general psychology 1 Rasmussen University Philosophy Question


PART 1 Directions:

Discussion – Motivation and Self-Perception: “I’M POSSIBLE”

In this module, we explore different theories that explain how motivation influences people to act in certain ways. One such theory pertains to self-perception. An individual’s perception of being capable or incapable can profoundly impact their behavior. Self-worth and self-efficacy are two concepts closely related to motivation.

Instructions for an initial post, with prompts:

  • Describe how self-worth and self-efficacy are related to motivation.
  • Give examples of ways in which self-worth and self-efficacy impact a person’s behavior at home, at work, and at school.
  • If you had a friend who was struggling with their self-worth and self-efficacy, what suggestions would you give them?

Instructions for reply post, with prompts:

  • What are your thoughts about your peer’s post?
  • What other areas of life do you believe self-worth and self-efficacy affect?
  • What other tips would you offer a friend who was struggling with their self-worth and self-efficacy?
  • Ask your peer a question about their post.

Discussion Posts (Initial and Reply) Grading Rubric: Students are required to complete an initial post to each Module’s Discussion Question as well as two replies to their peers’ posts.

classmate # 1 Kristofer

10 hours ago, at 10:39 AM


Self-worth and self-efficacy are fundamental to motivation. Self-worth drives individuals to set ambitious goals, while self-efficacy empowers them to believe in their ability to achieve those goals. Together, they allow people to maintain persistence while challenged, encourage people to great goals, and help with maintaining motivation. Different aspects of people’s lives are affected by their self-worth. At home someone’s self-worth can impact their behavior by the way they keep their home and how well they take care of themselves. At work, someone’s self-worth may impact their drive to do their best work along with ensuring they are being respected. At school a person’s self-worth will determine their drive and the quality of work they do along with other activities associated with school. Self-efficacy can also have an impact on people’s behaviors. At-home self-efficacy will enable someone to live a healthier lifestyle. At school, self-efficacy will allow someone to strive for their education goals and achieve good grades. At work, Self-efficacy will allow someone to maintain their goals for promotions and perform better overall work.

As far as advice goes, I would tell my friends they should focus on bettering themselves. They should look for hobbies that interest them and work on bettering themselves in these areas. With that, they will be able to build their confidence. This will leak into other areas of their lives and holistically improve their self-worth and self-efficacy.

classmate # 2 Makayla

20 hours ago, at 12:11 AM


Describe how self-worth and self-efficacy are related to motivation.

Self-worth is related to motivation because it determines how a person views themself and the work that they complete. A low sense of self worth can result in motivation because the person lacks the confidence to produce things they are proud of.

Give examples of ways in which self-worth and self-efficacy impact a person’s behavior at home, at work, and at school.

A good sense of self-worth will show through a person who is confident, and efficient at their job, and they may even take on the leadership role as they trust themselves and believe in their ability to show that they are capable. A person with poor self-worth in a work setting may lack energy and confidence, and stay in the background of the workplace to not draw any attention to theirself.

If you had a friend who was struggling with their self-worth and self-efficacy, what suggestions would you give them?

If I had a friend struggling with their self-worth, I would first suggest that they see a mental health professional because they have the tools to discover the root of the lack of self-worth. Other suggestions I would give would be to practice the things they like and speak words of motivation to themselves instead of negative words. In addition, I would remind them that no one is perfect, and everyone has their own version of themselves in their world, and that is really all that matters.


Written Assignment – What’s my EQ?

  1. In this module, we reviewed several theories of emotion and discussed the concept of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) refers to one’s ability to identify, evaluate, and manage their emotions as well as the emotions of others. Some experts even believe EQ is more important than IQ. Emotional intelligence allows us to enrich essential areas of our lives such as home, work, school, and community.
    For this written assignment, students will describe the concept of emotional intelligence and the four core components of Goleman’s theory of emotional intelligence. Students will apply those four skills to themselves by assessing their own EQ.

    • Students will define the concept of emotional intelligence.
    • Students will describe the four core skills of Goleman’s theory of emotional intelligence and discuss how each skill can enhance a person’s life.
    • For each of the four skills, students will identify their strengths and limitations and provide suggestions for how they can improve each skill in their own life. When completing this section of the assignment, consider the following:
    • Self-awareness: An emotional trigger is anything that evokes a strong emotional response. Are you aware of your emotional “triggers?” What are some of your triggers? Do you allow yourself to experience a range of emotions or do you have difficulty experiencing some emotions? How can you become more aware of your emotions and how they affect your behavior?
    • Self-management: How do you manage strong emotions such as anger, stress, or frustration? Think of a time when you were angry, stressed out, or frustrated. How did you handle it? Next, think about how you could handle those emotions in healthy ways in the future. Describe a few healthy emotional management skills.
    • Social awareness: Can you think of a time when you demonstrated empathy? What makes it difficult for you to show empathy? How can you improve your ability to consider others’ feelings and offer empathy?
    • Relationship management: What are some of the interpersonal strengths and limitations you bring to relationships? Are you a good communicator? How well do you listen? Are you a team player? Can you accept feedback? How do you manage conflict?

Understanding Religion


1. (Original Content Only) (400 words for the post) (APA citations) (In-text citations are a must)

Assignment 3: Writing Religion


Religion is everywhere. Its definition, however, is all over the place. One of the things that this class offers is a solid launching point for understanding religion (hey, that’s the name of this course!) by exposing you to different ideas about religion, including strategies for thinking about those different ideas with a “both, and” mentality rather than the more common “either, or” approach, which often shuts down helpful dialogue.


Go to Google News, use the search term “religion” to find current news on the subject, and pick a story that intrigues you. Briefly share the gist of it with the class, then reflect on the following prompts: 

How      does the problem of defining religion factor into the story?

How      does the author of this article understand and present religion? For      example, they might view it as good or bad, as primarily a moral system,      as relative or absolute, in relation to politics, from a Christian-centric      perspective, and so on.

If      you were the journalist tasked with writing up this same story, how might      you approach it differently, knowing what you’ve learned from Hedges this      week?


Please post your initial post (400 words) to the  appropriate discussion thread no later than Thursday evening (11:59pm MT). Your post must dialogue with the readings and/or videos for this week, including proper APA citations. 

  • Sources to cite: 

Hawks, J., Garrett, M., & Marcus, B. P. (January 6, 2020). Separating Religion and Government…But What Is Religion?: A Look at the US Supreme Court. [Audio]. The Religious Studies Project.

  • Blasi,      A. J. (2020). Definition of religion. In A. Possamai, & A.      J. Blasi (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of      the sociology of religion. UK: Sage.

“This entry reviews four major definitional strategies, observes some of their strengths and weaknesses, and notes the importance of definitions of religion both in the sociology of religion and the environing world of social scientific students of religion.” 

  • Alston,      W. P. (2006). Religion. In D. M. Borchert (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2nd ed., Vol. 8,      pp. 366-373). Macmillan Reference USA 

2. (Original Content Only) (400 words for the post) (APA citations) (In-text citations are a must)

Assignment 4: Questions and Connecting Thoughts


There is always more to say when it comes to religion, as any scholar or student in the field will tell you, meaning that it is possible to go deeper on any given subject.


Read through the “Questions and Connecting Thoughts” section on pp.41-42 of Hedges’ Understanding Religion. Choose one of the questions there and respond to it in dialogue with the materials for this week. You may also include additional sources or media as you see fit.


Please post your initial post (400 words) to the appropriate discussion thread  no later than Thursday evening (11:59pm MT). Your post must dialogue with the readings and/or videos for this week, including proper APA citations. 

3. (Original Content Only) (400 words for the post) (APA citations) (In-text citations are a must)


Religion is a touchy subject. Earlier forms of social etiquette avoided discussing religion (and politics) altogether because it was too easy to offend another person’s—and one’s own—sensibilities, but that is now changing. Religion is at the forefront of civic and social life, and we ought to be able to dialogue about it in a respectable, informed, and thoughtful manner. Part of the problem stems from what scholars call the Insider/Outsider Problem or Emic/Etic Debate.

Listen to the episode of The Religious Studies Project podcast called “The Insider/Outsider Problem: An RSP Remix” (15 min.) for a brief introduction to this issue in the field of religious studies that adds to what Hedges has to say (Ch.2).


In dialogue with your Hedges reading and The Religious Studies Project podcast,

  • what are the pros and cons of studying a religious      tradition from a practitioner’s perspective?

From a non-practitioner’s perspective?

How do you reconcile these two possible      perspectives—or do you?

4. (Original Content Only) (400 words for the post) (APA citations) (In-text citations are a must)


On p.81, Hedges rightly claims, “Studying texts, elite philosophical belief systems, and normative official statements only gets you so far.” The rest of the chapter is dedicated to helping us understand how that is so and what else there is to study—religion as it is lived. That is, religion as people actually practice it and think about it, and how such religion relates to the “official” or institutional religion that informs it. As Hedges explains, religious traditions are often practiced syncretistically, blending practices developed from a variety of religious and cultural traditions that one may or may not realize are imported from elsewhere. 


From Hedges, your own experience, a little independent research, or a combination of these, choose an example of religious syncretism that you find interesting and share it with the class. Then, analyze the practice, addressing  these issues and others you would like to discuss.

How does this practice illustrate syncretism?

Which two or more traditions are being blended and what are      their historical origins?

  • When did this practice emerge and under what circumstances?

Do practitioners today acknowledge the syncretistic nature of the      practice, or do they consider it a “pure” iteration of their      tradition? (This last one may be a bit of a trick question, considering      Chs.1-2.)

5. (Original Content Only) (400 words for the post) (APA citations) (In-text citations are a must)


Between this week and last week, you have been given much to consider. As we end this section of the textbook, we are leaving our discussion of religion, method, and theory as broad concepts and entering the realm of actual methods and theories of religion. This calls for a moment of pause and reflection.


Review the materials for weeks 1 and 2, and reflect on the question “So what?” How, now, am I supposed to approach the task of understanding religion?

Think practically. Share with us your current thoughts on

how religion ought to be studied, and

what areas you might find challenging as we enter the next section      of the course.

Any new questions you would like to discuss

anything you would like further clarification on

public speaking (topic :- Informative Speech)


Touchstone 3: Informative Speech

ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will deliver a 5–7 minute informative speech on a topic of your choice. The speech can be for any context, but it must be informative. Below is a list of example informative speech topics for your reference.

Type of Informative SpeechPurposeExamplesObjectTo inform an audience about something visible or tangible

The human body

An episode of The Family Guy

A car engine

Equipment for riding a horse

ProcessTo explain a series of actions or steps with a defined ending point

How the modern electoral college works

How an ice cream sandwich is made

How to drive a car

How to study for a test

EventTo discuss or describe an occurrence of importance

The Battles of Lexington and Concord

A person’s first week at college

The invention of the telephone

  • The Norman invasion of England
  • ConceptTo discuss or explain an abstract idea or notion

The origins of the universe

  • Love at first sight
  • Optical illusions

Patriotism vs. nationalism

In order to foster learning and growth, all work you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any plagiarized or recycled work will result in a Plagiarism Detected alert. Review Touchstones: Academic Integrity Guidelines for more about plagiarism and the Plagiarism Detected alert. For guidance on the use of generative AI technology, review Ethical Standards and Appropriate Use of AI.

Touchstone Support Videos

Evaluating Your Sources
Maintaining Relevance and Balance

A. Directions

Step 1: Select Informative Topic/Issue

Informative Speeches: Definition and Types

Step 2: Consider Purpose, Thesis, and Audience

Identify your purpose, thesis, and audience. Imagine your audience and how you would want to convey your message to this audience. As you start to plan your speech, ask yourself the following questions:

What are you hoping to achieve with this speech?

Who will be in your audience? What do you know about them?

What is the key message of your speech?

Utilize your program resources, the internet, or a local library to find three credible sources that are relevant to your speech. As you look for sources, consider the following questions in your search to help ensure credibility:

How recent is the data or information presented in your source?

When was the source published? If the source is a website, when was the website last updated?

What does the source cover?

How well-researched and detailed is the source? How much depth is the topic covered in?

How is this content and level of detail relevant to your purpose, audience, and message?

  • How is the author qualified to speak on the topic?
  • What is the author’s purpose?
  • What biases might they have?
  • Is the information the author’s opinion alone or is it supported by cited facts?

Who funds the website or publication?

Are there items endorsed or for sale? If so, what items?

What is the reputation of the website or publication?

Refer back to the following lessons for support:

Gathering Information

Sources of Information: The Library

Sources of Information: The Internet

Evaluating Sources

Step 4: Identify Pieces of Evidence

Read through your sources to identify five pieces of evidence that support and reinforce your thesis. Be sure to use at least three different types of pieces of evidence from the following list:







Refer back to the following lessons for support:

Supporting Your Ideas

Using Examples

Using Visuals, Testimony, and Storytelling to Support Your Ideas

  • Step 5: Create Notes

Create notes or bullet points that you can refer to while presenting your speech. You should not read your speech word for word from your notes. Make sure to cite at least three sources or pieces of evidence as you deliver your speech.

  • Step 6: Use Clear Language

Ensure that the language you use is consistently clear and appropriate to the audience, which helps the audience connect with you and your topic. Explain any technical jargon you use where necessary.

Refer back to the following lessons for support:

How to Use Your Knowledge of the Audience

Mind Your Audience

Tailor Abstraction to Your Audience

Make It Memorable and Enhance Audience Understanding

  • Step 7: Practice Speech
  • Practice presenting your speech. Deliver a speech that is 5–7 minutes in length.
  • Refer back to the following lesson for support:

Best Practices in Public Speaking

Step 8: Review Rubric

  • Before filming, review the rubric to ensure that you understand how you will be evaluated.

Step 9: Film Speech

  • Film yourself presenting the speech. Be sure that you can be easily seen and heard—at minimum, your head and shoulders should be visible in your video, and you should make eye contact with your audience by directing your speech toward the camera.

Important: Be sure that your speech’s purpose, audience, and thesis are clear. If you choose, you can state this information at the beginning of your video before you begin your speech.

Refer back to the following lessons for support:


The Purpose and Thesis Statement

Step 10: Review Video

Review your video to ensure that you can be seen and heard. Refilm as needed. Your speech should be delivered in one video with no cuts or editing.

Step 11: Review Checklist and Requirements

  • Review the checklist and requirements to ensure that your Touchstone is complete.
  • Step 12: Submit
  • Upload your video using the blue button at the top of this page.
  • Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
  • ? I have selected a speech purpose that is informative.
    ? My speech has an introduction, body, and conclusion.
    ? The introduction includes my key message (thesis).
    ? The body includes my main points and support.
    ? I have selected sources that are credible and support that is relevant.
    ? I have used language that is appropriate to my audience.
    ? The conclusion summarizes my main points and includes a call to action.
    ? I have filmed a video of myself presenting my speech.

Perception, Consciousness, and Attention


Create a professional development PowerPoint presentation focused on how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices related to perception, consciousness, and attention can be applied in the context of a professional specialization.

Cognitive psychology explores functions, such as learning, memory, thinking, and decision-making, whereas affective psychology concentrates on mood and emotion. These have been researched as independent domains of investigation; however, research has revealed that they are interdependent in many important ways.

Two pervasive topics in all the assessments in this course are:

Historical perspective on the origins and evolution of cognitive and affective psychology.

How neuroscience can shed light on these fields.

As a professional psychologist, you will need to review theory and research and use it as the basis to develop best practices. For this assessment, you will focus on the following topics:


  • Consciousness.


This first assessment focuses on visual perception, attention, and consciousness. For context on these topics, read the following:

Introduction to Visual Perception [PDF].

Note: Do not submit a paper for this assessment. Papers will not be graded.

You will complete this assessment by replacing all language that is enclosed within brackets [. . .] in the Presentation Template with your own words.

  • Imagine you are now a professional psychologist working in the specialization that you aspire to. You are charged with creating professional development for an interdisciplinary team of professionals in your workplace on how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices of cognitive and affective psychology can be used to help people in your work context.

For this assessment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation focused on the following topics:

  • Perception.



As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

  • Where do our thoughts come from? How is it that physical processes in the brain cause consciousness?

What determines how perception or information enters into consciousness? Is there a gatekeeper that lets only some information through?

Why do you find it easier to concentrate on some things or in some situations, rather than others?

Can we process information even if we are not aware of doing so?

Is it time to give up the Cartesian dualism for a more integrated understanding of the relationship between the physical brain and the mind based on the research since the time of Descartes?

How do brain physiology and neuroscience help to explain normal and abnormal perception, problems with attention, and issues related to consciousness? Does science point toward interventions that could help persons with issues in these areas? Does it point toward ways to enhance capacities?

Do culturally diverse populations experience perception, attention, and consciousness differently?

How do emotions impact perception and attention

  • Number of words: The number of words on each slide should be cut to the bare minimum without losing meaning. Instead of crowding slides with words, it is better to use more slides. Think of the entries on the slide as headings. In an actual presentation, the presenter would deliver details and support information verbally. All details and supporting information should be entered in the notes area below the slides.
  • Design: You may wish to enhance the design of the presentation to make it more effective. For guidance on PowerPoint design, you may review the documents PowerPoint Presentation Design Suggestions [PDF] and Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations.
  • If you feel that any aspect of the Presentation Template can be improved, you are encouraged to design your presentation as you see fit, as long as the required information is complete, clear, and well organized.

Language: Remember that your presentation is for an interdisciplinary team, so it will be important to communicate in a manner that can be understood by those not trained in psychology. Be sure to include plain language definitions of psychological terms used in the presentation in the notes section.

References: Remember to cite references just as you would in a written assessment.

  • Title Slide
  • On the first slide of the PowerPoint presentation, enter the following:
  • A descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum.
  • Professional development for [enter the type of institutional context your presentation is designed for].
  • Your name.
  • Your specialization.
  • Course number and title.
  • Capella University.

Faculty name.

  • Note: If this presentation was made in an actual professional context, the entries under your name would be replaced by your job title, the name of your organization, and perhaps your contact information.

Topic Introduction Slides

  • Present each of the three topics in a separate section that begins with a slide naming the topic and concisely introducing it.

Theoretical Background Slides

Use one or more slides to briefly analyze the origins and evolution of each theory that you will reference in relation to each topic.

Application Slides

Use slides as needed to explain how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices related to each topic can be used to explain behavior and help people. Remember, these factors should be relevant to the context your presentation is designed for. For each of these:

  • Analyze how and to what extent brain physiology and neuroscience can provide an explanation of relevant phenomena.
  • Analyze how affect may impact cognitive performance in this area.

Evaluate how cultural diversity should be considered in relation to at least one of the topics in your presentation.

  • Conclusion Slide

Conclude your presentation with a succinct statement that sums up the utility of what you have presented.

Florida SouthWestern College What were the results of the study


Response 1: 

  • What were the results of the study?
  • The results of the study Using a Fall Prevention Checklist to Reduce Hospital Falls: Results of a Quality Improvement Project brought awareness to errors being made. The first error identified in the study was that the bed alarm was not being set on the proper zone. The second error identified was proper signage missing from the patient’s room. Identifying these errors allowed the nursing staff to see where they could improve and allowed them to educate further. The pilot period of this study took place from February to March. During the pilot period, it was noted that there were no incidences of falls. The QI team identified that there was a decline in falls when compared to previous months (Johnston & Magnan, 2019). 
  • Did the findings support the research question?
  • The research question proposed focused on whether there would be an impact on units using the fall prevention checklist versus those that were not. The findings from the study did support the research question. There was a sharp decline in falls during the pilot period compared to months prior. The QI team was able to draw this conclusion but did share that they could not identify if it was the physical checklist that decreased incidents of falls or if it was that having the checklist reminded the nursing staff to be more alert of what interventions need to be in place to promote patient safety. 
  • Describe any limitations found in the study.
  • The study took place from February 12-March 8 which is a short period to collect data. The nursing staff collected data from 13 days and 13 nights. During this time 90 fall prevention checklists were collected. The QI team distributed questionnaires to gather the nursing staff’s opinions regarding the checklist. The perspective of those participating in an aspect of a study allows researchers to understand the subject of interest (Polit & Beck, 2022). The questionnaire was distributed to the 37 staff members that participated. Of the 37 staff members who were a part of the pilot study, only 14 of those nursing staff members completed the questionnaire. The low rate of returns of the questionnaire affects the percentages found from the study as they are from less than half of those who participated in the checklist change-of-shift report. The article shares that it raises the question of whether or not only those who were in favor of the checklist took the time to complete the questionnaire (Johnston & Magnan, 2019). 
  • Identify the level of evidence 
  • This study would fall under level 2 evidence. Level 2 evidence is quasi-experimental and quantitative (Dang et al., 2021). For quality study, this would be classified as a good quality rating. The study concluded that the fall prevention checklist contributed to fewer incidents of falls. The study included limitations such as a short study period and a smaller sample size. The study gathered feedback from the nursing staff who were willing to participate in the pilot period. The study took place in 2018 which means that a follow-up could be done. The data collected was appropriately displayed through the use of graphs, percentages, and tables. The study lacks diligence. The study did not indicate that the QI team or authors were seeking opportunities from other sources for evidence. The short and small study as well as lack of evidence from other sources indicates that the study should be repeated for more definitive answers. 

Response 2:

  • What were the results of the study? Describe the findings. 

            The study’s results were focused on defining and clarifying the concept of compassion fatigue specifically within the discipline of palliative care nursing. The concept analysis method by Walker and Avant was used to differentiate compassion fatigue from related concepts like burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and vicarious traumatization, and to provide a clear definition relevant to palliative care nursing. The analysis highlighted that palliative care nurses are particularly susceptible to compassion fatigue due to their constant exposure to suffering, death, and the associated stressors. The proposed definition encompassed the multifaceted nature of compassion fatigue, considering emotional, psychological, intellectual, professional, physical, social, and spiritual domains. The findings illustrated compassion fatigue’s development over time and its impact on nurses’ ability to provide compassionate care, potentially leading to job dissatisfaction, burnout, and even leaving the profession (Cross, 2019).

  • Did the findings support the research question(s)? Describe how.

           The findings supported the research question by offering a detailed exploration of compassion fatigue within palliative care nursing. This clarity is important for recognizing the symptoms and implementing strategies to mitigate its effects, thereby improving patient care and keeping skilled nurses in this vital, and important field. The study’s differentiation of compassion fatigue from similar concepts and its focus on palliative care nursing specifically address the need for recognition and understanding of this phenomenon in the discipline (Cross, 2019)

  • Describe any limitations identified in the study.

          The study had limitations, including the restriction of the literature search to English-language sources, potentially omitting relevant international research on compassion fatigue. Also, the focus on databases mainly related to helping professions might have limited the scope of literature reviewed. These limitations suggest the possibility of a broader scope of research on compassion fatigue that was not captured in this analysis. (Cross, 2019)

  • Identify the level of evidence as found in Dang et al, p 295-296.  You should use the following pdf files for level determination and quality. Levels of evidence are also explained in your Dang et al book on pages 121-123.

         According to the hierarchy of evidence as outlined by Dang et al., (2022) this concept analysis can be classified as a Level VII evidence, which includes evidence from the opinion of authorities and, or reports of expert committees. This is because the analysis synthesizes definitions and attributes of compassion fatigue from existing literature and expert opinion rather than presenting primary research findings or experimental data. While valuable for its in depth exploration and clarification of the concept, the study’s conclusions are primarily based on synthesized insights and analyses rather than empirical data.

Discussion post 7


Please write a one paragraph response to each person (1. Lyndsay, 2. Ripsime, 3. Cristina, 4. Julie) (include in-text citations and references).

1. Lyndsay 

“Fennimore (2024) discusses career planning after the pandemic. The article went through how school changed during the pandemic to an online format. The students were to study certain materials beforehand then during class there was a general discussion and then the instructor could to breakout rooms for groups of students to discuss different materials.

Romano et al. (2024) discusses collaboration in teaching between nursing and physical therapy. The students learned more when PT educators participated in classroom discussions. “Analysis of written responses revealed five themes: appreciation of an outside expert perspective, enhanced self-efficacy with patient mobility skills, opportunity for interprofessional collaboration, satisfaction with the learning experience, and conflicting information” (Romano, 2024).

Legge et al. (2023) discusses the sue of virtual simulation to prepare for the NCLEX. 86 students enrolled in a foundation nursing course where simulation would replace clinicals.


Fennimore, L., (2024). Introducing APRN Roles to First-Year Nursing Students: Pandemic and Beyond. Journal of Nursing Education, 63(2):135–136. to an external site.

Legge, T., Holthaus, A., Hallmark, B., Allexander, K., (2023). Preparing for the Next Generation NCLEX Using a Virtual Simulation. Journal of Nursing Education, 2023;0(0):1–5,

Romano, D., Collier, R., Komor, T., Sprague, L., (2024). Exploring Interprofessional Collaboration in Teaching Between Nursing and Physical Therapy. Journal of Nursing Education, 2024;0(0):1–3.

2. Ripsime,

“The Journal of Nursing Education typically focuses on issues related to nursing education, including innovative teaching strategies, curriculum development, and assessment methods. One nursing journal that I read was on the topic of clinical stress and clinical performance in pre-licensure nursing students. The journal discussed how stress levels in pre-licensure nursing students affect their clinical performance, including factors such as patient care, decision-making, and communication skills. The journal mentioned investigating interventions and support systems implemented to decrease clinical stress and enhance performance. This includes mentorship programs or stress management workshops (Welch, S., 2023).

Another journal that I read was on the topic of the value of peer mentorship as an educational strategy in nursing. The journal investigated how peer mentorship contributes to the academic and clinical success of nursing students. This may include improvements in academic performance, clinical skills acquisition, and overall satisfaction with the educational experience. It also discussed exploring how peer mentorship aids in the transition from student to practicing nurse. Topics may include the development of confidence, competence, and the ability to navigate the complexities of the professional nursing role (Anderson, T., 2019). 


Anderson, T. (2019, March 22). Daily Medical News, free CME and clinical guidance. Journal of Nursing Education.…

Welch, S. (2023, January 1). Clinical Stress and Clinical Performance in Prelicensure Nursing Students: A Systematic Review. Journal of Nursing Education.…

3. Cristina,

“In the realm of healthcare, it’s essential to grasp the differences between protocols, standards of care delivery, and policies across practice, state, and federal levels.

Protocols are detailed plans guiding clinical procedures, ensuring consistency in patient care within institutions.

Standards of care delivery set benchmarks for acceptable performance, safeguarding patient interests and upholding system integrity.

Policies are broader rules governing healthcare aspects, established by government bodies or professional organizations to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Considering stakeholder perspectives, providers often express frustration with administrative burdens imposed by policies, as noted in “Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care” (J., M. D., B, G. D., Freida, H. O., & T., O. E.,2015).

This perception underscores the need for policymakers to streamline administrative processes, enabling providers to focus more on patient care, ultimately enhancing the quality of healthcare delivery.


Austin, A., & Wetle, V. (2016). The United States Health Care System: Combining Business, Health, and Delivery (3rd ed.). Pearson Education (US). to an external site.

J., M. D., B, G. D., Freida, H. O., & T., O. E. (2015). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care (7th ed.). Elsevier Health Sciences (US). to an external site.

4. Julie,

Protocol in healthcare is as simple as certain guidelines that are followed in a certain setting within the healthcare system. An example of that would be protocols that are followed when performing a surgery or administering a heparin drip. Protocols help outline the behavior towards certain administrations as well as creates a framework for consistency and reference.

Standard of care delivery is the expertise or lack of in skill set of a healthcare provider. It is the measure of competency of a provider at a level of training. This is important because it creates an expectation and a baseline for the quality of care that should be given and the basis of the capability of the one who is giving the care. 

Policies are principles of action that are proposed or implemented by the government or a healthcare organization. Poliocioes in healthcare be at the practice, state, or federal level and they are important in determining the quality of care and eligibility for the services and the standards of care in the healthcare services.


Patients often perceive health care as deceptive. They feel that they are made to be dependent not he health care system due to lack of knowledge or clear understanding and in turn the healthcare system takes advantage of the dependency by deceiving them. Mostly it is believed the deception is to continue to to take the patients money and to keep them in an ill state so that the patient always needs the healthcare system. 

Payers such as insurance companies, grants, government programs, etc have often perceived that the healthcare system is not tight enough and allows room for a lot of fraudulence. Payers can also collide with the perspective of patients because patients can also be payers if they are without financial assistance. They too feel that their is fraudulence and not enough protection. Also that the healthcare system overcharges in comparison to other nations. They feel that because there is a need the healthcare system takes advantage and operates from a place of greed.  

Psychology Question


Assignment Overview

Therapists are compelled to not only understand the specific theoretical model but are required to apply the model of treatment while working with a client unit. This is what separates a therapist from a good friend who can listen and offer commonsense advice. As a therapist, you are a professional, and your hypotheses, questions, inquiries, and feedback should be grounded in theory. As a result, this assignment challenges you to clearly demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical models reviewed this week.  

To successfully meet the requirements of this assignment you will provide a summative overview of the two approaches assigned this week. You are required to provide a minimum of three foundational similarities between the two models. In doing so you should clearly offer your rationale for why you have identified said similarities. You will also provide a minimum of three differences between the two models, and again you will address your rationale for why you have identified those specific theoretical differences. You will then offer what you identify as strengths or weaknesses (a minimum of three) of either of the theoretical models in relation to couple therapy. Then you will review the vignette provided below and specify which theory you would use to work with the couple after offering a case conceptualization. You will detail your rationale (a minimum of two relevant rationales) for why you have selected one theory over the other.  

Using the language of the theory you have selected, you will develop and share a minimum of five questions you would ask the couple unit that would help the couple moved closer towards their goal. In addition, you will clearly articulate the rationale for each question you present. You will specify a minimum of three theory-specific interventions while working with the couple identified in the vignette. You will share your rationale for why you have selected each specific intervention and clearly articulate how the intervention will benefit the couple. 


Marissa and Maria have been married for six years but have known each other for more than 20 years, as they met while serving in Iraq. Marissa is 46 years old, and Maria is 44 years of age. They have 3 children and are both retired from the military. Marissa has chosen not to work at this time, but volunteers some of her time at the local shelter for women and children. Maria currently works in marketing. Both Marissa and Maria identify as Americans of Mexican ancestry. 

While working with Marissa and Maria in couples therapy, they share with you the struggles that they have been experiencing for many years and this is the 1st time that they reached out for assistance. Marissa shares her inability to fall asleep on a regular basis. She talked about recalling vivid situations she had experienced in Iraq to include an attack that almost killed Maria. She shared that those dreams have become more recurrent over the last year and she finds herself unable to get past the memory. Marissa states that losing Maria frightens her and she finds herself constantly anxious around the idea of not having Maria with her as she continues to raise their children.  

Maria shares that many of nights she has had to wake Marissa up and reassure her that she is okay. She continued to say that Marissa is now less patient with the children and loud noises startle her. In addition, Maria shares that she is losing patience with Marissa given that she shared that same experience but has worked through it enough that the aftermath does not affect their relationship and family. Maria clearly indicates her love for Marissa but shares that she sometimes gets frustrated because they are struggling to simply communicate with one another. 

Marissa acknowledges that the challenges she is currently experiencing are creating an issue for their relationship and for their family and she wants to find a way to work through her past experiences.  

Sample Paper Structure: It is recommended that you use the titles below as subheadings in your reflective analysis.


In this section, you should clearly introduce your paper and share what you plan to address in the pages ahead.  

Theory 1: Summative overview 

In this section, you should provide a summative overview of one of the theories assigned for you to review this week. The summative overview should be in your words but please make sure to cite your sources accordingly if you paraphrase or decide to directly quote from the text. 

Theory 2: Summative overview 

In this section, you should provide a summative overview of the other theory assigned for you to review this week. The summative overview should be in your words but please make sure to cite your sources accordingly if you paraphrase or decide to directly quote from the text. 

Similarities between both theories 

In this section, you should discuss the similarities between both theories to include your rationale (a minimum of three). 

Differences between both theories 

In this section, you should discuss the differences between both theories to include your rationale (a minimum of three). 

Analysis of theories in relation to couple therapy 

In this section, you will analyze both theories and offer strengths and weaknesses of the theories in relation to couple therapy. 

Theory selection based on the vignette 

In this section, you offer a case conceptualization demonstrating your clinical understanding of the presented information. You will then identify the theory you have selected to use to address the challenges presented by the couple identified within the vignette. Please include your rationale (a minimum of two) as to why you have selected one theory over the other. 

Theory-based questions and rationale 

In the section, you will share a minimum of five theory-based questions that would benefit the couple. Your rationale for each question should be articulated. 

Theory specific interventions and rationale 

In the section, you will share a minimum of three theory-specific interventions that would benefit the couple. Your rationale for each intervention should be articulated. 


In this section, you should provide a summary of the information you have detailed in this assignment.

State Specific Guidelines for Prescribing Controlled Substances & Medical Devices


Preparing the Assignment

The State Specific Guidelines for Prescribing Controlled Substances & Medical Devices assignment is worth 125 points and will be graded on the quality of required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.

Follow the directions and the grading criteria located in the rubric closely. Any questions about this assignment may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty.

  1. The document provided should be used and your answers provided within the table provided on this document Links to an external site..

Sources/links should be obtained directly from the state’s regulatory organization(s).

  1. It is recommended that you keep a copy of this assignment to provide to potential employers or your Board of Nursing to demonstrate your knowledge of your state laws.
  2. Requirements:

Guidelines and recommendations for your state:
In response to the opioid epidemic, individual states have developed and adopted voluntary guidelines or recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic non-cancer pain. Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following: 

Provide the name of your practicing state’s organization, group or task force that created guidelines or recommendations for pain management therapies and education.

Briefly describe an overview of its development and include a web address where this information can be found. If your state does not have guidelines, discuss a federal guideline. (Note: you may need to contact your state’s board of nursing, pharmacy, or medicine if you cannot locate it on your own).

Some states have multiple organizations or initiatives (ex: Ohio) in place to combat the opioid epidemic and advocate for safer opioid prescribing. Explore whether your state has other resources, groups or organizations where prescribers can reference best practices for pain management treatment. If applicable, provide a brief overview of the group’s recommendations or initiatives. If your state does not have another state-specific resource, discuss the guidelines published by the American Pain Society OR Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  1. Discuss when the use of opioids is appropriate and for what duration should they be prescribed? Provide a reference for your response. (This question is worth 13 points. 5 points for when opioids are appropriate, 5 points for a safe duration of use, and 3 points for a current edition APA formatted reference.)
  2. State specific laws on controlled substance prescribing for the nurse practitioner:
    Research your state laws on advanced practice nurses’ authority to prescribe controlled substances. Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following: 

Identify the law, rule, code, or statute that describes the advanced practice nurse’s authority to prescribe controlled substances in your state.

Discuss the provisions of the law, rule, code, or statute with regard to the following: 

  1. Conditions or limits on prescribing schedule I-V controlled substances.

Requirements (if any) in documentation for treating acute and chronic pain.

Are there specific requirements for advanced practice nurses to reference the state’s prescription drug monitoring database before prescribing a controlled substance? If so, what are they?

State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP):
Research your state’s PDMP* and provide the following information: 

  1. Name of the state’s program.
  2. Website for the state PMDP.
  3. Discuss the registration requirements and process.
  4. Discuss the standards and procedures for the access and review of database information.
  5. State specific laws on medical devices prescribing for the nurse practitioner:
    Research your state laws on advanced practice nurses’ authority to prescribe medical devices.  These are also called Durable Medical Equipment (DME). Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following: 

Identify the law, rule, code, or statute that describes the advanced practice nurse’s authority to prescribe medical devices or DME in your state.

Discuss the provisions of the law, rule, code, or statute regarding the following: 

Conditions or limits on prescribing medical devices or DME.

  1. Requirements (if any) in documentation needed to support order of medical devices or DME.
  2. Rubric

State specific guidelines and recommendations (35%):

  1. QUESTIONPointsProvide the name of your practicing state’s organization, group or task force that created guidelines or recommendations for pain management therapies and education.5Where you found this information (weblink): 5Overview of your state’s guideline development with web address. 6Locate federal guidelines and provide a link to federal guidelines you could use in practice as a NP6Provide a brief overview of the group’s recommendations or initiatives (provide link to where you found information).6Provide a brief overview of the guidelines published by the American Pain Society OR Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (provide link to where you found information).6Discuss when the use of opioids is appropriate and for what duration should they be prescribed? Provide a reference for your response. (This question is worth 10 points. 4 points for when opioids are appropriate, 4 points for a safe duration of use, and 2 points for a current edition APA formatted reference.)10Total44
  2. State specific laws on controlled substance prescribing for the nurse practitioner (28%):
  3. QUESTIONPointsIdentify the law, rule, code, or statute that describes the advanced practice nurse’s authority to prescribe controlled substances in your state. Link to where you found law, rule, code, or statute for your state.5What does the law, rule, code, or statute say?6Conditions or limits on prescribing schedule I-V controlled substances.6Requirements (if any) in documentation for treating acute and chronic pain. If your state has no requirements for this, confirm with a link of where you found this information. 6Are there specific requirements for advanced practice nurses to reference the state’s prescription drug monitoring database before prescribing a controlled substance? Yes or No6If yes, what are they? If not, how would they be helpful?6Total35
  4. State Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) (19%):

QUESTIONPointsName of the state’s program.6Website for the state PMDP.6Discuss the registration requirements and process.6Discuss the standards and procedures for the access and review of database information.6Total24

State specific laws on medical devices prescribing for the nurse practitioner (18%):

QUESTIONPointsLink to where you found law, rule, code, or statute for your state regarding prescribing DME in your state.5What does the law, rule, code, or statute say regarding prescribing DME in your state?6Conditions or limits on prescribing medical devices or DME.6Requirements (if any) in documentation needed to support order of medical devices or DME.5Total22

Discussion week #5


1. Using the criteria presented in week 2, critique the theory of Self-Efficacy using the internal and external criticism evaluation process.

The idea of self-efficacy was initially presented by Bandura in 1977. According to Bandura, human motivation and conduct are controlled by thought, and this involves three different kinds of expectations: those of the circumstance, those of the outcome, and those of perceived self-efficacy. Regarding the first, it is believed that outcomes are a result of outside events rather than a person’s actions; the second relates to beliefs about the outcomes that a particular behavior will produce; and the third suggests the idea that a person possesses the abilities to carry out actions that contribute to the achievement of expected outcomes.

Perceived self-efficacy in nursing staff has an impact on how well they carry out care-related tasks, how much effort they put into them, and how persistent and committed they are to them.3.It follows that when nursing staff members believe they are ineffective, the quantity and quality of their care-related actions will decrease, which will have a detrimental effect on the patient’s health goals being met.4However, other research, like that conducted by Llor Lozano et al., notes that improved communication abilities and self-efficacy are linked to decreased emotional tiredness and depersonalization as well as increased job satisfaction.

Conversely, nursing care ought to be organized, standardized, and focused on completely meeting the needs of the patient, client, or topic of care. This calls for the possession of the knowledge and abilities necessary to deliver high-quality, person-and family-centered healthcare.10Given its impact on recuperation and hospital stays, we should also emphasize in the context of healthcare the application of professional principles and ethics, with a focus on humanized and sensitive care. Nonetheless, other studies note that a technical approach has been applied in educational procedures while educating human resources, ignoring these factors.

From the perspective of perceived self-efficacy in students and/or professionals when providing care, instruments like the Caring Efficacy Scale, used in this study, widely address aspects of humanized care (HC), including the relationship with the patient, adequate treatment, sensitivity, and the value of human dignity.13, 14Bandura argues that people plan and carry out their actions based on how they perceive their abilities, which emphasizes the importance of doing research from the caregiver’s point of view.

In order to give patients with assistance that is focused on their needs and experiences, humanized care (HC) in nursing seeks to take a complete approach to patient care rather than concentrating only on the patient’s medical condition. HC improves patient pleasure, expedites healing, and fortifies the therapeutic alliance between caregivers and those receiving care. HC can also help to improve patient experiences and overall health outcomes by identifying and meeting patients’ emotional, social, and spiritual needs.

References ;Canova-Barrios  CJ, Figueira-Teuly J, Ayllon J, Miranda ML, Barraud M. Perceived Self-Efficacy to Provide Humanized Care Among NursingStudents and Staff in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rev. chil. enferm. 2023;5(1):10-22.

            The effect of self-care nurturance using the theory of modeling and role-modeling on self-efficacy in stroke patients. (2023). retrived from. Week #5

by Milagros Fuentes Rodriguez – Saturday, January 27, 2024, 1:19 PM
Number of replies: 2
Self-efficacy theory is one of the most important psychological theories about conduct improvement, and it has its basis built on self-advancement. Self-efficacy has been classified as the believes in one’s ability to arrange and accomplish a series of actions required to achieve proposed goals. Studies show that self-efficacy is a key component on the maintenance of physical activity behavior (Baretta et al., 2019).
Nowadays, changes in lifestyle and health promotion are basic needs for the actual human society. While promoting new healthy lifestyle behaviors, self-efficacy becomes in one of the most important factors influencing people’s lifestyle changes. In general, self-efficacy refers to the overall belief in one’s ability to succeed (Abbasi et al., 2021).
There are multiple external and internal factors that determine the degree of self-efficacy an individual possess. Individuals with high levels of confidence can motivate themselves toward obtaining proposed goals that they believe they can achieve. Self-efficacy has been considered as that self-confidence a person has about their capabilities to pursue set up goals. It is said that having high levels of self-confidence may be linked to positive outcomes including changes in behavior, adopting a healthier lifestyle, reducing stress, and creating a better quality of life. To determine self-efficacy, an individual must have the chance for self-evaluation or the ability to compare owns’ output to some criteria of evaluation. This comparison process gives the opportunity to judge performance capability and establish self-efficacy expectation.
There are two components on this theory: self-efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Self-efficacy expectation judgment is about personal ability to accomplish a given task, whereas outcome expectations are self-judgments about a given task and the possible results. An example of this is seen in older adults who are on rehabilitation. They may believe that they can perform the exercises and activities involved in the rehabilitation process, but they may not believe that performing the exercises will result in improvement of functional abilities. Some others tend to think that resting will lead to recovery. However, outcome expectations on this case will have a direct impact on performance.
Finally, it is important to recognize that self-efficacy and outcome expectations may not be the only predictors of behavior. Other factors that may influence behavior includes genetic predispositions and anxiety. Also, self-efficacy and positive self-believes can change at any time in life affecting our behavior and will directly impact the outcomes.
Abbasi, F., Ghahremani, L., Nazari, M., Fararouei, M., & Khoramaki, Z. (2021). Lifestyle in Female Teachers: Educational Intervention Based on Self-Efficacy Theory in the South of Fars Province, Iran. BioMed Research International, 2021https://8821w1uwj-mp02-y-https-doi-org.proxy.lirn….
Baretta, D., Sartori, F., Greco, A., Marco D’Addario, Melen, R., & Steca, P. (2019). Improving Physical Activity mHealth Interventions: Development of a Computational Model of Self-Efficacy Theory to Define Adaptive Goals for Exercise Promotion. Advances in Human – Computer Interaction, 2019, 11. https://8821w1uwj-mp02-y-https-doi-org.proxy.lirn….
Smith, Mary-Jane., PhD-RN and Liehr, Patricia-R., PhD-RN-Middle-Range-Theory-for-Nursing_-Third-Edition-Springer-Publishing-Company…

Implementation Plan


Incorporating a screening tool into the electronic medical record system to address social determinants of health using a screening tool will enable us to ask the right questions about the problems these patients are facing. I believe that providing patients with this kind of assistance will help them reach their full potential.

My company Northwell health is planning an EHR merge to EPIC in 2025. Year 2025 is the proposed time we are using.

Correct use of spelling and word usage on the slides

Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas on slides

Alignment between information on slides and narrative presentation

APA format (current edition) for citing and referencing sources on the slides

Congruence with APA mechanics of style where appropriate (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)

No direct quotes are used within the assignment

A minimum of 4 scholarly sources, current within five years, are integrated within the assignment

The length of the assignment meets the criteria:

Minimum of 10 slides in length;

Maximum of 14 slides in length.

(Not including title or reference slides

Policy Project Evaluation Plan TemplatePolicy Project Evaluation Plan Template

  • Every successful project needs to establish a project implantation plan, budget, and evaluation plan prior to the beginning of the project. The purpose of developing a project implantation plan, budget and evaluation plan is to outline how you intend to plan, budget, evaluate and monitor your project and how you will use the results of the evaluation to improve the project. As the nurse leader of a successful change project, you must have a clear understanding of the problem and what the opportunities are for improvement. With that in mind, it is vital that an implementation, plan, budget, and evaluation plan of the project are established early. Good plans are necessary to for the successful achievement of the project outcomes. The purpose of this assignment if to have you develop an implementation plan, budget and evaluation plan to guide your project.
  • Background:
  • Please use the Policy Project Outcomes and Evaluation Template to create your proposed project evaluation.
  • Create a Gantt Chart
    Background: What is your schedule for your project? There are many ways to present a schedule. For this project, you are expected to develop project timelines using a Gantt chart for key deliverables created in excel. The week 5 lesson contains a tutorial to follow to develop your Gantt chart. The Gantt chart, named after Henry Gantt, clearly shows the start and completion dates for all major project activities and subtasks. The Gantt chart is straightforward, easy to understand, and simple to change. It provides a snapshot of the project, and one can immediately identify task durations and distinguish tasks dependent upon other tasks to be completed before they are started. Understanding all dependencies is critical for the project manager who is responsible for time, budgets, and resource allocation. Please refer to the information below on the project schedule, formative and summative evaluation criteria, outcomes, and budget prior to completing the templates
  • Complete the Policy Project Outcomes and Evaluation Template.

What evaluation criteria will you use to ensure that your planned change/policy occurred as you planned? Formative (sometimes referred to as process) evaluation is performed throughout the planned change/policy process to determine whether the change has been implemented as you intended. Without intermittent formative evaluation, you will not know if the intervention did or did not cause the intended outcome because you will not know whether it was implemented. Consider how you will know whether the change is being implemented; this may be by audit. At what point(s) in time will you collect this data using your evaluation tool and under what conditions?SUMMATIVE EVALUATION CRITERIA AND DATA COLLECTION
What evaluation criteria will you use to determine if your practice change (i.e., practice change/policy) has produced the effect in the outcome that you desire? Summative (sometimes referred to as impact) evaluation is at the end. Remember that you are looking for a change in the selected outcome. What tool are you using to evaluate your outcome?OUTCOMES
How will you analyze your results to determine if your selected intervention produced the outcome that you desire?Please use the Policy Project Outcomes and Evaluation Template to create your proposed project evaluation.

Complete the Policy Project Budget Template.

Background:One of the keys to project success is completing the project within a budget. In order to develop a realistic budget, consider the following questions: · What resources, including human resources and support, financial support, data resources, and materials, will you need for your project? What is your proposed budget for your project? · Does your project budget account for all cost factors and span the life of the project?ADDRESSING VARIANCE WITHIN BUDGETED AND ACTUAL EXPENSES
Once the planned change project is underway, the advanced practice nurse will be responsible for managing the cost of the initiative. To facilitate this process, the nurse will note the actual expenses incurred for the necessary resources. When the actual cost differs from the projected cost, a variance occurs. Any variance that occurs between the projected and actual budget must be analyzed. As revenue and expenses deviate from the projected numbers, adjustments in the budget may be required.Please use the Healthcare Policy Project Budget Template to create your proposed budget


Policy Project Evaluation Plan Template

Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:

Evaluation Plan includes the following:

oFormative and Summative outcome measures are included.

oFor every outcome measure is the current baseline.

oFor every outcome measure is a source of data.

oFor every outcome measure is a method of evaluating the outcome.

oFor every outcome measure is an indicator of success.

Gantt Chart:

Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:

Gantt chart shows all major project tasks using Excel.

All tasks are labeled.

  • Policy Project Budget Template:

Distinguished presentation of information evidenced by all of the following areas covered in a comprehensive and concise manner:

The budget plan contains a detailed budget and has been reviewed with the mentor. The budget is detailed enough to allow for variance analysis later in the project.