Leadership Training Program

Question Description


Leadership Training Program

Congratulations! Your boss has just given you the task of helping organize a training for new leaders entering your organization. She mentioned that you will be expecting 10 new employees for the training, and she wants you to be in charge of preparing them for their new roles in leadership. She also added that she hopes you can show them that leadership is more than just management.

Based on what you have learned so far in our course, create a training that will help the new leaders understand the difference between leadership and management. Additionally, you will help develop their leadership skills and explain why leadership is important in the organization.

Describe at least two exercises you could implement that could help the new leaders develop leadership competencies. Include in your description each training method that you will use (computer-based, traditional, and/or e-learning) and the reason why you chose this method. Also, include what you hope the new leaders will learn from this training.

Remember, these new employees are part of the future of your company. Getting them excited from the start about their new leadership roles will have positive effects.

Your scholarly activity should be a minimum of three full pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. You must use at least one outside resource, which could include a required reading article, or any useful resource you find. Regardless of which you choose to include, any and all must have accompanying APA citations.

Your Journal should consist of a minimum of 300 words, and no more than 350 words.

Question Description

The Journal exercise provides you with the opportunity to apply what you learned from the Reading and assignments. In this Journal, you will reflect on the challenges encountered by project managers when launching a new project. Read the scenario and then address the Journal question.

Respond in a Journal posting. You will not have to respond to other students, but your response must be original. Only your first posting will be graded.

Scenario: Your global management consulting firm has suffered in the last year from a reputation as being slightly outdated and conservative according to a marketing research firm. You want to change this image to bring in more clients and motivate employees to see the firm as “cutting edge” or up-to-date. The Board of Directors initially agreed with the need to update the image and processes of the firm. As the first part of your updating strategy you have decided that you need to convince the Board of Directors that robots might have a place in the headquarters offices to address visitor needs in the executive lobby.

  • What process will you use to persuade them this would benefit your global management consulting firm?


Your Journal should consist of a minimum of 300 words, and no more than 350 words. The Journal must be concise, well-written, and consistent with the requirements. Please make sure to reflect on what you learned. It is important to consider the intangible variables affecting the implementation of change within the organization.

For this assignment, you are asked to determine your own personal leadership style.

Question Description

For this assignment, you are asked to determine your own personalleadership style. Start by taking the self-assessment from the MindToolswebsite: (https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/leadership-style-quiz.htm). Next, complete the required Goleman reading. Develop an understanding of your leadership style.

Goleman, D. (2000, March-April). Leadership that gets results. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from http://www.powerelectronics.ac.uk/documents/leader…

Based on your experiences, current readings, work experience,education, and use of self-assessment instruments, describe what youthink your personal leadership styles are. Include the following in yourresponse:

  • Develop an understanding of your leadership style(s).
  • What is/are your style(s) and give an example of when you have applied your leadership style(s)?
  • In what ways will this/these style(s) help you achieve your goals?
  • Evaluate yourself relative to emotional intelligence (Golemanarticle) and explain how you will expand your emotional intelligence.
  • What areas of leadership styles may be shortcomings and how will you improve your leadership?


  • Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, theessay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’sguide questions. Do not address the questions using aquestion-and-answer format.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 3-5 pages in length, which does not include the title andreference pages, which are never a part of the content minimumrequirements.
  • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.
  • I alleady attached the APA Template .

Movie Analysis-“Lean on Me”

Question Description

Watch the movie “Lean On Me” starring Morgan Freeman.

Answer the questions below in one to two pages.

  • Explain and describe the “corporate” culture of the High School before and during Joe Clark’s administration?
  • Joe Clark establishes his authority right away and maintains his authority throughout the movie. Using the textbook, how would you describe and assess Mr. Clark’s organizational interventions?
    • How does he do this?
    • How does his style of leadership get him into trouble?
    • How does his style of leadership help him to succeed?
  • What were the “positives and negatives” associated with Mr. Clark’s organizational interventions?
  • Even though the term “Crazy Joe” was used for Clark’s actions of locking the school doors and carrying around a baseball bat, his dealings with his teachers may truly be most indicative of his being “crazy.” Please briefly describe any other thoughts you had pertaining to the movie and its relevance to the OD subject matter.
    • What does Mr. Clark do to flex his muscles over his teachers?
    • Is he ever able to mend the problems?


  • Case studies should include a brief introduction and conclusion.
  • Use complete sentences, structured paragraphs and proper grammar/mechanics.
  • Use what you’ve learned in your weekly readings to help formulate your responses.
  • Feel free to use resources outside of your textbook to support your responses as well. Cite ALL sources, including the textbook, in APA 6th edition format.
  • Review the grading rubric for case study assignments prior to completing this assignment.

Please see the attached document for more information and the rubric for this assignment.

Your E-business Marketing plan / plagarism free

Question Description

As an additional part of planning your e-business, you must look at who your particular consumer base is and make decisions on how to market to them online.


  • What is your consumers’ profile? Discuss their demographics, what devices and technology they probably use, what social media they use, what their interests are, and what fears or hesitations they have.
  • How will you market during the consumer decision process? Looking at the Consumer Decision Process in Figure 6.2 (p. 344) discuss the supporting communications that you should implement for each phase of the decision process. Why did you choose these particular communications?
  • How will you develop a relationship with your consumers? How will you develop trust between yourself and the consumer? Can you use communication strategies that you listed in the previous question to help with this? Are there other ways to develop the relationship?
  • Do you want to invest in paid SEM and/or social media advertising? Why do you want to invest in this for your particular e-business? Specifically what types of online advertising would work best for your e-business?
  • What can you do to optimize SEO for your e-business? Provide particular examples of ways to improve your e-business’ SEO, and list some ways that SEO could be negatively impacted if you aren’t careful.
  • What will be your pricing strategy? Make and then document your decisions based on the information provided on pages 381-386.
  • The submitted document must be:
    • At least five pages in total length
    • Double-spaced
    • 1-inch margins
    • 12 point font

Reflect on your Competency Model that you submitted in Unit 3. Select one (1) competency you listed and describe how you would measure that learning has taken place in this area?

Question Description

Reflect on your Competency Model that you submitted in Unit 3. Select one (1) competency you listed and describe how you would measure that learning has taken place in this area?

My top 5 competencys..Pick any one…

  • The knowledge of the complete process of providing satisfactory customer service.
  • The knowledge or ability to effectively perform administrative procedures, including management.
  • Ability to organize as well as coordinate work as required and within the scheduled limits while handing emergency requirements effectively and timely.
  • Ability to monitor the organization’s most critical and complex projects or tasks simultaneously.
  • Ability to efficiently communicate verbally and in writing, including the capacity to write as well as prepare important business documents such as letters and official resplendence.

Resources if you want

Noe, R. A. (2017). Employee training and development (7th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Chapter 6: Training Evaluation
  • Chapter 7: Training and Development Methods

Articles, Websites, and Videos:

Review this helpful article on Kirkpatrick’s Four-Levels of Evaluation:

Review Dr. Kirkpatrick’s website and pay particular attention to the newly refined New World Model:

This article discusses how to measure return on training investment:

This article provides tips for strategically using HR metrics to solve organizational problems:

Casa De Paz Development Project Case Study (answer the following questions in a paper formatted)

Question Description

The Casa De Paz Development Project case study found at the end of chapters 1 through 5, CPM 4e and answer the following questions in a paper formatted using a question-response format:

Question 1 (taken from Unit 3) – If you were the project manager, what expertise would you like from the sponsor, stakeholders, or core team members to create a milestone schedule with acceptance criteria? Minimum 250 words.

Question 2 (taken from Unit 5) – What would you want to see in a team charter (i.e., rules of engagement) for this development project? Is this different (Agile environment) than other (Traditional – Suburban Homes) environments? If so, how is it different? Minimum 250 words.

Question 3 (taken from Unit 5) – List types of decisions that would need to be made and the appropriate person, group, or method for each, for example, individual team member, the collective team, scrum master, and/or product owner.

You will be assessed on content and mechanics.

Content (30 points/question): The content must be based on the case study materials and reading assignments. The PMBOK 6e and CPM 4e, along with other reputable resources can be used to supplement the responses through summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting those sources.

Mechanics (10 points): Each question response must be at at minimum 250 words. Each reference should be listed at the end of the paper following APA guidelines. Online blogs are not acceptable references. See Purdue OWL website for guidance on in-text citations.

Cost Estimation Excel Assignment

Question Description

our Excel project is to build a model to construct the cumulative average-time learning curve for E 3.8 from your textbook (page 122). You will construct the learning curve for 1 – 32 units (not increments of 1,2,4,8,16,32) and you will answer requirements 2 and 3 as well.

Please note that you should use good Excel model design techniques as follows:

  • You should have a title
  • You should have a separate input and output area that are clearly designated
  • The input area should contain the model assumptions, appropriately labeled and formatted. You should avoid calculations in the input area as they will be hidden from the user.
  • You should have instructions telling the user the purpose of the model and how to use it.
  • The output area should contain the results of the model. Each cell in the output area should contain either a reference of a formula, WITH NO NUMBERS TYPED INTO THE CELLS OR FORMULAS IN THE CELLS. If you do this, your model will fail when one of the inputs is changed, thus rendering the model useless or worse, if a user assumes it is correct and uses the output.

Finally, please note that the Excel worksheet shown on page 111 of your text IS NOT a good example. It is unformatted, has no separate input and output areas and repeats a value that should be embedded in the formula. DO NOT reproduce this if you wish to earn credit for this assignment.

ACC/561: Accounting Wk 2 – Accounting Methods

Question Description

Scenario: BizCon, a consulting firm, has just completed its first year of operations. The company’s sales growth was explosive. To encourage clients to hire its services, BizCon offered 180-day financing – meaning its largest customers do not pay for nearly 6 months. Because BizCon is a new company, its equipment suppliers insist on being paid cash on delivery. Also, it had to pay up front for 2 years of insurance. At the end of the year, BizCon owed employees for one full month of salaries, but due to a cash shortfall, it promised to pay them the first week of next year.

As the senior accountant, the Chief Financial Officer has asked you to prepare a memo to be sent to management notifying them of the delayed wage payments.

Prepare the memo in a maximum 700 words including the following information to better outline the situation:

  • Explain how cash and accrual accounting differs for each of the events listed in the above scenario and describe the proper accrual accounting.
  • Assess how at the end of the year, BizCon reported a favorable net income, yet the company’s management is concerned because the company is very short of cash. Explain to management how BizCon could have positive net income and yet run out of cash.

This is the book the materials coming out of:

Kimmel, P. D., Weygandt, J. J., Kieso, D. E. Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making. [University of Phoenix]. Retrieved from https://phoenix.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781119244…

Power point intro and constitution slide

Question Description

This is part of a group power point project. I only need the and intro and conclusion slide. Everything else has been completed. Please add speaker notes.

This assignment affords you the opportunity to demonstrate understanding of ethics as it relates to the field of psychology.

Read the “Ethical Transgressions of School Psychology Graduate Students: A Critical Incidents Survey” article located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

Select one of the ethical issues discussed in the article.

Create a 5- to 8-slide presentation, including detailed speaker notes, on the effect of ethical reasoning and decision making. Include the following:

  • What ethical traits, concepts, and principles are presented in this article? ( ALREADY COMPELTED DO NOT WORK ON)
  • How was the chosen ethical issue an example of poor ethical decision making?( ALREADY COMPELTED DO NOT WORK ON)
  • What ethical reasoning strategies could have helped in this situation?(ALREADY COMPLETED DO NOT WORK ON

Format your presentation according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines:

  • Treat the presentation as if it were an academic paper.
  • Make the first slide the title page slide.
  • Include in-text citations on any body slides that require them, revealing outside source information.
  • Make the last slide the references slide.
  • Make sure to have an introduction slide that previews the main points of your presentation and a conclusion that (Only need this completed reviews what was covered. You can find precise guidelines in Essay Fundamentals.
  • Please note that the title and reference pages are not included in the slides count.