IT 4336 of


52 million dollars in lost revenues and counting, a cyber-attack on MGM Resorts International, a 14B Las Vegas gaming empire with Hollywood-famous hotel spreads like the Bellagio, Cosmopolitan, Excalibur, Luxor, and the MGM Grand itself, had the house brought down by a perfect example of vishing…a 10-minute phone call.

Gamblers could not gamble. Guests could not access rooms. Lights went out. The attack led to hours of delays in guest check-ins and affected electronic payments, key cards, thousands of slot machines, ATMs, parking, and other systems.

A malware research group called VX-Underground claimed that the RaaS group “ALPHV” (a.k.a. BlackCat, a ransomware-as-a-service) was responsible for the attack. An earlier Reuters story on 9/13 initially reported “Scattered Spider” (a group of kids operating in the U.S. and UK), as the perpetrator.

What happened? Social engineering happened.

Research what exactly happened. Then discuss how you would have prevented this attack. Do NOT give your opinion as to whether MGM should or should not have paid (their competitor, Caesar’s Resorts, was the victim of a recent ransom attack – and they paid an estimated $15 million dollars). After finding out what happened, just give your opinion (make recommendations) as to how MGM could have prevented it. If you even discuss whether you would pay or not pay, you will receive a ZERO in the Planning scoring category of the rubric for not following instructions.

Remember that you must make one original post and one reply post and you MUST provide a source in your original post. You MUST follow the course Discussion Instructions. Reply to the next message.

The cyber-attack on MGM Resorts was initiated through a sophisticated social engineering tactic, specifically a vishing attack, which then led to a broader and more destructive ransomware attack carried out by the Scattered Spider group, eventually involving the BlackCat/ALPHV ransomware group. The attackers initially gained access by convincing an MGM employee to divulge login credentials over a phone call. This initial breach allowed them to escalate their access privileges within MGM’s network, particularly targeting and compromising the Okta and VMware ESXi servers. They deployed ransomware across MGM’s virtual machine infrastructure, causing widespread operational disruptions. 

writing about Adolescent Sexual Health and Education and a “fact sheet” on a STD,


you will write an argument essay, OR create a “fact sheet” on a STD,

You have a choice in what you may write about, but each topic requires that you use at least three different resources (one may be in the module directions page + one other that you find on your own). A paper receiving full credit will not exceed two pages, plus a work cited page in either MLA or APA format (yes, your paper will lose points if you don’t have a clear thesis, supports for your argument, and correctly formatted work cited). 

Here are your options for the short (2-page) argument essay:

1. Choose a side – either abstinence-only or comprehensive sex education and build an argument for it.

2. Choose a sexually transmitted disease and write an argument for why it should be included in sexual health education for students. Include information about this disease — is it a virus or bacteria? what are its symptoms? more common in males or females? how many diagnoses were there last year (or most recent data), and what is the treatment for it? In short, include information about this disease along with why students should learn about it.

3. Choose a topic related to gender identity and write an argument for why gender identity should be included in sexual health education for students. You might look at national data, school policies, workplace policies, health issues, an social issues – bullying or other forms of violence. Make sure you address how LBGTQ+ topics fit into a school sexual health curriculum.

*Alternatively, you may be more creative and make a “fact sheet” (something you find in a medical office, perhaps a physician would hand it to a patient following a diagnosis). Your fact sheet will be about a STD (you pick, syphilis, HPV, gonorrhea, herpes…). A fact sheet also has at least 3 sources of information that are listed under the heading, “For More Information.” The fact sheet may include images, such as a picture of a virus cell, or a chart showing rates of infection, but must also be about two pages — think front and back of a brochure.



Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.

Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.

Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

To Prepare:

Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected.

Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.

Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs.
The Assignment (1-2 pages):Developing Organizational Policies and PracticesAdd a section to the 2-3 page paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following in 1-2 pages:

Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.

  • Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
  • Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.
  • Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.

Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.

Due to the nature of this assignment, your instructor may require more than 7 days to provide you with quality feedback.
Provided resources 

American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statementsLinks to an external site.. Silver Spring, MD: Author. Retrieved from Review all, with special attention to “Provision 6” (pp. 23–26).

DBU Cathryn Princes Editorial US Colleges Double Standards Essay


1) In the first paragraph, briefly sum up the most pertinent facts of the article (excluding quotes). Explain the situation unfolding on elite university campuses across the nation as if I’m a fairly uninformed reader, w/ no stake in either side. I’ve heard something about the Hamas invasion on Israel in early Oct, and I know this has erupted in on-campus protests and demonstrations nationwide, but no real clue as to why, or why this should matter to me as an American Christian. As you summarize, help me understand the exigence, or relevance, of the overall issue.

2) In this paragraph I want you to incorporate a few key quotes or details from the essay that will pinpoint what is the main issue (or unresolvable conflict) at stake here, and the main claim (statement or series of statements pinpointing what should be done to fix this conflict). Be sure to address the perceived “double standard” between federally mandated protections for minority and LGBTQ students, except where this applies to Jews. 

3) Why in light of the Holocaust that occurred within the past century, is this most current rise in antisemitism, in favor of pro-Palestinian rights, such a big deal? What kinds of protections SHOULD Jewish university students be entitled to by law? Incorporate key quotes from cited experts in the essay. According to what legal scholar and commentator David Lat, briefly explain the two overriding issues at stake in this ongoing wave of protests. If the Bill of Rights protects freedom of speech and the right to peaceably protest, why is this particular antisemitism/pro-Palestinian movement setting such a dangerous precedent?

4) Do you believe all these university presidents (like former Harvard prez Claudine Gay, forced out in part because of her patent refusal to protect Jewish campus pop, as well as her academic plagiarism) simply hate Jews, or are they finding themselves in the middle of a greater phenomenon that’s getting out of their control? In a cancel culture fanatically obsessed w/ political correctness, why do you think university administrators are having such a difficult time applying equal codes of safety and protection to their Jewish populations? 

Spanish Question


LEAD- Generative Leadership Questionnaire- Interpreting Results and Taking Action

Leaders continually complete and utilize various leadership tools, questionnaires, assessments, and inventories to further develop their skills. The results of these tools provide awareness and understanding of leadership styles and areas for improvement. They also provide insight into how to transfer theoretical knowledge into practice.

In this assignment, you will complete the Generative Leadership®  Questionnaire (Dann, 2020, Appendix), rating each question using the scale provided. The questionnaire will highlight six core elements— opportunities, risk-taking, individual leadership attributes, communication and feedback, and expectations—and seven subthemes—having a voice, commitment, perceived need to act, organizational philosophy and practice, role modeling, shared beliefs and values, and structure. You will use this data to compose an action plan to improve your generative leadership style.

Complete the 39-question Generative Leadership® Questionnaire tool from the Appendix of the Dunn text, Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations: A Framework for Success (used with written permission).

Step 2. Analyze

Analyze your findings for each core element and subtheme from the Generative Leadership Questionnaire Scoring Sheet (used with written permission) through the lens of the individual, team, and organizational levels. Look for patterns in the data.

Step 3: Interpret

Interpret your understanding of the scores for each core element and subtheme from an individual, team, and organizational level using the Generative Leadership Capacity at the Three Levels table (used with written permission). Explain any patterns you found in the data.

Note: The instructions for completing the table are on the last page of the Generative Leadership Questionnaire Scoring Sheet.

Step 4. Create

Create a Word document for the action plan. Provide a breakdown of your individual, team, and organizational scores. Include action steps you will take to improve your generative leadership style from an individual, team, and organizational perspective. The action plan will consist of a narrative with charts and graphics where appropriate.

Step 5. Submit

Submit a single APA-formatted document to contain the following:

Title page

3- to 4-page action plan

Reference page

Generative Leadership® Questionnaire (labeled as Appendix A)

Generative Leadership Questionnaire Scoring Sheet (labeled as Appendix B)

Generative Leadership Capacity at the Three Levels table (labeled as Appendix C)

IT404 web desgin Saudi electronic university Website Design Questionx



You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.

It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.

Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).

Email submission will not be accepted.

You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.

You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.

You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.

Late submission will result in ZERO mark.

The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.

Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.

Question One

Explain the differences between programming on the client and server sides, and what languages are used for each?

2 MarksLearning Outcome(s):
Recognize and evaluate a range of real-world web design approachesQuestion Two

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other web design and production processes are all affected by the progressive enhancement. Explain what is the purpose of PE, and what strategies are involved? 

2 MarksLearning Outcome(s):
Recognize and evaluate a range of real-world web design approachesQuestion Three

Describe the different ways to specify a web page’s URL and when they should be used? Give an example for each of them.

2 MarksLearning Outcome(s):
Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage. Question Four

Create a webpage that display your name and ID using the most significant heading. Also, use the university logo as a hyperlink to the SEU website.

Important notes:

1.You should copy and paste the “HTML script” to answer this question. DON’T take screenshots for your HTML script. It must be an editable script.

2. Take a screenshot of your output web page and paste it as a part of your answer. 

criminal justice



A two-year-old child was found crawling in the middle of a two-lane country road by a woman who happened to be driving by at the time. The woman picked the child up out of the road and called the police. The child was only wearing a diaper. Two police officers went to a nearby home and found the child’s mother who appeared intoxicated. A seven-year-old boy was also found in the home asleep on the couch. The police found fentanyl and drug paraphernalia in the home on a coffee table in the living room. However, very little food was found in the home. The mother was arrested and placed in jail. Social services placed the children with their paternal grandmother after taking them to the hospital for an exam. 

From this scenario, write an essay from the point of view of you being an investigator answering the following questions:

Who should you interview in the investigation and why? ( Remember that important witnesses may not be mentioned directly in the Case Scenario. Remember to list both who you should interview and why. Ten points will be deducted if the essay does not list why the witnesses should be interviewed in the investigation of child maltreatment)

Choose one essential witness you want to interview and describe how you would properly conduct that interview.  (Remember to include at least three aspects of how you would properly conduct the interview such as the setting, phases, etc. You may also want to review  who would be considered an essential witness such as the suspect, victim, reporting source, and others who saw or heard what happened. Ten points will be deducted if that witness is not an essential witness to the allegations of child maltreatment.)

List five important things you would want to find out from the essential witness. (These do not have to be in question form, but information from the essential witness that you would need to know as the child maltreatment investigator. )

From the facts given, what types of possible child maltreatment are present? (Give the basis (ie. sign or indication) for each type based on the facts given.)

College Writing 1: Rhetorical Analysis


These are the instructions for the paper. I would like this rhetorical Analysis about the tootsie roll pop commercial. The paper needs to be at least three pages. This should be a highschool level paper

You will be conducting a detailed and thorough rhetorical analysis of an advertisement or advertisement campaign, exploring its relationship of text to images and how the ad’s elements function to give it a certain shape and direction to the audience’s response to it. Additionally, you will be determining the ad’s overall effectiveness for its purpose and audience as well as analyzing the myths and values it perpetuates. You will analyze the ad in terms of purpose, audience, context, message/myth, appeals, style, and design.

1. Choose an advertisement and conduct a rhetorical analysis of the advertisement that looks at its relationship of text to image. You will present your audience with a main/central idea that presents your interpretation of the ad/ad campaign and what it is selling to the audience (both the myth and the product) as well as how it is selling it. Presenting your analysis will help your audience resist “falling” for the ad; it may prompt your readers to critically engage with a particular ad; or your interpretation may serve to entertain your readers.

You will want to consider what tone, language, details, explanations, and design will best sell your ideas to your readers. What will be the best medium for your analysis? An article, a website, or something else?

You will want to consider: Answer all of these within the paper

What is the ad trying to sell? Is it the product or something else?

Who is the ad targeting (intended audience)? How does the ad attempt to relate to the audience?

What feelings is the ad trying to create?

What is the ad saying, implying or promising?

What appeals (pathos, logos, ethos) does the ad use and how?

How is text used? Does it support or detract from the overall message

How do the design elements (color, line, repetition) of the visual affect their argument?

What subliminal messages/double meanings are invoked?

Is anything in the ad idealized?

Overall, is it effective and why?

Milestone 1


This milestone is designed to help you build the foundation of your final project. You will choose a well-known individual from history or current popular literature with a known physiological disease or illness. You must submit your subject and topic of interest to your instructor for approval. You will introduce the individual’s background (including time and location), identify the pathophysiology for the selected disease or illness, and explain the clinical manifestations of multiple body systems for the case.

Stephen Hawking will be the selected case. The disease he had was ALS. 


Identify your selected case, describing how the normal physiology is changed by the disease state. In addition, define pathophysiology, the clinical manifestations (that is, signs and symptoms), and how each of these can be explained by alteration in physiology.

Discuss the extent to which the clinical manifestations in the selected case affect multiple body systems. Include a historical analysis that describes the pathophysiology for the selected disease or illness. Propose historical explanations for variations in findings (when applicable) and include evidence-based resources to frame your discussion of adaptation and stressors for system analysis.

Specifically for Milestone One, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Introduce your selected case

Identify the individual you selected and the illness and provide a brief explanation of why you selected this case.

Describe how normal physiology is changed by the disease state for your selected case.

Define the pathophysiology and general clinical manifestations associated with your selected case and how they may be explained by altered physiology. Be sure to support your claims with scholarly evidence.

Assess the extent to which clinical manifestations of your selected case affect multiple body systems, using scholarly evidence to support your claims.

  1. History of selected case

Describe historical variations (that is, examples of individuals with the selected disease or illness) of your selected case, using evidence from literature.

Identify physiological stressors that may affect the course of the disease or illness and explain their impact.

  1. Identify adaptive physiological mechanisms that may affect the course of the disease for your selected case.

Assess the historical impact of patient care technologies on patient outcomes for your selected case. Be sure to justify your claims with scholarly evidence.

Part one render project


Using the video tutorial from SketchUp’s Getting Started series Part 3, we will focus on an interior space. You will use the Tape Measure tool to create reference edges, learn more about the Offset and Push/Pull tools, copy objects, learn about groups vs components (time savers!) and finally paint surfaces and bring in additional components from the 3D Warehouse.

While not mentioned for you as a reminder at every single step in the video… **try to start making groups and components FOR EVERY SINGLE OBJECT YOU DRAW from scratch.** 

*Individual items* = GROUPS

Finish drawing the floors? Make it a group!?

  • Finish one of your walls? Make it a group!

*Identical multiples* = COMPONENTS

Multiple Built-In Shelving units = COMPONENT

  • After you finsh 1 side of your shelving/cabinetry of your Built-In, make a COMPONENT and copy to the other side!
  • Multiple identical Windows = COMPONENT
  • Follow the video to detail 1 window…. then make a COMPONENT before copying to the other 2 additional locations! 

EditINTE 112B_Rendd Rm-Nursery.PNG

  • As we will be using this SketchUp tutorial as it relates to INTERIOR Design, you need to include; 

Furniture -Is this a Meeting Room or Home Office? A Living room or Nursery? Yoga Studio, Meditation Space? Basement Game Room or Bedroom? 

  • If this is a living room space with fireplace and tv… I definitely want a coffee table to put my feet up, side table to put my drink, and/or lamp beside me to read a book.
  • Built-In Wall Elements -Shelving? Fireplace? Art? Sculpture? Books? Mantle piece? Chalkboards? 

If this is a living room space with fireplace and tv, would we want shelves or cabinets to store some things? …or window seat to read? 

  • Floor covering -Rug? Carpet? Floor Pillows? 

Lighting -Chandelier? Floor Lamps? Surface Mount? Pendants? 


Review the Rubric to understand the important details that will be graded.

Use the video tutorial provided to complete your own Rendered Room;

Measurements referenced in the video are also provided here if you prefer; INTE112B_RendRmInt-Soffit and Window Elevations and Details-02-08-18.pdf

Follow the video tutorial for a demo of the steps to complete your assignment.

Save your file with a meaningful file name;

ie. INTE 112B_Mod 3-Rendered Room, Bailey Bishop

Attach your file to this assignment