Module 3 – Case choices

Question Description

Module 3 – Case



The Case in this course is an ongoing exercise, meaning that we will continue to review one company over the course of our four modules. In Module 3, we will be conducting a strategic analysis of Pepsico.

Specifically, the Module 3 Case requires that you identify the primary business strategy employed by Pepsico. You will also be providing a critical, written analysis evaluating that strategy in the context of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you identified in Module 2.


Refer to the required and optional readings related to strategic choices, the theme of Module 3.


In a 6- to 8-page paper, respond to the following:

  1. Which of the four generic (Porter) strategies does Pepsico follow, and how do you know?
  2. Integrate the strategy you have identified above with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you identified in Module 2 (this exercise should provide you with some specific actions the company should be taking relative to its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These actions are referred to as “strategic choices”). Do Pepsico’s strategic choices align with the firm’s generic strategy? If not, what are the specific points of disconnect? Think critically about this step, as no company achieves perfect alignment of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with its chosen strategy. As the MBA, it is your job to uncover the discrepancies and problems.
  3. How can Pepsico leverage its strengths and shore up its weaknesses by altering its strategic choices? How can the company take advantage of environmental opportunities and minimize environmental threats by altering its strategic choices? Be specific.
  4. Complete the paper by commenting on how your view of Pepsico’s vision and mission has changed or has been reconfirmed by this process of strategic analysis. Would you make any suggestions to revise the company’s vision, mission, or values statements, or to any of its goals/objectives?

5. Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as Pepsico’s consultant. This is a professional document. Follow the format below:

  • Executive summary: This is a synopsis of the main points, conclusions, and recommendations made in the longer report. If you would like a refresher on writing an executive summary, check this website:
  • Introduction: State the main purpose of the paper (thesis statement), what you hope to accomplish, and how you will go about doing it.
  • Main Body: The “meat” of the paper. Emphasize analysis, not just description. Delineate separate topics or sections with headings.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your paper in light of your thesis statement.


Your paper will be evaluated using the grading rubric.

Tips and Suggestions

  • Business school case-study assignments are meant to offer practice opportunities for future business people who are earning their MBA degrees. Consider yourself a consultant hired by the company to make these critical assessments. There are no right or wrong answers to the Case question, as long as your position is well defended.
  • Study the theoretical concepts provided in the Background materials section of the module, and identify main strategy concepts.
  • Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 6-8 pages of analysis described above.
  • Include section headings as appropriate.
  • Cite and reference all sources, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes of more than five words, and citations for information you have “borrowed” or paraphrased from other sources.
  • Follow Trident Guidelines for Well-Written Papers.
  • Submit your analysis by the end of this module.

Inter Bus ( lesson 9)

Question Description

Lesson 9

There are three activities or Ethical Scenarios, please choose one of them and then thoroughly answer the questions in the scenario.

Activity 1: Ethical Scenario I

Your team are special assistants to the governor of a southeastern U.S. state in which unemployment (especially in rural areas) is well above the national average. After nearly three years in office and elected on a pledge to create jobs, the governor is concerned. Because he respects your moral stance on big issues, the governor is seeking your insight. An Asian automobile maker has just told the governor that your state is on its short list of potential sites for a new manufacturing facility. The facility is expected to employ about 1,500 people, with plenty of spillover effects for the wider economy. The governor informs you that the Asian automaker expects significant incentives and concessions. The governor would like to offer some $300 million in tax breaks and subsidies in an effort to bring the new plant to the state.

Discuss the situation and then answer the questions:

                          1. What plan of action do you advise the governor to take? Would the outlay be an appropriate use of taxpayer money? Explain.
                          2. Would you feel comfortable defending your advice if it were to become public? Explain.

Activity 2: Ethical Scenario II

Your teams are lawyers working with the International Court of Justice in The Hague in the Netherlands. Your task is to review a recent decision by a U.S. judge regarding extraterritoriality. The case: French survivors of the Holocaust sued Yahoo USA because French citizens were purchasing Nazi memorabilia on Yahoo’s U.S. website. The lawsuit also charged Yahoo USA with hosting the websites of anti-Semitic groups. Although both these actions are illegal according to French law, they are permitted in the United States because of U.S. legislation protecting free speech. Because Yahoo’s French website did not violate French law, the U.S. federal judge hearing the case threw it out. The judge ruled that French law does not have the right to dictate the behavior of U.S. firms operating inside the United States. Today, the Internet can make it difficult to determine where jurisdictions begin and end.

Read, analyze and research the scenario. Then answer these questions:

                          1. If you had been the U.S. judge in this case, would you have ruled similarly? Explain.
                          2. What factors most influenced your decision?
                          3. Do you know of any Internet controls that companies or governments can use to stop such cases from occurring in the future?

Activity 3: Ethical Scenario III

You are chief operating officer of a U.S.-based telecommunications firm considering a joint venture inside China with a Chinese firm. The consultant you hired to help you through the negotiations has just informed you that ethical concerns can arise when international companies consider a cooperative form of market entry (such as a joint venture) with a local partner in any market. This is especially true when each partner contributes personnel to the venture because cultural perspectives cause people to see ethical dilemmas differently. This is of special concern to you because the venture had planned to employ people from both China and the United States. In light of this recent information, you are reassessing your entry mode options.

  1. Do you think your two companies can establish a set of ethical principles before commencing operations that will guide a potential joint venture?
  2. What ethical issues might arise in conjunction with other entry modes discussed in this chapter?
  3. Is there a company that succeeded under circumstances that are similar to those that your firm faces?

Need 250 word response 1 cited reference

Question Description

Fraud is defined as criminal activity that is committed by deceptive methods and intended to bring financial or other types of material gains to the criminal from the victim. Fraud is unlike other types of crimes that are committed by using some sort of force such as assault or breaking and entering, and involves some sort of lying or other deception. Rather than using force, the criminal who uses fraud misrepresents themselves or the situation in order to entice the victim to willingly hand over money or other valuable goods (Yar, 2006).

The Internet has provided criminals with new avenues to commit fraud. The architecture of the Internet consists of several individual networks tied together, with no one single owner and no overall central governance or oversight. The relative anonymous nature of the Internet allows criminals to mask and change their identities and locations frequently. By using virtual private networks that connect to Internet presence points in other countries and using anonymous browsers such as Tor, criminals can obscure their criminal Internet activity, making it difficult for law enforcement to track and capture them. It is also fairly easy to set up websites and email on the Internet to make a fraudulent operation appear legitimate to potential victims.

In May 2000, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) was established by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). IC3’s mission is to raise public awareness on Internet-related criminal activity by providing a way for the public to report complaints and by building partnerships between law enforcement agencies and industry (Internet Crime Complaint Center, 2019). While the IC3 is based in the United States, they also respond to complaints from across the globe. Since 2000, the IC3 has received 4,415,870 complaints about Internet-related criminal activity, and received a average of 300,000 complaints annually between 2013 and 2018 (2018 IC3 Annual Report, 2018).

According to the IC3, the majority of Internet-related criminal activity are cases involving some type of fraud. The top three types of complaints received by the IC3 include non-payment or non-delivery of goods ordered from websites, phishing, and business email compromise (BEC). Business email compromise is a quickly growing area of Internet-related criminal activity and involves the transfer of funds or other valuable data from a victim through unauthorized access to a computer or system. Over the past year, there has been a 100% increase in BEC activity as criminals find new ways to exploit victims by accessing their personally identifiable information (PII) or business and personal financial accounts. BEC scammers often use email phishing or social engineering attacks to direct the victim to unknowingly take fraudulent action, or to steal their credentials by sending them to a malicious site (Gatlan, 2019).

BEC scams are usually successful because the scammers often appear legitimate by masking their identity as someone the victim would be likely to trust, such as the victim’s business owner or known business partner. The IC3 estimates that BEC scams total around $26 billion, with BEC scams reported in all 50 states and in 177 countries around the world, with the majority of the fraudulent wire transfers sent to China and Hong Kong (Gatlan, 2019).


2018 IC3 Annual Report. (2018). Retrieved from Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Gatlan, S. (2019, September 10). Business Email Compromise Is a $26 Billion Scam Says the FBI. Retrieved from Bleeping Computer:…

Internet Crime Complaint Center. (2019, Oct 2). Retrieved from Federal Bureau of Investigation:

Yar, M. (2006). Cybercrime and Society. London: Sage Publications.

Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur

Question Description


1. Review. Begin by going to:… and reviewing the list of available interviews.

2. Select. Select one – three entrepreneurs that are of interest to you.

3. Claim. You will be claiming your preferred entrepreneur, per our class calendar, and only one entrepreneur per class is allowed.

4. Listen & take notes. Listen to the interview taking notes along the way. You will be answering the following questions:

Who is the entrepreneur? Is there any reason you chose this individual?

What did you learn about their background, especially as related to their business.

How did they come up with their business idea?

What challenges did they face in launching/growing/succeeding?

How did they overcome these challenges?

Review Qualities OF EXIBIT 6.2 shared by Successful Entrepreneurs. Identify THE three qualities that your entrepreneur demonstrated from that list. (ATTACHED)

For each quality provide a cited example.

5. Organize. Organize your information into a 3minute PowerPoint presentation and talking point notes to share with your peer team.

his will be a ten-fourteen slide presentation (plus your Reference Page Slide), lasting no more than 3-minutes.

Include talking points that outline the details of what you will saying in your presentation. You can do this in the “notes” section at the bottom of the PowerPoint or on a separate document. If you use a separate document be sure to track notes to slides.

• Include internal citations in your notes for all examples you use to support your points.

• Include a Reference page on your PowerPoint. Only include sources on your

Reference Page IN APA that you used in your talking points, slides, or both!


MOD 2-SLP-External Environment, SWOT

Question Description

Module 2 – SLP



Wonder Company Simulation


The Module 2 SLP requires that you continue with the scenario and simulation you began in the Module 1 SLP.


SLP2 – It is January 15, 2017. You have finished analyzing the performance of the Wonder Company, and you have submitted the report requested by your CEO, Sally Smothers. You are ready to move forward to 2017, but then…..

….as you turn on the TV, you notice something very strange. You recognize that the date is January 1, 2013, and that you get to make the decisions for the Wonder Company for the 4-year period beginning with 2013. Your challenge is to do better than Joe Thomas.

At the beginning of each year (2013-2016), you will determine your pricing, your R&D allocations, and whether or not to discontinue any products. You are required to make your decisions for each year, and to report your results to see what happened. You must keep track of your decisions, making specific notes supporting each of your decisions.

Run the Wonder Co. simulation through the end of 2016. When you are finished, the date will be December 31, 2016. What is your total Score? Did you do better than Joe Thomas?

You organize your notes about your decisions, your analysis, and your reasoning into a well-written report.

Session Long Project

Run the Wonder Company simulation with your strategy, making decisions year by year for prices and R&D allocations. Write a 6- to 7-page paper, not including cover and reference pages, in which you discuss the decisions and the results for each year. Discuss why you did better (or worse) than Joe Thomas.


The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered and taken into account in preparing your paper include:

  • As you run the simulation, keep track of your decisions and the results – both financial and marketing. Copy and paste the results into Excel or into a Word document. You will also want to record the information that you get from the Advisor. Make a note of your Final Total Score.
  • Include your Final Total Score, some tables, and/or graphs showing key results. Using sound logic, be sure to clearly explain the differences from Joe.
  • Remember that the key here is quality of analysis.
  • Time Line Summary:


  • 2016: You are hired on December 31, 2016.
  • Turned in first report to the CEO on January 15, 2017.


  • You again find yourself in a Time Warp that takes you back to January 1, 2013.
  • You revise the decisions made by Joe for 2013 – 2016. You make new decisions each year.
  • December 31, 2016 – You have gone through all four years, and you write your second report to summarize how you did.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the grading rubric.


Please note the following tips and suggestions:

  • Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 6-7 pages of analysis described above:
    • Use section headings as appropriate. Use graphs, charts, or figures strategically – but do not use these as “space fillers.” Include large graphs, etc., as an Appendix instead.
    • Cite and reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes, and citations for that information which you have “borrowed” or paraphrased from other sources.
    • Follow the Trident Guidelines for well-written papers.

​Resume / Cover letter Assignment

Question Description

Resume / Cover letter Assignment

Resume (100 points)
Create and submit a Resume with a Cover Letter.
Use your Text and “Resume Template” provided by Microsoft Word and other resources. Set up a “Resume” file on your computer as you want to tailor your template resume to employment opportunities. Then refer to the Personal Data worksheet that you created. Use your personal information to complete the Resume. Be complete, realistic, and HONEST on your resume.
The following section headings are included on the Resume Templates; you must complete all sections that apply to you. If you do not have any information to put in a section, then delete that section. You never want to have an empty section on your resume…just leave it out.
• Objective
• Education
• Skills
• Work Experience
• Volunteer Experience
• Personal
• References – Available Upon Request

When you have completed your resume make sure you proofread it and make all necessary corrections. Submit your Resume with Cover Letter to CANVAS Resume / Cover Letter Assignment Module as a PDF.

Cover Letter (100)
1. Make a “Job Worksheet” by deconstruction a job description and plug in your skills
2. Open a blank Microsoft Word document and save in your files as “Cover Letter.”
3. Type your cover letter including the following information:
• Current Date
• Return address (your address)
• Letter address (who you are sending letter to)
• Salutation / Greeting with punctuation
• Body of the Letter:
1. First Paragraph (state the job you are applying for, how you learned about the job, and how interested you are in the position)
2. Second Paragraph (description of education, work experience, skills, etc.)
3. Third Paragraph (closing remarks, contact information, restate interest in job)
• Complimentary Closing (Sincerely Yours,)
• Signature block (sign your name and type your name right below)
• Use Block style (all paragraphs and text aligned left, no indenting)
• Spacing Requirements:
• 4 spaces after the date
• 2 spaces after the return address
• 2 spaces after the letter address
• 2 spaces after the salutation / greeting
• 1 space between each paragraph
• 2 spaces after third paragraph
• 4 spaces after Sincerely Yours
• Print the cover letter, sign your name in the 4 spaces provided for the signature block.

When you have completed the Cover Letter make sure you proofread and make all necessary corrections. Submit your Resume with Cover Letter to CANVAS Resume / Cover Letter Assignment Module as a PDF.
The Job
You will be applying for a College Intern Administrative Intern with UCSD. Deconstruct and use following job description as a reference for your “Cover Letter” and “Resume”.
College Intern Administrative Intern
Requisition ID: 2021
Location(s): University of California San Diego, United States, California, La Jolla
Business Sector: Education School of Business Administration
US Citizenship Required for this Position: Yes or proof legal residence
Relocation Assistance: Relocation assistance will be available
Performs variety of status activities in support of program areas such as proposals, strategy, schedule and cost execution for the program manager. Gathers, collects, records, tracks and verifies data and information from multiple sources. Compiles, reviews and analyzes data. Generate reports, statistics, timelines, tables, graphs, correspondence and presentations for Grossmont Community College District. Provides data and information to others on functional unit processes and procedures.
Basic Qualifications: Currently pursuing AA/BS degree from an accredited university in Business or related field. Summer 2019 Internship, full time, 10 weeks. Must be full time student into Fall 2019.
Preferred Qualifications: Business management college coursework and interest in exposure to management of cost and schedule execution, team leadership, and government acquisitions.

Create and submit a Resume with a Cover Letter.

Question Description

Resume / Cover letter Assignment

Resume (100 points)
Create and submit a Resume with a Cover Letter.
Use your Text and “Resume Template” provided by Microsoft Word and other resources. Set up a “Resume” file on your computer as you want to tailor your template resume to employment opportunities. Then refer to the Personal Data worksheet that you created. Use your personal information to complete the Resume. Be complete, realistic, and HONEST on your resume.
The following section headings are included on the Resume Templates; you must complete all sections that apply to you. If you do not have any information to put in a section, then delete that section. You never want to have an empty section on your resume…just leave it out.
• Objective
• Education
• Skills
• Work Experience
• Volunteer Experience
• Personal
• References – Available Upon Request

When you have completed your resume make sure you proofread it and make all necessary corrections. Submit your Resume with Cover Letter to CANVAS Resume / Cover Letter Assignment Module as a PDF.

Cover Letter (100)
1. Make a “Job Worksheet” by deconstruction a job description and plug in your skills
2. Open a blank Microsoft Word document and save in your files as “Cover Letter.”
3. Type your cover letter including the following information:
• Current Date
• Return address (your address)
• Letter address (who you are sending letter to)
• Salutation / Greeting with punctuation
• Body of the Letter:
1. First Paragraph (state the job you are applying for, how you learned about the job, and how interested you are in the position)
2. Second Paragraph (description of education, work experience, skills, etc.)
3. Third Paragraph (closing remarks, contact information, restate interest in job)
• Complimentary Closing (Sincerely Yours,)
• Signature block (sign your name and type your name right below)
• Use Block style (all paragraphs and text aligned left, no indenting)
• Spacing Requirements:
• 4 spaces after the date
• 2 spaces after the return address
• 2 spaces after the letter address
• 2 spaces after the salutation / greeting
• 1 space between each paragraph
• 2 spaces after third paragraph
• 4 spaces after Sincerely Yours
• Print the cover letter, sign your name in the 4 spaces provided for the signature block.

When you have completed the Cover Letter make sure you proofread and make all necessary corrections. Submit your Resume with Cover Letter to CANVAS Resume / Cover Letter Assignment Module as a PDF.
The Job
You will be applying for a College Intern Administrative Intern with UCSD. Deconstruct and use following job description as a reference for your “Cover Letter” and “Resume”.
College Intern Administrative Intern
Requisition ID: 2021
Location(s): University of California San Diego, United States, California, La Jolla
Business Sector: Education School of Business Administration
US Citizenship Required for this Position: Yes or proof legal residence
Relocation Assistance: Relocation assistance will be available
Performs variety of status activities in support of program areas such as proposals, strategy, schedule and cost execution for the program manager. Gathers, collects, records, tracks and verifies data and information from multiple sources. Compiles, reviews and analyzes data. Generate reports, statistics, timelines, tables, graphs, correspondence and presentations for Grossmont Community College District. Provides data and information to others on functional unit processes and procedures.
Basic Qualifications: Currently pursuing AA/BS degree from an accredited university in Business or related field. Summer 2019 Internship, full time, 10 weeks. Must be full time student into Fall 2019.
Preferred Qualifications: Business management college coursework and interest in exposure to management of cost and schedule execution, team leadership, and government acquisitions.

Introduction post and peer reviews

Question Description



Introduce Yourself

Search the internet for a current news article that discusses changes made in an organization. Provide the link to the article for everyone to read. Assuming you are the manager, how would you ensure that the changes are well received by your employees?




Hello Dr. Val and Class,

My name is Carolyn, I am from SC but I currently live right outside of Chicago, IL. I am a mother to 2 and a bonus mom. I love fitness and healthy eating. A little over two years ago I transitioned to a plant based diet. Since, it has been both eye opening and rewarding. The challenges of leaning a new way of cooking and pairing foods, herbs and spices has been a task ; but hey, I’m alive so I guess I am doing something right.

My article is:…

With regards to this article and ensuring the changes are well received by the employees, I would begin with the most obvious, the plane crashes that occurred late 2018 and 2019. I would communicate how safety is the companies priority. Focusing on the company’s commitment to ensuring that every passenger that boards their planes feel safe. Emphasizing that confidence will take time and that the goal of the company is the make sure employees feel empowered to speak up about any conserns that may jeopardize the company and passenger’s lives without retaliation. The goal would be to create a safe space where employees and leadership can restore public and goverment confidence.



I’m Imani. I attend school in Nashville, I am a manager at a well known southern chain. I spend most of time at work but when im not working im doing school work. I am all work and no play at the time, but in between semester I like to make everyone around me put on a little weight by baking all kinds of goodies. I also enjoy spending time with my dog or cats, of which i have three. I’m getting my degree in hopes to be able to take it easy someday. My goals are so simple, I want to answer to only myself, and I also want to be rich and have too many pets.

As a manager, I “capital H’ hate trying to get employees to adjust to changes. It also seems age is a factor in the level of difficulty. To get my employees to adjust to the change I try to help them understand why this change makes things easier on them. As I also prefer to lead by example, I am going to adjust to the changes and take initiative in implementing everything.…

answer the following

Question Description

Journal Article Analyssis Yoursubmission must include the following information in the following format:DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; thisdoes not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 wordrange. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put anyweight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how thearticle relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what wasalready stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing yourexperiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format.Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment arecompleted as required.Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entireassignment

Organizational Learning in Stakeholder Relations

Rupcic, Nataša
Learning Organization, v26 n2 p219-231 2019. 13 pp.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley, West Yorkshire, BD16 1WA, UK. Tel: +44-1274-777700; Fax: +44-1274-785201; e-mail:; Web site:
Peer Reviewed:
Workplace Learning, Organizational Change, Stakeholders, Transformational Leadership, School Business Relationship, Strategic Planning, Governing Boards, Communities of Practice, Higher Education, Corporations, Expertise, Educational Environment, Interprofessional Relationship, Employer Employee Relationship
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the challenges regarding learning in stakeholder relations in profit and nonprofit organizations. Design/methodology/approach: Conclusions and models presented in the paper have been designed based on the systems perspective, critical thinking and critical review of previous contributions. Findings: Organizational learning has been examined in profit and nonprofit organizations, and factors which stimulate this process have been identified. More precisely, factors contributing to organizational learning in board of directors have been critically examined, accreditation as a factor contributing to organizational learning in higher education institutions (HEIs) has been suggested, learning dynamics in university-industry collaborations and inter-professional learning have been examined, as well as organizational learning as a bottom-up approach supported by transformational leaderships. Research limitations/implications: Conclusions and models provided in the paper need further empirical testing and validation. Practical implications: Useful implications for practitioners in profit and nonprofit sector have been suggested based on the critical analysis of previous contributions regarding stimulation of organizational learning in stakeholder relations. Originality/value: Contributions from previous authors have been systemically and critically reviewed, adapted models have been provided and suggestions for practitioners in this regard have been offered.
As Provided
Number of References:
Number of Pages:
Intended Audience:
Education Level:
Higher Education; Postsecondary Education
Publication Type:
Journal Articles; Reports – Research
Journal Code:
Entry Date:
Accession Number:

peer response

Question Description



Criminal justice public policy has the ability to influence positive change in relation to juvenile justice incarceration if pragmatically applied. Through the establishment of public policy supportive of prevention programs, intervention services, and rehabilitation in lieu of prosecution, limiting the exposure of juveniles to the criminal justice system and decreasing recidivism may be achieved (Schmalleger, 2016). The collaborative evaluation, analysis, development, and implementation of public policy by the police, courts, and corrections components of the criminal justice system are essential to the success of the criminal justice system (O’Leary, Van Slyke & Kim, 2010; Peak & Giacomazzi, 2019).

Juvenile public policy developed and implemented by the police may repair problems associated with juvenile justice incarceration rates. Establishing policing policies, which incorporate programs and projects providing for improved police-community relations and interactions with juveniles, has the potential to result in law enforcement mentors influencing juveniles to make correct choices when confronted with decisions that may result in criminal consequences. Such policing public policies may contribute to the lessening of juvenile justice incarceration rates. As such, recidivism may decrease as well (Gau, 2018; Peak & Giacomazzi, 2019).

Juvenile public policy developed and implemented by the courts may repair problems associated with juvenile justice incarceration rates. The developing of court policies supporting programs that provide alternative sanctions while correlatively imparting deterrence and rehabilitation may contribute to the lessening of juvenile justice incarceration rates. Accordingly, recidivism may decrease as well (Gau, 2018; Peak & Giacomazzi, 2019).

Juvenile public policy developed and implemented by corrections may repair problems associated with juvenile justice incarceration rates. Instituting corrections policies that focus on education, teaching trade skills, mental health therapies, and drug treatments to juveniles may contribute to the lessening of juvenile justice incarceration rates. As a result, recidivism may decrease as well (Gau, 2018; Peak & Giacomazzi, 2019).

Although, not an absolute criminal justice policy, the development and implementation of public policy that focuses on providing for the basic needs of juveniles, such as shelter, sustenance, and safety, may result in mitigating circumstances that have the potential to lead a juvenile to commit criminal actions and behaviors in order to survive such as the joining of gangs (Gau, 2018; Peak & Giacomazzi, 2019).

In conclusion, interagency relations among the police, courts, and corrections components of the criminal justice system has the potential to impart communication and amicable discussion as to potential solutions to issues and problems being encounter throughout the criminal justice system. Accordingly, collaborative government has the potential to result in the development of juvenile public policy that facilitates the greatest potential for prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation. The optimal outcome attempting to be achieved through the development and implementation of public policy regarding juvenile incarceration is the reduction of rates in juvenile incarceration and decreased recidivism (Gau, 2018; Schmalleger, 2016).


Gau, J. M. (2018). Criminal justice policy: Origins and effectiveness. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

O’Leary, R., Van Slyke, D. M., & Kim, S. (Eds.). (2010). The future of public administration around the world: The Minnowbrook perspective. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

Peak, K. J., & Giacomazzi, A. L. (2019). Justice administration: Police, courts, and corrections management (9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

Schmalleger, F. (2016). Criminal justice: A brief introduction (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.