Week 4


First discussion The Bloody Chamber

Second discussion Books and Roses

For this essay, you have read two scholarly articles that relate to the creative works we read. In these articles, you have encountered a model for how to write about literary work in a way that posits new perspectives on the work. Consider how you might use this same approach for communicating and substantiating your own insights and increased understanding in your own writing. You have also located quotes in these articles with which you wished to further engage as you kept a reading journal. 

Your assignment here is to bring the creative work (either one or both) into conversation with at least one of these articles (building on the argument and using quotes from the article(s). Bringing into conversation does not mean to compare and contrast or to summarize; it means analyzing alongside the others, bringing them all into dialogue together as you develop your analysis of and ideas on these works comprehensively or all together. You might think about this like the texts all being in the same room together and interacting with each other. 

This assignment is likely to be at least 1500 words in length, not including the quotes you use from at least two of the texts (remember, 1500 words is the minimum, not the maximum; and as always, quotes and long passages should not make up the bulk of your word count!) as you explicate your reasoning and develop a deeper understanding for your reader through your in-depth examination and exploration of these texts. 

Construction Instruction: Use Google Docs to draft, revise, and polish your work. Use the guidelines and helpful tips I provide on the full ADA accessible syllabus for essay construction. Put your name and information at the upper lefthand corner of the page per MLA format. After you have finished writing your essay, create a title that is evocative and informative and specific to YOUR analysis and discovery in the essay. Put any narrative terms from our course into bold per those instructions. Nothing else should be in bold. Put quotes in “quotation marks” and use parenthesis to delineate the text and page number of that text as shown here (“Call of the Cthulhu” 3)

MSW 626 week 10 discussion post


Transgenerational Trauma


It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments unless specified in the instructions. All posts should be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource, ideally within the last 5 years. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citations and references must adhere to APA format.

Classroom Participation

Students are expected to address the initial discussion question by Wednesday of each week. Participation in the discussion forum requires a minimum of three (3) substantive postings (this includes your initial post and posting to two peers) on three (3) different days. Substantive means that you add something new to the discussion supported with citation(s) and reference(s), you are not just agreeing. This is also a time to ask questions or offer information surrounding the topic addressed by your peers. Personal experience is appropriate for a substantive discussion, however should be correlated to the literature.

All discussion boards will be evaluated utilizing rubric criterion inclusive of content, analysis, collaboration, writing and APA. If you fail to post an initial discussion or initial discussion is late, you will not receive points for content and analysis, you may however post to your peers for partial credit following the guidelines above.

Initial Response


Discuss the effects of transgenerational trauma.

Identify and discuss some of the major symptoms or reactions that can be expected from someone who has experienced historical trauma or lives in a trauma-affected community.

Discuss how these symptoms or reactions might manifest and identify effective counseling interventions 


Please read and respond to at least two of your peers’ initial postings. You may want to consider the following questions in your responses to your peers:

Compare and contrast your initial posting with those of your peers.  

How are they similar or how are they different?

What information can you add that would help support the responses of your peers?

Ask your peers a question for clarification about their post.

What most interests you about their responses? 

Peer Response to Tae


Peer Responses:

Relate to another journal reading

  • During my clinical experience, I’ve found two main resources indispensable for helping in diagnosis, assessment, and formulating appropriate treatment plans for patients. These resources are Epocrates and UpToDate, both of which I’ve incorporated into my daily practice. Epocrates has become my go-to resource for quickly checking drug interactions, understanding dosing guidelines, and identifying medications. Epocrates’s user-friendly interface is intuitive and perfect for quick referencing. It allows informed decision-making on the spot. I’ve had a great experience with Epocrates Plus, especially in terms of managing medication regimen. The convenience of quickly referencing the latest clinical guidelines is something I particularly value in Epocrates Plus. Additionally, the app offers links to the latest medical news, providing me with swift updates on the latest medical news in healthcare. The user experience is greatly enhanced by the “Saved” feature. With a simple tap on the favorites button, I can easily access the content I’ve previously saved, making it very convenient to review crucial information and guidelines whenever necessary (Epocrates, n.d.).
  • On the other hand, UpToDate, renowned as a highly credible reference source, acts as my go-to comprehensive guide for delving into in-depth clinical information whenever I seek deeper knowledge. Whether dealing with a rare condition or needing to confirm my assessment findings, UpToDate offers a wealth of peer-reviewed, evidence-based information that provides can trust. The extensive coverage of medical topics, from common illnesses to rare diseases, are remarkable.  Even though there’s a lot of information to keep up with, the regular updates ensure that I’m always equipped with the most current medical knowledge, which is crucial in the ever-evolving field of healthcare (Wolters Kluwer, n.d.).
                As we begin our journey as a Nurse Practitioner, embracing electronic knowledge resources is essential. These tools have shown a positive impact on clinician behaviors and patient outcomes. Research indicates a statistically significant association between the use of electronic resources and improvements in clinical practice and patient care. Compared to traditional resources, electronic tools excel in providing quick and successful answers to clinical questions. Integrating these technologies into daily practice not only enhances the ability to answer clinical queries but also contributes to more effective and efficient patient care (Maggio et al., 2019).

policy responce genisis flores 2-2


The nurse plays a crucial role in the policy development process, contributing valuable insights from the frontline of healthcare. The nurse’s role in the policy development model can be framed within the stages of policy development, which typically include agenda setting, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation, and policy evaluation. Nurses can advocate for policy changes by identifying healthcare issues that require attention. They can bring attention to emerging health concerns, drawing from their direct experiences in patient care, and collaborate with other stakeholders to prioritize these issues on the policy agenda (Milstead & Short, 2019). Nurses contribute their expertise to the formulation of policies by participating in committees, task forces, and advisory groups. They offer evidence-based perspectives, drawing on their clinical knowledge and research findings to shape effective and feasible policy recommendations (Milstead & Short, 2019).

The intersection of healthcare and information technology (IT) policy is critical in the modern healthcare landscape. Nurses can bring essential perspectives to discussions and decisions related to healthcare IT policy. Key points a nurse could bring to this meeting include:

Patient-Centered Technology: Where Nurses can emphasize the importance of technology to enhance patient-centered care. They can advocate for IT solutions that improve communication between healthcare providers and patients, facilitate shared decision-making, and empower individuals to actively participate in their care (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017).

User-Friendly Systems: Nurses can highlight the need for user-friendly IT systems. They bring insights into the practical challenges faced by healthcare professionals in navigating complex electronic health records (EHRs) and other IT platforms. Ensuring usability enhances efficiency and reduces the risk of errors (Hebda & Czar, 2019).

  1. Education and Training: Nurses emphasize the need for comprehensive education and training programs to ensure healthcare professionals are proficient in utilizing IT systems. Continuous training supports the effective implementation of technology and reduces resistance to change (Hebda & Czar, 2019).

In summary, nurses play a pivotal role in the policy development model, bringing their expertise to various stages of the process. In the context of healthcare and information technology policy, nurses contribute insights related to patient-centered care, usability, interoperability, security, and the need for ongoing education and training. These contributions are essential for shaping policies that positively impact patient outcomes and the overall healthcare experience.

econ 141 ps



(15 points) Answer each question in a sentence or two:
1. What lecture or topic was most interesting to you? What did you enjoy about it?
2. Was there a topic that wasn’t covered in class that you would have liked to see?
3. How many discussion sections did you attend?
4. If you ever attended, what was the most useful feature of the discussion sections?
5. Regardless of whether you attended, was there anything that would have made discussion sections
more useful?
2 Short Questions
Answer each question in a sentence or two:
1. (10 pts) Risk and information:
(a) In your own words, define the concepts of ‘asymmetric information’ and ‘adverse selection’.
(b) Give one example of each and explain how it relates too the concept.
(c) For each example, describe a screening or signaling tool that can address the information issue.
2. (10 pts) What is “payment for ecosystem services (PES)”? List at least three common shortcomings
of existing PES schemes.

3. (10 pts) Consider a farmer’s decision about whether to purchase a new variety of maize (corn) seeds
advertised as resulting in higher yields (amount of maize produced per area planted).
(a) Describe how the concepts of performance risk, reliability risk, and fit risk might apply in the
case of the farmer’s adoption decision for these new maize seeds.
(b) Give examples of how at least two types of marketing tools might increase the likelihood that the
farmer adopts the new seeds.
3 Final Project Outline
Produce a detailed outline for your final paper. You may produce one outline per group, but each group
member should hand in a copy with their problem set. Make sure to indicate the names of all of your group
members. The outline should include:
• What is your topic?
• Why is this topic important/relevant to the class?
• What are the 3-5 main points (concepts from class) you will make in the paper?
• One section for each main point/class concept (3-5 sections)
• In 2-3 sentences, describe the claims you will use to support these points (These claims will be developed
into your topic sentences when you write the final paper.) Try to incorporate class concepts here.
• A very brief summary (in bullets) of the evidence you will gather to support these claims.
• In 2-3 sentences, describe the preliminary idea for your numerical analysis.

Creating a balanced sheet


Use the data given in Company A Information and Company A Financials to create a balanced scorecard for Company A. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:

Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

  1. Internal Processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Customers/Market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

  1. Learning and Growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

  1. Use the data given in Company B Information and Company B Financials to create a balanced scorecard for Company B. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:
  2. Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

  1. Internal Processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.
  2. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.

Customers/Market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

  1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, with an explanation of the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
  2. Learning and Growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.

strategies to pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements


Reflect      on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio      elements that focus on academic achievements.

Review      one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on      portfolio development.

  • Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples. (Walden University) 
  • 5 references required

Reflect      on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio      elements that focus on academic achievements.

  • Review      one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on      portfolio development.

Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples.

references are listed below. 

Burns, M. K. (2018). Creating a nursing portfolio. Ohio Nurses Review 

Links to an external site.,      93(3), 16-17.

Casey, D. & Egan,      D. (2013). The use of professional portfolios for career      enhancement. British Journal of Nursing 

Links to an external site.,      28(4), 35.

Leahy, R., &      Filiatrault, A. (2017). Employers’ perceptions of the benefits of      employment electronic portfolios. International Journal of      ePortfolio 

Links to an external site.,      7(2), 217-223.

McMillan, L. R.,      Parker, F., & Sport, A. (2014). Decisions, decisions! E-portfolio      as an effective hiring assessment tool 

Links to an external site.. Nursing      Management, 45(4), 52-54.

Walden University.      (n.d.). Walden University catalog. Retrieved October 4, 2019, from      https://catalog.waldenu.edu
     Select College of Health Professions, then Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). Review the MSN      Learning Outcomes 

Walden University. (n.d.). Field experience: College of Nursing: Student resources – Graduate courses 

Links to an external site.. Retrieved from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/fieldexperience…

Planning preference


What population and field of practice am I interested in for my internship? It is helpful to think about the skills you will be able to learn or expand upon versus finding an opportunity that is your passion (e.g., people with disabilities rights), so you will only seriously consider these types of opportunities.

Do I want to broaden my experience regarding the size and type of program? For example, if you have always worked or volunteered in large, complex social service organizations, maybe you should consider a small, non-profit program. Or, if you have only worked or volunteered in host agencies like hospitals and schools, maybe you should consider a larger social work organization.

Do I want agency-based or community-based? Do I want in-home work or outpatient? Are you dreading the thought of doing a home visit, causing you to avoid those programs? Field work is a great opportunity to stretch yourself and experience settings, populations, and fields of practice that will enhance your skills and exposure to new settings.

  1. Do I want a setting that is interdisciplinary? Do I want work in medical settings, educational settings, or military settings?

Do I want an agency that has experience working with graduate social work interns?

  1. Do I want to challenge myself and work with a population that I hope I never have to work with? A student knows she has an “attitude” regarding homeless men and decides to challenge herself and intern with this population. She remarks that it is the best thing she ever did for herself because her biases were challenged and eliminated. Field work is a good opportunity to challenge yourself in these ways.

How can this field placement broaden my social work background? If you have only worked or volunteered with children and youth, you may want to consider interning with adults.

  1. Some individual “nuts and bolts”:

How far can I realistically travel?

  1. Will this program fit my schedule, i.e., will my schedule allow me to be at the internship during important meetings, client reviews, etc.?

Is there a lot of traveling involved in this internship or will I be agency-bound and never leave my office?

  1. Will I have a space to work, i.e., desk, office, phone extension, access to the computer, etc.?

cultural differences


The Merger & Acquisition team hired a team of external consultants to assist with identification of cultural issues which could result in barriers to the successful acquisition of Island Banking Services by Padgett-Beale. The consultants conducted interviews with Padgett-Beale executives and senior staff. They also used a standardized survey to measure attitudes and beliefs about culture and conflict management styles at Padgett-Beale. A survey of islanders was conducted as well. The results from both surveys have not yet been validated but, the early results show substantial similarities to existing national culture survey results for U.S. populations and residents of Fiji. You can learn more about the national culture surveys here:



An additional survey was conducted among Padgett-Beale managers who will transfer to PBI-FS and island residents who have applied for jobs at PBI-FS. This survey focused primarily on the influence of context upon inter-cultural communications. This survey found that Padgett-Beale’s corporate communications culture was “low context” while the job applicants expected a “high context” culture. For definitions and examples see: http://www.culture-at-work.com/highlow.html

After reviewing the consultants’ reports, the M&A team has decided to focus on differences in two factors which could present immediate barriers to success: (a) communications context and (b) power-distance.

Cultural DimensionPadgett Beale Managers & EmployeesPBI-FS Job Applicants (Islanders)Communications ContextLow ContextHigh ContextPower-DistanceMedium Power DistanceHigh Power Distance

To answer questions and allay concerns, you’ve been asked to prepare a briefing about these factors to be given at the next senior leadership meeting. For that briefing you must research and answer the following questions:

1. What is “communications context” and how could it influence expectations of managers and employees and their relationships with each other at PBI-FS?

2. What is “power-distance” and how could it influence expectations of managers and employees and their relationships with each other at PBI-FS?

3. How might differences in communications context (low/high) and power-distance contribute to conflicts within the new organization (PBI-FS), e.g. between transferred PBI personnel and newly hired islanders?

4. What best practices should managers and executives follow when conflicts arise between the company (Padgett-Beale) and its new subsidiary (PBI-FS)?

5. How would you handle the uncertainty regarding potential layoffs when the merger occurs? What could management do to calm people down?

Health Care Policy Brief


Health Policy Brief Part III

This assignment is a continuation and synthesis of parts I and II of the Health Policy Brief you developed in weeks 2 and 4. In this assignment, you will put together your information in a 2-3 page (maximum) issue brief. In other words, this Health Policy Brief will summarize and synthesize all the key points you drafted in papers I and II. This is an opportunity for you to share your findings and objective data to legislators and stakeholders in a succinct and cogent manner. A few examples on policy briefs are provided by the National Council on Aging titled, Issue Briefs and Fact Sheets

Submission Parameters:

Please use the following guidelines and criteria for this assignment. Also, please refer to the rubric for point allocation and assignment expectations. The expected length of the policy brief is approximately 2-3 pages, which does not include the cover page and reference page(s).

I.  This policy brief is not to be presented as an academic paper. In other words, the document is intended for you to share your findings and objective data to legislators and appropriate stakeholders. That said, please include a cover page and reference page, which will help faculty identify the author and references used for the final product.

II. This policy brief will summarize and synthesize all the key points you drafted in papers I and II. There should be limited additional research needed to complete this brief. That said, this is an opportunity for you to translate your first two academic papers into a succinct and cogent brief.

III. Well written briefs have included the following elements (you may use these as headings):

What is the aim of the policy brief?

What is the best hook for the audience?

What background information does the audience need?

What data are most important to include for your audience? How will you convey the data to your stakeholders (i.e. combination of in-text, bar graph, etc.)?

What are the policy options?

What are your recommendations?

IV. To summarize, please note that short policy briefs are useful tools to conveying research and scientific implications for policy development and implementation and clinical practice. Writing effective policy briefs requires a specific set of communication and collaboration skills.