Entries by bonniejecinta

Integrating the Nutrition Care Process and Trans-Theoretical Models for Behavior Change Communication in Breastfeeding Support

Integrating the Nutrition Care Process and Trans-Theoretical Models for Behavior Change Communication in Breastfeeding Support a). Explain how the nutrition care process is core to the nutrition counseling and education process (b). Using breastfeeding mothers as a case study, explain how the Trans-theoretical Models of change can be used for Behavior change communication (BCC) SAMPLE […]


GENDER HIV/AIDS & SUBSTANCE USE State five goals of anti-retroviral therapy(ART). b) State any four impacts of HIV/AIDS on health systems. c) Classify anti-retroviral(ARVs) drugs, giving one example for each class/category. d) State four modes of HIV transmission. e) Describe what comprises comprehensive HIV/AIDS care. Q2) Poverty is a major hindrance in prevention and control […]

electrostatics-capacitors(physics homework help)

electrostatics-capacitors(physics homework help) State (i) Coulombs law of electrostatics (ii) Two types of capacitors. (iii)Two uses of dielectrics. (b) A capacitor of plate area 250 has a dielectric 1.5mm thick. If the dielectric constant is three and the capacitor is connected across 1500 V direct current, determine (i) the capacitance of the capacitor. (ii) electric […]

Food quality assuarance discussion questions

Food quality assuarance discussion questions You are the manager of a hotel that processes juice for its customers. To ensure the safety of the juice, you have been requested to come up with a HACCP plan for the juice-processing wing. Discuss the Preliminary Tasks in the Development of the HACCP Plan b) Discuss the HACCP […]

principles of quality management system according to ISO 9000 standards

QUESTION Discuss the eight principles of quality management system according to ISO 9000 standards , Discuss documentation requirements in ISO 22000 Principles of Quality Management System and Documentation Requirements 1. Principles of Quality Management System The first principle in the content of “Principles of Quality Management System” is “Customer Focus”. It is easy to understand […]

main systematic approaches to food safety

QUESTION a) Discuss the two main systematic approaches to food safety that have increasingly been used in the hotel industry (b) Using a cause-and-effect diagram , describe the five key categories, that are essential for obtaining quality Food Safety and Quality in the Hotel Industry 1. Systematic Approaches to Food Safety Systematic approaches to food […]