Presentation 88


Critical Review of a Journal Article (Presentation assignment) 10 points In this assignment you will critically review (summarize and evaluate) the ideas and information of an article (specified to you by the instructor) Please make sure to address the following points: • Identify the author, the title, the main topic, and the author’s purpose. • How the article relates to other work in the literature. • Highlight the types of evidence or information the author present. • Identify author’s most important points and main findings. • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Remember, your task as a reviewer is to re-see the author’s work, not to re-tell it.

Pinsker, J. E., Müller, L., Constantin, A., Leas, S., Manning, M., McElwee Malloy, Singh, H., & Habif, S. (2021). Real-world patient-reported outcomes and glycemic results with initiation of control-IQ technology. Diabetes Technology &Therapeutics, 23(2), 120-127.

NUR 648e – Benchmark – Program Evaluation Presentation



A program evaluation is a formal plan to organize and document evaluation activities. The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) standards used in program evaluations, and to evaluate the outcomes your proposed program using a CCNE standard.

Create a 10-12-slide PowerPoint summarizing the four CCNE standards for program evaluation. Select one standard and develop three strategies to evaluate the outcomes in the program you developed in this course. Create substantive speaker notes for each slide. Include additional slides for the title and references.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

You are required to cite two or three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Medical Research Ethics


How did the Lacks family, the media, and the general population view the medical community during the 1950s? What is the Nuremberg Code? How was it used, and was it easily enforced? Why or why not? 

How have ethics and laws around medical research with human subjects changed? How is the medical community viewed today, and what do you think would have happened in Henrietta Lacks’s case if she lived today? 

, discuss the following: 

The states where the breaches occurred 

The covered entity types 

The number of individuals affected in each breach 

The month and year when the breaches were reported 

The type of breach 

The location of breached information 

Look for trends and extract any information that can be useful for compliance within the organization.

Hip Hop Music


This is an essay that relates to hip hop music. So fro this essay you have to find a hip hop artist and some of his/her tracks to analyze.and you also have to do some research on this artist. With this topic, you will focus on how a specific artist engages the history of their local city, with ideas informed by Tricia Rose’s ideas about the post-industrial city and related writings. For example, consider these questions: how does the artist reference the local geography or culture of their city? How is the artist’s biography and experiences related to the city? For this analysis, you should focus on no more than 3 tracks by the artist, either from a single album or from three different stages in their career. Its important to go into some detail regarding the lyrics and music, rather than discussing the issues broadly.

Chicago 20 Plan for homelessness Logic Model revision


Could you revise the logic model to include the following modifications-

1. Please split out Activities from Outputs (as in make it its own section).
2. Get more specific on Activities and Outputs- but please be concise.
3. Elaborate and expand on the “Assumptions” and “External Factors” here? What might we include based on what we know thus far?
4. Lastly, can you include a very brief summary of the program somewhere up top. (refer to example logic model of green share to see how the summary is on the top left hand corner).
5. Choose different colors for the columns. For example the summary, problem, and priorities can be light blue, inputs can be light orange, activities can be light green, outputs cane be light purple, outcomes can be orange in general with short term, mid-term, and long being different shades of orange. Just a suggestion.

Brics constitution


1. Please refer to the U.S. Constitution and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government

2. Please refer to the French Constitution and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government

3. Please refer to the Russian Constitution and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government

4. Please refer to the Indian Constitution…pdf and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government

5. Please refer to the Chinese constitution and find the articles related to

(1) The Executive Power

(2) The Legislative power

(3) The Judicial Power

(4) Separation of Powers

(5) Type of Government 

Activity 42: Cultural Values & Communication (Part 2)


Initial Post Instructions 

For this activity you will switch roles and reflect upon appropriate responses from another cultural perspective. If you wrote as Ahmed’s friend in Activity 2.1, it’s now your turn to write as Brian’s friend. If you role played as Brian’s friend, you will play the role of Ahmed’s friend. What questions do you have about your friend’s comments? What cultural values, behaviors or personal preferences are evident? Do you agree with your friend? Why or why not?

Please review the following resources for this activity:

Script for Cultural Awareness

At the end of your submission, include a brief Design Statement explaining the process and tools you used to develop your work. Your statement should be about a paragraph or so, in your own words (rather than formally written), and unique to this assignment. Why are we asking for this? Find out more about Design Statements.

Visualizing Geologic Time


This exercise is meant to help you visualize the vastness of geologic time since Earth’s formation, ~4.6 billion years ago. It is difficult for us to imagine the amount of time required for many geological processes to occur (e.g., formation of oceans or mountain ranges). The geologic time scale organizes the Earth’s history into a series of chronologic subdivisions that are defined by important geologic events in the Earth’s history. The largest of these time subdivisions are eons. Eons are then subdivided into eras. Eras are subdivided into periods, and periods are subdivided into epochs. We currently live in the Holocene epoch of the Quaternary period in the Cenozoic Era of geologic time. Once you have finished this exercise, you will realize what a tiny slice of time that represents relative to the vastness of geologic history.
this assignment requires a PowerPoint and answer the questions.

Second Industrial Revolution and how it changed society


First: Read the document below, “Triumph of America” by Andrew Carnegie.

Second: In a essay, relate the ideas in this letter to the “Second Industrial Revolution” (1870 – 1920).  Think about how the Second Industrial Revolution changed American society, economics, race relations, labor or gender. These are suggestions, your answered does not need to incorporate all of these topics.

Your answer should include at least two specific references to the American Yawp textbook, at least one specific reference to the lectures, and at least one specific reference to one of the documentaries from this module.  You can cite this in whatever academic style you like, in-text or footnotes.  If you’re not sure what to do, just put a parenthetical reference at the end of the sentence.  Like this (Yawp, Chapter 2).  Or like this (Lecture 3).

YAWP: The American Yawp

General guidelines for the essay:

Research proposal



Identify and discuss basic designs, corresponding or additional questions, analytical methods related to research questions, and limits on implications of findings (e.g., causal vs. relational)


Write a 3-4 page (not including the title and reference pages) paper

APA 7 formatted paper with an introduction and conclusion.

APA 7 headings for each section of the paper

At least 5 peer-reviewed articles

Step 1: Research

Review the readings and video and research basic designs, corresponding questions, analytical methods related to research questions, and limitations on the implication of findings (causal vs. relational).…

You may want to base this research on your idea from your Capstone project; however, you may not self-plagiarize your previous work.

Step 2: Consider

Related to the research questions and limitations on implications or findings (causal vs. relational):

What are the basic research designs?

What are the corresponding or additional questions used?

What analytical methods are used?

Step 3: Write

Write a paper that addresses the questions above