrete unit of data in a typical Ethernet network. Wireshark is the most often-used packet sniffer in the world. It’s often used by Network engineers to troubleshoot network problems and examine protocol implementations. Here is a YouTube video showing installation and password sniffing  (first 6 minutes of the video are useful)

HW4 Exercise Goal

Understand how packets travel through Network for inbound and outbound traffic for HTTP (unencrypted) and TLS (Encrypted).

Install Wireshark, Sniff and capture a sample inbound and outbound packet.

No coding is necessary for this exercise. Configure tool using the instructions below and watch/capture the traffic flow patterns in the tool for this part.