Rhetorical analysis essay

Question Description

You are required to write a final draft of the essay. Attached you’ll find the first draft of it + the article that we need to analize. The first draft was not good. It felt more like a summary of the initial article than a deep thorough rhetorical analysis. I need you to make corrections to the existing draft and add to it, and make it much better. Here are the requirements:

Exposition Essay

Summary & Response

For this project, you will summarize and respond to 1 of the plagiarism articles you read for class. Review all the plagiarism articles, and then choose ONE reading to write about. Summarizing and Responding to one of the plagiarism articles involves 3 writing strategies that will demonstrate your critical thinking about the text:

  • Describing the plagiarism article/focus text
  • Summarizing the plagiarism article/focus text
  • Responding to the plagiarism article/focus text

Your audience will consist of your instructor and other members of the class. To develop a rhetorical context for this project, you will write a purpose statement. Use the “Rhetorical Situations” section (pp.53-68) in The Norton Field Guide to Writing with readings to help you. What you write to specifically describe your Audience, Time, Place and Purpose will be your purpose statement, which you will submit as part of your first draft. See Assignment Specifics, below, for more information on writing your purpose statement.

Your medium for this project will be a formal academic manuscript and must meet the guidelines listed below.

  • Minimum 600 words for the first draft; minimum 750 words for the final draft; both drafts double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font
  • For both first draft and final draft: Formatted according to MLA style.
  • For final draft: Use of correct in-text citations of any ideas or information borrowed from the plagiarism article (a Works Cited list for MLA). No outside sources should be used for this essay. The only source used will be the plagiarism article you are using for your essay.

As you develop your Response to the core reading you selected. The main points you develop should be identified in your introduction in the form of a thesis statement and supported in the body of your essay. Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence that supports the thesis in the introduction. Also, each topic sentence should include a transitional word or phrase to assist with the flow and organization of the essay.

To back up what you say, you must write a Summary of your chosen plagiarism article as well as your Response to your chosen plagiarism article. You must use paraphrases and quotations from your chosen plagiarism article to emphasize key details in your Summary and validate and support your Response. Use at least 5 paraphrases and/or quotations from your chosen plagiarism article. ALL quotations and paraphrases, no matter how many you use, and the plagiarism article, must be correctly cited following MLA style guidelines.

Assignment Specifics

First Draft-

Purpose Statement

  • Minimum 150 words (successful analyses are often longer)
  • Use CHAPTERS 5, 6, 7 & 8 to specifically describe your Audience, Time, Place, and Purpose of your draft.
  • NOTE: Your audience consists of other members of this class and your instructor
    • Place your purpose statement at the beginning of your first draft, before the first page of your actual essay draft

First Draft of Essay

  • Summary and Response of ONE of the plagiarism articles
  • Description of the plagiarism article, identifying its rhetorical characteristics
  • Clearly developed main point (thesis) stating overall, focused response to the selected plagiarism article
  • Accurate summarizing and meaningful response, supported with evidence
  • MLA manuscript style
  • Use of at least 5 quotes (words, phrases, or key sentences) and/or paraphrases (key details or ideas rephrased in your own words)
  • Observation of the conventions of Standard English
  • 600 words minimum for first draft (the minimum 150 words for your purpose statement is not included in this count)

Rubric for First Draft



Effective purpose statement, minimum 150 words


Complete draft with introduction including clear thesis statement, body, and conclusion—minimum 600 words


Use of at least 5 quotes (words, phrases, or key sentences) and/or paraphrases (key details or ideas rephrased in your own words)



20 points

Final Draft-

Cover Letter:

  • Minimum 150 words (successful cover letters are often longer)
  • Address letter to your instructor
  • Document should look like a letter. The first page of your essay should be formatted in MLA.
  • Answer at least 3 of the 6 questions below; (where applicable) provide brief, specific examples of the following in your cover letter:
    • What is your primary motivation or purpose for writing your draft? Who is your intended audience? What revisions did you make in order to improve how you accomplish this purpose and/or appeal to this audience?
    • What feedback did you receive from your peers? How did you use this feedback to revise your draft? How do these revisions improve your draft?
    • What feedback did you receive from other sources, such as your instructor or tutors? How did you use this feedback to revise your draft? How do these revisions improve your draft?
    • What have you decided to revise in your draft, apart from feedback you received? Why? How do these revisions improve your draft?
    • What problems or challenges did you encounter while writing or revising your draft? How did you solve them?
    • What valuable lessons about writing effectively have you learned as a result of composing this project?
  • Place the cover letter at the beginning of your final draft, before the first page of your actual essay draft; delete your purpose statement

Final Draft

  • Summary and Response of ONE of the plagiarism articles
  • Description of the plagiarism article, identifying its rhetorical characteristics
  • Clearly developed main point (thesis) stating overall, focused response to your chosen plagiarism article
  • Accurate summarizing and meaningful response, supported with evidence
  • Effective organization using topic sentences and transitions
  • MLA manuscript style with in-text citations and a Works Cited page
  • Use of at least 5 quotes (words, phrases, or key sentences) and/or paraphrases (key details or ideas rephrased in your own words), cited using correct in-text citations
  • Observation of the conventions of Standard English
  • 750 words minimum for final draft (the minimum 150 words for the cover letter is not included in this count)

Rubric for Final Draft




Cover Letter

Effective cover letter, describing peer feedback, explaining how peer feedback was implemented, and explaining how these changes improved the draft



Clear thesis that provides a focused, overall response to the core reading



Logical organization including clear introduction, body, and conclusion



Accurate summarizing of core reading that captures both overall meaning and significant details/subpoints



Well-developed response to core reading that supports the thesis/main claim



Clear control of language conventions with few distracting typos or errors


Evidence and citations

Appropriate use of at least 5 quotes (words, phrases, or key sentences) and/or paraphrases (key details or ideas rephrased in your own words), cited using correct in-text citations


Document style

Correct document format in MLA style, including correct Works Cited page (MLA)



NOTE: Proportional points may be deducted for final drafts that do not meet minimum word counts.

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