Short assignment (Mon, Lib)

Question Description

Need help with the questions below. Find the attached file. Some of them are already completed in that file. Need help with the rest. Most of these are short answers and may be completed in one to two lines.

1. What is the name of your firm and why did you select it?

2. Identify 2 or 3 notable facts in the history of your firm.

3. Identify and list the ‘business segments’ in your firm. Is there at least one for each team member?

4. Who is the Chairman/CEO of your corporation? Identify some of the person’s

attributes (e.g., age, tenure, education, experience, links to other firms)

5. What are the current stock price, and most recent year end revenues, net

income and earnings per share? What is your preliminary assessment of the

firm’s financial health?

6. When is the next quarterly investor report for your company?

7. Browse through the news feeds related to your firm. What is your preliminary

assessment of the core issues facing your firm?

8. Set up a “Google Alert for your company

9. Which business segment are you focusing on?

10.What are the core activities/product lines of your business segment?

11.What percentage of the firm’s revenue is from this business segment? (show work)

12.What percentage of the firm’s earnings before taxes is from this line of

business? (show work)

13.Who is the executive in charge of this business segment? Identify some of the

person’s attributes (e.g., age, tenure, education, experience, links to other


14.What are the NAICS and SIC codes for your business segment?

15.What are the industry’s revenues, profits and percent of profits to revenues?

16.Who are the major rivals of your business segment?

17.Where does your business segment rank amongst its rivals in terms of some

performance metrics such as revenue, operating income, market share, etc?

18.What are the main economic, political and social trends facing your business

segment’s industry?

19.What is your preliminary assessment of the industry and competitive position of

your business segment?

20.What is your preliminary assessment of the issues facing your business


21.Set up a “Google Alert” for your business segment (note this is a different alert

than for your company. You should have two alerts; (1) company and (2) your

business segment)

DGME100 Assignment

Question Description


Choose a topic and set of 3 sources below. You will review 3 websites/pages for each topic. Carefully examine each web source listed for the topic. There are 3 pages on the pdf, one for each web source.

Download the Source Evaluation Questions pdf to determine which source is more factual and reliable and which are biased or unreliable. (You must download the pdf to fill it in and save it. If you fill it out in the web browser window, it won’t save your answers. You’ll upload the completed pdf to THIS assignment link on Canvas)

NOTE: There is at least one unreliable source in each topic set.


1. THE IMMIGRATION PROCESS – Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?

  1. (Links to an external site.)
  2. (Links to an external site.)
  3. (Links to an external site.)

2. TOBACCO USE AMONG AMERICAN TEENS Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?

  1. (Links to an external site.)
  2. (Links to an external site.)
  3. (Links to an external site.)

3. PEDIATRIC PRACTICE IN AMERICA – Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?

  1. (Links to an external site.)
  2. (Links to an external site.)
  3. (Links to an external site.)

4. WHAT’S IN OUR FAST FOOD? Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?

  1. (Links to an external site.)
  2. (Links to an external site.)
  3. (Links to an external site.)

5. EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE – Which of the following is the most reliable source on this topic?

  1. (Links to an external site.)
  2. (Links to an external site.)

Help with access

Question Description

Hello, please follow steps and do the work .

you can find data on this link :…

  • Open and save the Access database on your machine
  • Create the Relationships between the tables.
  • Output the names of all students taking Biology.
  • Output all Student_Ids whose Advisor_ID is not 3.
  • Output the names of all students whose ID is more than 3000.
  • Show the number of courses in the Course table.
  • Show the names of all courses in the Course table sorted by the Course name.
  • Output the names of all students whose ID is in between 3700 and 4000.
  • Show the names of all students whose advisor is Jones.
  • Create a Student form
  • Add 6 new student entries using the Student form and populate all the fields (including the State and Zip) in the form for the new students and the existing students.
  • Go to the datasheet view of the Student_Course and Student_Advisor table and add 2-3 entries in both these tables for the new students (Do not add new courses or advisors, use existing ones only). Populate the scores field in the Student_Course table as well (make up some scores).
  • Create two sub-forms to show the Course and Advisor information for each student on the Student form.
  • Create a report to show the individual scores obtained by each student in each course they took. The student_id and name should not be repeated with the scores. Show in the report the average score for each student (use the Report layout view) at the end of each student record and the average for all students at the bottom of the report.


Using the Access Query design option, run all the following 7 queries (questions 3 to 9):

Save the queries as Query(

(Example: Query3 for question 3 below).


For queries 4,5 and 8 use comparison operators (research online if necessary): <, >, =, >=, <= in the criteria

Use the Sort attribute in query design for question 7

Use the Totals feature in the Show/Hide block in the query design view for question 6.

Forms and Reports

Save the database and upload it. Make sure Access is not open when you upload it.

Inter bus ( Task 8)

Question Description

Task 8

Task 8 Developing, Marketing, Launching, and Managing International Production

Investigate Developing and Marketing

  1. Work through the tutorial on International Marketing Fundamentals
                          1. Importance of International Marketing
                          2. Strategic Considerations
                          3. Assessing Markets Outside Home Country
                          4. Market Development and Product Development Decisions
                          5. Options for Global Expansion
                          6. Resources
                          7. Marketing Mix
                        1. Read Chapter 14 in ebook on Marketing and Developing Products.
                        2. What is the Marketing Communication Process and why is this critical to consider if you are going global?
                        3. Complete the tutorial Top 5 Tips for Marketing Your Product Internationally

Learn about Designing Distribution Channels and Launching a Product/service

  1. How did FedEx do it? Watch
  2. Or how about Starbucks? Watch
  3. Read Chapter 14 section 3 on designing distribution channels
  4. Watch video Designing Distribution Channels
  5. Watch
  6. Read Chapter 15 in ebook on Production Strategy – production and facilities planning; production concerns; shipping and inventory cost

Learn more about managing the global business. Read and analyze:

  1. Managers Brief Case in Chapter 14 – Managing an International Sales Force. What are the barriers, risks, and hurdles? What is the manager’s role? What specific leadership strategies will help?
  2. Managers Brief Case in Chapter 15 – What are World Class Standards? Can they be applied to all products and services on the international market? What if other countries don’t do the same? What is the leader’s role?

Locate a company that went global besides Starbucks and FedEx. Trace their development, marketing, product distribution, and management of the global enterprise. Find specific information that shows the process and strategies. Make an infographic to show the process.

hospitality management recruitment assignment

Question Description

I attached guideline

Recruitment Ad

Recruitment Ad

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

10.0 pts


Ad included the following: Job description • Location • Compensation and Benefits • Who/where to apply • EEO statement

7.0 pts


Ad missed at least 1 of the following: Job description • Location • Compensation and Benefits • Who/where to apply • EEO statement

0.0 pts


Ad missed at least 2 of the following: Job description • Location • Compensation and Benefits • Who/where to apply • EEO statement

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLegality/creativity

5.0 pts


Ad contained: Legality • Did the ad use sexist language? • Were contents and specifications based on essential functions? Creativity • Would this ad catch your attention? • Was the correct medium used given the target market? • Was the medium used appropriately?

3.0 pts


Missed at least one of the issues. Legality • Did the ad use sexist language? • Were contents and specifications based on essential functions? Creativity • Would this ad catch your attention? • Was the correct medium used given the target market? • Was the medium used appropriately?

0.0 pts


Ad did not follow legal and creative guidelines.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJob Specifications

5.0 pts


Ad contained: • Realistic description working conditions (may not apply) • Minimum education, experience, and skill levels required • Special criteria (relocation, travel, etc)

3.0 pts


Ad missed at least one of the issues. • Realistic description working conditions (may not apply) • Minimum education, experience, and skill levels required • Special criteria (relocation, travel, etc)

0.0 pts


Ad did not contain job specifications.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling/grammar

5.0 pts


No grammar or spelling errors

3.0 pts


1 grammar or spelling error

0.0 pts


More than 2 grammar or spelling errors

5.0 pts

The Case of the Director Who Wore Too Many Hats

Question Description

The Case of the Director Who Wore Too Many Hats

Maria is one of 5 directors of Beta Investments Corporation. She is also a majority shareholder holding both common and preferred stock. Her stock with voting rights amounts to 47% of all stock issued with voting rights.

Maria buys, for $1,500, an option to purchase a tract of real estate called Blackacre, which is next to Beta’s home office, for $50,000. Maria forms a new corporation, Commercial Property, Inc., to hold the option. She then has Commercial Property buy Blackacre. As a director of Beta, Maria orders Beta to authorize its real estate agent to negotiate the purchase of the land from Commercial Property for $100,000. After a successful negotiation for the purchase of Blackacre for $100,000, Maria has Commercial Property sell it to Beta, and loan the money to Beta for the purchase price at a 5% interest rate which is 2% below the market rate. Lakesha, a minority shareholder in Beta, formally complains to Beta’s board which takes no action.

The Trial

Lakesha files a suit against Maria on Beta’s behalf seeking to cancel the sale. Maria asks the Court to dismiss the lawsuit as Lakesha has no standing to bring the lawsuit.

Arguments At Trial

Maria’s attorney argues that Blackacre is necessary for Beta as it will allow them to expand their offices and production plant thus increasing the net worth and potential profits to the shareholders. Further, the Board of Directors of Beta authorized the purchase which appeared to be in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation.

Lakesha’s attorney argues that the purchase of Blackacre should have been put to a vote of the shareholders of Beta as required by Beta’s Bylaws. Beta’s Board of Directors failed in its duty to make sure this sale was in the corporation’s best interest.

Questions to Decide

  1. What kind of suit will Lakesha file and what is its basis?
  2. Who are the Plaintiffs and who are the Defendants? Why?
  3. What are the defenses, if any, of Beta or Maria?
  4. Who will win the case and why?

Make sure that spelling and grammar is right. cite to the text at least once in the answers.

This weeks discussion board.

Question Description

Inventory management and aggregate planning serve an obvious need in production companies, but these concepts are also highly valuable for service businesses. Identify an existing service based business and describe the importance of inventory management or aggregate planning as it applies to that company.

– 200-300 words

– at least two references

This weeks study ————————————————-

Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling

We will continue this week by looking at aggregate planning, which establishes general levels of employment, output, and inventories for periods of 2 to 12 months. In the spectrum of planning, it falls between the broad decisions of long-range planning and the very specific and detailed short-range planning decisions. It begins with an overall forecast for the planning horizon and ends with preparations for applying the plans to specific products and services.

The essence of aggregate planning is the aggregation of products or services into one “product” or “service.” This permits planners to consider overall levels of employment and inventories without having to become involved with specific details that are better left to short-range planning. Planners often use informal graphic and charting techniques to develop plans, although various mathematical techniques have been suggested.

Inventory Management

Inventory management is a core operations management activity. Good inventory management is often the mark of a well-run organization. Inventory levels must be planned carefully in order to balance the cost of holding inventory and the cost of providing reasonable levels of customer service. Successful inventory management requires a system to keep track of inventory transactions, accurate information about demand and lead times, realistic estimates of certain inventory-related costs, and a priority system for classifying the items in inventory and allocating control effort.


By the end of this week, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate and discuss how inventory, level employment, chase demand, and aggregate labor planning applies to a service business.
  • Define, recall, and identify terms and concepts associated with quality management, costs, quality management tools, quality teams, control charts, inventory systems, quality models, cycles, supply chain, aggregate planning, and manufacturing capacity.
  • Examine and interpret key elements of scheduling and inventory management.

Operations ManagementMcGraw-Hill Education; 13thedition (February 15, 2017) by William J Stevensone-copyTextbook with Connect access code: ISBN13: 978-1259948206

Stevenson, Chapters 11 &13


Question Description

Option #1: Using the Accounting Equation to Analyze Transactions

Second National Bank just approved a loan for Joey John’s Inc. to start a home gym design business. Joey John’s Inc. is ready to start the business by renting a small office facility, purchasing equipment, hiring sales, design, and administrative help, and beginning to provide services. During March, Joey John’s first month of business, the following transactions occurred:

  1. Joey John’s, Inc. signed a promissory note at the bank and received $50,000 cash.
  2. Joey John’s issued shares of capital stock to its shareholders to raise another $75,000 cash.
  3. Joey John’s purchased training and design equipment in the amount of $35,000 cash.
  4. Joey John’s purchased supplies worth $500 on account. These supplies are expected to last 6 months.
  5. Joey John’s hired Joshua Ramirez to assist with design and sales on a part-time basis. He will be paid a salary of $1,000 per month for his work.
  6. During the first month, Joey John’s completed design work on its first two facilities, one for P. Christopher, and the other for Josephine Johnson.
  7. Joey John’s completed the design work for P. Christopher and sent him a bill for $1,250.
  8. Joey John’s completed the design work for Ms. Johnson and sent her a bill for $750.
  9. Joey John’s collected half of the money ($625) in cash from P. Christopher, with a promise to pay the additional amount next month.
  10. Joey John’s paid Joshua $1,000 cash for his first month of service.
  11. Joey John’s received $500 cash in advance to work on a design project for a local gym. Work on the site will not begin until August.
  12. Joey John’s paid rent of $500 in cash.

Required: Using the Excel template, complete the following activities:

  1. Analyze each transaction’s effect using the accounting equation, if needed.
  2. Provide a written explanation (one sentence) on the effect of the transaction on the accounting equation.

Review the grading rubric to understand how you will be graded on this assignment. Review Module 1 Part 3 Lecture: The Accounting Equation, 4.1 (Accounting Cycle) & 4.2 (Preparing Financial Statements) for examples related to your Critical Thinking assignment for this week. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.

Writing 1-Letter, AP/Format Related

Question Description

Writing 1-Letter

Submit Assignment

  • Due Tuesday by 2:50pm
  • Points 50
  • Submitting a file upload

You have just been hired by On the Court as the community relations director. On the Court is a sports apparel company that has contracts with high school athletic departments all over the country to provide logo items and team uniforms for a variety of sports.

Over the summer, there was a series of database errors. Many orders were deleted from the system with no tracking of having ever received orders. Remaining orders were altered in the colors and sizes of the uniforms. This means that many schools never received the uniform orders, and the schools that did receive uniforms had the wrong colors and sizes that did not fit their athletes. With the fall sports season ready to start, many athletic directors have been calling your office and complaining. Others have taken to social media to complain with photos of their teams in mismatched, ill-fitting apparel.

You have been asked to draft a letter to all of On the Court’s customers explaining the situation and what the company is doing to fix it and make amends.

Your letter should be clear, concise and assist in building trust between your company and its customers. It should appear as realistic as possible, and you should use the business letter template provided. You may make up appropriate facts, names and strategies for dealing with the situation.

Business Letter Format.docx


Grading Criteria

Grammar/Spelling 20

Form/Appearance 10

Appropriate Content 10

Clarity of Content 10


Business Letter

Business Letter

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/Spelling

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeForm/Appearance

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppropriate Content

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity

10.0 pts

Total Points: 50.0

2 page Organization Communication Task (CSU)

Question Description

Choose a new company

For this assignment, you will research the different ways that managers and leaders use communication to guide their organizations.

Feel free to use the same organization you researched for the Unit VI Case Study. You are not limited to this organization, but it may be easier to complete the assignment since you have already researched the organization in Unit VI. You can use the same sources for both assignments, if applicable.

Find an instance where the organizational leader communicates directly with his or her employees, investors, or customers. Analyze the message, the channel, and the potential for feedback. Do you believe that it is effective? Do you believe that it is the same type of message that a manager would send? Why, or why not?

Remember to focus on the communication styles of both leaders and managers. Strive for an equal balance between the two types of communication styles in your assignment.

Example: The Apple events that occur in Cupertino whenever Apple unveils a new product or service are examples of the type of communication you should be analyzing in this assignment. During the events, CEO Tim Cook addresses an audience of employees, investors, and the general public. Cook uses multiple channels to communicate with the audience, including a live face-to-face discussion, live streaming of the discussion, and a recorded video. For the assignment, you would view one of the events, analyze Cook’s message and the effectiveness of the channels, and discuss the potential for feedback. Analyze whether or not the message is an effective example of leadership. Explain whether or not you believe a manager could, or should, use the same types of channels to relay a message. Would it be effective?

Note: You do not need to use Apple for this assignment. It is provided as an example only.

Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). Include at least two academic sources. APA format should be used. The assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.