1 New company – Entry


The bank stmt company I’m sending you this time is a very simple consulting company. (We don’t have much transaction volume. I deleted the name of the company and sent it to you. Please name it 227 Grand.)
1) When you set up the company, you can use the conclusion company, C-corp.
2) Deposit is incoming.
3)3). Deposit / withdrawal ?? ??, online transfer from checking 7220
I gave the loan to 7220 and got the repaid again. (Please use the other current asset and take care of it as the loan exchange. It’s a B/S item transaction.)
4) You can refer to Memo for each expense. And if you don’t know which account you’re going to use Payee, you can search on Google and record it.
(e.g. Google search for Verizon – Internet phone company Verizon -> Utilities exp. ,
USPS :postal expense – > Office expense. )

I made a new company and tried for a month,
Please hand out Profit and loss stmt (I/S), Balance sheet (B/S), and General ledger. I will send you the rest of the bank data after checking if it goes well.

2. I’ll let you know the bank record.

Business and IT


LINK THE BOOK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I47Oyl5ccti7FIiv3…

I went over the format for this assignment
-Introduction paragraph
-Respond to each question in the assignment each with an APA heading.
-Reference APA style
– with 4 references peer reviewed at least and book source

-an example

Module 09: Discussion

Impact of Ecommerce and Mobile Commerce

Choose an e-commerce or mobile commerce platform for a business with which you are familiar. 

Discuss the impact of e-commerce technology on the business that operates the platform you chose. Consider the following questions:

What strategies has the business used to leverage e-commerce technology to its advantage?

How has the platform affected the business’s revenue, customer base, or market share?

What risks or challenges has the business faced as a result of using e-commerce technology?

Discuss how mobile technology creates commerce opportunities for businesses. Consider the following questions:

What are some examples of businesses that have successfully leveraged mobile technology to create new commerce opportunities?

How does mobile technology enable businesses to reach new customers or offer new products or services?

What are some challenges or risks associated with using mobile technology for commerce?

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Finc 330-week 2


Go to the internet and find a news article(s) published within the last month that discusses US level of interest rates, summarize key points of the article using finance terminology. 

Note that the goal of this discussion is to read, understand, and discuss recent news using finance terminology. The article should be from an online newspaper or magazine. Materials posted on educational websites, such as www.thebalance.com, www.khanacademy.org, Investopedia and so on, are not considered news articles even if they were recently updated and contain material related to the discussion topic.

Discussion questions:

Summarize key points of the article using finance terminology.

What are the ramifications of the interest rate levels to the economy, consumer spending, lending, et al? 

Reflection: the students should also include a paragraph in the initial response in their own words, using finance terminology, reflecting on what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace or in everyday life.

You are expected to contribute to the main topic and respond with value-added comments to at least two of your classmates and your instructor.

Defining Business Purpose and Mission


Who is the customer?” is the first and the crucial question in defining business purpose and business mission. It is not an easy, let alone an obvious question. How it is being answered determines, in large measure, how the business defines itself. The consumer—that is, the ultimate user of a product or a service—is always a customer.

Most businesses have at least two customers. Both have to buy if there is to be a sale. The manufacturers of branded consumer goods always have two customers at the very least: the housewife and the grocer. It does not do much good to have the housewife eager to buy if the grocer does not stock the brand. Conversely, it does not do much good to have the grocer display merchandise advantageously and give it shelf space if the housewife does not buy. To satisfy only one of these customers without satisfying the other means that there is no performance.


After watching “How P&G has been scoring number ones for 180 years” video (Link below) please identify how organizations can use similar P&G marketing approaches to increase their sales.



MKT 607 GCU Conscious Capitalism Review of Financial and Market Performance Discussion


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Your team will create the final report to the board which will be a written summary of performance. The report to the executive board should include the following components:

Review your financial and market performance during the second year. Highlight the key features of the business plan presented to the venture capitalists: brand strategy, pricing strategy, advertising strategy, and sales channel.

Assess your business strategy and performance during the second year.

  1. Explain actions taken in regard to the marketing plan.
  2. Discuss departures from the marketing plan, justification, and outcome.
  3. Review significant events that affected the company or market.
  4. Assess your current situation in the market, considering your firm’s strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Summarize how you have prepared your firm to overcome obstacles and compete in the future. How would incorporating services marketing help overcome any of these identified obstacles? 
  6. What were the lessons learned and recommendations?
  7. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
  8. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Nonverbal Communication & Empathy


Over the course of the week, write down observations you have about nonverbal communication during three different conversations in which you participate. For each conversation, include your observations about eye contact and movement, smiles, other facial expressions, nods, gestures, posture, and touch.

Then, conduct independent research about nonverbal communication, empathy, and rapport. The research should support the position you take on the questions below. For example, if you were unable to build rapport with one of the parties you conversed with, your research should support the reason why you think you were unable to.

With your notes and research as references, write a two to three-page APA formatted paper that includes both an introduction and conclusion paragraph and that answers the following questions:

Based on the nonverbal communication you observed, how would you name the emotions the other party(ies) were feeling during the three conversations? (Include details of each conversation to provide context for your response.)

Were you able to build rapport (a form of empathy) with the other party(ies) in all three conversations? If yes, what tactics did you use to do so? If not, why?   

Human Resources Case Study


PTO: Too Little or Too Much?

Please answer the three questions with 3-5 sentence.

You just finished analyzing information for the current compensation and benefits program. You find that some changes should be made, as the majority of employees (you have 120 employees) are not happy with what is being offered. In fact, the plan had not been revised in over fifteen years, making it dated and definitely ready for some changes.

One of the major points of contention is the PTO the organization offers. Employees feel the current system of sick time and vacation time offers too few options. For example, one employee says, “I often come to work sick, so I can still have my vacation time for my vacation.” Another employee says, “I have given nine years to this organization, but I receive only three days more than someone who has just started.” Here is the current PTO offering:


1+ year

7 days


5+ years

10 days


10+ years

14 days


What      cost considerations would you take into account when revising this part of      your compensation plan?

What      other considerations would you take into account when developing a new PTO      plan?

MGT520 Critical Thinking Module#09


Appraisal Tool 

The effective evaluation of employee  performance depends, to a certain degree, on the tool that is utilized.  Based on that statement, in this Critical Thinking Assignment students  will create a one-page Performance Management Form that can be used in  an organization. To accomplish this task, complete the following:

Choose any organization in Saudi Arabia that you are familiar  with, either one you have been employed with or have studied/researched.

Choose an assessment template that you find  beneficial/advantageous (note: typing “assessment” or “evaluation”  format into Google will bring hundreds of different templates for you to  choose). Students can also use one utilized in their current/previous  workplace, or one they are familiar with.

Using that template as a guide, create your own assessment tool  you would propose to evaluate any employee/position in that organization  (for instance, you may choose to evaluate an employee in finance).  Be  clear about:     

The assessment/evaluation criteria important in your review.

The rating categories (e.g., superior, meets expectations, etc.)

  1. An appropriate mix/combination of check-box assessment criteria and short answers.
  2. Please post the assessment template you utilized as a guide along with your own completed assessment tool.

real estate vi



CHAPTER 2 – Introduction to Real Estate

1.  Go to the ‘Syllabus’ tab and tell me what the syllabus says about ‘late’ homework assignments. Are you allowed to turn in late work?  If so, why, if not, why not?  What is the penalty for late work? How many percentage points do you lose for turning in late work? What is the deadline for turning in late work?

2.  Also, regarding the syllabus, what are the attendance requirements for this course?  What does the syllabus say about logging in every week? What is considered excessive absence? What is the very last day, per the syllabus, to complete the online final exam for this class ?

3.  From Chapter 2 in the course textbook (which is required for this class), please answer: What kind of rights does an individual have as an owner of real property?

4.  Also from Chapter 2, please answer:  What is the 4-part definition of real property?

5.  What is personal and real property?  How do you determine the difference between the two? What is the acronym (memory tool) to help you remember the difference?

real estate


CHAPTER 2 – Introduction to Real Estate

1. Go to the ‘Syllabus’ tab and tell me what the syllabus says about ‘late’ homework assignments. Are you allowed to turn in late work? If so, why, if not, why not? What is the penalty for late work? How many percentage points do you lose for turning in late work? What is the deadline for turning in late work?

2. Also, regarding the syllabus, what are the attendance requirements for this course? What does the syllabus say about logging in every week? What is considered excessive absence? What is the very last day, per the syllabus, to complete the online final exam for this class ?

3. From Chapter 2 in the course textbook (which is required for this class), please answer: What kind of rights does an individual have as an owner of real property?

4. Also from Chapter 2, please answer: What is the 4-part definition of real property?

5. What is personal and real property? How do you determine the difference between the two? What is the acronym (memory tool) to help you remember the difference?