EDF1005 Teacher interview


I interviewed a veteran classroom teacher. Using the information from the interview write a two-three pages critical reflection/summary paper based on the answers the teacher gave to the questions asked during the interview.

the two-three pages critical reflection/summary paper which includes the following: Background information of the teacher interviewed.

  1. Years teaching 8 years
  2. Degree(s) earned. Masters in Education
  3. Grade levels taught. First-third grade

The teachers name is Mr.Bonhomme. He was a substitute teacher for about 5 years working with all grades in elementry. He then got his masters degree from Nova Southeastern University. I sat in his first-grade class as an observer, I had the opportunity to witness the energetic and dynamic learning environment that lays the foundation for young students’ academic journey. Here’s what I observed from his classroom:

1. Structured Routine: The classroom typically operates on a structured routine, with designated times for various activities such as morning circle time, literacy instruction, math lessons, and recess. This routine helps to provide a sense of predictability and security for the students.

2. Engaging Instruction: Mr. Bonhomme engaged in a variety of teaching strategies to keep the young learners engaged and interested. This included interactive read-aloud sessions, hands-on activities, educational games, and group discussions.

3. Literacy Development: A significant focus is placed on literacy development, including reading, writing, and phonics instruction. Students are often seen practicing their letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and sight word fluency through activities like guided reading groups and writing workshops.

4. Mathematics Exploration: Mathematics instruction in this first grade class often involves hands-on manipulatives and visual aids to help students grasp foundational concepts such as addition, subtraction, number sense, and basic geometry. Mr. Bonhomme frequently used games and activities to make math learning enjoyable and accessible.

5. Social and Emotional Learning: Mr. Bonhomme prioritize the social and emotional well-being of their students, fostering a positive classroom community where kindness, empathy, and respect are valued. Students engage in activities to develop important social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and conflict resolution.

6. Individualized Support: Mr.Bonhomme recognized and accommodated the diverse learning needs of his students by providing individualized support and differentiation. This may involve small group instruction, one-on-one guidance, or modified assignments to ensure that each student is challenged and supported appropriately.

7. Creativity and Exploration: This First-grade classroom is often filled with creativity and exploration, with opportunities for students to express themselves through art, music, and imaginative play. Mr.Bonhomme encouraged curiosity and critical thinking skills through open-ended activities and projects.

Overall, a first-grade classroom is a vibrant and nurturing environment where students are actively engaged in their learning journey, supported by dedicated teachers who inspire a love for learning and exploration.


  1. Name some ways that a student in a group can show you s/he has mastered a concept? Teaching others, asking thoughtful questions, and critically analyzing information
  2. In which curriculum areas are you particularly strong? Language arts and science
  3. If you were asked to obtain professional development in one area of the curriculum, which area would you choose? Math
  4. What are some of the ways that you present materials to students such as in social science? Lecture, discussion, visual aids and interactive online platforms.
  5. What four key components do you believe you must include in a lesson plan? Learning objectives, instructional materials and resources, instructional strategies and activities and assessment and evaluation


  1. How you accommodate the different learning styles of the students in your classes? He tries to involve all types of learning styles in the majority of his lessons.


  1. How do you get students to do what you want them to do? Describe your system of classroom management. He uses a traffic light chart. Red light is for bad behaviors, yellow light is for moderate behavior and green light is for good behavior.
  2. In your opinion, who should be responsible for the discipline in the school? Primarily it should be the teacher but it should also come from home. A lot of what this students see at home bleeds into how they act at school.
  3. If a student is disrupting your classroom, what steps would you take to solve this problem? Give them verbal warnings, then a note home and if that doesn’t work he would have them removed from the class.


  1. How do you update parents about the progress of their child? Depending what it is, if testing we can sit and look at the data. Show them the charts and showing them the levels and where the child fits. Meetings are the best way to show.
  2. In your opinion, how effective are parent conferences in solving student problems? To some extent, some parents come quite often. If they take the advice given such as work on specific subjects and how to work on them you see the students progress.
  3. What would you tell a parent who complained about his/her child not having enough homework? He would let the parent know because depending the student and amount of classes. He primarily uses I-ready but he rather give less and see where they are at and then add more if he deems fit.


  1. Why did you want to teach? I was a substitute teacher and seeing the results from the students I subbed from the FCAT it showed my contribution made a difference in some of those kids and it made me feel happy.
  2. What is wrong with education today? What is right? Based on his environment, is lack of parent involvement. They give teachers too many tasks and not enough resources. They give him students in many different levels and it’s hard for him to teach them all when they are not in the same learning level.


  1. What kind of students do you like to work with? What type of students could you teach most effectively? Students that are engaged and respectful. Low-level kids are not exempt as long as they are open to learning.

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