Create a summary of every skill you’ve learned in quarter 1.


Create a summary of every skill you’ve learned in quarter 1. This is a written assignment that should cover approx. 1-2 pages. You should attempt to use as many vocabulary and technical terms as possible. You may use the following format:

Skill 1 – Cinematography: tell the story with a camera

Techniques & rules you remember –

Largest challenge while shooting your dialogue scene –

How you can solve that challenge in the future –

Skill 2 – Audio: how to add sound to your video

Techniques & rules you remember –

Largest challenge while shooting your dialogue scene –

How you can solve that challenge in the future –

Skill 3 – Video editing: how to assembly dozens of shots into a scene

Techniques & rules you remember –

Largest challenge while shooting your dialogue scene –

How you can solve that challenge in the future –

WU Advocacy and Credibility Discussion


The role of advocacy is often difficult and can be conflictual due to the struggles for power and resources. To emphasize the significance of the needed change and to garner support from stakeholders in the community, social workers often provide data to support proposed intervention or strategies. The data should be current and relevant to the population or system with which the social worker is seeking to intervene.

It is vital that social workers utilize credible resources to promote change within the community; to do otherwise is unethical and a risk to your reputation and the reputations of those you represent. Credible resources can be found in government-funded research databases, such as the Census Bureau. When social workers choose to conduct research themselves, strict research protocol helps ensure against any biases. This week’s Discussion explores credible resources that might assist you in your advocacy role.

Policy Question


Short Paper Prompt

In this short paper, present a case between you and a client in which you may have mistaken values for knowledge or knowledge for values in the intervention you used in the case.

1. At what stage of human development was the client (Erickson’s Stages of Development)?

2. What were the bio-psychosocial spiritual factors that may have informed your understanding of the client and their conflict/issue?

3. Incorporate Kohlberg’s stages of moral development (see Lecture page) to further describe what ‘knowledge’ you may about the client’s moral development. Remember to Include information regarding race, gender, economic status, health and mental health issues, employment, and any other factors that may inform your therapeutic/professional understanding of the client.

4. How did this mistaken use of values for knowledge or knowledge for values interfere with the outcome of your intervention?

5. Was there a dysfunctional outcome?

Interview Family Genogram


Create a Genogram of your interview family.You do not need to use a computer program to

create. You may neatly hand draw, scan and upload this assignment.
Explore developmental characteristics of the family as a unit across the lifespan.
Examine health patterns and practices transmitted across generations.
You may use a computer program such as (word, publisher or another program) to draw your
genogram. Do not worry about purchasing any new products as you may hand draw the
genogram. If you choose to hand draw the genogram it must be very neat. You must use
rulers and other tools to make sure it looks great. It must have a key or legend which describes
what the shapes and symbols you choose to use mean. See example below:

Fluency defining and assesing


After viewing these two short videos on fluency, answer the questions listed below.  Short Video: Tim Shanahan, PhD & Elfrieda Hiebert, PhD Defining Fluency (Links to an external site.)

Defining Fluency (with captions)Links to an external site. 

What is Important to consider When Assessing Fluency? (with captions)Links to an external site. 

Follow-Up Questions

What is fluency?  (3 key words)

  • According to the Five Domains of Reading from the National Reading Panel, what is the role fluency plays in learning to read? 

What happens when you are not able to read fluently?

What is one way students can be assessed for fluency?

What is the minimum amount of time a student will need to read to you so that you can get an indication of the student’s fluency abilities?

CRJ 220-80


Courtroom Testimony _ Written Response Required

Questions – Answer the 7 questions below.

  1. Why would officers be nervous or afraid to testify in court?
  2. What is the most important thing to making sure an officer is successful in court?
  3. Discuss some of the most important things about direct examination.
  4. Discuss the 5 of the most important things you can do to appear credible to a jury.
  5. Discuss what is wrong with cop talk.
  6. Discuss how you remain credible during cross-examination.
  7. Discuss 3 ways of how to handle an angry cross-examination from a defense attorney.

STEP 4 of 5: View the 3 remaining videos to prepare for the Pop Quiz

Problematic Police Testimony

CJU: need a 10 slide ppt presentation..instructions below


Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation on the importance of implementing an ethics-training program for a public organization. 

Components of the presentation will include:

Five to six abbreviated bullets for each slide, using approximately 24-point font.

Appropriate background for your slides.

  • Notes View section below each slide to incorporate the talking points that you would use when presenting each slide. Each speaker note should be at least one paragraph containing 5 to 10 sentences.
  • The sequence of slides will be:
  • Slide 1: Title slide title of the assignment, student name, course title, and date;

Slide 2: Basis for your research;

Slide 3: Conclusions from your research;

  • Slide 4: Four Goals for an ethics-training program;
  • Slide 5 and 6: Cite two examples of public administration corruption;
  • Slide 7 and 8: Describe two areas public institutions should focus on over the next five years;
  • Slide 9: Summary (note the key points and why you believe this is important), and

Chapter 5 questions


1. Analyze the costs and benefits of a  legal resolution to the privacy problem. Is the European model worth  emulating in the United States?

2. What is your general assessment of  those snippets of code called cookies or beacons that collect personal  data about buying habits? What about Facebook’s datr cookie? Do they  help or hurt consumers?

3. Is it morally acceptable for an  employer to inspect the contents of a computer paid for by the  corporation but installed at an employee’s home? How would you define  the scope of workplace privacy rights?

4. Almost every major commercial  website has a privacy policy. Visit one of the sites (Amazon, Facebook,  Twitter, etc.) in order to read and evaluate that policy. Is the policy  clear and comprehensible? Does it affor enough protection for site’s  customers? For example, check out a site such as

2 part project


~Part 1 Discussion and reply

Describe chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the focus of nutrition management.

*Need Discussion by 3/15. Will send replies when finished or in a different invite. Which ever you prefer.

~Part 2 Presentation (Needed 3/17-3/18 latest) Will add more time if needed

Requirements for the presentation include:

5-7 minutes of presentation 

Audio; we must be able to hear you! 

  • A sense of organization  
  • A hook to draw your listeners into your presentation 
  • Use either the Classical or the Rogerian form 

Documentation of your sources either verbally or visually 

  • Demonstrate a sense of persuasion. This is not an informative presentation. You must ask the audience to agree with your perspective on your issue.  
  • Make sure to demonstrate your ethos as well as logos and ethos. 
  • A minimum of three references to support your position or explanation of the topic.  Be sure to provide source introductions for these references (such as “According to…”). 

Sb (hed120) 2 parts( NUTR 158) 1 part


PART 1- 

Complete the Health Assessment and submit it as a .doc, .docx, .pdf or .pages document.


Health Assessment.docx

PART 2– 

Watch this short video on the top 10 countries with the highest life expectancy.

Then, post your thoughts (hit the reply button below) on why you think these countries have such a high life expectancy rate.  And, reply to at least one of your classmates original post (hit the reply button below their original post).


Watch this video.

Then, post your thoughts (hit the reply button below) on Sport Nutrition and whether or not it applies to the topic in the video. Be very specific and compare to one of the specific topics covered in the video.  After your post, reply to at least one of your classmates original post (hit the reply button below their original post). Do not reply to a reply.