ADA Disability Accommodations List for complex combined medical issues


I would love assistance (preferably from an attorney /disabilities advocate) to assist with listing the accommodations needed below in a proper legal manner by letter. I will list the general accommodations needed below and will need you to write them to be more formal in an adadisability accommodations letter request to provide to my doctor to sign and utilized so forth Specifically currently to help in graduate school program (I’m in my final internship in a full time online program…however internship typically is combined in person so I just need to turn in accommodations do the school and field supervisor can support me fully virtually.Issues/disability request- 1. Due to this students Ada dysability medical this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided a virtual at home internship and school option permanently. 2. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided individual support and and schoolwork option permanently.3. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided an audio option and verbal method of providing schoolwork /tevera and any internship needs option permanently to accommodate the medical symptoms and Ada disability needs she has. 4. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided an option for all learning to be video, audio or in checklist format. 5. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided an option to complete school work anytime as she is medically able to permanently as each day. 6. Due to this students Ada medical disability this student is (individual ) required to be fully supported and provided a permanent option for all meetings virtually to be without the camera on at times due to medical disabilitu symptoms. If the student cannot be present please accommodate her permanently for meetings as she is medically able to even if this means extending the semester to provide additional time /months /year until she is able to medically attend and provide an alternate virtual home option. 

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