See details


Week 1 Discussion

Chapters 1 and 2
30 Points

Due: Wednesday of Week 1

Please post answers to the corresponding link in the discussion board. You may post the chapters separately or in the same post.

Using two additional resources besides the textbook for each discussion question (make sure you cite them at the end of each discussion posting):

Chapter 1 Discussion

Discuss, with examples, four important issues influencing HR management in the hospitality industry today. (10 points)

Chapter 1: Learning Content


In Brief:

  • This chapter explains what human resource management is, its relationship to the management process, and how it is changing in response to trends in the workplace. It illustrates why knowing HR management concepts and techniques are important to any supervisor or manager and what trends are influencing HR management. In addition, the chapter explores strategies today’s HR managers engage in to deal with these trends, the competencies required of HR managers, and the plan of the book.

Interesting Issues:

Human resources professionals play a key role in helping companies meet the challenges of global competition. Strategic objectives to lower costs, improve productivity, and increase organizational effectiveness are changing the way every part of the organization, including the HR department, does business


Please watch the following video.

What is HR Management? (14:47)

Direct Link:  

Chapter 2 Discussion

Describe five strategies for successfully increasing diversity of the workforce in the hospitality industry. (15 points)

Chapter 2: Videos and Podcasts Content


To enhance your learning experience on this topic, please review the content provided below:


Please watch the following videos

The videos from the EEOC:  What you CAN ask; What you SHOULDN’T ask; What you CAN’T ask

Currently Available Small Business Videos Links to an external site.
1. What You Can Ask
2. What You Shouldn’t Ask
3. What You Can’t Ask
4. Hiring Tips

An EEOC Charge of Discrimination  

Responding to a Discrimination Charge.

CBS This Morning (7:39)

Sexual Harassments in the Workplace: What crosses the line?Links to an external site.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (4:56)  Today’s topic is a serious one: we are going to talk about sexual harassment in the workplace…how to recognize it, establish procedures to report it, and how to prevent it. The goal is a zero-tolerance, harassment-free workplace. hr360 blog  The video discusses preventing harassment is establishing a zero-tolerance policy. No form of harassment will be accepted at your workplace, including not only sexual harassment but also harassment due to race, religion, ethnic background, age, or disability. Offer employees training on how to recognize harassment.  

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

  • ————–

grading components

References, grammar, and spelling (5 points).

Click the link to a specific discussion forum to post your responses.  Discussions will span from Sunday to Saturday each week. You are required to post the following:

Your own original response to the prompt no later than Wednesday at 10 pm.

When required via the rubric, follow up replies to your classmates are due no later than Saturday at 10 pm.

My expectation is you will read each other’s postings each week whether you have to respond or not.

You will not be able to view classmates’ posts until you submit your own initial response.

Please keep the discussion flowing by responding in discussion threads as many times as you have relevant comments to make. Thoughtful, considerate comments that spark further conversation are required.——

Chapter 1 Discussion

Discuss, with examples, four important issues influencing HR management in the hospitality industry today. (10 points)

Chapter 2 Discussion

Describe five strategies for successfully increasing diversity of the workforce in the hospitality industry. (15 points)

Other grading components

References, grammar, and spelling (5 points).

give feedback and add 2 references


Hi all! There are five key dopamine pathways, including the thalamic, tuberoinfundibular, nigrostriatal, mesolimbic, and mesocortical dopamine pathways (Stahl, 2021, p. 84). To begin, the thalamic dopamine pathway extends to the thalamus and emerges from various locations, including the ventral mesencephalon, periaqueductal gray, lateral parabrachial nucleus, and hypothalamic nuclei (Stahl, 2021, p. 85). The overall function of the thalamic dopamine pathway is not fully understood. That said, it is thought it be involved in arousal and sleep processes by controlling information that passes through the thalamus to other brain areas, such as the cortex (Stahl, 2021, p. 85). There is not much of an implication for antipsychotic use in this pathway given that no evidence currently exists showing atypical processing of this pathway in schizophrenia (Stahl, 2021, p. 85). Second, the tuberoinfundibular pathway includes dopamine neurons that extend from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary gland (Stahl, 2021, p. 85). The main purpose of this pathway is to regulate prolactin secretion into circulation, with dopamine acting as a prolactin secretion inhibitor (Stahl, 2021, p. 85). Dopamine antagonists result in increased prolactin levels and could cause symptoms such as amenorrhea and galactorrhea (Stahl, 2021, p. 165). Thirdly, the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway extends from dopamine cell bodies located in the brainstem substantia nigra by ways of axons which end in the striatum (Stahl, 2021, p. 85). This pathway is part of the extrapyramidal nervous system and plays a role in the regulation of motor movements (Stahl, 2021, p. 85). A decrease in dopamine can cause parkinsonism, with symptoms including rigidity, tremor, bradykinesia, and akinesia (Stahl, 2021, p. 87). An excess of dopamine can result in hyperkinetic motor movements, including dyskinesias and tics (Stahl, 2021, p. 87). This said, medication administration can be tricky when it comes to the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway. Acutely, dopamine antagonists can result is motor symptoms associated with drug-induced parkinsonism (Stahl, 2021, p. 165). On the other hand, blocking dopamine receptors chronically can result in tardive dyskinesia (Stahl, 2021, p. 166). Next, the mesolimbic dopamine pathway extends from the ventral tegmental area located within the brainstem to the nucleus accumbens (Stahl, 2021, p. 90). This system is involved in a variety of behaviors including euphoria associated with drug abuse, sensations of pleasure, and hallucinations and delusions of psychosis (Stahl, 2021, pp. 84-85). A hyperactive state of this pathway is connected with positive symptoms of psychosis and drug-induced highs (Stahl, 2021, p. 90). On the other hand, a hypoactive state of this pathway is connected with manifestations including apathy, anhedonia, negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and lack of energy (Stahl, 2021, p. 90). Decreasing dopamine within the mesolimbic system through the use of antipsychotic medications results in a reduction of positive symptoms of schizophrenia (Stahl, 2021, p. 90-92). It is interesting to note that typical and atypical antipsychotics have the ability to decrease dopamine, however, atypical antipsychotics may have a higher ability to do so (Grinchii & Dremencov, 2020). Lastly, the mesocortical dopamine pathway extends from the midbrain ventral tegmental area to the prefrontal cortex (Stahl, 2021, p. 85). This pathway plays a role in mediating affective and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia (Stahl, 2021, p. 85). In addition, many professionals believe that negative symptoms of schizophrenia are related to deficiency of dopamine in the mesocortical pathway (Stahl, 2021, p. 93). That said, antipsychotics that can increase dopamine levels, such as various atypical antipsychotics, would result in a reduction of negative symptoms of schizophrenia (Grinchii & Dremencov, 2020). 

yambasu feb111


Introduction: The Pre-Research Index invites you to begin an exploration of who you are and what experiences have contributed to your sense of identity in the context of ENG 2800’s expectations for you during the semester. You are asked to consider aspects of your identity and/or experiences that may spark a productive investigation and engaging writing. The goal of this assignment is to transform the research project that is at the heart of this course from being seen as an artifact outside of your experience or identity to originating and being fundamentally intertwined with you, as the researcher, and your internal motivations, interests, and identities. It will include polished brainstorming (generating ideas) and reflection (meaningful connections between self and avenues for future research). In her PRI, one student wrote about a memorable visit to Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. In the PRI, she identified different ways her interest in Jefferson could inform her research (Jefferson as inventor, public servant, farmer, etc.). As she began conducting research for the Annotated Bibliography, she noticed that Jefferson’s influence on contemporary American politics was a matter of discussion. For her Researched Argument, she dovetailed that with her personal interest in the Black Lives Matter movement to establish how Jefferson’s views towards race relations and his drafting of the Declaration of Independence signal what he might have thought about the BLM movement. Her New Media Composition focused more intently on the BLM element of her project, since it was more timely and relevant to current events, at the time.


It should be written from a personal point of view—remember that the point of this assignment is to explore how your experiences and perspectives will potentially shape your research agenda in this class.

It should include narrative, which means descriptive story. Roughly, at least half, should be narratively driven.

It should consider how single or multiple experiences and/or aspects of your identities, might relate directly to topics to investigate and write about in ENG 2800. If you include more than a single focus, make sure the essay is unified and the strands are connected. Roughly half, or a little less than half, should reflect on the connections between your narrative(s) and future research project of ENG 2800.

The Pre-Research Index should be at least 4 pages long, although it may be longer, depending on how you structure your work, and how much spacing you use.

Form: The final form of a Pre-Research Index may look different for different students. Some have written a letter, an essay, a detailed outline with more in depth writing around it. Whatever form your work takes, it must include a reflection on how the experience(s) you include could inform potential research for the class.

  • Challenges: Beginning with a Pre-Research Index may seem novel and strange. But this process of self-reflection, of analyzing who we are, and how our experiences shape our perspectives and interests, is a good way to ensure that your research agenda this semester is both important to you, and grounded in self-awareness about your perspectives and potential biases. This assignment may be anxiety-inducing for some of you, but it’s intended to give you the flexibility to in generating and exploring research ideas. Just remember that whatever form your PRI takes, you must make it clear to your readers that you have engaged in a meaningful, self-reflective way with the process of exploring how your experiences and perspectives might inform the direction your research project will take.

Case Study: The Monitoring of Social Media by Employers


Monitoring and electronic surveillance
of employees in the workplace has a long and complex history. Workers
have always felt uneasy about such intrusions but have had little legal
recourse. Disputes quickly arose when companies began to systematically
monitor email accounts of their workers. Workers objected, but several
key court decisions such as Smyth v. Pillsbury have strongly affirmed a
corporation’s legal right to monitor virtually all of the digital
activities of their employees.

debate about employee monitoring has now shifted to social media.
Social media has generally been more popular for personal matters rather
than work-related ones, but it has a growing presence in the workplace.
LinkedIn is a social network for professionals and is a popular
workplace tool that provides an online contact book, curriculum vitae,
and publishing platform for anyone in the labor market. Facebook
is trying to establish a presence in corporations, but some companies
ban Facebook because of its detrimental impact on worker productivity.

monitoring a person’s personal Facebook page has become routine for
some businesses. There is a wealth of information on these pages that
makes a worker’s life and activities highly transparent. Moreover,
consultants predict that online monitoring of social media by employers
will rise over the next decade. Their research also shows that younger
people are more open to sharing their personal data with their
employers, with 36% of younger workers saying they would be happy to do

media offers a tantalizing opportunity for employers to gain some
insight into the personal lives and preferences of their employees. It
is also a way to detect potential problems and weed out unattractive job
applicants. It is fairly common for employers and head hunters to check
out a candidate’s background and qualifications on social media. They
are interested in seeing what a person’s Facebook page reveals about his
or her skills, personality, political leanings, recreational
activities, and so forth. Job candidates who have been indiscreet, who
have posted inappropriate photos, or sent provocative tweets may find
that good job opportunities are passing them by.

human resources (HR) specialists and consultants also contend that this
monitoring of social media should continue even after a worker has been
hired. Advocates of such monitoring point to many examples of employees
posting inappropriate material, such as private or confidential
information. Some hospital employees, for example, have been discovered
discussing the sensitive details of a patient’s medical history on their
Facebook pages in direct violation of HIPAA. Others cite examples of
how employees use Twitter or Facebook to put the company they work for
in a bad light by making harmful and pejorative statements, often full
of hyperbole. According to Nancy Flynn, “Strict monitoring allows
employers to spot potential problems early [and] get the information
offline as quickly as possible.”

consultants, therefore, argue that companies should monitor the social
media sites of both their prospective and current employees. There are
many benefits of such monitoring both for employers and for employees,
such as a tradeoff of privacy for the guarantee of greater job security.
Other HR professionals disagree with this policy, even if the trend
among younger workers is to be more obliging. Cary Cooper, distinguished
professor of organizational psychology and health at Lancaster
University, regards this monitoring as “a plain case of trying to find
out what employees are doing and thinking—clearly an intrusion into
their private life. I see no HR justification for it whatsoever.


is your opinion on employers monitoring your social media behavior? is
this ethical? Why? Why not? What are your thoughts about privacy and
legal implications when employers monitoring your live outside work?
Does the US goverment needs be more active in addressing this issue as
employers move to have more control over the employee lifes for security
purposes? Why? Why not?

Cell Metabolism



In this assignment, you will review scenarios and answer the corresponding questions. You will need to apply the concepts related to the three cell energy systems. 

Assignment Instructions

Review the three (3) cellular energy systems presented in the course videos and interactive learning activity. 

Immediate (Phosphocreatine-ATP system) 

  1. Short-term (Anaerobic glycolysis) 

Long-term (Aerobic glycolysis, KREBS Cycle, Electron Transport Chain) 

Read the scenarios.  

Choose two of the scenarios and complete the tasks. Include the following in your assignment report.  

Determine which energy system is used during each activity throughout the story. 

QUESTION of the energy system for each activity in the chosen scenarios. Include the fuel for the system and an overview of how the system produces ATP.  

QUESTION of why that energy system is activated for each activity. 

Describe why this system is used and how it works to provide ATP.

  1. Notes

Do not include/rewrite the questions in the assignment.

Your submission must have a Turnitin similarity score of less than 15%

Scenario 1: Joe

The alarm clock goes off and Joe wakes up. He is lying in bed wondering what to do today. Suddenly he hears a scream coming from outside his apartment. He bolts out of bed, throws on his robe, and runs outside to see what is going on. He is outside in a few seconds (activity #1). His adrenaline is pumping as he looks around to see who is screaming. He stands motionless and carefully listens to attempt to determine the origin of the scream. He sees his neighbor in the parking lot who says he also heard the scream. Joe’s neighbor says he thinks the scream came from the apartment building on the other side of the parking lot. They both jog across the parking lot and reach the building on the far end in about 2 minutes (activity #2). They stand still and listen for a few minutes and hear the scream again. They knock on the apartment door. No answer. They knock harder until an elderly lady comes to the door. In the background, the TV is blaring a horror movie. Relieved, they slowly walk back to their apartments (activity #3).

Scenario 2: Jane

Jane decides to go to the gym. She enters the gym and sees her friend Joan riding an exercise bike. She thinks this is a good place to start so she gets on the bike next to Joan and starts to pedal vigorously. After about 2 minutes she gets tired and stops to rest (activity #1). She then sees her friend Jon lifting weights. She walks over to the weight area and picks up a 25lb barbell—too heavy so she quickly puts it down (activity #2). She is feeling very tired today and tries the treadmill. She gets on a treadmill and finds her second wind and walks at a brisk rate for 30 minutes (activity #3).

Scenario 3: Jed

  • Jed is a top athlete and a little extreme. He gets up one morning to do his usual workout. He starts with a fast sprint running at maximal speed for about 10 seconds (activity #1). He then takes a slow walk around the block to cool down. He gets home and decides to do some weight work so he does 3 sets of 10 bench presses and completes each series in about 2.5 minutes (activity #2). His wife yells “will you stop it and help me get the kids ready for school.” Jed pretends not to hear and goes back out for a 3-mile run—peace, and quiet (activity #3).

HIST 121 WSU Primary Source Essay


Primary Source Essay 1: 

The Broken Spears and Hernan Cortés’s Letters to Charles V of Spain

Due Date: January 29, 2024, in class. Assignments not turned in during the class period will be considered late.


Over the last three weeks, we have been spending time reading from the Nahuatl language accounts of the encounters between Hernan Cortés and his Spanish soldiers and the Mexica people and subsequent conquest of Tenochtitlan. In this assignment, you will compare and contrast the ways in which moments of the encounter and subsequent conquest were described by the different groups involved. The purpose of this assignment is for students to begin working with primary sources to form a scholarly argument about the past.

Directions: In three to four pages, answer the following question. How do the Nahuatl sources and the Spanish sources represent and discuss the encounter between the Mexicas and the Spanish? How do their representations compare to one another? Both the Broken Spears and Cortés letters have been broken down into vignettes. Please select between one and three of these vignettes and in a formal essay compare and contrast how they represent the encounter and or the subsequent conquest. Your essay should be formatted like a proper historical essay with an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs that use primary source evidence to support the thesis, and a conclusion. All sources must be cited in Chicago Manual of Style Footnotes and the paper must include a bibliography that includes all of the sources used. You are not required to bring in outside research, but you are more than welcome to use the textbook to support your argument.


Time New Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced. Footnotes should be single spaced. Please include page numbers on your essay, and all essays should be printed and stapled before turning them in.

* A list of Hernan Cortés letters as well as link to the letters is available on the reverse side of this page.

Link to Hernan Cortés’s Letters to Charles V of Spain: to an external site.

List of Letters and Corresponding Events:

Letter 1:

Part 1: Cortés describes the Country.

Part 2: The Spaniards Describe Indigenous Religion

Letter 2:

38-39: Cortés Defends His Expedition

48-49: Cortés Receives Gold from Caciques

63-64: Moctezuma sends Gold to the Spaniards

58-59: Cortés Meets Xicotencatl, Tlaxcala Chief

64: Cortés Thrilled to Learn of Divisions and Conflicts in Mexico

64-66: Tlaxcalans Urge Cortés to Visit Cholula

68-69: Cortés Meets Cholulans

76-77: The Spaniards Investigate the Volcano Popocatepetl

85-89: Cortés on Meeting Moctezuma

91-94: Cortés Decides to Imprison Moctezuma

104-107: Cortés Forces Moctezuma to Tell Mexicas to Obey King of Spain

110-14: Cortés Describes Tenochtitlan

134-35: Cortés Decides to Fight Panfilo Narvaez

140-43: Cortés Defeats Narvaez

145: Cortés Learns of Revolt in Tenochtitlan

146-51: Cortés Returns to Tenochtitlan

151: Moctezuma Killed

158-60: Cortés on La Noche Triste or the Night of Sorrows

164-66: Spaniards Fight Their Way Back to Tlaxcala

166-67: Xicotencatl and Other Tlaxcalan Leaders Promise to Help Spaniards

Third Letter:

255-57: Cortés Constructs Brigantines as Crucial Weapons

262-66: Cortés Begins to Retake Tenochtitlan with Brigantines

270-72: Spaniards Assault Tenochtitlan

277: Cortés Wins New Indian Allies

278-81: Cortés Explains Why Tenochtitlan Must be Destroyed.

283-85: Cortés Gains More Indian Allies

287-89: Mexicas Force Retreat

294- 97: Mexicas Inflict Casualties on the Spaniards

298-99: Mexica Sacrifice Spaniards

308-10: Cortés Tries to Take Tenochtitlan

319-21: Spaniards Construct Catapult (Battering Rams)

328-30: Cortés Begs Mexicas to Surrender

331-32: Cuauhtemoc Taken Prisoner 

here is the link for the book and the letters, please follow above instructions, all sources have to be primary sources.  the due date is January 28th 11:59pm pullman time.

hed 202 arkan


1. Open a new Word document to enter the requested data points or wording selection under a heading that identifies each section from which it was obtained. 

2. Log into to an external site.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.51.15 AM-1.png

3. Enter one of your preferred jobs from our health course.

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4. Click on the top option with a Occupational Handbook entry

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.51.59 AM.png

5. Review the summary. Cut and paste the 2021 Median Pay into your Word document under the heading “Median Pay”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.52.29 AM.png

6. Scroll to bottom and click on “What they Do” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.52.44 AM.png

7. Cut and paste the opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “What they Do”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.53.08 AM.png

8. Scroll to the bottom and click on “How to Become One” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.53.34 AM.png

9. Cut and paste the three sections indicated below into your Word document under the heading “How to Become One”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.53.50 AM-1.png

10. Scroll to the bottom and click on “Pay” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.09.29 PM.png

11. Cut and paste the opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “Pay”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.


12. Click on “Job Outlook” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.54.16 AM.png

13. Cut and paste opening paragraph into your Word document under the heading “Job Outlook”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.54.25 AM.png

14. Click on “State & Area Data” to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.11.56 PM.png

15. Click on your occupation to advance.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.13.16 PM.png

16. This page will show several US maps that reveal states that offer the highest pay and where more job opportunities are available compared to other states.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.16.52 PM.png

17. Scroll down the page and examine the annual mean wage by state. In your Word document, list two (2) thoughts you have regarding the mean pay differences under the heading “Pay Differences”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 12.22.08 PM.png

18. Scroll down the page and examine the location quotient by state. In your Word document, list two (2) thoughts you have regarding the location differences under the heading “Location Differences”. Duplicate this process for the second profession and paste the second set of information under the first. Then write your required (3-sentence minimum) comparison statement.

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ABA Treatment Plan for ASD: Part 1



For this assignment, you will use the treatment plan outline from the CASP 2020 document (pages 23-24) to begin developing your treatment plan for the behaviors listed in your DSM-5 intervention matrix. This is Part 1 of your ABA Treatment Plan for ASD assignment. You will submit Part 2 in Week 9.

In preparation:

Review the following document, especially familiarizing yourself with the necessary elements of the treatment plan.

Week 7: ABA Treatment Plan for ASD: Part 1Links to an external site..

Download and save the ABA Treatment Plan for ASD Template [DOCX]. Please add directly to this template for this week’s and the Week 9 assignment.

  • For this assignment, complete Parts 1 through 6. of the treatment plan, which include the following:

Patient Information.

  • Reason for Referral.

Brief Background Information.

Clinical Interview.

Review of Recent Assessments/Reports (File Review).

Assessment Procedures and Results.

  • Remember that your information here will likely be hypothetical, though you can use elements of a real-life case as long as all identifying information is removed (this is extremely important and must not be forgotten; no exceptions). See the CASP document for more information on what to include in these sections.

While the template is in an outline form, make sure you are writing complete sentences and paragraphs to address each section. Lists, incomplete sentences, and partial paragraphs are not sufficient for this assignment.

Alignment of Assessment and Behaviors: Remember that for purposes of this course and this assignment, you will be aligning your background and assessment information with the operationally defined behaviors from your DSM-5 Potential Intervention Matrix assignment in Week 5. The behaviors you included there will be the basis for the treatment plan and will be expanded on and discussed in the background and assessment portions, as appropriate. In a real-life situation, you would conduct assessments and then align the plan to this information. Because we have to target hypothetical behaviors specifically related to ASD, we will target those behaviors and then make sure everything (including the assessment) is aligned from there.

  1. Additional Supports for ASD: As you prepare your assessment results, remember to consider what interviews, observations, or other assessments might reveal for a child with autism, based on what you know about ASD. For example, research and/or review some of the common additional supports that may be helpful for individuals with ASD (keeping in mind that though common, supports should still be highly individualized, as they would in any ABA program or intervention). Examples include visual supports, structured teaching environment, clear boundaries, items or areas to increase or decrease sensory input (including the ability to appropriately engage in self-stimulatory behavior), highly motivating items/activities, adaptations to assist with communication and social interactions, and adaptations to reduce anxiety (choices, priming, breaks, et cetera).
  2. Overall, your assignment submission will be assessed based on the following criteria:
  3. Present relevant and reasonable patient, referral, and background information for an individual about whom the treatment plan is being developed. (Template Sections 1, 2, and 3.)
  4. Describe the results of a clinical interview, providing performance levels, operational definitions of related behaviors, and relevant possible functions of behaviors for all seven criteria. (Template Section 4.)
  5. Develop relevant recent functional behavior assessment results, cognitive testing results, or progress reports, along with a summary of important findings. (Template Section 5.)
  6. Develop compassionate and inclusive assessment procedures, including the purpose of all assessments and a summary of findings. (Template Section 6.)

Convey purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

Advanced Pathophysiology Discussion 1 reply


reply to the below post:

The potential most common sites for Metastasis

    The potential most common sites for metastasis on patient J.C with pancreatic cancer include the liver, peritoneum, lungs, and distant lymph nodes. Pancreatic cancer often metastasizes to the liver due to the close anatomical proximity and the hepatic portal circulation, which facilitates tumor cell dissemination (Garajova et al., 2023).

    Peritoneal metastasis occurs when cancer cells move from the primary tumor and spread within the peritoneal cavity, leading to ascites and peritoneal carcinomatosis. Lung metastasis can occur through hematogenous spread, where cancer cells travel via the bloodstream to the lungs, forming secondary tumors.

     Lastly, distant lymph nodes, such as those in the mediastinum or supraclavicular region, can be involved due to lymphatic drainage pathways from the pancreas. Metastasis to these sites can significantly worsen the prognosis and complicate treatment approaches (Garajova et al., 2023).

                                                                                  Tumor Cell Markers

    Tumor cell markers, such as CA 19-9 and CEA, are ordered for patients with pancreatic cancer to diagnosis, assess treatment response, and monitor disease progression (Loveday et al., 2019). CA 19-9, in particular, is commonly elevated in pancreatic cancer and serves as a prognostic indicator.    Elevated levels of tumor markers can indicate the presence of cancer, help in staging, and guide treatment decisions.

    Additionally, serial measurements of tumor markers can provide information about treatment efficacy and disease recurrence, allowing clinicians to adjust therapeutic interventions consequently.

TNM Stage Classification

    The TNM staging system categorizes tumors based on their size and extent of spread (T), involvement of regional lymph nodes (N), and presence of distant metastasis (M). This classification is crucial as it helps determine prognosis, guide treatment decisions, and standardize communication among healthcare providers. By accurately staging the tumor, clinicians can adapt treatment strategies, estimate patient outcomes, and facilitate comparison of results across different studies and patient populations (Loveday et al., 2019).

     In J.C’s case, the TNM stage classification would provide valuable information about the extent of his pancreatic cancer, guiding the selection of appropriate therapeutic interventions and predicting his prognosis.

Characteristics of Malignant Tumors

    Malignant tumors exhibit several characteristic features, including uncontrolled proliferation, invasion into surrounding tissues, and metastatic potential. These tumors often demonstrate abnormal cellular morphology, with variable nuclear size, pleomorphic, and increased mitotic activity. Moreover, malignant cells can evade apoptosis, sustain angiogenesis, and acquire the ability to invade lymphatic and blood vessels, facilitating distant metastasis. Unlike benign tumors, malignant tumors lack encapsulation and demonstrate infiltrative growth patterns, leading to tissue destruction and functional impairment (Patel, 2020).

Carcinogenesis Phase of Metastasis

    The process of metastasis involves multiple steps, including local invasion, circulation through blood or lymphatic vessels, extravasation, and colonization at distant sites. During carcinogenesis, as a tumor metastasizes, cancer cells acquire genetic mutations that confer invasive and migratory properties. These alterations disrupt cellular adhesion molecules, promote cytoskeletal rearrangements, and enhance protease activity, facilitating tumor cell dissemination. Additionally, changes in the tumor microenvironment, such as inflammation and angiogenesis, contribute to the metastatic cascade by promoting tumor cell survival and migration to distant organs (Patel, 2020).

Tissue Level Affected

    In the case of J.C with pancreatic cancer, the tissue level primarily affected is the epithelial tissue. Pancreatic cancer originates from the ductal epithelium of the pancreas, leading to the formation of ductal adenocarcinoma. Epithelial tissue comprises the majority of the pancreas and lines the pancreatic ducts, where the tumor arises. As the cancer progresses, it infiltrates surrounding epithelial structures and may involve adjacent organs, further demonstrating the epithelial origin of the malignancy (Garajova et al., 2023).

locating credible database and research


You are supervising three nurses working on the medical-surgical floor of a local teaching hospital. This hospital is nationally recognized as a leader in education and has a computer lab with an online library where staff has access to medical research databases (that is, CINAHL, PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane library) and online sources of all hospital policies, procedures, and guidelines, and computers at nurse workstations that also have access to these resources. (For this scenario, use the Capella University Library to simulate the hospital’s online library.) You have given the nurses their patient assignments and you have all participated in shift report. A new nurse who just completed orientation and training a week ago approaches you and tells you that one of the assigned patients has a diagnosis he or she is very unfamiliar with. Knowing that patient-centered care based on best practices is imperative to positive patient outcomes, you want to assist this nurse to find research that can be utilized to provide the best care for this patient. Describe how you would communicate with this nurse to encourage him or her to research the diagnosis. Assume you will assist in the quest to locate evidence, then describe where you would go within the facility and what resources you would look for. These resources may include websites, journals, facility policies or guidelines, or any other sources of online information.

To select the diagnosis for the patient in this scenario, review the three diagnoses presented in the Assessment 01 Supplement: Locating Credible Databases and Research [PDF]  Download Assessment 01 Supplement: Locating Credible Databases and Research [PDF]resource and select one. You will use this same diagnosis to complete the next two assessments.

Create a list of at least five sources that could be used to find evidence, with the best source listed first, and explain why the sources you chose are best to find evidence for the diagnosis you chose and the clinical scenario. You are only evaluating the sources of evidence (database, website, policy database or website, journal article, et cetera). You are not actually completing a search and selecting evidence. Consider the following examples: a nursing journal in CINAHL may not be the best source of evidence for information on how to administer medications through a central-venous catheter, whereas a hospital policy database found on a website may not be the best source of information on caring for a patient with a rare chromosomal abnormality.To help ensure you are prepared to complete this assessment, review the following resources related to the Capella library. These resources will provide you an overview of the types of tools, resources, and guides available in the library. This may be useful in forming a better understanding of the library to apply to the hypothetical situation laid out in the scenario of this assessment.

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Health Sciences.

Databases A-Z: Nursing & Health Sciences.

Get Critical Search Skills.

Remember, it is also appropriate to look toward databases and resources outside of the Capella library, such as organizational policies, professional organizations, and government health care resources.