Florida SouthWestern College What were the results of the study


Response 1: 

  • What were the results of the study?
  • The results of the study Using a Fall Prevention Checklist to Reduce Hospital Falls: Results of a Quality Improvement Project brought awareness to errors being made. The first error identified in the study was that the bed alarm was not being set on the proper zone. The second error identified was proper signage missing from the patient’s room. Identifying these errors allowed the nursing staff to see where they could improve and allowed them to educate further. The pilot period of this study took place from February to March. During the pilot period, it was noted that there were no incidences of falls. The QI team identified that there was a decline in falls when compared to previous months (Johnston & Magnan, 2019). 
  • Did the findings support the research question?
  • The research question proposed focused on whether there would be an impact on units using the fall prevention checklist versus those that were not. The findings from the study did support the research question. There was a sharp decline in falls during the pilot period compared to months prior. The QI team was able to draw this conclusion but did share that they could not identify if it was the physical checklist that decreased incidents of falls or if it was that having the checklist reminded the nursing staff to be more alert of what interventions need to be in place to promote patient safety. 
  • Describe any limitations found in the study.
  • The study took place from February 12-March 8 which is a short period to collect data. The nursing staff collected data from 13 days and 13 nights. During this time 90 fall prevention checklists were collected. The QI team distributed questionnaires to gather the nursing staff’s opinions regarding the checklist. The perspective of those participating in an aspect of a study allows researchers to understand the subject of interest (Polit & Beck, 2022). The questionnaire was distributed to the 37 staff members that participated. Of the 37 staff members who were a part of the pilot study, only 14 of those nursing staff members completed the questionnaire. The low rate of returns of the questionnaire affects the percentages found from the study as they are from less than half of those who participated in the checklist change-of-shift report. The article shares that it raises the question of whether or not only those who were in favor of the checklist took the time to complete the questionnaire (Johnston & Magnan, 2019). 
  • Identify the level of evidence 
  • This study would fall under level 2 evidence. Level 2 evidence is quasi-experimental and quantitative (Dang et al., 2021). For quality study, this would be classified as a good quality rating. The study concluded that the fall prevention checklist contributed to fewer incidents of falls. The study included limitations such as a short study period and a smaller sample size. The study gathered feedback from the nursing staff who were willing to participate in the pilot period. The study took place in 2018 which means that a follow-up could be done. The data collected was appropriately displayed through the use of graphs, percentages, and tables. The study lacks diligence. The study did not indicate that the QI team or authors were seeking opportunities from other sources for evidence. The short and small study as well as lack of evidence from other sources indicates that the study should be repeated for more definitive answers. 

Response 2:

  • What were the results of the study? Describe the findings. 

            The study’s results were focused on defining and clarifying the concept of compassion fatigue specifically within the discipline of palliative care nursing. The concept analysis method by Walker and Avant was used to differentiate compassion fatigue from related concepts like burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and vicarious traumatization, and to provide a clear definition relevant to palliative care nursing. The analysis highlighted that palliative care nurses are particularly susceptible to compassion fatigue due to their constant exposure to suffering, death, and the associated stressors. The proposed definition encompassed the multifaceted nature of compassion fatigue, considering emotional, psychological, intellectual, professional, physical, social, and spiritual domains. The findings illustrated compassion fatigue’s development over time and its impact on nurses’ ability to provide compassionate care, potentially leading to job dissatisfaction, burnout, and even leaving the profession (Cross, 2019).

  • Did the findings support the research question(s)? Describe how.

           The findings supported the research question by offering a detailed exploration of compassion fatigue within palliative care nursing. This clarity is important for recognizing the symptoms and implementing strategies to mitigate its effects, thereby improving patient care and keeping skilled nurses in this vital, and important field. The study’s differentiation of compassion fatigue from similar concepts and its focus on palliative care nursing specifically address the need for recognition and understanding of this phenomenon in the discipline (Cross, 2019)

  • Describe any limitations identified in the study.

          The study had limitations, including the restriction of the literature search to English-language sources, potentially omitting relevant international research on compassion fatigue. Also, the focus on databases mainly related to helping professions might have limited the scope of literature reviewed. These limitations suggest the possibility of a broader scope of research on compassion fatigue that was not captured in this analysis. (Cross, 2019)

  • Identify the level of evidence as found in Dang et al, p 295-296.  You should use the following pdf files for level determination and quality. Levels of evidence are also explained in your Dang et al book on pages 121-123.

         According to the hierarchy of evidence as outlined by Dang et al., (2022) this concept analysis can be classified as a Level VII evidence, which includes evidence from the opinion of authorities and, or reports of expert committees. This is because the analysis synthesizes definitions and attributes of compassion fatigue from existing literature and expert opinion rather than presenting primary research findings or experimental data. While valuable for its in depth exploration and clarification of the concept, the study’s conclusions are primarily based on synthesized insights and analyses rather than empirical data.

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