Stress work


Answer some questions from your textbook (Page 95, included in Module)

  • The STRESS Discussion includes THREE components: 
  • Complete the “Self Reflection” on page 95 of your book (provided in the module).

Include your total score in your discussion post.  

What are your thoughts about your score on the Self-reflection score? Were you surprised? Is there something that concerns you? What improvements can you make to lower your stress or to address areas that have room for improvement?

PART TWO: List THREE favorite ways YOU use to lower your stress. Be specific!

It makes the discussion thread better when people interact. Please be kind, non-judgmental, supportive, reflective, positive when you respond to a post. Life is too short to be mean, negative and judgmental in a discussion thread. And, yes: you can reply to anything I post!

PHE 5020 CU Differentiate Between Parametric and Non Parametric Methods Questions


Using the School Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research the following statistical topics:

Levels of measurement

Parametric and nonparametric methods

  • On the basis of your research and understanding, respond to the following:
  • Find and state the definition of levels of measurement that distinguishes the four types of data used in statistical analysis.

In your own words, compare the four types of data and explain how they differ.

Find and state a definition of parametric and nonparametric methods that distinguishes between the two.

  • In your own words, explain the difference between parametric and nonparametric methods.
  • Explain which types of data require parametric statistics to be used and which types of data require nonparametric statistics to be used and why.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using parametric and nonparametric statistics.
  • Describe how the level of measurement helps determine which of these methods to use on the data being 

Answer to question


Q1/ In chapter 1, their introductory chapter, Landy and Milkis discuss a number of fundamental concepts of American politics and government, including a democratic republic. Briefly explain what they mean by a democratic republic.

Q2/ In chapter 1 of their textbook, Landy and Milkis explain that they take an “American political development” approach to the study of American government. Briefly explain what this means and provide one reason why, in their view, this approach can best help us to understand American government today.

Q3/In chapter 1, Landy and Milkis use the Preamble to the Constitution as a basis for introducing the overarching goals or purposes of government in the Unite States.Identify and briefly explain ONE of these goals or purposes.

Q4/ Identify and briefly explain a SECOND goal or purpose of government in the United States based on the Preamble to the Constitution.

Answer the questions


Q1/ In chapter 1, their introductory chapter, Landy and Milkis discuss a number of fundamental concepts of American politics and government, including a democratic republic. Briefly explain what they mean by a democratic republic.

Q2/ In chapter 1 of their textbook, Landy and Milkis explain that they take an “American political development” approach to the study of American government. Briefly explain what this means and provide one reason why, in their view, this approach can best help us to understand American government today.

Q3/In chapter 1, Landy and Milkis use the Preamble to the Constitution as a basis for introducing the overarching goals or purposes of government in the Unite States.Identify and briefly explain ONE of these goals or purposes.

Q4/ Identify and briefly explain a SECOND goal or purpose of government in the United States based on the Preamble to the Constitution.

Western theory


Write a brief statement of the meaning of social contract theory. This assignment can take two tracks: 

Write this statement as if you were taking a test and this was one of the short answer questions. This means that you can refer to key theorists and/or events that help to underpin your argument about social contract theory, but you are not to take this information from another source. It is to be in your own words. 

Write this statement as if you were writing your essay, had found a source related to the social contract theory and were planning on paraphrasing the information and including it in the body of your paper. This means that you are to actually paraphrase the information, rather than just changing some words around, but nevertheless keeping the structure and tone of the source you are using. 

Grid Analysis


you make a list of all the actors and factors on the three levels provided in the Northern Ireland article. And then you evaluate what they did or did not do that contributed to the outbreak of the violence as well as the Good Friday Agreement/resolution. So you have an individual actor like George Mitchell, who did not contribute to the outbreak, and you write that down, and then you describe what it is he did that helped get the GFA signed.

You will make two separate grids I have the empty one attached as well as an example one for you to see what type of writing and how detailed it should be. One grid would be about Israel-Palestine. The second grid would be about Bosnia or Darfur. I have the reading attached which will help you find details.

Fundamental Principles Week 7


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a science that uses principles of learning and behavior change to improve socially significant behaviors. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of key ABA concepts by exploring the following topics:

Perspectives, features, and applications of ABA: Discuss the different perspectives within ABA, its key features, and its diverse applications across various populations and settings.

Stimulus, behavior, and response: Define and differentiate between the three pillars of ABA: stimulus, behavior, and response. Provide examples of each.

  • Classical and operant conditioning: Compare and contrast the two main forms of learning in ABA: classical and operant conditioning. Use specific examples to illustrate your understanding.

Reinforcement: Explain the concept of reinforcement in ABA, including its different types and their effects on behavior.

  • Schedules of reinforcement: Describe various schedules of reinforcement used in ABA and analyze their impact on behavior acquisition and maintenance.

Critical Thinking Discussion


-Read: What lies by Joy Meads in the attached photos


-Take this quick test:


After learning about the IAT and taking the test online, think about your results and the explanation provided by the website. Are the results surprising to you? Do you trust the outcome of the IAT? How did you feel while taking the test and how did you feel when you received the results? Were some parts of the IAT easier than others?
Think about the possible biases, assumptions, and opinions that may be influencing your work in this class. Will Mead’s ten strategies for overcoming unconscious bias help you compose a more objective argument?
Share what you learned from your IAT experience and relate it to Meads’ ten strategies for overcoming unconscious bias.
Be sure to speak up if you have any questions or concerns.

California’s recently passed law that will ban new car sales of gas-powered automobiles


The Subject: The public letter.  Read Lisa Friedman’s New York Times article “California Reveals Its Plan to Phase Out New Gas-Powered Cars by 2035” before composing your essay.

response purpose will be constructed as an argument.  As such, your paper will have a thesis, reasons, evidence, and persona.  The essay needs to make reference to Friedman’s article multiple times throughout your paper, but you will also need to branch out beyond what is written in that original essay to include rationale and support of your own making/research.  When writing your response, consider what would be most persuasive to a diverse set of readers who represent different ages, socio-economic classes, political affiliations. Students can sufficiently complete the requirements highlighted above and still have a substandard essay if they do not assemble the essay properly.  For this paper, focus on having unified paragraphs

Early childhood organization


Activity Time:

Early Childhood Organizations are a great way to gather information and keep informed as to what is happening in the field. How can you determine which organizations are the best to use?

Initial Post

In your initial post, please identify and discuss three Early childhood organizations that you feel provide the best information for you to stay informed as an educator in the field.

In your post, provide the following information in your own words:

Name of Organization

  • Website URL
  • Vision, Mission, Goals – what is their main goal?
  • Benefits of being a member
  • Include a brief summary about how you might use the information and/or website in your day-to-day work with children, families, and your colleagues.
  • Reply Post
  • In your reply post, read at least two other students’ initial posts. Select posts that address different websites you did not discuss in your initial post. Address the following: