Discussion week #5


1. Using the criteria presented in week 2, critique the theory of Self-Efficacy using the internal and external criticism evaluation process.

The idea of self-efficacy was initially presented by Bandura in 1977. According to Bandura, human motivation and conduct are controlled by thought, and this involves three different kinds of expectations: those of the circumstance, those of the outcome, and those of perceived self-efficacy. Regarding the first, it is believed that outcomes are a result of outside events rather than a person’s actions; the second relates to beliefs about the outcomes that a particular behavior will produce; and the third suggests the idea that a person possesses the abilities to carry out actions that contribute to the achievement of expected outcomes.

Perceived self-efficacy in nursing staff has an impact on how well they carry out care-related tasks, how much effort they put into them, and how persistent and committed they are to them.3.It follows that when nursing staff members believe they are ineffective, the quantity and quality of their care-related actions will decrease, which will have a detrimental effect on the patient’s health goals being met.4However, other research, like that conducted by Llor Lozano et al., notes that improved communication abilities and self-efficacy are linked to decreased emotional tiredness and depersonalization as well as increased job satisfaction.

Conversely, nursing care ought to be organized, standardized, and focused on completely meeting the needs of the patient, client, or topic of care. This calls for the possession of the knowledge and abilities necessary to deliver high-quality, person-and family-centered healthcare.10Given its impact on recuperation and hospital stays, we should also emphasize in the context of healthcare the application of professional principles and ethics, with a focus on humanized and sensitive care. Nonetheless, other studies note that a technical approach has been applied in educational procedures while educating human resources, ignoring these factors.

From the perspective of perceived self-efficacy in students and/or professionals when providing care, instruments like the Caring Efficacy Scale, used in this study, widely address aspects of humanized care (HC), including the relationship with the patient, adequate treatment, sensitivity, and the value of human dignity.13, 14Bandura argues that people plan and carry out their actions based on how they perceive their abilities, which emphasizes the importance of doing research from the caregiver’s point of view.

In order to give patients with assistance that is focused on their needs and experiences, humanized care (HC) in nursing seeks to take a complete approach to patient care rather than concentrating only on the patient’s medical condition. HC improves patient pleasure, expedites healing, and fortifies the therapeutic alliance between caregivers and those receiving care. HC can also help to improve patient experiences and overall health outcomes by identifying and meeting patients’ emotional, social, and spiritual needs.

References ;Canova-Barrios  CJ, Figueira-Teuly J, Ayllon J, Miranda ML, Barraud M. Perceived Self-Efficacy to Provide Humanized Care Among NursingStudents and Staff in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rev. chil. enferm. 2023;5(1):10-22. https://doi.org/10.5354/2452-5839.2023.69713

            The effect of self-care nurturance using the theory of modeling and role-modeling on self-efficacy in stroke patients. (2023). retrived from.  https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=161901111&sDiscussion Week #5

by Milagros Fuentes Rodriguez – Saturday, January 27, 2024, 1:19 PM
Number of replies: 2
Self-efficacy theory is one of the most important psychological theories about conduct improvement, and it has its basis built on self-advancement. Self-efficacy has been classified as the believes in one’s ability to arrange and accomplish a series of actions required to achieve proposed goals. Studies show that self-efficacy is a key component on the maintenance of physical activity behavior (Baretta et al., 2019).
Nowadays, changes in lifestyle and health promotion are basic needs for the actual human society. While promoting new healthy lifestyle behaviors, self-efficacy becomes in one of the most important factors influencing people’s lifestyle changes. In general, self-efficacy refers to the overall belief in one’s ability to succeed (Abbasi et al., 2021).
There are multiple external and internal factors that determine the degree of self-efficacy an individual possess. Individuals with high levels of confidence can motivate themselves toward obtaining proposed goals that they believe they can achieve. Self-efficacy has been considered as that self-confidence a person has about their capabilities to pursue set up goals. It is said that having high levels of self-confidence may be linked to positive outcomes including changes in behavior, adopting a healthier lifestyle, reducing stress, and creating a better quality of life. To determine self-efficacy, an individual must have the chance for self-evaluation or the ability to compare owns’ output to some criteria of evaluation. This comparison process gives the opportunity to judge performance capability and establish self-efficacy expectation.
There are two components on this theory: self-efficacy expectations and outcome expectations. Self-efficacy expectation judgment is about personal ability to accomplish a given task, whereas outcome expectations are self-judgments about a given task and the possible results. An example of this is seen in older adults who are on rehabilitation. They may believe that they can perform the exercises and activities involved in the rehabilitation process, but they may not believe that performing the exercises will result in improvement of functional abilities. Some others tend to think that resting will lead to recovery. However, outcome expectations on this case will have a direct impact on performance.
Finally, it is important to recognize that self-efficacy and outcome expectations may not be the only predictors of behavior. Other factors that may influence behavior includes genetic predispositions and anxiety. Also, self-efficacy and positive self-believes can change at any time in life affecting our behavior and will directly impact the outcomes.
Abbasi, F., Ghahremani, L., Nazari, M., Fararouei, M., & Khoramaki, Z. (2021). Lifestyle in Female Teachers: Educational Intervention Based on Self-Efficacy Theory in the South of Fars Province, Iran. BioMed Research International, 2021https://8821w1uwj-mp02-y-https-doi-org.proxy.lirn….
Baretta, D., Sartori, F., Greco, A., Marco D’Addario, Melen, R., & Steca, P. (2019). Improving Physical Activity mHealth Interventions: Development of a Computational Model of Self-Efficacy Theory to Define Adaptive Goals for Exercise Promotion. Advances in Human – Computer Interaction, 2019, 11. https://8821w1uwj-mp02-y-https-doi-org.proxy.lirn….
Smith, Mary-Jane., PhD-RN and Liehr, Patricia-R., PhD-RN-Middle-Range-Theory-for-Nursing_-Third-Edition-Springer-Publishing-Company http://www.stikespanritahusada.ac.id/wp-content/up…

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