Inventory Control and Managing Talent


Teamwork is an essential skill in today’s workforce. When you graduate, your first job will likely be to supervise a team of hotel associates. What three things can you do as a leader to create a positive environment for your employees and encourage teamwork? Please give specific examples of how you would do this and provide an explanation. For example: Be a good role model would be a way. Then explain what you mean and give an example.

Another part of your job will be having the responsibility of completing many projects. In the hotel environment, teamwork is how work gets done. When working as a member of a team, a Project Team Charter is often used to get things started. Please read through the Team Charter sample that is attached. What would be the benefits of creating a team charter prior to beginning project work?

ECOM500 Discussion 09


Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar. 

Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:

What strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its advantage?

How has the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market share?

  1. What risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using e-commerce technology?

Discuss how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses. Consider the following questions:

  1. What are some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile technology to create new commerce opportunities?
  2. How does mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new products or services?
  3. What are some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for commerce?
  4. Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Needing help with a power point project in risk management


Enterprise Risk Management Presentation

Visit the universitys  Online Library and the internet to find at least two articles that identify the following: 

A large company for the purposes of evaluating its ERM processes; . some Some examples of large companies are Walmart, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, and Amazon.

Supply chain risks for that company that were addressed by transferring risk through the purchase of insurance.

  1. In this exercise, carry out research to present your work in a PowerPoint presentation:

What ERM practices does the company implement?

What standard or framework do they use?

Describe the processes and use visuals to aid in the explanation.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the ERM practices.

  • Describe each supply chain risk scenario.
  • Explain what was insured and identify the insurance that was purchased.
  • Discuss what happened (or could happen) should the risk materialize.

Explain the impact of the risk with and without insurance.

  1. Identify and briefly describe any residual risk.
  2. Provide your suggestions and recommendations.

Practice Modifying Your Planned Responses to Different Questions


Task 1: You’ve now prepared responses to a number of common interview questions. The link below includes an article with 10 questions that are mostly similar to the questions you’ve already prepared for, with a few new ones. Write out how you can adapt your already-prepared answers (check attached file) to the following questions, and how you’ll respond to the new ones.

Task 2: At the end of most interviews, you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions of the interviewer. Chapter 9 includes some important suggestions about what to ask and why .(Check attached file to get idea about chapter 9)

Submit a list of the three questions you would ask and describe the following about each one: Why you’re asking this question? What does this question tell the interviewer about you? What will the answer tell you about the job/position or the company?

Discussion: E-Commerce and Mobile Commerce Technology


Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar. 

  1. Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:
    1. What strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its advantage?
    2. How has the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market share?
    3. What risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using e-commerce technology?
  2. Discuss how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses. Consider the following questions:
    1. What are some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile technology to create new commerce opportunities?
    2. How does mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new products or services?
    3. What are some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for commerce?

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Module 5 Exercise II


Depreciation methods

Answer the following questions and solve the problem:

1. How to calculate straight line depreciation step by step?

2. How to calculate unite of production depreciation step by step?

3. How to calculate the declining-balance method also known as the double-declining-balance method step by step?

On January 2, 2015 Gillette Co. purchases and installs a new machine costing $300,000 with a five-year life and an estimated $50,000 salvage value. Management estimates the machine will produce 190,000 units of product during its life. Actual production of units is as follows: year 2015 – 34,000 units; year 2016 – 46,000 units; year 2017 – 56,000 units; year 2018 – 28,000 units; year 2019 – 26,000 units, etc.

Compute depreciation expense, accumulate depreciation, and book value for the first four years using the following depreciation methods:

(1) the straight-line method,

(2) the units-of-production method, and

(3) the declining-balance method also known as the double-declining-balance method.

Forum: Discussion: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees


In our professional experiences, most of us have been frustrated with coworkers that didn’t know everything they needed to know and cost their employer money(or their coworkers time) needlessly. A good plan for onboarding and training can engage employees and save money.

Discussion Prompt (150 word minimum on your training program)

Think about a time when you wished your coworkers had received more training in their positions. Then, use the ADDIE method to develop a training program for those coworkers, using your own knowledge as the basis for that training program. If you haven’t been employed before, or if you don’t remember an instance where coworkers needed training, create a fictional scenario.

Once you’ve created your own training program, review three training programs created by your classroom peers. Did they complete all the steps of ADDIE? Did they give you any ideas about your own training program?

economics Teacher Proposal


Imagine you are a high school economics teacher.  You want to convince your principal that tourism should be included as part of one of your courses to show students a practical application for learning the discipline of economics. 

Based on the cost / benefits of tourism, please draft a proposal to include tourism in your class utilizing the following analytical framework. Your proposal may be in the form of a written or visual essay.

Identify why tourism is not currently included in your economics class

Discuss the gap including tourism in your class will fill

  • Explain why is tourism a good proxy for economic study
  • Give details on how you would work tourism into your economics class
  • What types of examples would you share with students?
  • What activities would give your students?

When developing your proposal, consider what arguments you would use to convince the leadership of the school to include tourism in the course.



Suppose that the water flow of a local river can be modeled by the vector field F(x, y, z) =< 3xy², xe², z³ >:

Q1a) Your goal is to plant a net in the water at the point (-2, 1, 0) and go fishing but you need to know some important information about that spot before you make your final decision.
Determine any and all information you can about what’s going to happen to your net if you place it at that point. Will it spin? What direction will it rotate (if it even will)? How fast? Is the water centralizing at your net (and thus making it a good place to put it to catch fish), or is water flowing away from that area? Is it moving fast? Slow? Write out a complete answer, supported by any/all mathematical calculations used to come up with your conclusions. 



  1. Market Considerations: Compare and contrast important market considerations for your selected market against those in the domestic market. Explain the similarities, differences, and considerations for conducting business between the two markets, such as general legal and regulatory requirements, monetary and management logistics, and mode-of-entry considerations.
    1. Monetary Considerations: Explain how monetary considerations such as currency, exchange rates, and exchange-rate management would impact the organization’s decision to expand into your selected market, using current exchange rates between your selected country and the United States to support your explanations.
    2. Management and Logistics Considerations: Explain management and logistics practices that best address human-resource considerations for your selected market, such as management approaches or staff and labor laws and their impact on policies and procedures.
    3. Mode of Entry Considerations: Describe advantages and disadvantages for traditional modes of entry that would be most appropriate for entering into your selected market.