advance homework

Question Description

Q1. How are direct combination costs, contingent consideration, and a bargain purchase reflected in recording an acquisition transaction?

Q2. Zaid Ltd and Zafar Ltd agreed to merge on January 1, 2019. On the date of the merger agreement, the companies reported the following data:

Balance Sheet

Zaid Ltd

Zafar Ltd

Book Value

Fair Value

Book Value

Fair Value

Cas & Receivables















Land & Building





Accumulated Depreciation



Total Assets





Current Liabilities





Common Stock



Capital in excess of Par Value



Retained Earnings



Total Liabilities



Zaid Ltd has 15,000 shares of its $20 par value shares outstanding on January 1, 20X3, and Zafar Ltd has 10,000 shares of $5 par value stock outstanding. The market values of the shares are $400 and $75, respectively.


Zaid Ltd issues 1,000 shares of stock in exchange for all of Zafar Ltd’s net assets. Prepare a balance sheet for the combined entity immediately following the merger.

Q3. On January 1, 2016, ATM Corporation acquired all of the common stock of ZED Company for $300,000. On that date, ZED’s identifiable net assets had a fair value of $250,000. The assets acquired in the purchase of ZED are considered to be a separate reporting unit of ATM Corporation. The carrying value of ZED’s investment at December 31, 2016, is $310,000. The fair value of the net assets (excluding goodwill) at that date is $220,000 and the fair value of the reporting unit is determined to be 260,000.


1) Explain how goodwill is tested for impairment for a reporting unit.

2) Determine the amount, if any, of impairment loss to be recognized at December 31, 2016.

Q4. Gant Company purchased 20 percent of the outstanding shares of Temp Company for $70,000 on January 1, 20X6. The following results are reported for Temp Company:


Determine the amounts reported by Gant as income from its investment in Temp for each year and the balance in Gant’s investment in Temp at the end of each year assuming Gant uses the following methods in accounting for its investment in Temp:

a.Cost method.

b.Equity method

c.Fair value method.

Q5. Acquisition at Other than Fair Value of Net Assets

Mason Corporation acquired 100 percent ownership of Best Company on February 12, 20X9. At the date of acquisition, Best Company reported assets and liabilities with book values of $420,000 and $165,000, respectively, common stock outstanding of $80,000, and retained earnings of $175,000. The book values and fair values of Best’s assets and liabilities were identical except for land which had increased in value by $20,000 and inventories which had decreased by $7,000. The estimated fair value of Best as a whole at the date of acquisition was $295,000.


Give the eliminating entries required to prepare a consolidated balance sheet immediately after the business combination assuming Mason acquired its ownership of Best for $280,000.Q1. How are direct combination costs, contingent consideration, and a bargain purchase reflected in recording an acquisition transaction?

Q2. Zaid Ltd and Zafar Ltd agreed to merge on January 1, 2019. On the date of the merger agreement, the companies reported the following data:

Balance Sheet

Zaid Ltd

Zafar Ltd

Book Value

Fair Value

Book Value

Fair Value

Cas & Receivables















Land & Building





Accumulated Depreciation



Total Assets





Current Liabilities





Common Stock



Capital in excess of Par Value



Retained Earnings



Total Liabilities



Zaid Ltd has 15,000 shares of its $20 par value shares outstanding on January 1, 20X3, and Zafar Ltd has 10,000 shares of $5 par value stock outstanding. The market values of the shares are $400 and $75, respectively.


Zaid Ltd issues 1,000 shares of stock in exchange for all of Zafar Ltd’s net assets. Prepare a balance sheet for the combined entity immediately following the merger.

Q3. On January 1, 2016, ATM Corporation acquired all of the common stock of ZED Company for $300,000. On that date, ZED’s identifiable net assets had a fair value of $250,000. The assets acquired in the purchase of ZED are considered to be a separate reporting unit of ATM Corporation. The carrying value of ZED’s investment at December 31, 2016, is $310,000. The fair value of the net assets (excluding goodwill) at that date is $220,000 and the fair value of the reporting unit is determined to be 260,000.


1) Explain how goodwill is tested for impairment for a reporting unit.

2) Determine the amount, if any, of impairment loss to be recognized at December 31, 2016.

Q4. Gant Company purchased 20 percent of the outstanding shares of Temp Company for $70,000 on January 1, 20X6. The following results are reported for Temp Company:


Determine the amounts reported by Gant as income from its investment in Temp for each year and the balance in Gant’s investment in Temp at the end of each year assuming Gant uses the following methods in accounting for its investment in Temp:

a.Cost method.

b.Equity method

c.Fair value method.

Q5. Acquisition at Other than Fair Value of Net Assets

Mason Corporation acquired 100 percent ownership of Best Company on February 12, 20X9. At the date of acquisition, Best Company reported assets and liabilities with book values of $420,000 and $165,000, respectively, common stock outstanding of $80,000, and retained earnings of $175,000. The book values and fair values of Best’s assets and liabilities were identical except for land which had increased in value by $20,000 and inventories which had decreased by $7,000. The estimated fair value of Best as a whole at the date of acquisition was $295,000.


Give the eliminating entries required to prepare a consolidated balance sheet immediately after the business combination assuming Mason acquired its ownership of Best for $280,000.

PJM310 Into to Project Management 2 student discusson forum responses 150- 200 words 1APA citation

Question Description

Please respond to the 2 separate student discussion responses below in 150 to 200 words each and 1 APA citation each.


Harrington, R. (2017). Understanding the core features needed foronline systems. . Retrieved from…

Harrington, R. (2017). Using online project management tools.[ video file]. Retrieved from…

Meredith, J. R., Mantel, S. J., & Shafer, S. M. (2017). Project management: A managerial approach (10th ed.). Hoboken: Wiley.

Project Management Institute. (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (6th ed.). Newton Square, PA: PMI Publications.




Managingprojects in a virtual and global environment provides the projectmanager with a unique set of requirements to ensure the project runssmoothly. The project manager will have to consider differences inculture, language skills, and time zones (Binder, 2009). The company Icurrently work at has multiple sites throughout the country, and alsodoes outsource a lot of it’s technical work to a company in India. Thecompany uses virtual collaboration through web meetings and instantmessaging software which allows the individuals to bridge thegeographical gap. With a site in Charlotte, Denver, and India, it doesmake it difficult coordinating times to do a daily meeting as Denver is 2hours behind Charlotte and 11.5 hours behind India. Most projectconform to the Eastern time zone, which requires the Denver employees toattend fairly early meetings, and Individuals in India to attend verylate meetings in the evening.

It is also common for multiple individuals on a project team to beworking remotely from their homes, which also add to the complexity forlogistics. As O’Conchuir (2012) indicates, another challenge of workingvirtually is the lack of teambuilding that happens because people don’tknow each other, and do not have regular face to face meetings. In myexperience, team building does happen, it just takes longer to do sovirtually. There have been situations where project managers workingfrom home had to cancel or reschedule meetings because they were havingsome issues with their internet connection, or something going on attheir home during a meeting.

There have been situations where there is a language barrier, buttypically what helps overcome those language barriers has beenprototyping or providing examples to ensure the requirements are beingcaptured correctly. Another key strategy when working a virtual orglobal project is the use of SaaS applications that allow the trackingof project tasks and statuses. The company I work for uses Jira to trackproject work, including tasks and issues. These tasks and statuses fromthe system are used to report project progress to all of thestakeholders.


Binder, J. (2009). The global project management framework:communication, collaboration, and management across borders. Retrievedfrom…

O’Conchuir, D. (2012). Human challenges of multi-location projects.Retrieved from…


In my current profession, I work rather remotely from my company. Theactual company is based in New York and we have regionals all over thenation, not global but still dealing with different time zones andculture change from coast to coast. With the help of technology, such aswebinars and even basic email a good deal of work can be done withoutactually having the entire sales team in one location. It also saves thecompany a great deal of money to not have to buy a hotel, meals, andflights each time we need to get together. As I am the youngest of allthe sales team, I have somehow to become the tech expert. I think thismay be the first hurdle of a global project manager, the fear the oldergeneration seems to have with learning new technology. Going global maysound intimidating at first. Binder explains that “multicultural teamscan increase the level of innovation when various standpoints arefostered and harvested” (2018). When properly ran a multicultural orglobal team can prove different ideas and ways of thinking creating amuch more dynamic system for the project manager to use.

The unique requirements of project teams and other stakeholders in aglobal environment can be as simple as being abreast of other countriesand cultures vacation time and religious holidays. According to thewriters at the College of St. Scholastica, “add to that different timezones, cultures, potential language barriers and locations around theworld, and a global project manager becomes all the more important tothe viability of a project” (2018). Now not only are you managing aproject but also all these other variables that must line up perfectly.You will have to allow extra time for different time zones and planmeetings around them. Virtual collaboration platforms such as Skype orZoom allow you to talk and sometimes even share your screen withmultiple people at once. This allows for seamless sharing of informationbetween multiple offices anywhere with internet access.


Binder, J. (2009). The global project management framework:communication, collaboration, and management across borders. Retrievedfrom (Links to an external site.)

The College of St. Scholastica. (May 14, 2018). What is global

project management? The framework shaping multicultural teams of the

future. Retrieved from

Gender and Leadership-Follow up

Question Description

Case Study: Way for Paradigms of Diversity Leadership
1. Which previous reading parallels with the case study you selected and in what way? 2. Which concept from the Pew Research Report connect with your own experiences in the workplace? Post a substantive response to the question (minimum 250 words).

Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner to the two following classmates with at least 100 words

1) I chose to use the case study of “The Sixth W; who, what, when, where, why, and women.” This case study is about the gender gap and how men are treated and viewed as experts, even about woman’s issues like reproductive rights. Over 40 women sued Newsweek magazine for sex discrimination, and one woman, in particular, Lynn Povich, became the first woman senior editor. She even wrote a memoir on her experience and the hardships of getting to where she is now. The way Lynn was able to stand up for herself as well as create a women’s movement which created national attention. These women were the first women ever to sue the media. After reading this case study, I relate this to the gender bias and glass ceiling topic. The case study suggests that the more successful women become, the more disliked they are by both men and women. The way men are portrayed is they are being pushed forward into management positions when, in turn, holds the women back from the same areas. It ties into the glass ceiling topic as well because women are stuck in a lower position without opportunities to grow in the company.

2 ) The Pew Research Report highlights the increasing presence of women in higher education. I went to college when healthy kids do after i graduated from high school and ended up hating it. Years later, after having a child who complains of hating school, i decided I wanted more for myself and applied and turned in all paperwork within one day for Concordia.

The night class I am taking at my community college, there are more women than men. I notice that there have been more women within many jobs that i have worked in over the years have been in school even if they are in the 40s or 50s.

I chose to read “The Sixth W,” which is an article that covers women in the media. This piece tells about a group of women who worked for Newsweek that sued for gender discrimination. Men were hired to be reporters and writers where women were employed to clip newspaper stories, check facts, and research. These were all low paying jobs with no opportunity for advancement, and the women who worked there desired more. The article talks about how the case was settled. Women at Newsweek wanted one-third of the writers and reporters to be women. They also wanted one-third of the researchers to be men (The sixth w, 2012). This would prove that the job is not just a female job; it’s a job anyone who is wanting an entry-level job can perform. They also wanted a woman senior editor (The sixth w, 2012).

I can compare this article to those we studied in module one of this class covering the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling metaphor is an invisible boundary that restricts women and minorities from advancing to the highest ranks of management inside a corporation (The glass ceiling effect and its impact on women, 2017). This frequently limits women from promotions, salary increases, and other career advancement opportunities (Lewis, 2019). This is precisely what was happening at Newsweek.

Pew Research Center studies public concerns, attitudes, and current trends (Pew Research Center, 2015). The study we look at this week reveals data that indicates women are equally qualified for leadership positions but still have trouble reaching those positions. I am currently not in the workforce. However, I can relate the corporate leader section of the Pew Research article to the last job I held. I worked for one of the major card companies, where I witnessed a lot of women in entry-level positions. My boss happened to be a male, but I know he had a female counterpart. When the executives would come to visit a store to see how it was performing most of the time, these executives were males. The CEO of the company is also a male. Even though most people think of a card company and the work performed to be “women’s work,” the men ultimately hold higher-ranking positions. I think women have come a long way and that there is room for growth inside this company; they just haven’t made it into the top tier positions, yet.

Resources: Lewis, J. J. (2019, August 18). Glass ceiling: what is it? does one exist? Retrieved August 27, 2019 from

Pew Research Center. (2015, January 14). Women and leadership public says women are equally qualified, but barriers persist. Retrieved October 3, 2019, from; filename*=UTF-8”Women%20in%20Leadership.Pew%20Research%20Center%20Report.pdf&response-content-type=application/pdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20191003T234723Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIL7WQYDOOHAZJGWQ/20191003/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=e0081803739023b90b55e178f6e7f51551f961886a779ecf248a3e2853f8aa15.

The glass ceiling effect and its impact on women. (2017, November 15). Retrieved August 27, 2019 from

The sixth w. (2012, July). Retrieved October 1, 2019, from; filename*=UTF-8”the%20sixth%20W.%281%29.pdf&response-content-type=application/pdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20191001T133803Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIL7WQYDOOHAZJGWQ/20191001/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=2ce3b39cc058e8da3eacee75f49444f32a626e7015acfa406d555416397f46a7

Please respond to the following BUS 599 Discussion Week 1 Strategic Management Thinking Improving Business Perfor

Question Description

BUS 599 Discussion Week 1 Strategic Management Thinking Improving Business Perfor

Assignment 1: Company Description and SWOT Analysis

In this assignment, you will create a revised company description and mission statement based on the feedback you received in the Week 1 discussion. Then, you will conduct a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis for the type of beverage you have selected and for your company. As you work on the assignment, consider why you have chosen one type of non-alcoholic beverage over another and the reasons for that choice. As you complete your SWOT analysis, be sure to include external factors such as industry/market trends and competition, and internal factors such as your capabilities or abilities to reach certain market segments.

Write a 4–6-page paper in which you do the following:

  1. Create your revised Non-Alcoholic beverage (NAB) company name and explain the name’s significance to you. Describe a NAB that you would produce and sell.
  2. Develop your revised company’s mission statement and provide a rationale for its components.
    • Hints: Use the Statement of Mission template on pages 72–73 of the course textbook, Successful Business Plan, to aid your development.
    • Extract appropriate information from the NAB Company Portfolio, where applicable. You should fill in other required items in the template using your personal preferences.
  1. Describe the trends in the non-alcoholic beverage industry, especially the specific type of beverage category you have chosen.
    • Hints: Research and outline beverage industry trends. Consider the size and growth rate of the industry overall and the specific beverage type you have chosen. Use the worksheet in the course text (p. 88 | Past and Future Growth of Your Industry) to help you project the future growth rate. Consider the use of industry associations and search engines to find reliable and recent data.
  2. Choose one strategic position from the course text (pp. 142–143) that you believe is the best strategic position for your company. Explain the approach you will use to implement this strategic position in order to distinguish your beverage from other non-alcoholic beverages.
  3. Provide an overview of your company’s distribution channels. Explain the manner in which your product will reach end users. Provide a rationale for your chosen method.
    • Hints: For example, will you sell your beverage in grocery stores, restaurants, or sports venues? If so, describe the types of resellers and distributors who will sell to resellers and fulfill their orders. If you are attempting to sell directly to consumers, for example, online via a monthly subscription, how will you manage warehousing/fulfillment/shipping?
  4. Outline at least three types of risks (including any regulatory risks) that your business faces. Describe your company’s plan to mitigate such risk.
    • Hints: You may refer to the types of risk listed in the course text (pp. 148–149) as well as any risks not listed in the text. Regulation weighs more heavily on beverage and food businesses than many other types of companies, so be certain to consider any regulatory risks your type of beverage faces. For example, what kind of regulation and/or risks are you likely to face if you make health claims about your beverage?
  5. Develop a SWOT analysis for your NAB company using the SWOT matrix worksheet in the course text (p. 153 | SWOT: Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats).
    • Hints: What are your company’s likely strengths? Have you chosen a beverage segment that is growing and lacks an entrenched competitor? Are you in a niche market that has great potential? What are the strengths that you and other team members bring to your company? Do you or other team members have previous experience in the food and beverage industry?
    • Hints: What are your company’s likely weaknesses? Is the competition in your industry segment entrenched? Is your own management team inexperienced? Will it be challenging to actually produce your product and maintain quality?
    • Hints: What are your company’s opportunities? Does your segment have more demand than supply? Have larger corporations stopped serving smaller or niche markets that you could enter? Is a new market emerging because of demographics, immigration, and changing tastes?
    • Hints: What are your company’s threats? Is there a clear market leader that will be hard and expensive to displace? Are downward-pricing pressures in the segment making profit margins slim? Are there little or no barriers to entry for new competitors? if you have a novel idea that succeeds, can the competition easily enter your market? If you have a global aspect to your company, do factors such as currency fluctuations, political instability, offshoring, or outsourcing pose threats?
  6. Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:
    1. Cite the resources you have used to complete the exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise.
    2. The paper must be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    3. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

intro to info systems assignment

Question Description

Due Week 10 and worth 175 points


Microsoft PowerPoint presentations are used in classrooms and companies all over the world every day. They are used to share information, gain support, move projects forward, and sell. Knowing how to put together a professional presentation that is engaging, focused, and clear is a challenge that many of us face. Therefore, in this assignment, you will use MS PowerPoint to create a multimedia presentation showcasing you and your goals for the information you learned this term.

Grading ( Click Here to View Rubric )

There are seven (7) main items addressed in Assignment 3:

  1. Did you include all of the required slides in your presentation (7 slides in total)? Weight: 15%
  2. Did you provide appropriate and relevant text on each slide in the presentation and use text minimally? Weight: 15%
  3. Did you include a script/text narration in the Speaker Notes at the bottom area of each slide? Weight: 15%
  4. Did you insert relevant, high quality graphics or images into two (2) of the slides in your presentation? Weight: 15%
  5. Did you add a hyperlink into one (1) of the slides in your presentation? Weight: 15%
  6. Did you insert a transition of any type (ex. Cut, Fade, Push, etc.) into ALL of the slides in your presentation? Weight: 10%
  7. Did you insert a SmartArt, chart, and/or table element into three (3) of the slides in your presentation? Weight 15%

Click the above link to view the rubric detail so that you know exactly what is expected.


Do (Click here for a sample of what Assignment 3 looks like completed)

  1. Open MS PowerPoint on your computer, open a new Blank Presentation, and save the Blank Presentation with the following nomenclature: CIS105_Assignment3_FirstName_LastName_Date:
  2. On the Design tab, select a theme that you like under the Themes section:
  3. On the Transitions tab, select a transition you like and apply to all slides (do not set transitions to None as this does not include a transition):
  4. Slide 1 (Title Slide layout):
  5. Slide 2 (The Internet):
  6. Slide 3 (Digital Assets):
    • Insert a New Slide on the Home tab using the Two Content layout
    • Include three to four words describing what you learned about digital assets in this course.
    • Include an Online Picture representing digital assets.
    • Include a script about the slide content in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
    • Optional: Use the Design Ideas feature to redesign the slide as you like.
  7. Slide 4 (Microsoft Office):
  8. Slide 5 (Ethical Behaviors):
    • Insert a New Slide on the Home tab using the Title and Content layout.
    • Insert a SmartArt graphic including Academic Integrity and Plagiarism as the top-level concept titles.
      • Include three to four words under each item describing what you learned about each concept from this course (DO NOT provide a definition of each concept, instead YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT EACH CONCEPT).
    • Include a script about the slide content in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
  9. Slide 6 (Summary):
    • Insert a New Slide on the Home tab using the Title and Content layout.
    • Insert a SmartArt graphic, Chart, or Table describing how what you learned will help you in your current and/or future career.
      • Include three to four keywords (DO NOT include sentences on the slide).
    • Include a script about the slide content in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
  10. Slide 7 (Conclusion):
    • On any slide layout of your choice, include the words The End and/or any other short message you would like to convey to the audience in closing.
    • Include a closing script in the Speaker Notes section (located below the main slide).
  11. Submit the PowerPoint presentation in a .pptx file type for grading. Do not submit any other file type, such as PDF.

Mid-Term Paper discussing your analysis of the Zoetis, Inc. financial statements

Question Description

You will write a Mid-Term Paper discussing your analysis of the Zoetis, Inc. financial statements. Your written analysis should be 3 to 3.5 pages using Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. You should reference your Horizontal and Vertical Analysis of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement in your Mid-Term paper, but you should not cut and paste any part of your Excel worksheets in the Mid-Term paper. (I will upload my Zoetis, Inc Excel sheet that has the horizontal and vertical analysis of their balance sheet and income statement)

Please refer to the Written Communication Rubric – MBA for grammar and writing style requirements (I will upload the rubric). This writing rubric will be used to grade your Mid-Term Paper. Your Mid-Term paper grade will be determined based on the completeness and accuracy of your written analysis, along with writing style and grammar expectations. This will be assessed using the writing rubric with analysis (80%), writing style (10%) and grammar (10%).

You will be analyzing Zoetis Inc.’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2017. You have already prepared the tools you need to analyze these financial statements in Week 1 and Week 2. This portion of the assignment is simply your written analysis of these tools.

In writing your analysis, you will draw upon the common-size income statement and common-size balance sheet you created in Excel. You should explain how Zoetis’ performance has improved, or gotten worse, over the period you have analyzed providing examples from your analysis and tools.

You should also compare Zoetis’ ratios to industry median/norms.

Your paper can include information management has provided in the management discussion section of the financial statements.

Your analysis should only include your own tools, and not what some other analyst has written about Zoetis, Inc. I am only interested in reading your insight not another financial analyst’s. It is always evident when a student has taken material from a professional analysts’ work, even when a cite to that work is not provided by the student.

The key for a student to receive a high score on the mid-term paper is to think critically about what you have learned about the financial status of Zoetis through your analysis, how it has improved, and what the company should focus on to improve its financial performance and balance sheet. Focus on three or four items in the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement and analyze those things. Do not try to comment on everything.

Although you may not cite any third party analyst, if you need to better understand what a particular ratio might indicate about the financial health of a company, it is acceptable to cite Investopedia in your Mid-Term Paper. For example, if you searched “Debt to Equity Ratio Investopedia” you would find part of the explanation to read as follows:

“…Similar to the debt ratio, a lower percentage means that a company is using less leverage and has a stronger equity position…Additionally, what constitutes a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ result will vary by industry…If a firm’s debt-equity ratio varies significantly from its competitors or the averages for its industry, this should raise a red flag. Companies with a ratio that is too high can be at risk for financial problems or even a default if they can’t meet their debt obligations….On the other hand, companies employing too little leverage may be earning less than their competitors as a result.”

One APA example of the citation format for this information from Investopedia is as follows:

“Debt to Equity Ratio Investopedia. Retrieved from (n.d.)”

Your Mid-Term Paper must include the following sections that are clearly labeled as such:

1. Cover Page – You should use APA format.

2. Introduction – A high-level overview of the company and its business, its industry, products and profitability, and its competitors, in no more than 3 to 4 sentences and should be about half a page.

3. Analysis – You should prepare your financial statement analysis from only one perspective, either management, investor or creditor (It is your choice based on what you are most interested in analyzing). Your written analysis should be 1½ to 2 pages.

4. Industry Medians/Norms – The written analysis should also discuss a comparison of the company’s key ratios with the industry medians/norms and should be about half a page.

5. Conclusion – In this section you should provide three to four insights that would be most pertinent to the interest of your audience, i.e. either management, investors or creditors.

You should print your paper and proof read carefully before submitting. Often, reading your paper out loud will alert you to awkward sentence structure, run on sentences and grammar mistakes. Paragraphs should contain no more than three to four sentences. You should run spell check. Pay close attention to your margins and where your breaks occur between pages. Proof read! Proof read! Proof Read!

Link for Objectives of Financial Analysis:

Link for Analyzing Financial Data:

Deliverable 7

Question Description

Please see below the sceneraio…. I had submit it see attachments and my teacher said these things in red were not correct. Can you please fix and send me both things.

This the professor said I did wrong

Please note that the following calculations were included in your work however they were incorrect. Please revise your calculations for the following:

Expected Profit for Pipeline

Variance for Pipeline

Quantified Risk for Pipeline

Expected Profit for Alternative Investment

Variance for Alt. Investment

Quantified Risk for Alt. Investment

Cross Price Elasticity

You can find a rubric below that highlights your grade.

Scenario below:


  • Understand economic terminology and economic definitions pertaining to decisions made by managers.
  • Explain and demonstrate knowledge of concepts including the supply/demand relationship, price ceilings and floors, and market surpluses and shortages.
  • Elasticity, consumer choice, utility, productivity, and nature of costs.
  • Demonstrate how economic theory contributes to strategic managerial decision-making.
  • Understand various market structures and impacts upon firms, consumers, and government policies.
  • Calculate profits and profit maximization in order to determine the optimal price and output at which firms should produce.

Course Scenario below.

Oil Company X is a large oil refinery which has been expanding and taking on new investment projects. Recently, they have considered building a pipeline that stretches across the United States, from Canada to New Orleans.

As a cost analyst at Oil Company X, submit a proposal to the board of the company critiquing the costs and benefits of building a new oil pipeline that stands to generate copious amounts of revenue. Include in your report the following: expected changes to supply and demand, a cost analysis of the project, the cross-price elasticity of an alternative energy source, cost curves, the new expected profit-maximizing quantity and price of oil after completion, a risk assessment evaluating liabilities from potential environmental damage, and a final recommendation.


Use the Excel document below to complete the assignment, and submit it to the Drop Box when finished. Student Excel Spreadsheet

As an economic analyst at your firm, you are being asked to evaluate this investment opportunity and submit a 5-page proposal as a Word document.

You must include an explanation of expected changes to supply and/or demand from economic shocks such as natural disasters and recessions, as well as the anticipated effect of substitute goods (alternative energy sources) flooding the oil market. Be sure to include the expected impact on equilibrium quantity and price in your regional market from these potential changes.

Another team member in the Cost Analysis Department has compiled the necessary data in the attached spreadsheet below.The total upfront cost of this project is $1.72 million in fixed costs. Be sure to include in your proposal any relevant curves graphed from the data in the spreadsheet. Your Excel spreadsheet needs to include the following columns in addition to what has been given to you:

  1. TFC
  2. TVC
  3. ATC
  4. AVC
  5. MC

Assume that your firm will hold market power as a supplier of oil in your region, due to extensive trade restrictions the government has agreed to put in place after completion of the pipeline. Define the new market structure, and give new pricing strategies the firm can use to maximize profits for this particular market structure.

You will also include graphs to show new expected profit-maximizing quantity and price of oil after completion. After determining the profit-maximizing price and quantity, as well as the corresponding average variable cost, determine the expected total profit for the 15-year duration the pipeline will be in operation.

Be sure to also include a calculation of the cross-price elasticity of the alternative energy source and oil. Assume the current price of oil is $50/gallon of crude oil. If the price increases to the profit-maximizing price, the quantity demanded of the alternative energy source increases by 20%. Explain if these goods are complementary goods, substitute goods, or non-related goods. If there is a relationship, indicate whether the relationship is weak or strong. Justify your answer with an explanation based on the elasticity figure.

Assume there is a 10% probability of the pipeline leaking, with an expected liability of $3.2 billion which will be deducted from total profit. There is a 90% probability the pipeline will not leak. Determine the expected return on this investment, as well as the variance.

The firm also has an alternative investment which will yield $1.6 billion over the course of the same 15-year period, with a probability of 80%, or $1.15 billion with a probability of 20%. Calculate the expected return, as well as the variance. The risk should be expressed as the standard deviation.

Perform a marginal analysis to determine if the firm should build the pipeline, considering currently available investments and opportunity costs.

Format your proposal to include a title page, introduction, conclusion, and references. Include all relevant graphs, equations, and calculations. Show your work on calculations to ensure you receive partial credit for incorrect answers. No credit will be given if your work is not shown. Remember to cite your sources using correct APA format, and also use correct grammar, spelling, and formatting

MG 602 Module 3 Case Study

Question Description

The Case for Module 3 does not come from one of the chapters in the textbook, but rather is an HBR Case. Harvard Review Cases are typically more in depth and longer than textbook cases, and therefore this case is also worth more points than the others in this course. This case will test not only your understanding of the leadership content we have discussed, but also your ability to communicate your arguments in an organized and persuasive manner. Please follow the instructions below to complete the case and feel free to post on the Q & A Discussion Board or send a message to the CTA or myself if you have questions. Good luck.

PART A: Having read the HBR Case Study, Big Shoes to Fill (attached), answer the following questions about the case.

  1. What type of leader, discussed within the current course module, best characterizes former CEO Jack Donally. Be sure to provide rationale for your selection.
  2. What situational variables contributed to the success and maintenance of this type of leader in this specific case?

PART B: Now imagine you are Stephanie Fortas, the new CEO of Innostat.

  1. What leadership style/approach/theory would you embrace and implement, and why? Be sure to reference reasons for your decision (e.g., company history, current personnel, market trends, etc.).
  2. How would you communicate your new strategy for the company to maximize buy-in and organizational success and why would you use this style and medium of communication? Draft detailed messages to each and every group of stakeholders you identify as necessary (e.g., board, senior management, all employees, etc.) to communicate your position(s) and rationale. These messages may take various forms depending upon the content and the audience so make sure and identify the specific medium you would use to communicate with each group (e.g., memo, presentation, etc.).

Reminders for Part B:

  • Answer each of the questions above first on one page. Then draft the necessary message(s) to your organization on subsequent pages.
  • If you choose to write memos, or emails please be conscious of formatting and length.
  • If you choose to include a white paper or other report please follow APA guidelines for formatting (e.g., font, margins, page numbers, headings, etc.)
  • If you choose to include a presentation make sure and write out the presentation content fully so that I can see exactly how the presentation would be delivered. Don’t assume I will fill in the blanks.
  • The entire assignment for Part B should NOT exceed 5 typed pages.

If you are uncertain about what to include in the messages you create, please reference the two attached rubrics.

Rubric 1 and Rubric 2

Module 3 Case Study

You’ve already rated students with this rubric. Any major changes could affect their assessment results.

Module 3 Case Study

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose/Problem Identification

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation Gathering

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding of Audience

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStrategy

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper Organization and Medium for Communication

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupporting Evidence

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding Importance of Buy-In

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrepared for Objections

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper Tone

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding of Leadership Content

6.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

6.0 pts

Total Points: 60.0

BUAD 2020 Information Technology Management Assignment #2 –Data Analysis, Visualization and Reporting

Question Description

BUAD 2020 Information Technology Management

Assignment #2 –Data Analysis, Visualization and Reporting Due: Check Blackboard Course Site for Due Date

For this assignment – you will demonstrate your ability to use Excel Pivot tables to analyze data and produce charts/graphs to aid you in presenting your analysis and supporting your recommendations.

Case Background: Hoover Medical Supplies, Inc, is a large manufacturing company located in Columbus, Ohio. The company is currently seeking to gain operational efficiencies in its supply chain by reducing the number of transportation carriers that it is using from five to three and thereafter open discussions concerning volume discounts with its remaining carriers. Brian Hoover, the CEO of Hoover Medical Supplies, has hired you to analyze its data and make a clear recommendation about how to reduce transportation costs while retaining a high level of service from its best carriers. Hoover has customers in Michigan, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio.

Data Available: The HooverData.xlsx file contains all the shipping invoices submitted by its current carriers and paid by Hoover. Shipping is billed by the pound at a rate that considers fuel costs, driver costs and truck costs. The file also includes data collected by tracking the delivery schedule of the shipments – reflected in the column of Days Overdue. Late deliveries are not tolerated by Hoover’s customers and need to be minimized within its carrier pool.

Project Focus: Carrier selection should be based on the assumptions that all environmental factors are equal and that historical cost trends will continue. Review the data from the past several years to determine your recommendation for the top three carriers that Hoover should continue to do business with. Be sure that the three carriers recommended will provide adequate coverage of all states currently serviced. (Don’t assume carriers will expand their services to states not currently served.)

1) Analyze all of Hoover’s carrier transactions found in the data file: HooverData.xlsx.

2) Apply what you learned about the use of Excel Pivot Tables and do a thorough analysis of the data to determine which carriers provide the best service at the best price to the states that Hoover services. Consider whether you should look at totals or averages in your analysis. (We discussed this in class!) Slice and Dice (pivot) the data a number of different ways to help you in your analysis. Look at each factor – service, price and quality. Spend some time thinking about the problem and how best to analyze the data.

3) Review your analysis and determine the top three carriers that you recommend to be retained. Prepare a memo to Mr. Brian Hoover in which you detail your recommendation for the top three carriers with which Hoover should continue to do business. Organize your memo to be succinct but informative. Be sure to support your recommendation with the facts and results of your analysis because there are some biases amongst your co-workers that may distort their view of the carriers. To better make your argument, your report must support your recommendation by presenting the data using visualization techniques. Charts and graphs should be well designed and labeled, and include legends, titles, and values where appropriate. Assume that Mr. Hoover

Assignment #2 –Data Analysis, Visualization and Reporting


will not have access to your Excel document – thus your memo will need to display the charts/graphs to support your analysis and conclusion. Don’t just put the graphics at the end of the document – but rather insert and discuss each visualized data point.

Use a formal and professional writing style and tone in your report. Use a Memo template (found in Microsoft Word). Address the memo to Mr. Hoover – use your name in the “From” section. Check your grammar and spelling. Use complete sentences and bulleted lists to succinctly but thoroughly state the results of your analysis and your recommendation. Make your recommendation easy to find – in fact, best versions will begin and end the memo with a clearly stated recommendation.

Project Deliverables:

You must demonstrate your ability to create and use pivot tables to complete this assignment. Save each of your Pivot Tables in your Excel workbook. Create Charts on the data elements that you will use to justify your recommendation in the Word document. Upload your Excel file – (with all the Pivot tables that you created to perform your analysis) to the Blackboard assignment link. You may not need to use or reference each created pivot table in your final report – its ok to leave any extra pivot tables in your Excel document.

I would like to remind you that this homework assignment must be completed and submitted individually and that no late work is accepted.

Assignment Deliverables:  Submit your Excel workbook to the Blackboard Assignment #2 Course Link  Submit your report (Word document) to the Blackboard Assignment #2 Course Link

MOD 2-Case-External Environment, SWOT

Question Description

Module 2 – Case


Assignment Overview

Remember that the Case in this course is an ongoing exercise, meaning that we will be taking an intensive look at one company over the course of our four modules. This session, we will be conducting a strategic analysis of Pepsico.

The outcome of this Case is to use a completed external and internal analysis of Pepsico in the completion of a SWOT.

Case Assignment

In a 7- to 10-page paper, integrate your external and internal company analysis, completing a formal company SWOT.

Keys to the Assignment

  • Step 1: Perform research, and complete an industry analysis using each of the Five Forces in Porter’s model. Support your analysis with current financial, operational, and marketing data.
  • Step 2: Complete your external analysis using each of the four elements in the PEST analysis. When considering economic data, use the most current data you can find.
  • Step 3: Write up the results of your external analysis, and be sure to label the impact of each of the Five Forces as high, moderate, or low. Taken together, the Five Forces analysis and the PEST analysis should lead to conclusions about the overall opportunities and threats facing Pepsico as revealed by your research. All data and factual information that you report in your Five Forces and PEST analysis must be properly cited using APA style.
  • Step 4: Conduct a critical and thorough internal analysis of Pepsico, assessing as many of the company’s key internal strengths and weaknesses as you can. Consider the operations, customer service, finance, human resources management, and marketing functions. See the following website, as it will help you decide which strengths and weaknesses you might wish to evaluate:
  • Step 5: Discuss the results of your internal analysis, including your conclusions concerning the strengths and weaknesses facing Pepsico.
  • Step 6: Synthesize your internal analysis with your external environmental analysis, formulating a complete SWOT analysis. Provide a SWOT diagram (include as an Appendix – not as part of the written analysis) in which you show – in each of the four quadrants – the most important 3-4 company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Each of these should be discussed thoroughly within your written analysis.
  • Based on your SWOT, give very specific and informed recommendations as to what the company should do. Give your overall analysis—does the company have more strengths than weaknesses? More weaknesses than strengths? Whatever you decide, you need to recommend (with strong, convincing support) what you believe should be the company’s strategy — in response to your collective assessment of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You must demonstrate evidence of critical thinking – do not simply restate facts you have learned about the company. Interpret the data and factual information you have found instead.
  • Step 7: Consider the Case as a formal business report that you are developing for the Board of Directors and CEO as Pepsico’s external consultant. This is a professional document. Follow the format below:
  • Executive summary: This is a synopsis of the main points, conclusions and recommendations made in the longer report. If you would like a refresher on writing an executive summary, check this website:
  • Introduction: State the main purpose of the paper (thesis statement), what you hope to accomplish, and how you will go about doing it.
  • Main Body: The “meat” of the paper. Emphasize analysis, not just description. Delineate separate topics or sections with section headings.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your paper in the light of your thesis statement.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated using the grading rubric.

Tips and Suggestions

Note the following tips and suggestions:

  • Business school case-study assignments are meant to offer practice opportunities for future businesspeople who are earning their MBA degrees. Consider yourself a consultant hired by the company to make these critical assessments. There are no right or wrong answers to the Case questions – however, your position must be well-defended.
  • Study the theoretical concepts provided in the Background materials section of the module, and identify main strategy concepts.
  • Conduct additional research on the organization using IBISWorld in the TUI Library. IBISWorld is accessible through the Trident Library Access search located at the TLC Home Page. Under the Library Access search box, click on “Additional Library Sources.” IBISWorld is included in the list. For navigation help, click here: IBISWorld Navigation Tips.
  • Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 7-10 pages of analysis described above.
  • Include section headings in all papers.
  • Cite and reference all sources, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes, and citations for information you have “borrowed” or paraphrased from other sources.
  • Follow Trident Guidelines for Well-Written Papers.
  • Submit your analysis by the end of this module.