Discussion – Discuss Performance Management



Threaded discussion is a major component of this course. Words are powerful. Be mindful that both the written word and the spoken word can have a positive or negative impact on a reader or listener. As such, address all posts with civility and professionalism. The Civility section of the Course Outline below will be strictly enforced. 

It is especially crucial in an academic setting to contribute to discussions in a collegial manner and support your posts with relevant cites to the textbook. This manner of communication is vastly different from social media postings of opinion-based rhetoric. 

Please use classmates’ names in your posts when responding to them.  For highest performance and points, submit your initial post early enough in the week to allow for maximum exchange.  Then, respond to two or more students with two or more additional posts on two or more different days to see the progression of the discussion throughout the week. 

Discussion Boards (DB) Posting Requirements:
Participation requirements for graded discussions are the same for all 4 weeks:

  Each week, for full credit, you must make at least 3 posts per discussion question according to the following process:

    -(Required) Post a response to the original question (please do so no later than Wednesday so that others may realize the benefit of your comments). 

    -(Required) Post a minimum of 2 responses to a classmate’s response (by the end of the week). 

    -(Optional) Additional posts and days of participation are not required but are certainly welcome. 

Notes and Suggestions: 

-Please support your posts with citations to the textbook. Personal experiences that are relevant and on-point are also encouraged and valued in follow-up posts after your initial post.

-Please use classmates’ names and note discussion topic in your posts when responding.  

-Respond early in the week to generate a collaborative experience.


  1. View the Module 3 Video below. Discuss the importance of transparency and open dialogue from HR Managers to employees as it relates to Performance Management. (Worth 10 points.

Jerrold Williams (CHRO, Daymon Worldwide) on His Open-Dialogue HR Policy – Bing video

jerrold williams – Bing video

In each additional post, respond in a substantive manner to your classmates’ posts. You may share personal experiences that are relevant and on-point. 

Improving Provider Adoption


4 Tips for Improving Clinician Adoption of New Healthcare TechnologyLinks to an external site.

Increased Health Information Technology Adoption and Use Among Small Primary Care Physician Practices Over Time: A National Cohort StudyLinks to an external site.

Role Played and Strategies Employed by Managers to Support Point-of-Care Nurses’ Use and Adoption of Health Information Technology: A Scoping ReviewLinks to an external site.


Telehealth Webinar: Influencing Patient and Physician Behavior to Increase AdoptionLinks to an external site.


The success of health information technology solutions does not solely rely on successful implementation. It also relies on successful provider adoption of the technologies. Without provider adoption, the technology tools may be present, but the full benefits of the technology will likely not be recognized. Health care organization are investing a significant amount of capital into health information technology with the expectation of a return on their investments. The informaticist can play an important role in fostering the necessary provider adoption by bridging the gap between the providers and the IT department. For this assignment you will create a paper to represent your position on provider adoption.


In your paper,

  • Evaluate the importance of provider adoption of technology.

Discuss reasons why providers resist technology adoption.

Elaborate on two to three techniques to improve provider adoption.

Discuss the value the informaticist brings to provider adoption.

As you prepare your final presentation, you will want to incorporate provider adoption techniques into your presentation. You will not have an actual slide entitled Provider Adoption since the techniques are more about delivery and interaction with the providers. However, you are presenting to stakeholders, and since the scenario involves provider workflow, providers are key stakeholders. You should keep this in mind as you plan out the delivery of your presentation. This paper will allow you to explore and research provider adoption and key stakeholder to help incorporate these concepts into your final presentation.

JSU Regular Exercise Mitigates Mental Health Burden Presentation Poster


Please help me answer the steps from the research article for my poster presentation ( I will provide a file or link of the research article)

Here are the steps:

1) The message of your poster: Try formulating what you want to present in a single sentence.

Examples of such sentences are:

  • Endurance training can improve the function of the body’s metabolic health
  • Exercise improves cognitive performance, including executive functioning, attention, memory,
  • and brain structure.

    Use this sentence as a guide for selecting the data you must include. You probably will not print this

    sentence on the poster, but it helps you decide and focus on what your poster is about.

    2) Introduction: Write a few sentences of introduction to identifying the problem you address, what

    is known about it, the objectives of your work, and your approach to investigating the issue. Use

    short sentences and keep this section as concise as possible. Consider if a bulleted list or a graphic

    might replace complete sentences.

    3) Results: Select the most relevant results that support your message. Remove everything that is

    not necessary. Think about attractive ways to present the data in figures. Try to avoid tables as

    much as possible. Figures and captions should be easy to read. Consider adding a brief conclusion

    below every figure.

    4) Conclusion: Write the conclusions in short, clear statements, preferably as a list. Finish with an

    assessment of what you have achieved concerning your objectives.

    5) Attention Getters: How are you going to draw people’s attention? An attractive title serves to

    some extent, but it is not enough. Select one of your most relevant results, a photo, a scheme

    explaining the scientific background, a model or the main conclusion, or whatever you consider

    as the highlight of your presentation and give it a prominent place on your poster, for example,

    in the middle or at the beginning. This is what the audience will see first. It should raise their

    interest and stimulate them to read your poster.

    6) Layout: Arrange all parts of the poster around your attention-getter. Add headers if necessary to

    clarify the structure of your poster. Ensure the author(s) name(s) and affiliation are on the poster.

    What foods are contain tyramine? Name 4 neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation?


    Homework Questions:

    What foods are contain tyramine?

    Name 4 neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation?

    Which drug class has a severe reaction with tyramine-containing foods?

    What is the name of the antidepressant known to specifically help chronic pain?

    How long does it typically take an antidepressant to be in full effect?

    What is the black box warning on all antidepressants?

    What is serotonin syndrome?

    What is neuroleptic syndrome?

    What are extrapyrimidial side effects?

    Should an antidepressant be stopped abruptly? Why or Why not?

    What are the common side effect of antidepressants?

    What is the most popular class of antidepressants prescribed?

    What is the drug of choice for obsessive compulsive disorder?

    What class of antianxiety meds is NOT recommended for those with an abuse history?

    What type of medication is Buspar?

    What types of things should be ruled out as causes of anxiety before prescribing an anxiety medication?

    What are the side effects of antianxiety medications?

    What class of anxiety medication are controlled by the DEA?

    What is the first line choice of drug class for anxiety?

    What neurotransmitter is involved with anxiety?

    What medication is uses as a prn for anxiety but it is NOT a controlled substance?

    What reporting system should be consulted when prescribing a controlled substance in Ohio?

    What is the definition of psychosis?

    What neurotransmitter is lowered by an antipsychotic medication?

    What are the side effects of antipsychotic medications?

    What drug can cause agranulocytosis?

    What is the difference between a 1st and 2nd generation antipsychotic?

    What is an AIMS test?

    What is tardive dyskinesia?

    What does the drug Cogentin do?

    Name 4 antipsychotics medications that can be given as a long-acting injection?

    What is the most effective medication for mood stabilization in Bipolar?

    What is the normal value for Lithium?

    What is the normal value for Depakote?

    How is Lithium metabolized?

    How is Depakote metabolized?

    What mood stabilizer medication has a side effect of a life-threatening rash called Steven-Johnson syndrome?

    Name 3 Sedative medication used for insomnia?

    Name a supplement used to encourage sleep?

    Name 3 side effects of Stimulant drugs?

    Name the drug prescribed for nightmares?

    Name the drug prescribed for social anxiety?

    Name the drug prescribed for Parkinson’s psychosis?

    Name the drug prescribed for Pseudobulbar effect?

    What is Aricept prescribed for?

    What is Sinemet prescribed for?

    What are some medication prescribed to discourage alcohol use?

    What drug class of medications are used for alcohol withdrawal?

    What drug is used for opiate withdrawal?

    Global Studies Question


    Write two brief summaries and a concluding paragraph for:
    – Yang, Shiming. 2022. Growing Apart: China and India at the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. – Select one of the two following readings: Ivanova, 2021, UNEP, the Untold Story. Ch.1: UNEP Introduction; Ch. 2: Deliberate Design and Function; or Batra, G., J. Uitto, and O. Feinstein. 2021. Environmental Evaluation. A Case of the Global Environment Facility.
    To repeat! you must write on Yang, but you have a choice for your second summary.

    For each of your summaries:
    – Capture the key argument you believe the author makes in your own words.
    – Highlight one or two facts or examples the author mentions.
    Concluding thoughts:
    – What is your take-away from reading the two articles? Is there a way you can link them thematically and in their broader findings? (I am not looking for a specific connection, just try to think how the readings may each contribute to the larger question of how international cooperation helps address global environmental problems).

    You must be selective and go for big picture: These texts are very different in character and scope and cover considerable ground. Read the texts first, and then decide what to focus on in your summaries.

    Structure: your essay will have three parts:
    – 2 short summaries,
    – 1 final concluding section.
    Total length: Your essay in total should be at least 1200 and no more than 1600 words. The three sections do not need to be the same word count, which will depend on the complexity of the reading.

    Try to stick to the word count. If you end up above it, edit it down: delete, rephrase, condense, consolidate. Avoid repetition and redundancies.
    For reference, this assignment prompt is 450 words long.
    Write the total word count in the top right corner of the first page.

    Style and format: – Use full bibliographical reference as title for each summary (copy from syllabus). – If you use direct quotes, do so sparingly and reference with page number (Yang 2023, 15). GRADING will be based on:
    1) Effort to identify key arguments and synthesizing concluding thoughts.

    2) Organization, clarity of writing and grammar! Be concise and precise. 

    3) Avoid vague language and repetition. Proof read before turning in.

    Week 4 Article Submission: Qualitative AND Quantitative


    TOPIC IS Falls, Accidental: Resulting in Injury
    1. Do not begin your assignment until you review the How to Identify Research Design/Methodolog

    Download How to Identify Research Design/Methodology flow chart. Mixed methods studies are not allowed for this assignment and are identified by reading the first few sentences in the Methods section.
    2. Systematic review articles are not to be submitted as your quantitative or qualitative articles. These can be easily confused with primary quantitative research articles. They have also been published in peer-reviewed journals but seek to synthesize and summarize the work of a particular sub-field rather than report on new results. Review articles will often lack a “Materials and Methods” section.

    In this assignment, you will search the literature in WCU databases for ONE qualitative article that was published within 5 years of today’s date and is related to your PICOT question.

    Ensure that you are using the approved PICOT assignment topic list. Read the first few sentences of the methods section of your articles to assess what type of article you have. If your article is not approved by faculty on Wednesday of Week 5, you have until Friday of Week 5 to reload a new article to this assignment for approval. Work with the librarian or your instructor as needed. Important: Articles must be approved before beginning the appraisal assignment. All article uploads take place this week.

    Please upload the full article in Word or PDF format. Avoid submitting links or citations. Your instructor must be able to read the entire article.
    In addition to the article, you must include a copy of your PICOT question in this assignment. You can add this to comments area.

    If a reload article is needed for the week 4 assignment, the original grade does not change. The purpose of the article reload is to ensure you have an approved article to use in week 6 appraisals.

    Note: Please include a PDF or Word copy of your article from with your submission.

    WCU Library Resources:

    Research FAQs

    APA Guide and Template https://guides.westcoastuniversity.edu/c.php?g=110…

    Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Guide

    https://guides.westcoastuniversity.edu/atoz (for this assignment, the CINAHL+, ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health, and Academic Search Complete are recommended.)

    Entity Relationship Diagram


    Entity Relationship Diagram

    Unit Outcomes practiced in this assignment:

    Validate data models.

    Describe the process of normalization.

    • Create an entity relationship diagram.
    • Course Outcome practiced in this assignment:
    • IT460-4: Develop information systems by converting design specifications into data structures.


    Entity Relationship Diagrams are used to help show how information in a system is organized. This assignment will have you analyze data from a business situation, construct an ERD, and explain process of normalization and reasons when denormalization may be important.

    Assignment Instructions and Requirements

    Avery’s gym has partnered with a partner physical therapy business to provide treatment for some of its gym members. Gym members have the option to participate in special physical therapy sessions.

    The main feature of this partnership provides gym members with the options to participate in physical therapy sessions. Each Physical Therapy Session must include a gym member, a trainer, and a therapist. Each session generates a unique Claim. Sessions also need to record the date, time and purpose of the sessions. Physical therapy sessions are billed back to insurance and claims must be filed with each physical therapy session.

    You have been tasked with developing an Entity Relationship Diagram to help show this part of the larger gym system. You have also been asked to explain the importance of both normalization and denormalization of data structures.

    You have been given a report as an example of some of the information generated by the system, and the file contains the following fields. Hint: unique IDs may need to be created to correctly generate the data model.

    Physical Therapy Session

    Session Date

    Session Time

    1. Session Details/Purpose
    2. Member Name
    3. Member Address
    4. Member Phone
    5. Member Age
    6. Member Email
    7. Insurance Number
    8. Insurance Name
    9. Insurance Address
    10. Insurance Plan details
    11. Trainer Name
    12. Trainer Phone
    13. Trainer Email
    14. Trainer Specialty
    15. Therapist Name
    16. Therapist Phone
    17. Therapist Email
    18. Therapist Specialty
    19. Insurance Claim Number
    20. Claim Cost
    21. Complete the following two tasks:
    22. Normalize the data. Organize the information into data fields appropriate for a relational database. Analyze the information provided and normalize the data to create a database model.
    23. Based on that information construct an ERD. Use Visio. Identify primary and foreign keys. For each entity, develop appropriate and thorough attributes. Use crow’s feet to show relations between entities.

    Explain the importance of normalization: provide a summary of the steps necessary for each 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and importance. A minimum of 120 words is expected.

    Infographic #2


    Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to summarize the key health issue/disease of women in the low- or lower-middle-income country from infographic #1

    Skills:  This assignment will help you develop skills in understanding, analyzing and evaluating a global public health issue. At the end of this assignment, you will be able to: Identify a key health/disease issue of women’s in a developing country; Describe the nature and magnitude of the problem within the country; Compare and contrast how groups of women are affected by the key health/disease issue within the country; Identify risk factors for the problem within your country; Describe the social, cultural, economic and political determinants of the health/disease issue within your country; Illustrate at least 1 economic and 1 social consequences of the problem; Explain 3 priority steps you recommend be taken to address the problem.

    Knowledge:  At the end of this assignment, you will have knowledge of health issue and health determinants of a vulnerable population within a low- or middle-income country.

    Each infographic will focus on a developing country or low- or lower-middle-income countries, as that is the focus of the course.  High and upper-middle income countries cannot be used for these assignments. See a list of low and lower-middle income countries at the link below. https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groupsLinks to an external site.

    Infographic #2  This will summarize, for the country selected for infographic #1, a key issue in women’s health, who is most affected, key risk factors, the links between these issues with social and economic development, and what might be done to enhance the health of women in the poorest countries in cost-effective ways. Infographic #2 will be 1 page.

    Task: To complete this assignment, you will develop a two-page infographic which presents the following information:

    The key health/disease issue of women’s in a developing country;

    The nature and magnitude of the problem

    Compare/contrast the groups of women affected by the key health/disease issue

    The risk factors for the problem within your country;

    The social, cultural, economic and political determinants of the health/disease issue within your country;

    At least 1 economic and 1 social consequences of the problem;

    3 priority steps you recommend be taken to address the problem.

    Pablo Neruda’s


    Write an Explication and Analysis of the poem The Word by Chilean author Pablo Neruda. Following the poem you’ll find a link to how to write a poetry explication, and a paragraph sample written by a student.


    It was born
    in blood, the word
    grew in the dark body, beating
    and flew through the lips and the mouth.

    Further, and nearer
    still, still it came
    from dead fathers, nomadic races,
    from lands made of stone,
    that were tired of their wretched tribes,
    because when pain set out on the way
    the villages walked and arrived
    and new earth and water joined again
    to sow their words anew.
    And so this is the legacy:
    this is the air which connects us
    to the dead man and the dawn
    of new beings not yet woken.

    The atmosphere still trembles
    with the first word
    in panic and moans.
    It rose
    from the shadows
    and even now no thunder
    yet thunders with the clang
    of that word
    the first
    word spoken:
    perhaps it was only a sigh, a drop,
    and yet its cascade falls and falls.
    Then sense fills the word.
    The word was made pregnant and filled with lives.
    It was all births and cries:
    affirmation, clarity, force,
    negation, destruction, death:
    the verb assumed all those powers
    and merged existence and essence
    in the electricity of her beauty.

    Word, human, syllabic, pelvis
    of wide light and solid silver,
    hereditary cup that receives
    the communication of blood:
    here is where silence was fused
    in the total human word
    and not to speak is to be dying among beings:
    language springs from the roots of the hair,
    the mouth talks without the lips moving:
    the eyes of a sudden are words.

    I take the word and traverse it
    as if it were solely human form,
    its lineaments delight me and I fly
    through each resonance of language:
    I pronounce and I am and I reach without speech
    the silence at the end of words.
    I drink to the word, lifting
    a word or a glass of crystal,
    in it I drink
    the wine of language
    or the interminable waters
    maternal fount of words,
    and glass and water and wine
    originate my song
    because the verb is the origin
    and the living channel: it is blood
    the blood that speaks its substance
    and so is ready to flow:
    giving crystal to crystal, blood to blood
    and giving life to life, the words.

    Here are two links to help you understand what an Explication and Analysis is. https://online.smc.edu/courses/67329/files/15767628?verifier=mplpRCCI8q37f76Zu1ryZI7LbyZZfnQZfe5brtxC&wrap=1


    Leadership Style


    Dr. Wassmiah is a leader in a local hospital and works well in the environment. The hospital’s environment is characterized by well-defined individual roles where each employee knows what is expected of him or her. Employee conflicts are minimized as everyone understands his or her responsibility, and the coordination of all activities leads to goal attainment. There is no duplication of work. Dr. Wassmiah encourages people to perform well and rewards positive behavior to boost productivity. Most goals Dr. Wassmiah sets are short-term, making them easier to fulfill, less intimidating to achieve, and as a result, employees are interested in obtaining the various rewards. When a problem arises, Dr. Wassmiah directs the employees in what to do and is quick to point out if the employee does not deliver results. However, Dr. Wassmiah suspects that employees are not working when there is no supervision.

    What style of leadership is most likely described in this case and why have you reached that conclusion? What are the advantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the disadvantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the implications for employee motivation with this type of leadership? What other styles of leadership might be complementary to that described in the case and why?


    Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format. 

    Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

    • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.
    • It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check–Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
    • Before submission, review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.