Deliver a write-up of NO MORE THAN 400 WORDS addressing the questions, below
A. Access the case study, “The London Jets” and the accompanying Excel spreadsheet in the Coursepack.
B. Deliver a write-up addressing the questions, below.
D. Answer the following questions:
What customers are most valuable to the company? That is, how can you calculate the price paid per ticket by each customer? What additional levels of detail define the “most valuable” customers? How did you calculate this?
Having defined the most valuable customers, what “sorts” would you perform to gain insight? What does an RFM analysis tell you specifically about these customers that is of value to the marketer?
What segments of customers seem least interesting… that is, not worth continued marketing expenditures?
What can the purchased/external/appended data tell us about our customers? What other data would you like to purchase? Why… what will this “new” added data tell you that helps you build a marketing strategy for the London Jets?
So, what message or offer would you make to increase retention of customers? Why? What data supports your answer?