
Question Description

Step Instructions Point Value
1 Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch03_Cap_Gym.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.

2 You will create a pie chart to focus on the expenses for the current year.

Insert a 2-D pie chart using the ranges A11:A19 and D11:D19 on the Income worksheet.

3 Move the chart to a new chart sheet named Expenses. Move it to the right of the Membership sheet. 3
4 The chart needs a descriptive, easy-to-read title.

Change the chart title to Expenses for Year 3 and change the font size to 20.

5 You want to create a clustered bar chart.

Insert a clustered bar chart using the ranges A4:D4 and A11:D19 on the Income worksheet.

6 You want to place this chart and other charts on a Summary worksheet to look at trends.

Move the chart as an object on the Summary worksheet. Cut the bar chart and paste it in cell I1.

7 The chart should have a descriptive title to explain which expenses are excluded.

Change the bar chart title to Expenses (Without Payroll and Cost of Sales).

8 You want to filter out the Payroll and Cost of Sales to focus on other expenses. The bar chart displays expenses the first expense (Advertising) at the bottom of the category axis. You want to reverse the categories to display in the same sequence as the expenses are listed in the worksheet.

Apply a chart filter to remove Payroll and Cost of Sales. Select the category axis and use the Format Axis task pane to display categories in reverse order. Change the Maximum Bound to 25000.

9 You decide to format the pie chart with data labels and remove the legend because there are too many categories for the legend to be effective.

Display the Expenses sheet and remove the legend. Add Percent and Category Name data labels and choose Outside End position for the labels. Change the data labels font size to 10.

10 You want to emphasize the Education & Training slice by exploding it.

Explode the Education & Training slice by 12%.

11 Add the Light Gradient – Accent 2 fill color to the chart area. 2
12 You create another chart showing the Balance sheet items. You change the chart to a clustered column and switch the row and column data to focus on each balance sheet item.

Insert a stacked column chart using the ranges A4:D4, A10:D10, A15:D15, and A16:D16 on the Balance sheet.
Change the chart type to Clustered Column and switch the rows and columns in the chart.

13 You want to move the column chart to be on the Summary worksheet along with the bar chart.

Move the column chart to the Summary worksheet. Cut the chart and paste it in cell A1.

14 The column chart needs to have a descriptive title to indicate the data comes from the Balance

Change the title to 3-Year Balance Sheet.

15 The last chart will be a line chart to show the trends in Memberships.

Insert a line chart using the range I3:L15 on the Membership worksheet.

16 You want to move the line chart to be on the same Summary sheet as column and bar charts.

Move the line chart to the Summary worksheet. Cut the chart and paste it in cell A17.

17 Because the lowest value is between 200 and 300, you will change the vertical axis at 200 instead of 0.

Adjust the vertical axis so the Minimum Bound is 200 and display a vertical axis title # of Memberships for the line chart.

18 Apply Chart Style 4 and change colors to Monochromatic Palette 8 for the line chart. 4
19 Move the legend to the top of the chart and add the chart title 3-Year Membership Trends. 4
20 0
21 0
22 0
23 0
24 You want to add sparklines to the Daily Attendance Trends. You add high points to emphasize which time of day is the most popular for your membership.

Select range B16:F16 on the Membership worksheet. Insert Column Sparklines using data from the range B6:F14. Display the high points for the sparklines.

25 Insert a footer with Exploring Series on the left, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right on the Membership, Expenses, and Summary sheets individually. Change to Normal view. 2
26 Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch03_Cap_Gym.xlsx. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed. 0

financial management and Budgeting

Question Description

This assignment is intended to help you learn to analyze an organization’s revenues and expenses applying the accrual basis of accounting.


Analyzing revenues and expenses and being able to make decisions based on your analysis is an essential skill for a manager. This assignment, based on the Denison Hospital Extended Problem, requires you to apply knowledge gained from the required reading to create a revenue budget, different versions of expense budgets, and an operating budget for the hospital. You will then be able to use the information you gain from your analysis to:

  • Identify assumptions made in the case.
  • Understand how to facilitate different types of decision making and accountability.
  • Apply information gained to manage an organization.
  • Assess the importance of an operating budget.
  • Recognize the impact of capital expenses on an operating budget.

Step 1

  • Create spreadsheets that address the requirements detailed in the Denison problem, for the following Sections and Questions only:
    • Part 1: Complete Sections A and B (Begins in the textbook on page 76) – Use this template for Part 1.
    • Part 2: (Begins in the textbook on page 107) – Use this template for Part 2.
      • Section C: Complete Question 2 Only
      • Complete Section D.
    • This will result in the creation of multiple budgets for the hospital.

    Note: When you enter your calculations into your spreadsheet, you must use formulas. For example, do not simply use your calculator and then enter the numbers.

Step 2

  • Write a 5 to 7 page analytical paper that includes citations from your textbook and references to the spreadsheets you just created (as appropriate).
  • Your paper is to include the following substantive elements:
    • An introduction that gets the reader’s attention, explains why the reader should care about or be interested in reading your paper, provides any necessary context or background for the body of the paper, briefly previews what will be addressed in the paper and the key conclusion, thesis, or purpose of the paper.
    • The body of the paper is to include
      • A brief explanation of each budget type in terms of what it shows, key assumption(s) underlying the budget, and why it is important to understand what the key assumptions are.
      • Discussion of how the different budget types (e.g., line item, program, flexible) facilitate different types of decision making and accountability.
      • Although you were not required to develop a cash or cash-flow budget for Denison Hospital, discuss why a cash or cash-flow budget is important to develop when managing an organization.
      • Identify an example of a capital purchase that Denison Hospital could make, explain why it is a capital item, and why it would be helpful to plan for its acquisition in a separate capital budget. Discuss how the acquisition of the capital item would affect the operating budget.
      • Describe the three most important reasons understanding the operating budget and the different types of costs of an organization helps you to better manage and lead the organization toward advancing its mission and goals. At least one of your reasons must address the importance of understanding costs.
    • A conclusion that synthesizes, summarizes, extends, explains, or otherwise wraps up what was presented in the body of the paper and connects back to the introduction. For this paper, a key focus should be explaining or summarizing the practical relevance of what was presented in the body.
    • A reference page
    • Appendices (spreadsheets): At least, your spreadsheets are to be included in the appendix of your paper.

    Note: Your paper should follow APA citation, referencing, and formatting requirements, including a title page, running head, and page numbers.

  • This assignment must be submitted to Turnitin. Read the details about it in About Turnitin. Review the originality reports you receive from Turnitin. If your report states that more than 24% of your document is not original thought, consider whether you need to rework your paper so that it is written in your own words. Make any other revisions necessary based on the originality report (e.g., include citations) and the GradeMark report.
  • Include the spreadsheets you created in Step 1 as appendices. Place any other supportive information you choose to include in the appendix.

Week 4 Assignment – Using Presentation Aids to Enhance Your Speech

Question Description

Week 4 Assignment – Using Presentation Aids to Enhance Your Speech

Due by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. (MT) end of Week 4 (120 pts)

Learning Objectives Covered:

  • LO 04.01 – Define and discuss six types of presentation aids and their purposes
  • LO 04.02 – Define and apply the assertion/evidence format for slide design

Career Relevancy

CMN201_A4.jpgAs we discussed last week, career professionals need to be able to speak confidently and competently to co-workers, management, clients, and patients. This such a common job requirement, the Bureau of Labor Statistics lists public speaking or giving presentations as one of the most often required communication skills.


Presentations are used for a variety of purposes. Most often, they are used to inform, teach, report, advertise, persuade, or inspire audience. Depending to the purpose of a presentation, its content, structure, and design may differ.

Purpose of informative presentations is to inform about events or demonstrate some products, services, or product functions. While teaching presentations demonstrate how to do certain things: operate a device/tool or implement new process. Reporting presentations, on the other hand, convey status report of a project or process.

Other common types of presentation in a business field are those that advertise, persuade, or inspire audience. Presentations focused on advertising target sales of products of services; persuasive presentations engage auditorium in decision making, while inspiring presentations engage into problem solving.

When type and purpose of presentation are selected, presentation slides need to be designed with that purpose in mind. Slide design approach known as assertion-evidence (AE), is often used in the professional field. What is AE approach? Alley (n.d.) provides a clear outline of what AE approach is:

This approach will help you to create better understood presentations, as evidenced by tests of audience comprehension. In addition, the approach will make your presentations more focused and help you to project more confidence.

In the assertion-evidence approach, you build your talk on messages (not topics) to tell a coherent and compelling story about your work. Those messages you then support with visual evidence (not bullet lists). In addition, you engage the audience by fashioning sentences on the spot, but after practice.

Presentations often contain visual elements that help to communicate a message or idea with less words. Those different visual elements are called presentation aids. Presentation aids include but are not limited to images/photographs, charts, tables, graphs, videos, audios, and special visual effects like animation.

Before you proceed with this assignment, please review the following videos that give excellent information about how to use other types of aids during your speech:

Video #1: Using Visual Aid Part 1

  • Length: 11:07 min
  • Learning Objective: LO 04.01 – Define and discuss six types of presentation aids and their purposes
  • Content: Public Speaking Projects discusses how properly to use visual aid in presentations.
  • Key Takeaways:
    • Select your visual aid careful as selecting a wrong type may ruin your presentation.
    • Avoid passing things through the audience
    • Know your technology
  • URL:

Video #2: Using Visual Aid Part 2

  • Length: 9:20 min
  • Learning Objective: LO 04.01 – Define and discuss six types of presentation aids and their purposes
  • Content: Public Speaking Projects discusses how properly to use visual aid in presentations.
  • Key Takeaways:
    • Expect unexpected – be aware of “Murphy’s Law” (i.e. equipment breaks, web sites fails, etc.)
    • Practice with your presentation aids
    • Double check all legal guidelines
  • URL:


Alle, M. (n.d.) Assertion-Evidence Approach. Retrieved form https://www.assertion-evidence.com/ (Links to an external site.)


Part 1: After researching and reviewing the various types of presentation aids, decide which would be best-suited to add to the speech you gave last week. Justify your choice in one paragraph.

Part 2: Reflect on your experiences in this class.

  • What did you learn about yourself and your strengths?
  • How did you prepare?
  • What do you wish you had done differently?
  • What advice would you give students who are going to take this course?

Your complete submission should be a minimum of 400 words with one citation.

Inter bus ( reply discussion D)

Question Description

Should we care about the “hidden cities?” What role would it have on international business?

Should we care about the hidden cities?

Yes, we should definitely care about the hidden cities. As a country of building something out of nothing and maintaining that “something” over centuries we should want growth from every corner of the globe. As a decent person we should not want to see anyone live in such poverty. In a business stand point it would be very forward thinking to provide a service or product that would help the hidden cities to become a more efficient part of the society it is surrounded by. When as a business you have a certain market you can service it is better on the business if it is an untapped market.

What role would it have on international business?

As an international business it is very important and business savvy in my opinion to find an avenue that your business can strive to success. International business can be hard for some depending on the service and or products the business offers. I think the business would maybe have to think if a restructure could be in the plan in order to better the hidden city. I think it depends on the motive of the business. If the motive of the international business is genuine then it may always be an up hill battle. I say that because anytime someone or a company is trying to genuinely do right by the people there is always a steeper hill to clime. Progress in the right direction is a long hard road but definitely worth it in the end. A smart business operator will assume the tough road ahead and conquer it. That is the role of international business in regards to the hidden cities. Take it by storm and make it a better place. One step, one day at a time. And like I said earlier it will definitely be worth it.

Do you agree or disagree with your classmates’ posts? Reply in 200 words.

Should we care about the hidden cities? What role would it have on international businesses?

Yes, we should care about hidden cities. As of right now, these cities are not capable of expanding their economic growth. These poor communities make up for 1/8 of the population in today’s world. This fraction is a great amount of people that can have a positively affect in international business. Once these cities have received the attention that they need, they will prosper in the future.

Some companies intervene within communities that need additional help to overcome poverty. For an example, if the business sells food normally they will provide meals for the community in need. This will give the business recognition for their social achievements and many other businesses will follow the same footsteps. This in turn, will make way for a new market.

If businesses can open a new market, there will be more activity in the area. The more businesses that begin, jobs will be available for the community. In the future, it is estimated that the population will increase in the hidden cities. Businesses will need to find ways to accommodate the rising population. The best solution will be to expand their services to the community with hopes of building these areas up.

I would like to see economic growth within the hidden cities. There are many communities experiencing poverty and having trouble with providing jobs for the needy. With advanced jobs and opportunities businesses can help alter such troubles. Doing business internationally, will help offer jobs all over the universe not just locally. When I start my own business, I plan on networking internationally for business growth and opportunities of beginning networking relationships. Finding reputable vendors have been a struggle for me. You never know which vendors are trustworthy even though there are customer reviews.

Do you agree or disagree with your classmates’ posts? Reply in 200 words.

This assignment needs to be completed within 3 days is that possible

Question Description

write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Neuromarketing is a controversial marketing technique. Research the issue and respond to the following questions in your discussion:

  • Do you think neuromarketing is easier in an e-market environment?
  • Identify an example you see as neuromarketing.
  • How can neuromarketing be used in the financial management of Cyber-Health?
  • Take a pro or con position on the controversy surrounding neuromarketing.


Medical Education Academy (Med Ed) is a prominent, privately owned health care education institution that provides degree programs in nursing, medical technology, and health care administration in the United States. The company has built a positive reputation in the traditional on-campus education market for quality skills at an affordable price. Because of this institutional strategy, Med Ed has adopted the motto, “Quality skills with minimum bills.”

Now, however, to keep Med Ed’s motto and institutional operating model intact, President Will Learner, M.D., is planning to strengthen his academy’s health care education leadership while also reducing rising administrative expenses by acquiring an online health care education provider named Cyber-Health College (CHC). Cyber-Health College is a fully certified online health care education provider with a strong reputation among prospective students for relatively inexpensive, timely, and skill-intensive program completion. President Learner believes that Cyber-Health’s online programs will fit well with Med Ed’s institutional strategy because both educational providers emphasize quality skills and affordable prices.

You have been named to Med Ed’s newly formed digital learning initiative team (D-LIT). President Learner is relying on your e-business expertise to analyze Cyber-Health’s e-business and e-marketing fundamentals as well as to propose digital marketing strategy guidelines that will optimize Cyber-Health’s contribution to Med Ed’s strong reputation in the traditional health care education market.

Cyber-Health College was a pioneer in the online health care education market in the 1990s. Its founder and CEO, Lucy Vision, Ph.D., avoided the pitfalls of other dot-coms by building credibility with educational accreditation boards and developing intelligent agent software applications as a method of guiding student instruction without human faculty. Cyber-Health patented its med-teach agent technology using female voices and an embedded nurturing interface to gain student trust and build strong learning bonds. The educational press regularly commended Cyber-Health for designing a high-tech/high-touch instructional interface. Because of the strong, skill-intensive course learning and user-friendly, agent-driven interactive online instruction, Cyber-Health effectively positioned its medical education programs as “health care learning for the digital future.” However, this praise and online health care education success also drew its fair share of detractors. Faculty unions at medical programs and even other non-agent-driven online health care education programs criticized Cyber-Health for dehumanizing health care knowledge and medical education delivery.

The focus of your contribution to the newly formed D-LIT will be to highlight the potential of Cyber-Health’s e-business approach to complement Med Ed’s traditional health care education marketing strategy. Med Ed’s traditional marketing strategy relies on physical brick-and-mortar facilities, hard copy books and course resources, and human faculty instructors. In this traditional on-campus model, students attend physical classroom facilities for health care education, and traditional advertising media or promotional events are used to raise enrollment. By contrast, Cyber-Health’s online e-business education approach uses digital networks as the primary vehicle for delivering health care learning to students. By accessing the Cyber-Health Web site and med-teach agent, students directly engage in autonomous, self-guided medical education coursework without going to a physical classroom facility and without human instructors. The med-teach agents employ artificial intelligence to progressively learn each student’s health care instructional needs and improve the student’s performance through skill-intensive virtual course project scenarios covering every aspect of traditional medical education. President Learner is keenly interested in your assessment of this futuristic online e-business model for delivering health care educational programs.

The objectives:

Discuss the fundamentals of marketing and how they now apply to e-marketing.

Discuss the use of the marketing process in e-marketing.

Explain interactive marketing and electronic commerce.

PPT 2 The Medical Surge Capacity and Capability

Question Description

About the course:

This course is designed to develop an understanding of the concepts of public health as they relate to disaster management. The student will apply Noji’s five phases of a disaster to actual public health disaster events during the last 25 years. The course will focus on what preparedness actions are necessary to safeguard the health of citizens and emergency personnel during a disaster event, as well as public health disaster response and investigation. Public health issues in disaster management that are covered include water and food supply disruption and contamination, waste disposal, environmental pollution and infectious disease outbreaks. The basic principles of epidemiology and health surveillance will also be reviewed.


The Medical Surge Capacity and Capability document written by Dr. Barbera and his colleagues is the de facto comprehensive document on ramping up healthcare assets in the US to respond to a disaster.

It can be found on the US Department of Health and Human Services website at this address:

http://www.phe.gov/coi/Documents/MSCC Handbook – A Management System for Integrating Medical and Health Resources During Large-Scale Emergencies.pdf

The document describes a systematic approach for managing the medical and public health response to an emergency or disaster. The MSCC handbook identifies recent changes to the Federal emergency response structure, particularly the Federal public health and medical response. It also expands on several concepts described in the first edition of the MSCC handbook to facilitate their implementation. While the tiered approach described in this handbook is consistent with NIMS and the NRP, this revision addresses terminology and concept descriptions to assure consistency with Federal guidance.”

Assignment: Prepare a slideshow in which you summarize ONE chapter or tier of MSCC (as assigned). Employ other internet resources, the DHHS website, photos and any other elements to provide examples about your assigned chapter. By reading all of the submissions, you will learn about the MSCC document without having to read the entire thing word for word.

You will find the assigned reading in the attachment.

Slides should have no more than 4-6 lines of text per slide, and 1-3 ideas per slide max. Text should be in bullet format, not paragraph/prose format. Information should be conveyed in a concise but comprehensible manner. Do not write too much, as this creates a crowded slide which is visually overwhelming. Your meaning will get lost in the slide and your audience will lose interest. Do not write too little as this makes it difficult to understand your intended meaning. You may receive a lower grade because it will not be clear that you understood the concepts. Use photos and diagrams thoughtfully to supplement and advance your presentations, not just as meaningless filler.

Each presentation should have a title slide, an objective slide and one or more reference slides. The title slide should contain the title of your presentation, your full name, the date and course #. The objectives slide should outline the main bullet points that your presentation will cover. These should be analogous to lessons you expect your intended target audience to learn from your presentations. Your target audience has a basic disaster management background equivalent to your own. You do not need to include background material such as the history of ICS in your presentation.

The number of slides will be assigned for each presentation. The student may go above that number by 2-3 slides but may not go below the assigned number. The assigned number of slides does NOT INCLUDE the title, objectives or reference slides. It also will not include slides with pictures or diagrams unless those slides substantively advance the presentation. This means that if this were a live presentation you would spend at least one minute discussing that picture/diagram. If you use photos or other multimedia in your presentation and it is not your own work (i.e., you took it from the internet) you MUST reference it on the slide (as opposed to the references slide at the end.

Provide a Human Resource decision that has to be made as an example of the following statistical errors: expectations of success, stereotype threat, ignoring context and team interdependence

Question Description

Statistical Error: Expectations of success

Definition: The assumption, prediction, and expectation of a behavior, performance, or action that elicits a positive ability or outcome of an individual or group.

1. Provide a Human Resource decision that has to be made as an example to the statistical error expectations of success. Definition is provided above, give an example/scenario.

2. Errors typically occur because the data used to make the decision is flawed in some way. What flawed data could lead to the error for this decision?

3. Think about what data could be used instead (to avoid expectations of success)?

4. What parameter or statistic will you use to represent the dataset?

5. How could this help avoid the error?

Statistical Error: Stereotype threat

Definition: Follows from expectations of success. It is a situation in which people are or feel themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about their social group.

1. Provide a Human Resource decision that has to be made as an example to the statistical error stereotype threat. Definition is provided above, give an example/scenario.

2. Errors typically occur because the data used to make the decision is flawed in some way. What flawed data could lead to the error for this decision?

3. Think about what data could be used instead (to avoid stereotype threat)?

4. What parameter or statistic will you use to represent the dataset?

5. How could this help avoid the error?

Statistical Error: Ignoring context

Definition: The belief that performance is determined by the individual effort and neglects the tools, location, colleagues, and environment that allows someone to successfully perform.

1. Provide a Human Resource decision that has to be made as an example to the statistical error ignoring context. Definition is provided above, give an example/scenario.

2. Errors typically occur because the data used to make the decision is flawed in some way. What flawed data could lead to the error for this decision?

3. Think about what data could be used instead (to avoid ignoring context)?

4. What parameter or statistic will you use to represent the dataset?

5. How could this help avoid the error?

Statistical Error: Team interdependence

Definition: This captures the relationship between individual performance and team performance. When team interdependence is high, individual performance is strongly impacted by the performance of the members of the team.

1. Provide a Human Resource decision that has to be made as an example to the statistical error team interdependence. Definition is provided above, give an example/scenario.

2. Errors typically occur because the data used to make the decision is flawed in some way. What flawed data could lead to the error for this decision?

3. Think about what data could be used instead (to avoid team interdependence)?

4. What parameter or statistic will you use to represent the dataset?

5. How could this help avoid the error?


  • A decision is named. An actual decision must be named in the example.
  • The decision is relevant to HR. The decision should be relevant to one of the functions of HR (recruiting, selection, performance management, learning & development, compensation, safety, laws & regulations, etc.) or the overall HR strategy.
  • The flawed data would lead to the error. The ‘flawed’ data describe should reasonably lead to the error covered this week.
  • The alternate data would minimize the error. The alternate data (data to be used instead) is distinct from the flawed data and directly addresses the error.
  • The parameter or statistic is appropriate to the data. A parameter or statistic is what will be used to represent the full dataset and is based on the distribution of the data. Examples include weighted scores, means, or modes. The parameter chosen should reasonably represent the data.
  • Explanation of avoiding error. The explanation of how using different data could help avoid the error should be clear and accurate

Monetary Econ writing questions

Question Description

total three parts, each part need to write at least 650 words count, need to answer all questions and make sure meet all grading rubric.

Reading Assignment Guidelines:

Answers should be in complete sentences with proper grammar and punctuation.

Answers should be in your own words, not quotes. If you quote something, you need to identify it as a quote and then explain the quote.

The answers should be complete explanations; none of these should be answered with less than a complete paragraph.

My expectation is that carefully reading these materials and answering these questions should take roughly 4 hours of work.

Readings and Questions:

Part 1: Whelan, Karl. Introducing the IS-MP-PC Model, pages 1-13.


Inflation Dynamics and Monetary Policy, Chair Janet L. Yellen

https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/yellen20150924a.htm (Links to an external site.)

  • Define inflation.
  • Describe the cost of deviations from stable inflation (inflation that is too high or too low).
  • What is core inflation? Why do policy models distinguish between core inflation and overall inflation?
  • What determines core inflation? Compare and contrast Yellen’s inflation model (be sure to read the footnotes) with the inflation model used in the Whelan text.
  • What is the role of inflation expectations in Yellen’s model?
  • Explain the phrase “well anchored inflation expectations” and explain its importance for monetary policy.
  • How does Yellen measure inflation expectations? Are expectations currently well anchored? Have then ever been “unanchored.” Explain.
  • Does Yellen conclude that the shortfall in inflation is persistent or transitory? Explain how Yellen reaches here conclusion.
  • What does Yellen’s inflation model imply for monetary policy (lower or raise interest rates)? Explain.


https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/powell20180824a.htm (Links to an external site.)

  • Powell describes what he calls the “conventional view of the macroeconomic structure in terms of three key variables (denoted with “*” s). Explain these three variables.
  • Explain how did these “stars” shift during the three historical periods, normalization, the Great Inflation, and the New Economy of the 1990’s.
  • If these “stars” are shifting, can they really be considered useful as policy guides? How should policy proceed when we know the “stars” might change? Explain.
  • What are the implications of Powell’s analysis for the current situation?

Part 3: The Disconnect between Inflation and Employment in the New Normal, Governor Lael Brainard

https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/brainard20190516a.htm (Links to an external site.)

  • Why does Brainard find the current inflation picture puzzling? Compare Brainard’s view of inflation with Yellen’s view from five years earlier? Was Yellen’s view correct? Explain.
  • According to Brainard, what are the characteristics of the “new normal”? Explain.
  • Explain how the “new normal” benefits workers/households.
  • Explain how the “new normal” creates risks for financial stability. Be sure to explain the relationship between inflation, interest rates, and financial stability.
  • According to Brainard, what are the implications of her analysis for monetary policy, specifically the goal of get inflation back to trend on a sustained basis? Explain.

Grading Rubric

Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswers all questions

1.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswers use proper grammar and punctuation.The expectation is the you review your answers for grammar, punctuation, and typographical errors.

1.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAll answers are complete explanations that reveal an effort to understand and obtain mastery of the material.

1.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswers are in you own words.No quotes unless the quotes are used to expand on your answer (you explain how the quote relates you your answer in your own words).

1.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

1.0 pts

Total Points: 4.0

Response to Students

Question Description

Please respond to each student and word count for each response 150 words with 2 scholarly sources and please cite sources.

Original question: In your own words, define what ERM actually is. Then, pick a scholarly work listed in Chapter 2 and briefly describe its philosophy and effects on the practices of ERM. Afterward, complete your Discuss post with a process you would implement into your organization that involved use of the Critical Steps for Value-Added Risk Management on pp. 47-48. Please use scholarly works to support your statements

Student 1 Juanita,

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is the process of identifying and strategically managing potential risks that may affect an organization (Fraser & Simkins, 2010). In comparison to traditional risk management, ERM is a comprehensive approach to risk management and focuses on managing all risks (Ogutu, Bennett, & Olawoyin, 2018). Likewise, Berry-Stolzle and Xu (2018, p. 159) add that ERM is a holistic approach to managing risk by “controlling and coordinating any offsetting risks.”

I have chosen James Lam’s, Emergence of the Chief Risk Officer (1997). In this article, Lam identifies three trends (broader dimensions of risk, the changing role of risk management, and regulatory oversight) that have driven organization’s to take a holistic approach when managing risk (Lam & Kawamoto, 1997). Likewise, Lam discusses the complexity of implementing a comprehensive risk management program. As stated by Lam and Kawamoto (1997), the amount of risk multinational organizations face, can threaten an organizations stability. Especially, in today’s global economy where it can be challenging to manage risk.

If I were to implement a process into my organization that used one of the critical steps for value-added risk management, I would first identify and list potential risks in terms of there impact on the enterprise and communicate my findings across business and risk functions. Next, I would break down the risks and establish risk management teams. Then, I would incorporate risk management into my regular strategic process and continually monitor, analysis and refresh risk information. Lastly, I would integrate an ERM strategy into the management system (Fraser & Simkins, 2010, p. 47-48).

Student 2 Connie,

Enterprise risk management (ERM) is defined as the all-inclusive approach to managing risks within an organization by setting objectives and strategies to overcome such risk. ERM involves all the management teams input from lower management to the board of directors and stakeholders. Each employee assumes responsibility for effective control practices of must acknowledge the importance of the risks related to their behavior. The awareness of risk must be made aware to all employees and the role that they play in minimizes risks taken (Braumann, 2018).

The scholarly work listed in Chapter 2 that I chose was Jeremy Bentham’s, the law of supply and demand. In a market economy, the law of supply and demand is a philosophy of the characteristics of prices established. Whenever there is a change in demand that increases due to a change in the price of a good, which results in a movement along the demand curve. Meanwhile, there is an opposite relationship between the quantity demanded and the price, so the variance of price would result in a decrease or increase in the amount demanded (Buechner, 2018). Therefore, in relations to enterprise risk management, the increase and/or decreases in prices could affect the amount demanded and in return affect the number of goods sold.

In reviewing the critical steps for value-added strategic risk management, the process that I would choose to implement within our agency would be using strategic risk assessments in developing strategy, strategic plans and strategic objectives (Fraser & Simkins, 2010). Through establishing interdisciplinary teams, leadership should contemplate how each strategy will motivate the organization to accomplish objectives, distribute funds and develop abilities These teams should be derived from a diverse group of individuals with the various skills and abilities (Lippuner & McDermott, 2017).

8 hours ago

Assignment 1:

Question Description

Assignments Overview:

You will choose a project to work on based on two (2) different scenarios and all of your assignments will support your selected scenario. When thinking about which project will work best for you, consider your professional and personal experience as an adult, and which project you feel more passionate about and can contribute the most to. The two (2) possible scenarios for your project are:

Scenario 1 – Develop an orientation program for new students at Parker Online Community College

Parker Online Community College (POCC) is situated in suburban Virginia and educates approximately 3,000 students. The average student age is 34 years old. Some students have previous college experience but dropped out for various reasons, and some student just didn’t start college until later in life. Many of the students have full-time or part-time jobs as well as families, and finding the time to study for classes is challenging. Some of the students have previously taken online courses; for others, this will be their first experience with online education. POCC distributed a survey to all new students to identify the primary concerns they had about returning to or starting classes. The following primary concerns were identified by the students:

  • Time Management
  • Writing Skills
  • Connecting With Other Students
  • Technology Skills

Your mission will be to create an orientation program for newly admitted students at POCC.

Scenario 2 – Develop an Introduction to Social Media for Professionals program for new clients at Parker Community Career Center

Parker Community Career Center (PCCC) is situated in suburban Maryland, and is a resource center where adults can get advice on career counseling, job search strategies, resumes, and interviews. Many of the clients who come to PCCC for career assistance are over 40 years of age. Through a survey, PCCC has identified the need for these clients to receive education and training on how to use social media to meet career goals. Your mission will be to create an Introduction to Social Media for Professionals program for adult clients over 40.

Assignment 1: Program Design Groundwork

Indicate which of the two (2) scenarios from the Assignments Overview you have chosen as your mission. In this first assignment, you will lay the groundwork for your program design.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

  1. Discuss three (3) factors that led you to choose your scenario (e.g., professional experience, personal experience, future career goals).
  2. Find and review three (3) articles from the Strayer University Library/Resource Center on adult learners. Explain how you will use what you learned from these articles to develop your program.
  3. Discuss two (2) methods that you will employ to create support for your program from internal or external stakeholders.
  4. Complete a Needs Analysis for your program. Note: You may use Exhibit 6B “Elements of a Formally Structured Needs Assessment” as a model in creating your Needs Analysis.
  5. Use at least four (4) quality peer-reviewed academic resources written within the past five (5) years. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  6. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Differentiate the needs of adult learners compared to other types of learners.
  • Examine the purposes of adult education programs and curriculum.
  • Explain the relationship between learning theories/models and program/curriculum design.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in adult learning curriculum design and development.
  • Write clearly and concisely about adult learning curriculum design and development using proper writing mechanics.