Literature Review

Question Description


A critical skill at the doctoral level is the ability to conduct scholarly research guided by

clearly articulated questions that address a specific issue or problem. For this literature

review, your research will be guided by the following three Research Questions:

1. What is the impact that coaching has on management and the correlation to successful retention of employees?

2. Is there is a correlation between the managers that successfully coach their team and those that don’t and what effect it has on moral/turnover rate?

3. Do organizations that encourage coaching have and maintain their human capital by buying into coaching?

The purpose of this research project is for you to create a scholarly piece of doctoral

level research and writing which conforms to current APA format. Competency in the

current APA format is required

What is a literature review?

“A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period.

A literature review can be just a simple summary of the sources, but it usually has an organizational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis. A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information. It might give a new interpretation of old material or combine new with old interpretations. Or it might trace the intellectual progression of the field, including major debates. And depending on the situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant.”[i]

How is a literature review different from an academic research paper?

“The main focus of an academic research paper is to develop a new argument, and a research paper will contain a literature review as one of its parts. In a research paper, you use the literature as a foundation and as support for a new insight that you contribute. The focus of a literature review, however, is to summarize and synthesize the arguments and ideas of others without adding new contributions.”[ii] The academic research paper also covers a range of sources, but it is usually a select number of sources, because the emphasis is on the argument. Likewise, a literature review can also have an “argument,” but it is not as important as covering a number of sources. In short, an academic research paper and a literature review contain some of the same elements. In fact, many academic research papers will contain a literature review section. But it is the aspect of the study (the argument or the sources) that is emphasized that determines what type of document it is.

Why write literature reviews?

“Literature reviews provide you with a handy guide to a particular topic. If you have limited time to conduct research, literature reviews can give you an overview or act as a stepping stone. For professionals, they are useful reports that keep them up to date with what is current in the field. For scholars, the depth and breadth of the literature review emphasizes the credibility of the writer in his or her field. Literature reviews also provide a solid background for a research paper’s investigation. Comprehensive knowledge of the literature of the field is essential to most research papers.”[iii]

What is the format for literature reviews?

“Just like most academic papers, literature reviews also must contain at least three basic elements: an introduction or background information section; the body of the review containing the discussion of sources; and, finally, a conclusion and/or recommendations section to end the paper.

  • Introduction: Gives a quick idea of the topic of the literature review, such as the central theme or organizational pattern.
  • Body: Contains your discussion of sources and is organized thematically.
  • Conclusions/Recommendations: Discuss what you have drawn from reviewing literature so far. Where might the discussion proceed?”[iv]

What is a thematic literature review?

“Thematic reviews of literature are organized around a topic or issue, rather than the progression of time.”v

“Sometimes, though, you might need to add additional sections that are necessary for your study, but do not fit in the organizational strategy of the body. What other sections you include in the body is up to you. Put in only what is necessary. Here are a few other sections you might want to consider:

  • Current Situation: Information necessary to understand the topic or focus of the literature review.
  • History: The chronological progression of the field, the literature, or an idea that is necessary to understand the literature review, if the body of the literature review is not already a chronology.
  • Methods and/or Standards: The criteria you used to select the sources in your literature review or the way in which you present your information. For instance, you might explain that your review includes only peer-reviewed articles and journals.
  • Questions for Further Research: What questions about the field has the review sparked? How will you further your research as a result of the review?”vi

Important Points to Consider

The paper is to be written in strict conformance to current APA standards, and must contain at least 20 pages of content (excluding the title page, abstract, and references), utilizing at least 12 scholarly references.

The paper is to be submitted through SafeAssign at the end of Module 4/Week 8. It is highly recommended that you download and read the instructions to avoid any stress created by issues that are the result of waiting until the last minute.

  • A SafeAssign draft check will be provided for you to use to improve your Originality Score prior to your final submission.

Three levels of current APA headings must be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.

Some students do not fully understand the difference between plagiarism and paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is when you take a source or someone else’s idea and say it in your own words. When you paraphrase, you must still give the author’s name, date, title of the source, the scholarly journal where it came from, and the exact website address or book.

However, when you directly quote a source, it must have quotation marks around the quote, or (if 40 words or more) it must be set in block quotation format. You must also give detailed information of where you acquired the quote.

For the purpose of this academic paper, adhere to the follow rules when quoting or using a source:

  • Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source.
  • If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more than 50 words from any one source.
  • Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.
  • Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote, and this information must be placed in the reference.
  • In all instances, use current APA guidelines for citations and references.

The paper must not be a series of quotations.

[i] Literature Reviews (

[ii] Ibid

[iii] Ibid

[iv] Ibid

v Ibid

vi Ibid

ETH501 CA 1 Business Ethics

Question Description

Module 2 – Background


Let’s begin this Module by reading chapter 5 of the Byars and Stanberry book:

Byars, S. and Stanberry, Kurt (2018). Impact of Culture and Time on Business Ethics, chapter 5.
Business Ethics. Rice University, OpenStax. Retrieved from pgs. 131-154. CC BY 4.0 license

As you will see, there is indeed a relationship between business ethics, culture, and time. Of course, ethical practices and beliefs are influenced by geography and religion. The reading leads us to ask: Are the values central to business ethics universal?

According to the authors, most organizations hold three different kinds of beliefs about themselves: (1) purpose of the business, (2) the organization’s mission, and (3) culture, religion, and ethics-driven beliefs.

For example, watch the following video about Merck and Co.’s fight to control river blindness in Africa.

World Bank group (2014). Treating River Blindness and Other Neglected tropical diseases. YouTube video. Retrieved from Standard Youtube license.

See the following article if you want to learn more about Merck’s successful donation program of the drug Mectizan to fight river blindness. This is a result of key players from across the world coming together to put ethical beliefs in motion. Merck describes their commitment: “as much as needed, for as long as needed.”

Merck (2019). Over 30 years: the Mectizan donation program. Retrieved from

The case assignment for this module looks at Nike and the ongoing issue of sweatshops. For that assignment, review:

Nike sweatshops: Behind the swoosh. (2011). Retrieved from YouTube license.

Bain, M. (2017). Nike is facing a new wave of anti-sweatshop protests. Quartz. Retrieved from

Mintz, S. (May 2012). Social responsibilities of a U.S. company doing business abroad. Retrieved from

St. Clair, J. (September 2018). Nike’s bad air. Retrieved from

Module 2 – Case


Assignment Overview

This case assignment for this module looks at an update of Nike and the ongoing issue of sweatshops. The Case is found in:

Byars, S. and Stanberry, Kurt (2018). Impact of Culture and Time on Business Ethics, chapter 5. Business Ethics. Rice University, OpenStax. Retrieved from pg. 138. CC BY 4.0 license

Overseas Manufacturing

How can the purchase of a pair of sneakers be seen as an ethical act? Throughout the 1990s, the U.S. shoe and sportswear manufacturer Nike was widely criticized for subcontracting with factories in China and Southeast Asia that were little more than sweatshops with deplorable working conditions. After responding to the criticisms and demanding that its suppliers improve their workplaces, the company began to redeem itself in the eyes of many and has become a model of business ethics and sustainability. However, questions remain about the relationship between business and government.

For instance, should a company advocate for labor rights, a minimum wage, and unionization in developing countries where it has operations? What responsibility does it have for the welfare of a contractor’s workers in a culture with differing customs? What right does any Western company have to insist that its foreign contractors observe in their factories the protocols required in the West? What, for example, is sacred about an eight-hour workday? When Nike demands that foreign manufacturers observe Western laws and customs about the workplace, arguably this is capitalist imperialism. Not only that, but Western firms will be charged more for concessions regarding factory conditions. Perhaps this is as it should be, but Western consumers must then be prepared to pay more for material goods than in the past.

Some argue that demanding that companies accept these responsibilities imposes cultural standards on another culture through economic pressure. Others insist there should be universal standards of humane employee treatment, and that they must be met regardless of where they come from or who imposes them. But should the market dictate such standards, or should the government?

The rise of artificial intelligence and robotics will complicate this challenge because, in time, they may make offshoring the manufacture and distribution of goods unnecessary. It may be cheaper and more efficient to bring these operations back to developed countries and use robotic systems instead. What would that mean for local cultures and their economies? In Nike’s case, automation is already a concern, particularly as competition from its German rival, Adidas, heats up again.

For the Case 2 assignment review:

Nike sweatshops: Behind the swoosh. (2011). Retrieved from YouTube license.


Bain, M. (2017). Nike is facing a new wave of anti-sweatshop protests. Quartz. Retrieved from

Mintz, S. (May 2012). Social responsibilities of a U.S. company doing business abroad. Retrieved from

St. Clair, J. (September 2018). Nike’s bad air. Retrieved from

Case Assignment

Address the following in a 3- to 4-page academic essay that demonstrates your critical-thinking skills. It should be written for an audience of employers who are looking to expand their business overseas where labor costs are less than in the U.S. As an ethics expert, you have been asked to address the following:

  • Should a company advocate for labor rights, a minimum wage, and unionization in developing countries where it has operations?
  • What right does a Western company have to insist that its foreign contractors observe in their factories the protocols required in the West?
  • What ethical responsibilities do individual consumers have when dealing with companies that rely on overseas labor?
  • Should businesses adopt universal workplace standards about working conditions and employee protections? Why or why not?

This assignment should include third-person voice. Write a well-integrated paper with a strong introduction and conclusion, and use a few section headings (e.g., do not simply follow a Q & A format).

Bring in your Module background information. Whether or not you bring in sources outside of this Module is up to you. For all sources used, provide in-text citations and a references list.

General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers:

For a list of general reference sources related to locating library sources, using APA formatting, applying critical-thinking skills, and so forth, see General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers. It is not required that you read these sources page-by-page, but rather you use them as guides.

Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be evaluated using the following criteria from the Case grading rubric, located in the Case dropbox:

Assignment-driven criteria: Covers all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

Critical thinking: Conceptualizes the problem. Multiple information sources, expert opinion, and assumptions are analyzed, synthesized, and critically evaluated. Logically consistent conclusions are presented with appropriate rationale.

Business writing: Mastery in written communications and a skilled, knowledgeable, and error-free presentation to an appropriately specialized audience.

Effective use of information: Locates relevant and quality sources of information, using strong and compelling content to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic, and shape the whole work.

Citing sources: Mastery using in-text citations of sources, proper format for quotations, and correct format of full-source information in the reference list using APA style (bibliography).

Personal Finance Exam

Question Description

Match the following words to its correct definition.



auto loan

work study



A. job in which the earnings should be used to finance your college education

B. long term debt used to finance the purchase of a home

C. money that has to be repaid

D. process of paying a loan through specially structured payments

E. long term debt used to finance the purchase of a car

F. money that does not have to be repaid

Which of the following is not a long term debt?

Paying off your credit card each month

Taking out a 15 year fixed rate mortgage

Financing an automobile purchase with a 36 month loan

Financing your college education with a 30 year loan

Your friend is confused about types of debts. Which of the following would most likely help his financial portfolio by adding an appreciating asset?

boat loan

car loan


none of the above

Which of the following financing options has the least (future) obligation from the student?



work study

Which is something you should consider before taking a loan out for college?

interest rate

income potential

length of the loan

all of the above

Which of the following is a type of debt that you will most likely need to finance?

clothing purchase

video game purchase

ipod purchase

new car purchase

When explaining credit to a friend, which of the philosophy can you use?

Buy now, pay later

Buy later, pay now

Don’t worry about paying back

none of the above

Which is the process of paying off a loan through specially structured payments?

using a credit card


online bill pay

none of the above

Which of the following would you recommend to your friend about mortgages to save the most money?

get the longest loan possible at the highest interest rate

get the shortest loan possible at the lowest interest rate

get the longest loan possible at the lowest interest rate

get the shortest loan possible at the highest interest rate

You and your spouse have a 72 month car loan. What is the best way to shorten the amount of time that it takes you to pay back the loan?

sending in your payments on time

having good credit

using your credit card to make a car payment

making extra car payments several times a year

Which of the following is the best example of amortization?

30 yr mortgage

48 month car loan

15 yr student loan

all of the above

When do most finance professionals recommend that you start saving money?

after you start your first job

as soon as you have money

once you get your feet on the ground after paying of your bills

as you near retirement

Match the following words to its correct definition




compound interest


gross income

net income


income tax


social security



W-2 form

W-4 form

A. A form that is filled out by employees before they start a job. This will determine the amount of income tax deducted from that person’s paycheck

B. The amount of income received after deductions and taxes are taken out

C. A form that includes a person’s earnings and deductions for a year

D. Federal program that provides medical benefits such as hospital care

E. synonym for money

F. money received from a job

G. Federal program that provides benefits to retirees, the handicapped, and children of deceased workers

H. interest paid on the principal and on the accrued interest of the accumulated interest already earned

I. Government fees on income, property, goods, or other activities

J. the profit made on an investment

K. medium of exchange for a good or service

L. The amount of income earned before any deductions or taxes or taken out

M. A money plan that includes expected income, spending, and any other financials in a given time period

N. Federal Insurance Contributions Act used to fund Social Security and Medicare

O. Tax on the money someone earns from a job

In which of the following scenarios would you have the most money at the end of the year?

2% compounded daily

2% compounded monthly

2% compounded yearly

2% compounded weekly

Why do many people think it is be better to not receive a refund from the IRS at the end of the year?

because you are giving them money interest free instead of putting that money into an interest bearing account

because you should not expect the government to send you a check

because you never file taxes

because you put the Social Security number on your W-2 Form

You want to save money for a down payment on a house in the future. At which interest rate would you have the most savings at the end of ten years?





Which one of these tips is NOT a good financial choice?

Create a budget.

Buy items on sale.

Try not to save a little bit each month.

Don’t try to compete with your friends.

What type of income includes all taxes and deductions before they are taken out?

total income

net income

take home pay

gross income

Which of the following factors has the greatest influence on how much a person can afford based on their income?

level of education

where they live


grades in school

What type of expense is your rent each month?

routine expense

variable expense

discretionary expense

nonroutine expense

What type of expense would a night out to dinner with friends be?

fixed expense

routine expense

discretionary expense

essential expense

Which of the following expenses would be considered a discretionary expense?


cable television


car insurance

Which of the following expenses is a fixed expense?


gym membership



Which is an example of a good debt?

financing your education

financing trendy clothes

financing a vacation

financing meals

Which of the following should not be considered a “surprise” when it comes to planning your budget?

student loans

gas prices

medical bills

emergency car repairs

How long do you have to pay back a short term debt?

4 months

8 months

2 months

all of the above

Which of the following is a good way to prevent identity theft?

giving your social security number out freely

telling your friends your PIN number for your ATM card

only giving out your personal information when absolutely necessary

giving your credit card information to a telemarketer

Which of the following is NOT one of the main CRAs (Credit Reporting Agencies)?





When using your credit card, what is the best way to keep your standard of living?

Paying the minimum due on each credit card you own.

Paying off your entire credit card bill each month.

Paying your credit card bill late.

Paying only items you feel like paying for that you charged.

You purchase a new stereo at a local electronics store and decide to pay using your credit card. You plan to pay off this debt within a year. Choose the best credit card choice from the following offers.

22% interest

29% interest

0% interest for 1 year and 12% interest after that

6% interest

What is revolving debt?

Debt that never changes

Debt that has a fixed payment each month

Debt that has no fixed payment but is based on a percentage of the outstanding balance

Debt that is used to change things

Which of the following are you usually able to deduct off your tax return?

interest paid on credit cards

interest earned from a bank account

interest paid on a mortgage

none of the above

Which are ways to finance your college education?

work study


student loans

all of the above

What is the best definition of a creditor?

a person who borrows money

a person who lends money

a person who issues credit cards

a person who uses credit

Which is the process of paying off a loan through specially structured payments?

using a credit card


online bill pay

none of the above

The interest on a mortgage is usually tax deductible.



One way to take years off of your loan is to make extra voluntary payments.



A scholarship is a type of loan that you need to pay back.



Major Issues in Healthcare

Question Description

Major Issues in Healthcare

As healthcare organizations move forward to the future, how healthcare is delivered in the United States will continue to be scrutinized.


Post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:

  • Identify the three major issues affecting healthcare organizations today.
  • Describe the role HRM plays in dealing with or addressing these issues.
  • Give an example of a healthcare setting and explain how you, as an HR manager in that setting, would respond to the three issues.

Provide reasons and evidence in support of your responses.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your initial posting should be addressed at 300-500 words. Submit your document to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.

Respond to your peers throughout the week. Justify your answers with examples, research, and reasoning. Follow up posts need to be submitted by the end of the week.

Use the following rubric as a guide to complete your discussion responses.


As the authors of this textbook, we have long recognized the unique aspects of healthcare human resource management (HRM) and the need for a textbook specifically focused on this area. Collectively, we have experience in healthcare HRM as practitioners, consultants, and professors. In this book, we provide both the HRM student and the practitioner a comprehensive, focused source of information on this important body of knowledge and specialized field of practice.


There are several audiences that will find this book to be a useful resource, including college and university students and faculty members, various HR practitioners in healthcare organizations, and healthcare professionals and managers in numerous fields where HRM issues affect organizational and individual performance.


The importance of human relations skills and HRM knowledge for application in the healthcare industry has grown due to the significant recruitment and retention issues that exist for healthcare workers. Graduates of healthcare-related administration/management degree programs must have a solid knowledge base of HRM topics to be successful in their careers. The types of courses that are well suited for this text include:

  • Undergraduate courses in human resource management offered to healthcare administration majors.
  • Undergraduate human resource management courses that emphasize the healthcare industry.
  • Graduate-level human resource management courses offered in healthcare administration programs.
  • College curriculums for management tracks for degrees in:
    • Nursing
    • Respiratory Care
    • Radiological Technology
    • Allied Health
    • Public Health
    • Health Promotion
  • Distance learning programs containing the courses and related to the degrees described above.


HR management issues will continue to be a major focus for all individuals with management responsibilities in healthcare organizations. Both the academic and practical experiences of the authors have contributed to the book’s balance between the theoretical and the practical aspects of healthcare HR. This balance makes the textbook not only useful for the academic setting, but equally useful as a reference for healthcare leaders and professionals with HR responsibilities. Even highly experienced healthcare HR professionals will find the presentations of both theory and actual healthcare organizational HR practices insightful and informative.


The textbook includes 14 chapters; each chapter discusses a particular HRM topic. Each chapter can be used in instruction as a stand-alone presentation, or in conjunction with the other chapters. Regardless of the approach, this book provides a comprehensive source of information on both theory and practice in healthcare HRM.

Chapter 1 discusses the nature and challenges of healthcare HR management through an overview of the current and future states of the healthcare industry. The chapter also describes the various types of organizations that make up the healthcare industry.

Chapter 2 presents a unique review of the competencies that are important for healthcare HR professionals. The chapter discusses healthcare organizational structures and the placement of HR departments within the organizational structure, and HR budgets and staffing. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) is also described along with the key quality standards that impact healthcare HRM.

Chapter 3 describes the importance of strategic HRM. The chapter discusses the process and relevance of effective HR planning against the backdrop of the most challenging HRM issues that confront healthcare organizations.

Chapter 4 discusses the legal issues affecting the healthcare workplace, with particular focus on equal employment opportunity regulations and issues. Chapter 5 reviews the importance of job design and analysis as it affects all aspects of HRM in healthcare organizations.

Chapter 6 presents a comprehensive discussion on the critical topics for healthcare organizations of recruitment and selection. The chapter includes a discussion on strategic recruiting and an overview of various recruitment methods that are successful in the healthcare industry.

Chapter 7 explores employee retention, presenting many of the acknowledged “best practices” that are achieving retention results in healthcare organizations. Given both the current state and the anticipated shortage of healthcare workers, employee retention is one of the most important responsibilities that healthcare HR professionals and healthcare managers have.

Chapter 8 provides a comprehensive discussion on training and development in healthcare organizations. The JCAHO standards dealing with orientation and training also are highlighted in the chapter, as they relate to the verification and development of healthcare worker competencies.

Chapter 9 focuses on the topic of performance management. This chapter includes a review of both the theoretical and practical aspects of establishing performance criteria and developing and conducting performance appraisals for healthcare workers.

Chapters 10 and 11 deal with the interrelated healthcare HR management topics of employee and labor relations. Chapter 10 focuses on a variety of concerns that affect how healthcare organizations manage their workers. Chapter 11 deals specifically with the complexities of managing healthcare workers who are covered under collective bargaining agreements.

Chapters 12 and 13 present healthcare compensation, benefits, and variable pay practices. Chapter 12 details the various compensation programs and processes, including executive pay plans, utilized in healthcare organizations. Chapter 13 discusses the benefits and variable pay programs that make up the total compensation provided to healthcare workers.

Chapter 14 describes the safety, health, and security issues in healthcare organizations and how they affect HRM. The safety, health, and security concerns present in healthcare environments are emphasized as part of healthcare HRM.

SPC Project

Question Description

SPC Project Instructions

Complete SPC Project (Submit this week) – See details below in blue.

There are two cases in this project. Below are the details on the two cases in the SPC Project (Based on Chapter 6S Statistical Process Control). In this module, there is an Excel spreadsheet labeled SPC Project – BLANK New_2019 that has the sample data and includes spaces to add your SPC Control Chart data (for Case 1) and includes the data to build the SPC Charts in Case 2. That Excel file should be submitted during Week 5. Make sure to substitute your name for the word BLANK when you save the Excel file.

Case 1: Frito-Lay Salt Test

A. Read the first case (Frito-Lay) description below.

B. Watch the video in this module for the Frito-Lay case (the video must be watched in its entirety to get full credit).

C. You must also submit a Word document containing a memo to Angela McCormack and answering the additional two questions.

Case 1 Description

Frito-Lay, the multi-billion-dollar snack food giant, produces billions of pounds of product every year at its dozens of U.S. and Canadian plants. From the farming of potatoes-in Florida, North Carolina, and Michigan-to factory and to retail stores, the ingredients and final product of Lay’s chips, for example, are inspected at least 11 times: in the field, before unloading at the plant, after washing and peeling, at the sizing station, at the fryer, after seasoning when bagged (for weight), at carton filling, in the warehouse, and as they are placed on the store shelf by Frito-Lay personnel. Similar inspections take place for its other famous products, including Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles, and Tostitos.

In addition to these employee inspections, the firm uses proprietary vision systems to look for defective potato chips. Chips are pulled off the high-speed line and checked twice if the vision system senses them to be too brown.

The company follows the very strict standards of the American Institute of Baking (AIB), standards that are much tougher than those of the U.S Food and Drug Administration. Two unannounced AIB site visits per year keep Frito-Lay’s plant on their toes. Scores, consistently in the “excellent” range, are posted, and every employee knows exactly how the plant is doing.

There are two key metrics in Frito-Lay’s continuous improvement quality program: (1) total customer complaints (measured on a complaints per million bag basis) and (2) hourly or daily statistical process control scores (for oil, moisture, seasoning, and salt content, for chip thickness, for fryer temperature, and for weight).

In the Florida plant, Angela McCormack, who holds engineering and MBA degrees, oversees a 15-member quality assurance staff. They watch all aspects of quality, including training employees on the factory floor, monitoring automated processing equipment, and developing and updating statistical process control (SPC) charts. The upper and lower control limits for one check point, salt content in Lay’s chip, are 2.22% (UCL) and 1.98% (LCL), respectively. To see exactly how the limits are created using SPC, watch the Frito Lay Control Charts video in the Module below that accompanies this case.

In the Excel document (below in this Module) you are going to create a new set of UCL and LCL measurements based on the below sample data and using the provided population parameter for standard deviation. Calculate the measurements and show your work.

Angela is evaluating a new salt process delivery system and wants to know if the upper and lower control limits at 3 standard deviations for the new system will meet the upper and lower controls specifications currently used (2.22 and 1.98). The population standard deviation is s = .07 and each sample is n=4. In a Word document, write a memo to Angela explaining whether or not the new salination process (from which we obtained the sample data) is delivering a new set of UCL/LCL measurements that is within the specifications set by the current set of control limits. In other words, does the new set of UCL/LCL measurement exceed the prior limits (meaning it is unacceptable) or equals or is less than the current specifications?

Additionally, in the same Word document, answer the following two critical thinking questions about Frito-Lay’s current quality process.

Question 1: How much of an improvement in variability did Frito-Lay make by implementing SPC?

Question 2: What are the steps Karen Engels and Barbara Boudreau go through as part of a testing cycle?

The data (in percent) from the initial trial samples using the new salting process are:

Sample 1: 1.98 2.11 2.15 2.06
Sample 2: 1.99 2.0 2.08 1.99
Sample 3: 2.20 2.10 2.20 2.05
Sample 4: 2.18 2.01 2.23 1.98
Sample 5: 2.01 2.08 2.14 2.16

Case 2: Stensil Fertilizer and Chemical Co. Inorganic Fertilizer Testing

A. Read the second case (Stensil) description below (also found in the Excel file, second tab).

B. Watch the second video in this module which explains how to build an SPC chart in Excel (the video must be watched in its entirety to get full credit).

C. You must also submit a Word document containing a memo to Bill Evans, Quality Control Manager for Stensil.

Case 2 Description

Stensil Fertilizer and Chemical Company produces both organic and inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are generally safe, but inorganic fertilizers are carefully monitored by the EPA due to the presence of hazardous waste materials (hazmat). Most bags contain some hazardous content, but theoretically there should be none. The EPA allowable specification is 90 parts per million (PPM). The quality control department at Stensil feels that there is no problem with hazardous material content, which has been averaging just over 50 PPM. The production department estimates that a substantial investment would be required to lower the amount of this contaminant. These two departments, after consulting with the marketing department and the EPA, suggest that a control chart be set up to monitor hazmat content. Five samples will be tested per day and plotted as one point on the chart. Use the data in Table 1 to set up the control limits. Then, after the limits are in place for this process, use Table 2 to determine whether or not the process remains in control for the week of September 6—10.

The Excel file includes a second tab for the Stensil Fertilizer Case (Case 2). This is the data you need for the problem. Build an appropriate SPC X-bar Chart and R-chart for the Table 1 data on this tab of the Excel worksheet.

Then, test to determine whether the Table 2 data indicates the process is under control for that period. Show your work for this part in the same Excel worksheet and submit it.

Assuming the role of Quality Control Analyst, write a memo (using Word) to the Manager of Quality Control for Stensil Fertilizer & Chemical Company (Bill Evans) explaining the process you went through and making a recommendation regarding current hazmat levels in Stensil’s fertilizer.

This is where you submit the Excel document containing your work on the SPC project. All answers should be recorded in the Excel document, or you may type the memos and the answers in a separate Word document. All answers should be submitted here.

Can you answer this question?

Question Description


Write an analysis of and propose improvements to your organization’s internal and external communications as they apply to ethical behavior and social responsibility.

It is crucial for everyone to understand and respect ethical issues when it comes to organizational communication.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze business communication situations.
    • Analyze how external communications reflect a company’s commitment to social responsibility.
    • Propose potential improvements to a company’s external communications regarding its social responsibility.
  • Competency 2: Analyze the interrelationships of communication within organizational systems.
    • Analyze how internal communications support ethical behavior within a company.
    • Propose potential improvements to internal communications.
  • Competency 3: Communicate effectively.
    • Write clearly to convey the intended content and follow APA rules for attributing sources.

    Organizational communication takes place within a context of making choices and judgments. The Assessment 2 Context document contains important information related to the following topics:

    • Values.
    • Privacy.
    • Data Accuracy.
    • Access.
    • Managing Ethical Issues.

    To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

    • After completing the Work Values Card Sort interactive media exercise, linked in the Resources, consider whether you have value congruence in your life.
      • Are you living according to what you value most?
      • Is your work in congruence with your values?
      • What impact does this have on your communications with others?

      Suggested Resources

      The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

      Capella Resources

      Click the links provided to view the following resources:


      Capella Multimedia

      Click the links provided below to view the following multimedia pieces:

      • Work Values Card Sort.
        • Understanding your personal values that you prioritize at work can help you reflect on where your level of congruence is and is not, and how this might affect your relationships and communications in the workplace.
      Library Resources

      The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

      Course Library Guide

      A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BUS-FP3050 – Fundamentals of Organizational Communication Library Guide to help direct your research.

      Internet Resources

      Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

      • CRO Corp. (2010). Corporate responsibility magazine. Retrieved from
        • This free online magazine and Web site cover a broad range of issues pertaining to corporate social responsibility. The site includes a Topics section that includes a Communications topic area that is particularly applicable to the focus of this course.
      Bookstore Resources

      The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and are not required. Unless noted otherwise, these materials are available for purchase from the Capella University Bookstore. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

      • Shockley-Zalabak, P. S. (2015). Fundamentals of organizational communication: Knowledge, sensitivity, skills, values (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

      For this assessment, consider that your manager (or one you’re familiar with) was asked to review the organization’s approach to communication, including as related to ethics. The manager asked you to help by conducting an analysis of the organization’s internal and external communications, including as they apply to ethical behavior and social responsibility. Very importantly, the manager asked for proposed improvements associated with the analysis.Focus on the organization for which you work or with which you are otherwise involved. Examine this company’s communications related to ethical behavior within the company as well as its corporate social responsibility. Research and document the organization’s internal and external communications, such as mission statements, credos, et cetera, in regard to its values and ethics. Then complete the following:

      • Analyze how the company’s internal communications help support ethical behavior within the company and describe the potential impact on employee behavior. Examples of ethical behavior include embracing diversity and protecting confidential corporate data and private data.
      • Analyze how the company’s external communications reflect its commitment to social responsibility and describe the potential impact on public perception. Examples of social responsibility include indicators such as dedication to community service, compassion for the disadvantaged, commitment to charitable giving, and concern for the environment.
      • Propose potential improvements to internal communications that would help increase ethical behavior in the company and justify those improvements based upon identified weaknesses or opportunities of current communications.
      • Propose potential improvements to the external communications that would help bolster the company’s public perception as a socially responsible company and justify those improvements based upon identified weaknesses or opportunities of current communications.

      Additional Requirements

      Your analysis and proposed improvements should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions.Academic Integrity and APA FormattingAs a reminder related to using APA rules to ensure academic honesty:

      1. When using a direct quote (using exact or nearly exact wording), you must enclose the quoted wording in quotation marks, immediately followed by an in-text citation. The source must then be listed in your references page.
      2. When paraphrasing (using your own words to describe a non-original idea), the paraphrased idea must be immediately followed by an in-text citation and the source must be listed in your references page.

Finance for Business 6 page Report (CAPELLA)

Question Description


This portfolio work project is about one of the basic functions of the finance manager: allocating capital to areas that will increase shareholder value. There are many uses of cash managers can select from, but it is essential that the selected projects are ones that add the most value to the company. This means forecasting the projected cash flows of the projects and employing capital budgeting metrics to determine which project, given the forecast cash flows, gives the firm the best chance to maximize shareholder value.

As a business professional, you are expected to:

  • Use capital budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compare them to upfront costs.
  • Evaluate capital projects and make appropriate decision recommendations.
  • Prepare reports and present the evaluation in a way that finance and non-finance stakeholders can understand.


You work as a finance manager for Drill Tech, Inc., a mid-sized manufacturing company located in Minnesota. Three capital project requests were identified as potential projects for the company to pursue in the upcoming fiscal year. In the meeting to discuss capital projects, the director of finance (and your boss), Jennifer Davidson, gives you a synopsis of the projects along with this question: Which one of these projects will provide the most shareholder value to the company?

She also tells you that other than what is noted in each project scenario, all other costs will remain constant, and you should remember to only evaluate the incremental changes to cash flows.

The proposed projects for you to review are as follows.

Project A: Major Equipment Purchase
  • A new major equipment purchase, which will cost $10 million; however, it is projected to reduce cost of sales by 5% per year for 8 years.
  • The equipment is projected to be sold for salvage value estimated to be $500,000 at the end of year 8.
  • Being a relatively safe investment, the required rate of return of the project is 8%.
  • The equipment will be depreciated at a MACRS 7-year schedule.
  • Annual sales for year 1 are projected at $20 million and should stay the same per year for 8 years.
  • Before this project, cost of sales has been 60%.
  • The marginal corporate tax rate is presumed to be 25%.
Project B: Expansion into Europe
  • Expansion into Western Europe has a forecast to increase sales/revenues and cost of sales by 10% per year for 5 years.
  • Annual sales for the previous year were $20 million.
  • Start-up costs are projected to be $7 million and an upfront needed investment in net working capital of $1 million. The working capital amount will be recouped at the end of year 5.
  • Because of the higher European tax rate, the marginal corporate tax rate is presumed to be 30%.
  • Being a risky investment, the required rate of return of the project is 12%.
Project C: Marketing/Advertising Campaign
  • A major new marketing/advertising campaign, which will cost $2 million per year and last 6 years.
  • It is forecast that the campaign will increase sales/revenues and costs of sales by 15% per year.
  • Annual sales for the previous year were $20 million.
  • The marginal corporate tax rate is presumed to be 25%.
  • Being a moderate risk investment, the required rate of return of the project is 10%.
Your Role

You are a finance manager at Drill Tech, Inc., who plays a major role in reviewing capital project requests.


Jennifer reiterates that your report is critical for the company to select the project that will bring the most value to shareholders. Your calculations and report should address these items for her and other stakeholders:

  • Apply computations of capital budgeting methods to determine the quality of the proposed investments.
    • Use budgeting tools to compute future project cash flows and compare them to upfront costs. Remember to only evaluate the incremental changes to cash flows.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of capital budgeting tools including net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, and profitability index (PI). The analysis of the capital projects will need to be correctly computed and the resulting decisions rational.
  • Evaluate the capital projects using data analysis and applicable metrics that align to the business goal of maximizing shareholder value.
    • Evaluate capital projects and make appropriate decision recommendations. Accurately compare the indicated projects with correct computations of capital budgeting tools and then make rational decisions based on the findings.
  • Select the best capital project, based on data analysis and evaluation, that will add the most value for the company.
  • Prepare an appropriate evaluation report for requestors, using sound research and data to defend your decision.
    • Justify your decision with a clear analysis showing the findings of the analysis and which project has the best chance to increase shareholder value.
    • Use your calculations and data to provide a clear picture of why your recommendation is the right one. This goes beyond just regurgitating the data. Think about how the data can tell the story that will be meaningful to the readers.

Deliverable Format

For this assessment, create two deliverables:

  1. An Excel spreadsheet showing the required cash flow forecasts and capital budgeting tool calculations for each project. Use the same spreadsheet but create separate tabs for each project.
  2. A report providing an analysis of the computations, the project selection decision, and justification for the decision, as well as its impact on the value of the firm. The project selection decision must have an analytical rationale to support it.
Report requirements:
  • Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
  • Use at least three scholarly resources.
  • Your report should be between 6 and 8 pages.
  • Use 12 point, Times New Roman.
Related company standards:
  • Your report is a professional document and should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (found in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs.
  • Use APA-formatted references.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.
    • Apply computations of capital budgeting methods to determine the quality of the proposed investments.
  • Competency 2: Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.
    • Evaluate the capital projects using data analysis and applicable metrics that aligns to the business goals.
  • Competency 3: Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.
    • Select the best capital project, based on data analysis and evaluation, that will add the most value for the company.
  • Competency 5: Communicate financial information with multiple stakeholders.
    • Prepare an appropriate evaluation report for requestors, using sound research and data to defend the decision.

Faculty will use the scoring guide to review your deliverables in the role of your boss and stakeholders. Review the scoring guide prior to developing and submitting your assessment.


This assessment shows potential employers and clients that you can analyze capital projects to determine whether and how they can provide value to shareholders. Include this in your personal ePortfolio.

answer multiple choice

Question Description

Which of the following choices is an example of primary research?

Which of the following choices is an example of primary research?

You are researching the effects of merit-based pay on teacher retention. What Boolean operator should you use in order to capture articles that use the term “teachers” as well as articles that use the term “educators”?

You are researching the effects of merit-based pay on teacher retention. What Boolean operator should you use in order to capture articles that use the term “teachers” as well as articles that use the term “educators”?

Which of the following is an example of how information can have economic value? Check all that apply.

Which of the following is an example of how information can have economic value? Check all that apply.

When conducting a database search, where would you look for specific information about a particular source?

When conducting a database search, where would you look for specific information about a particular source?

“People who live in houses and apartments in cities and towns that are located in the southwestern area of the United States have been greatly affected by a lack of rainfall in recent years.” Which of the following statements above the previous sentence is TRUE?

“People who live in houses and apartments in cities and towns that are located in the southwestern area of the United States have been greatly affected by a lack of rainfall in recent years.” Which of the following statements above the previous sentence is TRUE?

Imagine that you are conducting research into the use of restorative justice programs in high schools. You come across a blog post on the topic. How would you go about evaluating this source?

Imagine that you are conducting research into the use of restorative justice programs in high schools. You come across a blog post on the topic. How would you go about evaluating this source?

Conducting interviews for a social sciences paper is an example of:

0.0/1.0 point (graded)

Conducting interviews for a social sciences paper is an example of:

Giving context to the sources you discuss in your paper and citing your sources in-text and in your references both are examples of:

Giving context to the sources you discuss in your paper and citing your sources in-text and in your references both are examples of:

Of the examples below, select the one that best fits the definition of a primary source for research on the history of America’s national parks.

Of the examples below, select the one that best fits the definition of a primary source for research on the history of America’s national parks.

Which of the following would be the best choice for conducting background research on the topic of modern architecture?

Read the thesis statement: “Standardized test scores should not be a factor in college admissions decisions because they are biased in favor of those with the resources to pay for test preparation.” Select the sentence below that best describes this example.

Read the thesis statement: “Standardized test scores should not be a factor in college admissions decisions because they are biased in favor of those with the resources to pay for test preparation.” Select the sentence below that best describes this example.

When conducting research for an environmental science class about the water quality in a local river, which of the following would be considered a secondary source?

When conducting research for an environmental science class about the water quality in a local river, which of the following would be considered a secondary source?

Fill in the blanks by selecting the choice that presents the best words in the proper order: “While ____________ is a convenient place to start for a simple information need, it is better to use _____________________ for in-depth research.”

Fill in the blanks by selecting the choice that presents the best words in the proper order: “While ____________ is a convenient place to start for a simple information need, it is better to use _____________________ for in-depth research.”

Computerised and Manual Practical Case Studies (Part A) Reflective Piece (Part B)

Question Description


Part A

practice set, instructions, data and submission instructions will be available (sometime in week 6) through Resources→Assessment Resources→Assessment Task 3→Assignment 3 Generator Link Part B objective is to enhance students’ engagement in their own learning by reflecting not only on their performance overall in the unit but also on various learning activities while doing assignments within this unit. This assessment activity is focused on developing an understanding of the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes and in particular your knowledge and skill level with regards to Digital Literacy and Self-management. Your final submission with be as a Word document but should reflect aspects of an Infographic. Background. Graduate employers consistently tell us that they are looking for graduates who display not only technical skills but also those referred to as non-technical or employability skills. Employability skills are what the Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes are based on. These include communication, the ability to work in a team and to learn from mistakes, and Self- management. In this unit, Self-management refers to skills and strategies by which individuals can effectively identify and action learning opportunities and self-improvements to direct their own learning activities toward the achievement of personal and professional learning goals. Self-management skills include:

  • setting a future plan and establishing clear personal goals
  • reviewing and monitoring one’s own performance
  • taking responsibility for one’s own learning
  • setting priorities and milestones
  • clearly articulating personal ideas and vision
  • Digital Literacy, in this unit refers to being able to use a variety of digital media to:

  • search and navigate
  • think critically and
  • analyse, create and communicate
  • It encompasses a broad range of critical skills to engage in the information-driven world in which we live. This assignment will also help students to develop their skills in the process of collection, selection, curation, direction, evaluation and reflection.

    What is reflective practice? Reflective practice is about taking personal responsibility for actions, self-reflecting and critiquing your own performance and identifying and planning future development needs. In order to take personal responsibility for your actions you need to keep items that will act as evidence of this as you work on this unit. You could collect items such as documents used for assessment pieces and their feedback or personal journal entries that you make about your experience in the unit. It could be images that you take of a particular class that you found difficult to comprehend so you might like to take a photo of this as evidence or even a selfie of yourself in the library studying as you might have had a particular good study session and achieved many tasks that day. It can even be evidence of a conversation you had with a staff member who helped you understand an important concept. By having these items that act as evidence you will be able to reflect back on your activity within the unit during the trimester and critique your own performance. Once you have reviewed some of the resources about reflective practice the next stage is deciding what to write down.

    Task Requirements:-

    Your task is to develop a reflection highlighting the learning you have achieved within this unit, specifically in relation to your Digital Literacy and Self-management skills. You will be required to provide evidence in the form of digital artefacts to support your reflections. Your reflection is to be presented as a Word document (must be limited to 300 words +/- 10%), taking into consideration aspects found in Infographics. It is recommended that you keep records of your thoughts and feelings throughout the trimester on a regular basis, on the development of your Digital Literacy and Self-management skills.

    Step 1: Before undertaking the computerised and manual case scenario assessment item, think about your current knowledge and skill level with regard to Digital Literacy and Self-management. Decide whether you are at a beginner, intermediate or advanced knowledge and skill level for both Graduate Learning Outcomes. Record your opinion below by placing a tick in the appropriate cell, and include the table in your final submission, as part of your introduction. You will need to refer to this table when you are writing your final reflection to see how your knowledge and skills have improved.




    I think my Digital Literacy knowledge and skills are at the following level

    I think my Self-management knowledge and skills are at the following level

    Provide a justification as to why you think your knowledge and skills are at the level you have indicated.

    Step 2: It is a good idea to keep weekly notes on how you feel your knowledge and skills are developing with regards to Digital Literacy and Self-management. Some of the questions you can use to help you think about your knowledge and skills development are included below:

  • What am I doing to develop my knowledge and skills regarding Digital Literacy and Self-management?
  • What support resources have I used to develop my knowledge and skills?
  • Is there anything else I could be doing or accessing to help develop my knowledge and skills?
  • Is what I am currently doing, working?
  • Why is it working or not working?
  • How does this make me feel?
  • Why am I feeling this way?
  • What can I do to change / improve the situation?
  • What are my thoughts on how the knowledge and skills I am developing will assist my futurecareer?
  • It is not necessary to answer each question each time you write notes to yourself, but it is important that you consider these aspects of your knowledge development. The act of thinking about and answering these questions is known as Reflective Practice. The format these notes take is up to you. Remember to also collect examples of what you are doing regarding Digital Literacy and Self-management and the best examples are to be included in your final submission. These examples will be your artefacts.

    Step 3:

    Using your notes from step 2 compile your final reflective piece. The reflective piece should tie together the learning experiences that you have completed with regard to Digital Literacy and Self-Management. Reflect on where you performed well as well as where you did not. Within the reflective piece, make reference to the artefacts and the brief reflections that you have collected during the trimester. The references you make to these artefacts should support the claims that you are making about your learning. It is expected that you provide at the minimum 2 artefacts (evidence) that supports both Digital Literacy and Self-Management. In what format should I produce the final reflective piece? The final reflective piece must

    be produced as a Word document but presented as an infographic. A sample infographic is provided on the Unit Site that can be used to help develop your final submission. Word Limit: +/- 300 words, double-spaced, 12-point Ariel or Times New Roman font. A word count must be included. Students exceeding the word limitby more than 10% will incur a mark penalty.

    6 Page Financial Analysis Task (BURKS)

    Question Description

    Create a 6-8 page report that analyzes financial ratios for a selected company, uses the data to tell the financial story of that company, and concludes with a recommendation on whether the company would be a viable partner based on its financial condition.


    It is essential for financial advisors and upper management to know the financial condition of a company for a variety of reasons, including to improve its condition, to make decisions to increase shareholder value, and to know the true value of the entity. Such an analysis is important for any business, small, medium, or large.

    This portfolio work project gives you a chance to apply the skills expected of an MBA graduate; from the financial management perspective, you should be able to:

    • Tell the financial story based on financial statements.
    • Conduct a financial analysis and identify focus areas for enhancing shareholder value.
    • Interpret ratio computations that are meaningful and inform business decisions and strategies.


    Maria Gomez is founder and president of PacificCoast Technology, a small technology company. She is considering being bought out by a larger publicly traded company so she can be rewarded financially for all of her entrepreneurial efforts. She calls you into her office and says:

    Thank you for meeting with me today. I’d like to talk to you about the future of the PacificCoast Technology. I’ve been running this company for a long time now, and I think it’s time for me to consider the next five to ten years. I want to find a buyer for this company who can take it to its full potential but with me still leading it. I still want to be a part of the journey, to see this company’s growth, which means this potential buyer needs to be a high quality company with solid financial health. That’s the only way we’ll be sure there’s going to be necessary funds and stability for the firm to grow.

    You are ready to take on this project to assist Maria with her vision to find a buyer to take the company into the next phase. At your desk, you review these additional meeting notes:

    • The acquiring company does not need to be in the same industry, as Maria values financial strength over any synergistic benefits.
    • Maria wants you to select a company and then examine its financial condition by analyzing its financial statements and using financial ratio analysis. She indicated that using both trend analysis—going back at least three years—and industry average analysis would be helpful information for her.
    • From this analysis, Maria wants you to tell the financial story of the potential buyer/company by listing its financial strengths and weaknesses.
    • She expects you to provide a list of actionable decisions so she can understand if the company would be a potentially viable corporate partner.

    Your Role

    You are one of Maria’s high-performing managers at PacificCoast Technology, and she trusts your work and leadership.


    After a few days of thinking about Maria’s project request, you call a meeting with her in which you lay out the requirements below. You tell her that by meeting these requirements, you believe she will have the information she needs. Maria approves your plan and asks that you get started right away.

    Here is what your report should provide for Maria on the selected company:

    • Provide a brief background and summary of the potential corporate partner in terms of its history, product lines, and geographic reach. (Remember that Maria is looking for a partner that is a publicly traded firm.)
    • Analyze the financial statements of the firm, which can be typically be found in the annual report in the investors’ area of the corporate website, including the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows:
      • Do a comprehensive financial ratio analysis, including multiple financial ratios in each of the following categories—short-term solvency or liquidity, long-term solvency, asset management or turnover, profitability, and market value ratios.
      • Use the following tools to analyze these ratios: trend analysis (going back at least three years) and industry average ratio analysis. If industry average ratios are not available for the company, use an average of two of its nearest competitors.
    • Evaluate the financial statements and ratios of the firm to find its true condition and valuation.
      • From the ratio analysis, identify and strengths and weaknesses of the company.
      • Make conclusions on the current status of the firm based on its history and comparison to its competitors.
    • Make actionable items and conclusions, based on the data analysis, about the status of the company.
      • Based on the analysis of the firm, identify any general actions that need to be made to improve the financial condition, and indicate the ease or difficulty of the firm doing so.
    • Tell the current financial story of the firm and indicate the overall health of the firm as it relates to current valuation and the future prospects of the company.
      • Provide a clear picture of the financial condition and valuation of the company to shareholders, debtholders, customers, and employees.
      • Present information graphically and in narrative form, conveying a compelling snapshot of the company.
      • Recommend whether the company would be a good match to enter into a buyout tender offer/agreement.
      • Remember that it is not enough to just simply summarize numbers or data for your audience. Put yourself in their shoes and make the connections for them, tell them why it is important, and tap into their concerns and motivations.

    While you are free to use your creativity in formatting your submission, keep in mind that this is a document that will be for the eyes of the owner of the firm, so make sure it can be easily and quickly examined by a busy upper-management professional, with clear writing and understandable graphics and charts.

    Deliverable Format

    Create a report that tells the financial condition of a company. Your report should provide information on the following:

    • Analysis of the financial statements.
    • Evaluation of the true condition and valuation of the company.
    • Recommendation of actionable items for the company based on the financial analysis.
    Report requirements:
    • Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
    • Use at least three scholarly resources.
    • Your report should be between 6 and 8 pages.
    • Use 12 point, Times New Roman.

    If you are experienced with preparing professional reports, you may use a format of your choice. However, if you are new to this type of writing and document style, you may wish to use these sections as a way to organize your report:

    • Title Page.
    • Executive Summary.
    • Company Background.
    • Financial Analysis.
      • Financial Ratio Analysis.
      • Trend Analysis.
      • Industry Average Analysis.
    • Conclusion.
    • Recommendations.
    • Appendix (if you have additional data, reports, charts, et cetera, to support your analysis).
    Related company standards:
    • Remember that you are preparing a professional document meant for executive leadership with limited time. Your report should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs.
    • Use APA-formatted references.