Entries by bonniejecinta

Locate an article or example of a real use case based on this week’s lesson. If you can’t find an article or use case example make one up. Write a summary of the use case and describe how it is similar or different from the use case in the textbook.

Locate an article or example of a real use case based on this week’s lesson. If you can’t find an article or use case example make one up. Write a summary of the use case and describe how it is similar or different from the use case in the textbook.

Create a 2 slide power point where one slide will explain the issue of two policies of your choice regarding domestic violence in the U.S and the second slide, create a simple chart or table that compares of each policy side by side. e issue

Create a 2 slide power point where one slide will explain the issue of two policies of your choice regarding domestic violence in the U.S and the second slide, create a simple chart or table that compares of each policy side by side. e issue