I need a discussion post in APA style

Question Description

Chapters 30, 31, and 34 presented three mini-case studies on ERM and risk. Each one presented a slightly different risk scenario. Suppose General Motors wants to replace one of their traditional lines of vehicles with all electric models. How could GM use game theory to identify and assess the major risks to this decision? Identify two major risks that would result from GM converting an existing line to an all-electric line. Provide a brief discussion of each risk, and your assessment of the levels of inherent, current, and residual risk, using GM’s five point scale.

To complete this assignment, you must do the following: Suppose General Motors wants to replace one of their traditional lines of vehicles with all electric models. How could GM use game theory to identify and assess the major risks to this decision? Identify two major risks that would result from GM converting an existing line to an all-electric line. Provide a brief discussion of each risk, and your assessment of the levels of inherent, current, and residual risk, using GM’s five point scale.

A) Create a new thread. As indicated above,


Please have it in APA style

Discussion 3.2

Question Description

This chapter discussed the role of values and beliefs in forming an organization’s culture. The topic of organization culture is big business on the Internet. Many companies use their Web pages to describe their mission, vision, and corporate values and beliefs. There also are many consulting firms that advertise how they help organizations to change their culture. The purpose of this exercise is for you to obtain information pertaining to the organizational culture for two different companies. You can go about this task by very simply searching on the key words “organizational culture” or “corporate vision and values.” This search will identify numerous companies for you to use to answer the following questions. You may want to select companies that you would like to work for in the future.

Examples of companies to use for the exercise could be the following:

Intel Corporation:

Ford Motor Company:

Hewlett-Packard Development Company:



Answer the following:

  1. What are the espoused values and beliefs of the companies?
  2. Use the worksheet in Figure 3.6 to assess the Web page. What does the web page reveal about the culture of this organization? Would this culture be conducive to effective project management?

ED603 Choose a Chapter

Question Description

Choose a Chapter from the Text

Next week you will write a reflection on one of the five chapters from the text (Nelson, Palonsky, & McCarthy, 2013). Read ahead to the Week 2 discussion post “Whose Interest Should Schools Serve?” for detailed instructions.

For this assignment, select one of the following chapters you would like to use for your reflection and post the chapter title. To make sure every chapter is discussed, each chapter should be selected once before a second candidate chooses it. (Note: Chapters 1 and 6 are not options for this post. You will address chapter 6’s topic, gender equity, in another assignment.)

  • Chapter 2: Family Choice in Education: Public Interest or Private Good
  • Chapter 3: Financing Schools: Equity or Privilege
  • Chapter 4: Privatization, Commercialization, and the Business of School: Complementing or Competing Interests
  • Chapter 5: Religion and Public Schools: Free Expression or Separation
  • Chapter 7: New Immigrants and the Schools: Unfair Burden or Business as Usual

Note: This is a pass/no pass discussion board post that must be completed. Peer responses are not required for this post.


Nelson, J. L., Palonsky, S. B., & McCarthy, M. R. (2013). Critical issues in education: Dialogues and dialectics (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

international business

Question Description

The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.

Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.

Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.

Students must mention question number clearly in theiranswer.

Late submission will NOT be accepted.

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your ownwords, copying from students or other resourceswithout proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.No exceptions.

All answered must be typed usingTimes New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

A new employee has been given responsibility for preparing the consolidated financial statements of Sample Company. After attempting to work alone for some time, the employee seeks assistance in gaining a better overall understanding of the way in which t

Question Description

  1. Why must the eliminating entries be entered in the consolidation worksheet each time consolidated statements are prepared?
  2. How is the beginning-of-period non-controlling interest balance determined?
  3. How is the end-of-period non-controlling interest balance determined? Provide an example.
  4. Which of the subsidiary’s account balances must always be eliminated? Why?
  5. Which of the parent company’s account balances must always be eliminated? Why?

Submission Requirements:

  • Your responses should be complete, with appropriately cited examples, well written, and in conformity CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.).
  • The response should be a minimum of 2 full pages, but should not exceed 3 pages.
  • Please ensure that you do not use a question-answer format. Please respond to the question, including the question. For example, for question 1, you would begin the writing:
    • Eliminating entries must be entered in the consolidation worksheet each time the consolidated statements are prepared in order to…
  • As this assignment has the highest point value of any assignment – complete, detailed entries are necessary to ensure you receive maximum credit.
  • Each response for above items 1-5 should be no less than one-half page in length.
  • A FASB reference must be included for at least 3 of the responses.

Business Plan Part 6 (SMITH)

Question Description


Business Plan Part 6 – Identify your management team. This section should include the following:

People, not ideas or products, make a company successful. This is probably the most important section of your plan, since most small businesses fail due to poor management.
2. Show your team’s balance of technical skills, business skills, and experience.
3. Anyone with 20% or more ownership in the company needs to be included.
4. Investors prefer experienced managers who have a significant stake in the success of the business.
5. When addressing the management team’s skills and abilities, be sure to tailor your comments to address each of the major reasons small businesses fail [SBM:EB pp 17-21].

Show that the firm has the right people organized in the right way to do the job.
Resources needed to write this section

1. An organizational chart.
2. Job descriptions for key positions.
3. Resumes of key officers. Each officer’s age.
4. Financial statements on each officer detailing his/her personal finances and stake in the company.
5. The compensation plan including stock options, buyout, etc.
6. A written copy of your philosophy of management.
7. A list of the members of your board.

Use excel to do a tableau

Question Description

  • The project focus is on a Tableau Story. You should create as many worksheets and dashboards that are necessary to present a complete understanding of your data. This is approximately 15 different views of the data (e.g. 10 independent & different charts + 5 dashboards).
  • Timetable
    • Clear statement of the problem to be solved or situation to be analyzed
    • Selection of the Data Set for the specific data domain
    • Use Excel to cleanse data as needed, connect to Tableau to visualize data and build the Story
    • Develop your demonstration for the specific data domain and present it, all members present a portion of it
  • Files to be included in the group submission:
    • Word document with problem + overview of solution
    • Short explanation of every chart and/or dashboard
    • Excel file containing the clean data
    • Tableau file
    • Export packaged workbook
    • A pdf with the Data Story created
    • Peer evaluation
  • The submission should include your class section, the Group # and the names of all group members in the Excel and pdf first page.
  • The project is due equally for all teams on the day of first group presentation.
  • Have fun with the project and be creative. Consider a problem you are solving for a company, department or country when exploring the data.

Leading the Process of Organizational Change

Question Description

Lewin’s Change Model

One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process.

In this assignment, provide a brief overview of Lewin’s Change Management Model, including his rationale for creating this theory and the intended role this model addresses in change management.

Then discuss the three stages of change implementation and explain the importance of each stage. Be sure to use the terminology for each stage of Lewin’s model as outlined in the text.

Finally, Lewin’s theory was created in the 1940s. How would you modify/alter his theory to ensure that it remains relevant and applicable within KSA? Discuss any changes to be made to his theory to reflect today’s business environment, both globally and within KSA.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be three-to-five pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.

SEE-I & Lecture Response for Ch. 5

Question Description


Assignment 1


SEE-I Ch. 5 – Chapter 5 Lecture Slides – CLASS BOOK HERE – (Understanding Human Communication / Edition 13)

File Types pdf; and doc

The poor listening habit I most often engage in is ____. To overcome this poor listening habit I can practice the better listening by…

For information regarding how to write a SEE-I please see the handout – located here.


Assignment 2


Chapter 5 Discussion – Video Response – (Video Links Below)

After reading the textbook chapter, reviewing the lecture material, and watching the chapter video, answer the following prompts in your discussion posts:

  1. Which of the listening styles described in Chapter 5 do you use?
  2. Does your listening style change in various situations, or do you use the same style most or all of the time?
  3. What are the consequences (beneficial and harmful) of the listening styles you use?
  4. How could you adapt your listening style to be more effective (use the tips from the Ted Talk video for help in answering)

Your response should be 1-2 paragraphs (4-8 sentences) in length.


Chapter 5 Video Lecture (29 minutes)10 Ways To Have A Better Conversation (11:45 minutes)

Thank You So Much!

determine how to best utilize a bundled payment structure to address patient needs.

Question Description

(1)In this activity you will determine how to best utilize a bundled payment structure to address patient needs. Scenario: A patient comes in to your facility in need of a hip surgery. The patient is insured by a private insurance that has allotted a total of $30,000.00 to cover all costs for this procedure. These costs will include: Initial consultation. The surgical procedure (surgeon and all operation costs). Post-operation therapy sessions. Any additional follow-up post-therapy. The patient must have at least one round of therapy post-operation. Using this spreadsheet (Excel), develop a treatment plan for your patient selecting one of the patients listed below: Patient 1: 15-year-old female with Type 3 Hip Dysplasia (only known malady); general health is good; otherwise active lifestyle; very compliant with physician instruction. Patient 2: 27-year-old male athlete; hip labral tear occurred during a football game; known smoker and social drinker; disregards physician follow-up visits. Patient 3: 82-year-old woman; fractured hip discovered after minor fall; has multiple medications that are often mistaken; attempts to follow physician orders but is often confused. Determine the best course of action for one of the above patients using this spreadsheet: Bundled Payment Exercise (Excel)